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In the Northern Hemisphere, cyclones are low-pressure systems that move counterclockwise. The northern part of the cyclone is a cold air mass, while the southern part is a warm air mass. The low pressure in the cyclone causes air flow from both sides to converge, creating a frontal boundary where cold and warm air masses meet. The movement of the cyclone results in cold air moving towards warm air on the left side, creating cold winds, and warm air moving towards cold air on the right side, creating warm winds. It's important to note that these frontal boundaries and wind movements occur mainly outside of high latitudes. 我們今天說的是溫帶氣旋 我們以北半球為例 途中的低壓中心就是氣旋 所謂北翼南旋 北半球的氣旋會以逆時針進行空氣複合的運動 氣旋北部是地處高緯度的 氣溫低屬於冷氣團 氣旋南部是地處低緯度的 所以氣溫比較高是屬於暖氣團 在低壓槽的地方的氣壓是低於兩側的 所以導致兩側的氣流會向低壓槽處去複合 這個時候冷暖氣團相遇就會形成風面 由於氣旋是以逆時針運動的 所以導致左側的風面是由冷氣團向暖氣團運動 就會形成冷風 右側的風面是由暖氣團向冷氣團運動 就會形成暖風 值得注意的是 這一刻的風面形成的降速 全部都位於高緯度外一邊