This audio recording, titled "Door", is an immersive soundscape that transports listeners into a suspenseful narrative. The primary sounds revolve around a door, a pivotal element in the story. The audio begins with the distinct sound of a door creaking open, the hinges groaning in protest as if they haven't been oiled in a long time. This instills an atmosphere of mystery, bringing to mind an old, possibly abandoned, place that hasn't been visited or even touched in years. Gradually, the audio shifts. There's a sudden, jarring noise, a sharp counterpoint to the earlier creaking. It's a hard, forceful impact against the door, the unmistakable sound of a blow or "golpe" in Spanish. The intensity of the blow suggests an element of urgency or danger. Perhaps it's an individual desperately trying to enter or maybe someone attempting to escape. The audio fluctuates between these two central sounds - the creaking