The audio titled "Alternate Universe" begins, immersing the listener into an ethereal atmosphere. It is marked by a constant loop that effortlessly draws the listener into a different realm. A serene ambience envelops you, as if you're floating through an expansive, unseen universe, far removed from our own reality. The audio smoothly oscillates between different sound waves, creating an intriguing background that's complex yet calming. The ambient noise is subtle and carefully constructed, like a harmonious symphony of distant celestial bodies. It feels like a journey through an alternate universe, where time and space meld together in a soothing rhythm. The soundscape continually repeats itself, creating a captivating loop that seems to echo the infinite nature of an alternate universe. It's a richly layered background score that thrives on minimalism while delivering a sensory experience that's beautifully immersive. The overall effect is a calming, dream-like voyage into the unkn