In the late night of February 15, 2013, precisely at 23:33:31, a significant event unfolds. The ambiance is marked by the hum of an iPhone, subtly indicating its presence in the unfolding story. As the night deepens, a certain character, alluded to as Renaud, becomes the focal point of the narrative. The setting is likely at a place known as Montr, where a new change seems to be in the offing. The atmosphere carries the aroma of a recently concluded dinner, hinting at the social and intimate nature of the event. The narrative subtly introduces another character, referred to as Bec. The interplay of these characters, Al and Bec, in the backdrop of this late-night dinner at Montr, forms the crux of the audio narrative. The narrative closes on the note of 'last', suggesting an end or a transition, leaving listeners intrigued about the unfolding events of this February night.