The audio titled "Mermaid" begins with a melodic blending of enchanting aquatic sounds, reminiscent of the mysterious underwater world. The sonorous echo of water droplets and the gentle hum of marine life transport the listener to a serene oceanic realm. Suddenly, a rhythmic pattern emerges, suggestive of the 'sonido' or sound of a mermaid's tail rhythmically hitting the water surface, producing a 'golpe' or a strike. This evokes a sense of urgency and suspense. As the audio progresses, the tempo escalates, indicating a 'chase'. The once calm and tranquil undersea world seems to transform into a thrilling pursuit scene. The soundscape grows more intense, the beats becoming more rapid, mirroring the mermaid's swift movements through the water. The audio then transitions into a softer, harmonious melody implying 'entrega' or surrender. The mermaid seems to have found a safe haven, the chase ceasing, and the tension