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Computer Audio File 027188

Computer Audio File 027188




This is an audio file titled "Computer Audio File 027188". The audio begins with a soft, low humming sound indicative of an idle machine, creating a sense of anticipation. This is followed by the sharp, distinct click of a computer mouse, a common sound in technology-based audio files. As the mouse click fades, the gentle tapping of a keyboard takes over. The rhythm is steady and even, suggesting a user typing with purpose and efficiency. The keystrokes create a foley effect that is both familiar and comforting to most listeners. Next, there's a sudden yet subtle electronic beep, a common sound effect in technology-themed audios. Its high pitch contrasts with the low hum and keystrokes, adding depth and variety to the soundscape. This is followed by a whirring noise, reminiscent of a computer fan or a hard drive spinning up. The sound increases in volume, creating a sense of urgency before it gradually fades away. The audio concludes with a soft, digital jingle

Sound Effectstechnologysfxfoley

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