The audio titled "Large Cushion Strike" begins with a sudden, muffled thud, the unmistakable sound of a heavy, soft object striking something solid. This is the sound of a large cushion, perhaps a pillow, making contact with a surface or an object. The hit is not a mere tap, but a full-on wallop that echoes slightly, creating a resonating effect. The audio continues with the sounds of multiple impacts, each one varying in intensity. They evoke images of a fight, with blows being dealt repeatedly. These aren't your regular punches or slaps, these are softer yet forceful whacks, as if someone is being smacked with a large, plush pillow. The intensity of the strikes varies, creating a rhythmic pattern of soft thuds. The soundscape is reminiscent of a pillow fight, with the soft yet impactful sounds of cushion against cushion, or cushion against body. Each strike is distinct, powerful, and conveys a sense of playful