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Rome Minecraft 1

Rome Minecraft 1




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Romi is building a house on the side of a mountain with white concrete. He plans to keep some of the natural stone and have a big window in the bedroom to see the sea. He also wants to build a downstairs and have multiple bedrooms for parties. However, he only plans to live there himself. Romi's friend, Momo, wants to build a house inside a cave with a waterfall. They discuss adding stairs and even a boat to the waterfall. The recording ends with Romi contemplating whether to have guest beds in addition to his bedroom. Alright, Romi. So what do we got going here? Right now I'm going to build a... Right now you're going to build what? I'm going to build a... I'm going to build a... I'm going to build a... A side that's on... I'm going to build a house that's on the side of... That's on the side of a... That's on the side of a mountain. Oh, that's cool. Alright, so you got some white concrete. That would look really good in a mountain. Let's see here. You still got to dig out some of the dirt, it looks like. Are you going to leave some of the stone, too? So that it's kind of built with the stone from the mountain? Or are you going to take it out and put in brand new stuff? I'm going to put in... Because it might look kind of cool if you keep some of the natural stone, too. Yeah, I'm going to keep some of the natural stone. I love it, man. See, this is pretty rad. I don't know how you've gotten so good at this game. Alright, so what are we building right here? What does it open up to? Is this the living room? Is this going to be a bedroom? Or what are you going to put right here? This is going to be a bedroom. Ooh, so the bedroom is going to have a big opening to where you can look outside a big window to see the sea in the sunrise or the sunset? Yeah. I love it. You could build, like, some stairs that take it out to go past the waterfall, too, so you could go walk by the waterfall if you wanted to see it. Wouldn't that be cool? I'm going to also build a downstairs. You're going to build a downstairs? What? Are there going to have stairs that go down to it, or how are you going to get down there? I'm going to use stairs. You're going to use stairs? Cool. That's way cool, man. How many bedrooms are you going to have in this house? Are you going to make it huge, or is it going to be like a bachelor pad so that you can just come here and chill with your friends and pick up chicks, or how are you going to do it? Uh, I'm going to have it to, like, just to have a house to be in. Just to have a house to be in? To live in. To live in? What? Who's going to live here with you, though? Just you? Yeah. But you'll make a lot of rooms so you can have parties? Mm-hmm. To pick up lots of chicks and have the bros over? Mm-hmm. Yeah, that'd be dope. Which bros are you going to bring over into your home? All my friends. Which ones? Would you let Ella come over? No. She would have all the girlfriends, though. She could bring all her friends. Now, wouldn't that be fun? Momo, what do you want to build when it's your turn? Right now, I'm going to build a house inside of a cave. A house inside a cave. Right now, I'm going to build a waterfall. All right, let's see it, bro. Ooh! You're putting a waterfall off of the house. I love it. That is so cool. All right, all right. So, go up a little bit more. Are you going to have stairs that go down to that so you can, like, walk down to it? Kind of like a deck and have a bunch of decks going down? Wade? I'm going to have a boat that will go down it. Ooh, a boat going down all that. That's cool, man. All right. I think it's about done, this recording. Should we pause it? There it is in all its glory. There it is in all its glory. The one-bedroom apartment from The Bachelor Pad of Rome. Where he is going to be having lots of chicks over and hanging out with the bros. It's only one bedroom, right? Because you're the only one sleeping there. Everyone else will be sleeping on couches in the living room. How are you thinking about it? I might do guest beds. Yeah? All right, let's see it. Can I listen?

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