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32-Beat Loop at 130 Beats per Minute

32-Beat Loop at 130 Beats per Minute




The audio begins with a steady pulse of 130 beats per minute, setting an energetic tempo that instantly engages the listener. It's a 32-beat loop, a repetitive rhythm that forms the backbone of the track. The sound is distinctly house, characterized by its four-on-the-floor beat structure and its synthetic, electronic textures. The loop is dominated by crisp closed hi-hats that cut through the mix with their high frequencies, providing a consistent rhythmic pattern. These hi-hats are interspersed with occasional open hi-hat sounds, adding a splash of variety to the loop and accentuating certain beats. The sample also incorporates a robust clap sound. It's a sharp, clear clap that echoes out on every second and fourth beat, adding a layer of depth to the loop and enhancing its danceability. The clap sound is a common element in house music, often used to emphasize the rhythm and drive the beat forward. Underneath it all, the listener can hear the resonant boom of

Sound Effectsdjclosedhi-hatshousesampleclapdrumsdrumopenloop

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