Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
And Trent, you're, I can't say that, never mind. I'm what? Nothing. All right, let's go. Ready? Did you hear that? I hear it, all right, let's go. You have to say the next question, Trent. Next question. You have to say the next question. Say the next question. All righty, question three. How to resist temptation. I think that's something we're still learning. Yeah. You haven't watched the last episode or the one before that? The episode with Trent, we spoke a lot about temptation. Yeah, that was really good. Yeah, yeah. I learned a lot from that episode. Do you want to take this question? Sure. I guess it's a constant battle to Christian to resist temptation. Definitely. I actually got the one verse I prepared for this episode. Yeah, I think we're still learning how to battle temptation, because everyone in the Bible gets tempted by different things, and temptation is not just one thing. Temptation is legit, probably every single thing. It could even be the temptation to not want to get out of bed in the morning, or the temptation to eat sweets all day, or the temptation to just sit in your room playing video games like this bozo over here. But I think, and this bozo over here. We just played Minecraft for like eight hours. What time were you playing Minecraft till last night, Jesse? I wasn't playing. Be honest, be honest. We were playing till the same time. But you were on the whole time. Anyway, what time were you playing till? I think we played till 12 or 12. No, you said one. I didn't play, no, I went to bed at one. Ah. Yeah. You're chronically online on Fortnite. I'm not, no, I'm not, bro. He is a chronically online Fortnite player. Bro, I'm going camping tonight. You're like, eh, I don't know if I want to go camping. He's got the first. I don't want to camp, I want to play. Yeah, bro. Trent's leaving his house to touch the ground for the first time in four years after playing, being a pro Fortnite gamer. Ah. Ah. Ah. All right, you go first. On to the temptation question. It says, this is from, from Paul. And it says, I know that, yeah, go. I've spent a long time, oh, I'm in the message. Hold on. The message always trips you up, eh? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because it doesn't actually say the verse. Anyway, it says, we know that the law is spiritual, but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I hate, I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but the sin living in me. Well, Ben sent that to us the other week to speak out another question about sinning and why we call ourselves sinners but saved. Because if we want to make it real quick, we're sinners. But we're saved by the grace of God. And I think there was a question about how, are we still sinners once we become saints? Because we still live, well, we still live in earthly bodies that are sinners. But when it comes to temptation, I mean, that is temptation. The sin is absolutely everything. But yeah, do you want to elaborate on that? I guess where it says there's no longer I who do it, but the sin, I guess it's important to realize that it's not, you weren't born to sin. So there's, and there was also a verse that we talked about in the other episode where it says, God won't let you get tested beyond what you can handle. I have that verse on my phone, bro. But it went the same way, bro. I know. But yeah, I guess, and it's easy to just generalize temptation and not, because talking about it is so much easier than fighting it. Yeah, definitely. But in my experience, as fighting in a constant battle against temptation, I guess just, I guess give it to God. That's my one. Yeah, that's the first thought. Yeah, the first thing. And then just staying in the Word consistently. I think I said in that episode as well, I feel like I fall in temptation the most when I'm not in my Bible. Yeah. So yeah, when I'm not actively seeking out God. Yeah, I completely agree. Yeah. Yeah, I think as you were saying with that verse, God isn't gonna give you a trial that you can't handle. God's not gonna give you a test that is too much for you. You are equipped with everything you need to go and beat those battles. The Lord says, you lack nothing, as we said in Psalm 23. The Lord is your shepherd. You lack nothing. You have everything that is needed. You have all the armor equipped. You have absolutely everything needed to go out into that situation and to beat it, to fight it. And I'm not saying that the beating to it will happen in a day. It could take years. It could take months. It could take decades. It can take a long, long time. It's always good to remember that you're called to beat it. You have everything needed to beat it. You don't have to hold by these chains to this sin for the rest of your life. And resisting temptation is always changing because it can be a temptation to loss, which could be for a while. And then it could be a temptation to, I don't know, alcohol. It can be a temptation to smoking. It could be a temptation to, I don't know, being lazy or a temptation to not following God's word or reading God's word and just doing whatever you want. I feel like we're always gonna have something we're tempted by for our entire lives, but we can build on the other things in our lives as long as we continue to lean back onto God. Don't lean on your own understanding. Never lean on your own understanding. Lean on God because he's equipped you. Once you use the things he's equipped you, you'll beat those temptations. Yeah. And finding other Christians who struggle with the same thing, or non-Christians as well, but just because you're not alone in the temptations that you face. The enemy will wanna do anything to make it seem like you're facing it alone, but you're not at all. Yeah. And I feel like when you put your head into this mind, like, oh, I'm the only one battling this. That's completely wrong. That's isolating. Oh my gosh, I'm so bad with my vocab. Isolating yourself from people that are battling through the same thing so that when you come together and then go to God, that's when you guys can help each other to beat it. That's absolutely one of the best gifts, is knowing someone that's on the same thing that you're going through. And then now you can be, you have another person that can help you. Yeah, a universe. Yeah, it says in Proverbs 4, chapter 14 to 15, it says, don't do as the wicked do, and don't follow the path of the evildoers. Don't even think about it. Don't go that way. Turn away and keep moving. For temptation, when they're speaking about temptation, this is actually in Proverbs. If you want to know about wisdom, especially we're going to get to the fear of God as well. Proverbs is all about this stuff. It's all about wisdom and gaining wisdom and knowledge and moving into the person God has called you to be. But with this, it's saying, with temptation, a lot of temptations is not saying, you know, go out and fight it. It's saying, call to God and run. You know, avoid it, get away from it. Try to block yourself as much as you can from it. And then that's not saying, oh, like, just block it out of your life. You can fight it through giving it to God. You know, some things in our lives, we have to give it to God so he can fight it. And then we can move past it. Because there's not always been things where we can just like, you know, just be like, oh yeah, we can do this. We can do this. And that's leaning your own understanding, you know. Also, speaking of Proverbs, there's another one I'm thinking of, which is like, as a dog returns to its vomit, so it's forced to repeat their folly. Yeah. That one always sticks with me. Yeah. That's like a recurring issue that I have. And I always think that verse is so good. That is a funny verse as well, I rate that. In Matthew 10, verses 28, it says, oh, am I on the right one? Oh, wait, nevermind. Matthew 26, verses 41. There's so many Matthews. Matthew is a good book. Read Matthew, read the Gospels. If you want to get into reading the Bible, read the Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But it says in Matthew 26, verses 41, it says, keep watch and pray so that you will not give into temptation, for the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. So when it's saying that, like the spirit, God's spirit is in you, and it's willing to fight it, but the body, your earthly body that you're in is never going to beat those temptations, you know. While we're still in this earthly form, we can't beat those temptations without God's help. You know, and God understands that, and while his spirit is in there, and he's like, yes, you can do this, you can have faith, you can move through it, you're never going to go through it if you're just leaning on yourself, and using, you know, earthly things. Only God can do this, only God can give it. So you have to go to God, you know. You have to push into God, you have to lean into God. You have to keep watch and pray. You have to keep praying, keep watch of the things around you, and when you see things leading into temptation, then you run away from it. You lead onto God, and even though the spirit in you might be like, oh yeah, I can do it, only God can do it, yeah. And stop it before it even becomes like a recurring, where you're having like, recognise that you're starting to think about that kind of stuff, and just say, no, I'm going to stop it now. Yeah, and it's usually pretty easy to see the things that are like, leading into that. Whether it's like, you know, your phone, or whether it's just the people you're hanging around with, and the routines you might have. When you see those things are leading you into temptation, that's when you're like, oh, I can see this, now I have to completely get rid of it, you know, and even declare the Lord's name over it as well. But yeah, do you have anything else you want to say? I can go next. All right, next question. Man, we're getting through these questions. You can do the next question. All right. Go ahead, David, I got six minutes. All right. All right, ready? All right, question four. What does it mean to fear God? Wow. Massive, massive question, and I can understand how people have a lot of questions. We've actually got two questions about this. I think there's another question about what is fearing God. I'll read it. It says, what does it mean to have a healthy fear of God, and how does it help our relationship? Well, do you want to answer this one with fearing God? I was going to start with a verse. Do you have a verse about it? Yes, I do have a verse about it. I think fearing God is, it's hard because it's one of the hardest concepts to understand, but it's like probably the most vital thing to understand in your relationship with God. You know, it talks about all throughout the Bible, we'll find the verse in a second, that to fear God is the basis of all understanding and knowledge, and to become a wiser person, you actually must fear God. It says in Proverbs chapter eight, verse 13, wait, no, that's the wrong one, chapter nine, verse 10, it says, fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. So fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. So the fear of the Lord is, to define it, what it means, it's the main foundation of our wisdom, but actually fearing God, I would feel like, is almost like being so out of awe, and so out of pure, like, oh my goodness, this guy created everything, he did all this thing. Like, it's that fear of when you see something so big, I know some people have, is it like megalophobia or something like that? Or something- The phobia of massive- Yeah, it's so big, you're like, oh my goodness, he can do absolutely everything in the world, he can destroy every sort of evil, sin, he can destroy us, he can destroy everything, create everything, he created us, he created everything around us. And when you look through that and you see the wisdom in that, and you see the fear, like, oh my goodness, God can do absolutely anything, it's a healthy fear, because you know that he's on your side. You know him, you have a relationship with him, and that's the most important thing, to have a healthy relationship with him, is knowing and having the fear of him, like, he can do absolutely anything to me, he can put me in absolutely any journey, he can do anything in my life, but yet he has set me apart, he has a journey for him, and he loves me, and he cares for me, and he wants to work in my life, yeah. And I guess it's healthy when you, like, you're fearful of him, and then you follow. Blood. That's you, bro. That's you. Anyway. Do we go, like, the door or something? No, I think he was coming through his Macbook. Oh, okay. That's why. Anyway. All right. All right, keep going. Yeah, I was saying, it's healthy when you fear God, and then don't fall into temptation and sin because of that. Because even the demons fear God, right? Yeah, they talk about how even the demons fear God, and they fear God, and they fear God, and they fear God, and they fear God, and they fear God, and they fear God, and they talk about how even the demons go towards them. Just because you know God doesn't necessarily mean, like, you know, you have a relationship with God. That's really important. They're fearful of him. Like, when the demons come up to Jesus, like, have mercy on me, son of man. They're fearful, but their fear is because they've done the wrong thing. And so they're fearful, but they're also doing the wrong thing. So it's not healthy fear. It's a fear fear. It's even like they say that the, just even saying the name of Jesus will send the demons sprinting and running. Yeah. Yeah. It says in Proverbs, everything's gonna be in Proverbs of fearing God. If you want to learn more about fearing God and about wisdom, read Proverbs. It says in Proverbs 8 verses, I believe it is 10. It says, no, it's not 10. It is Proverbs 13. It says, all who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride in, I, oh my gosh, I'm so bad. Ignorance? Arrogance. Arrogance. Yeah. All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corrupt and per, bro, I'm so, perverse language, speech. Perverse language. It's like, anyway. Yeah. I don't know. We'll cut this out. It's okay. All who fear the Lord will hate, therefore, oh my gosh. You, wait. Sure, yeah. No, no, it's fine. I got it. I got it. All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance. Yeah, bro. No, no, I'll do it. Okay. Bro, this isn't gonna be. No. Arrogance. Arrogance. All right, you got this. You got this. All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate, bro, what am I doing? Okay. All right, one more and then. All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance. So, this verse is saying like, with fear of the Lord, right? You have to hate evil. What did you say? I don't know what that means. Right. Shoot. Like, when you fear the Lord, you hate evil. And so, you know that like, the person, it's almost like having like, like Godzilla behind you. And it's like, oh yeah, like, these people, like, evil's right in front of me. Like, what's gonna stop? What's gonna stop God? Like, you can do absolutely anything. Like, what's gonna stop him from like, if evil was the city? What's gonna stop Godzilla from destroying the entire city? You know, like, it's going to those situations and hating evil because you know that God's already defeated evil and God is so much greater than that. And having that fear is healthy. And I know, I think a lot of people struggle to like, cause usually fear is a mix of like, you know, it's anxiety, it's worrying, it could even be sadness. It's a mix of all those things. And with that, fearing the Lord is healthy because it's being so out of awe of being like, oh my goodness. Like, he can do absolutely anything and he is working and he loves me and he cares for me and he's working in me, which is amazing. And because of that fear, then you wanna, you don't wanna break, break the rules, not break the rules, but like his, his plans for you and you don't wanna sin. So he has to break the sun again. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that fear. Yeah. I guess I was thinking about kind of Solomon, cause it says before in Proverbs, when he talks about fearing the Lord is the base of wisdom. So Solomon, Solomon, when God comes to him, he's, it's in the middle of the night. He has no idea what's going on. And he, he asks, he asks for wisdom because he, he understands through, I guess his fear of the Lord, that the things of these, the world is just meaningless, right? Yeah, yeah. And then, so he receives like everything, not just everything, but God rewards him with everything. But then when he starts sinning and breaking, going against what God has planned for him, then I guess he, he loses that wisdom. And you see that with him inviting his enemies into his palace and showing them everything that he's got. So he just completely, he loses, he loses his fear in the Lord and then he's just pretty much a fool, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But like to define the fear of God would be out of complete awe of how he can do everything. He can do absolutely anything he wants. And it's almost like you want to do good so you can have a relationship with him. And you want to believe in him. You want to have faith in him. And you don't want to let him down. Yeah. Because you understand how great and powerful he is. Yeah, and you understand that like, you know, he died on the cross for you and forgave you and he loves you and he actually wants to be with you. The creator of all things, they could do anything. If he wanted to, he could get rid of all of us. If he wanted to, he could restart the entire earth, flood it all over again, get a whole other Noah's ark and make a whole other Bible. But he chooses you and me to pursue and create disciples of all nations. And through that, that's a fear that means that we can continue to know that, yeah, he can do anything, but guess what? He's working in me. And yeah, he's so amazing and he's so big, but I don't have to worry and I don't have to worry about, oh, what's he going to do to me? Because he knows me. And that is the fear of the Lord. That is the fear of God. And that's really, really, really cool. Yeah. Is there anything else you want to do? No, that's good. That's a good question. All right. On to our next question. Question five. What does it mean to have a healthy fear of God? How does that help our relationship with him? God does not be listening to what you're doing. We already did that question. No, you did. What does it mean to fear God? We just combined both of them. Well, you should have told me that. We did. I think that'd be good when you understand it. Yeah, I'll do another stuff. All right. Bro, why'd you clap? All right. All right, question six. What are our thoughts on people who suffer religious trauma? Oh, yeah, that's a, that's a very, very hard question. Let me just use my mic real quick. Can we check how much time is on the video? Okay. I think, yeah, maybe. 10 minutes. Bro, I think you should probably switch it over. This is going to be a long one. I'd say this is a good point, because what are our thoughts? Yeah. This isn't even like God's thoughts anymore. This is our thoughts. Yeah, but I don't even know what I really think about religious people that suffer religious trauma. It's 40 minutes. So far. Oh, I think we can get it under an hour. I'm happy. We've only got a few more questions. I think we're smashing them, though. We are. Mate, I'm just going to look up if Devala talks about religious trauma.