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Certain noises ought not to be captured on tape

Certain noises ought not to be captured on tape




This audio recording, titled "Certain noises ought not to be captured on tape," is an exciting exploration of sound that delves into the world of analog electronic music. It begins with the warm, enveloping hum of a stereo drone, setting a steady foundation for the soundscape. Soon, the distinct, rhythmic pulse of a modular synth is introduced, its oscillations precisely controlled by a patch in a eurorack setup. The audio texture is rich and immersive, evoking a sense of being in a vast, expansive soundscape. The use of analog electronics brings a certain warmth and depth to the sounds that are hard to replicate with digital tools. The drone, synth, and other noises weave together in a complex pattern, creating an auditory tapestry that feels both familiar and alien at the same time. As the recording progresses, the sounds evolve and mutate, introducing new elements and tones. The analog synth generates a series of electronic noises that are at times jarring, at other

Sound Effectsstereopatchmodulareurorackdronesynthelectronicanalog

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