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cover of 120 BPM Acoustic Glitch Loop
120 BPM Acoustic Glitch Loop

120 BPM Acoustic Glitch Loop




This audio track, titled "120 BPM Acoustic Glitch Loop", is a captivating blend of acoustic and electronic elements. It begins with the soothing strumming of a guitar, resonating with an earthy warmth that sets the tempo at a lively 120 beats per minute. The acoustic guitar provides a raw, organic base, creating a rhythmic pattern that is both steady and intricate. However, the acoustic melody is not alone in this audio journey. It is soon joined by the unexpected yet intriguing sounds of a glitch effect. The glitch elements throw an exciting curveball into the mix, infusing the track with an edgy and modern feel. These glitch sounds are carefully processed, subtly disrupting the guitar's natural rhythm without overwhelming it. They add a layer of complexity, creating an auditory experience that is both familiar and unanticipated, traditional and innovative. The result is a unique audio landscape that straddles the boundary between the acoustic and electronic worlds, a testament to

Sound Effectsacousticglitch120bpmguitarprocessed

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