The audio, titled "Recording in PiSh_07," begins with the deep, resonating sound of boulders tumbling and cracking against one another. Echoes of the colossal rock collisions reverberate through the atmosphere, creating an intense, rhythmical pattern that interweaves with the subtle crunching tone reminiscent of dry cereal being crushed. As the audio progresses, the soundscape shifts, morphing into a symphony of small pebbles and chunks of gravel crunching and shifting against each other. It has an oddly satisfying and tactile quality, like that of walking on a gravel path or the crunching noise of tires rolling over a rocky terrain. In the backdrop, there's a low, constant hum that is evocative of the steady, ever-present energy of the earth. The overall effect is a vivid and immersive auditory journey that takes the listener through the dynamic and powerful landscape of rock formations. A sense of raw, earthly power is palpable throughout the entire recording