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Ice flowers are formed when water vapor condenses under low temperature conditions. When the air temperature drops to minus twenty degrees or below, water vapor in the air begins to freeze into small ice crystals. These crystals fixate on frozen surfaces like ice or glass. The ice crystals continue to collide and combine in the air, eventually forming what we see as ice flowers. The formation of ice flowers is also influenced by humidity, wind speed, and the characteristics of the object's surface. It is easier for ice flowers to form in a humid environment because there is more opportunity for water vapor to condense. When wind speed is higher, water vapor in the air is easily dispersed, making it more difficult for ice flowers to form. Smooth and even surfaces are also more prone to the formation of ice flowers because it allows water vapor to condense more evenly. Ice flowers are more common in the morning when temperatures are lower, but they gradually melt and disappear as the tem 今天的主題是冰花 冰花在水蒸氣低溫條件之下凝結而形成 當空氣溫度跌至零下二十度或以下的時候 空氣中的水蒸氣會開始凝滑成為了小冰晶 這些小冰晶會接觸到凍的表面 例如冰面、玻璃面的時候會固定下來 後來的小冰晶會在空氣之間不斷碰撞和結合 最終就成為了我們所見到的冰花 冰花的形成還受到濕度、風速、物體表面的特徵所影響 例如潮濕的環境中是較容易形成冰花的 因為水蒸氣會有更多機會凝滑 風速比較高的時候 空氣中的水蒸氣容易被吹散 較難形成冰花 而表面光滑、均勻的物體都是容易形成冰花 因為這樣讓水蒸氣可以更加均勻地凝結 還有早晨的時候溫度比較低 冰花都會較為常見 但是到白天氣溫上升 冰花會逐漸融化和消失