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Smith’s creation interview.

Smith’s creation interview.




Interview with Smith’s creation owner, Eric smith. He’s explaining about his business and how it works.

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Eric Smith, owner of Smith's Creations, discusses his laser engraving business. He got started by watching YouTube videos and has been doing it for three years. He emphasizes the importance of getting permission before posting customers' work on social media. Glass engraving is the most challenging, while wood is the easiest. Eric's work is praised by the interviewer and he provides his Facebook page for contact. He mentions changing his email and phone number for business purposes. Overall, he is happy with his work and plans to return to the show in the future. It's 3.55pm, yes sir! 3... 3... 3... 3.55pm Alright, now, Eric, you ready? Whatever you are, man. Ask away. Okay, you can go ahead and just give me an introduction about your company, who you are. I'm Eric Smith. I've got Smith's Creations on Facebook. I do laser engraving, that kind of stuff. I do family photos. I burn them onto wood. I do the metal cups, glass, coasters, all kinds of stuff like that. It's at a reasonable price, I think. Good deal. Tell us a little bit. How did you get started with your business? Honestly, it was YouTube. I got to watching some YouTube and I seen them and it caught my attention and got me interested. I decided I wanted one. So you just... I took it from scratch and just started doing it. How long have you been doing it? Oh, three years, I think. Three years? Yeah, three years. And still don't know everything yet. Still learning. I have some of your work. It is good work. I appreciate that. I mean, it is good quality work. Probably need to put some of that on Instagram. Yeah. But Eric's work, we'll put it on our page if you don't mind. No, I don't mind, man. That's the other thing. If I go to put something on my Facebook page, I always ask the people if it's okay before I do it. Right. Because some people might not like the picture of their baby. They may not want their baby's picture on Facebook or social media yet. Right. So I always try to get permission before I put it out there. All right. So we'll put some of your work on our page. If people see it, we'll tag you on that. That's cool with me. And they can get a hold of you that way and stuff like that, man. Yeah, I mean, like I said, it's just an inspiration there on Facebook. Like the detail of your job, what does that entail? Like when you're doing that, it could be anything from having to highlight some photos or taking and enhancing the photos to make them clearer, better, so on and so forth like that. And sometimes you have to turn them into a negative before you can engrave them on the stuff. And like I did a cup for a charity event. It was a picture of a wolf and couldn't get it turned out any other way. And I turned it into a negative and it worked just fine. So, I mean, it's kind of a little bit of trial and error involved in it. I mean, honestly, if I turned out as much stuff as I wasted, I'd be doing real good. What was probably the hardest thing that you had to engrave? Glass. Glass? Glass is by far the hardest thing I have found to engrave. Wood the easiest? Wood is the easiest. Glass, it has to be a certain speed, a certain power setting. And if you don't get that right, you've got scrap. You've got shattered glass. He does good on glass, guys, because I have a few and I'm telling you, they look good. The coasters are nice, too. Yeah. Yeah, the coasters is probably the second easiest thing, to be honest. Because there's really not much to those. You just add some feet to them and fill them with paint. That's about it for them. The ones I have are nice. Yeah, they turned out really well. You got any questions for him, Memphis? No? No. I ain't never seen Memphis quite. He just talked to me. That's exactly what it is. Chad, you got any questions? Usually I would, but no, I don't think I do. You do? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, you say you have a Facebook and everything. Give me information like that. It's just Smith's Creations. It's on Facebook. The email address will be changing. Okay. I will be changing that and I will eventually be changing the phone number, too. Okay. Because all that's my private stuff. Okay. Right. Like a business line. Right. But still, if you join on Facebook, look me up there. You can always hit me up on Messenger through Facebook. Okay. Everybody, listen. That's a good way. I'm telling you. Get you some good product this way, for real. I bought a few things off of them and I've been pleased with every single one of them. Okay. You got any questions? No? No. Okay. All right. Get you some good product this way, for real. I bought a few things off of them and I've been pleased with everything. Well, the thing of it is, is I'm not happy with it. You ain't getting it until I'm happy with it. Right. I mean, if I'm not satisfied with it, chances are you're not going to be satisfied with it. Well, when you get your new email and your new phone, give us a holler and we'll drop a line on here. Okay. I can do that. Good. We'd like to have you back once you get everything lined up. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We'd like to have you back on here. Oh, yeah. I'll come back anytime y'all want me. That's a good time, man. Oh, it is. I've laughed the hardest today that I've laughed in a while. For real. We definitely appreciate you coming by. I appreciate y'all having me. I'm glad you got to see Memphis and Fabio's stage, too. I mean, not everybody gets to see Memphis and Fabio's stage. Yeah. No. No. I really just don't know what to think. It's M355. Yes, sir.

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