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Aeroplain gf

Aeroplain gf

Trinity Myer



Nothing to say, yet

Voice Overspeechsighgaspbreathingsneeze

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A passenger on a plane is anxious about flying and starts a conversation with their seatmate to distract themselves. They discuss their fears and coping strategies, as well as their plans to visit family. As turbulence hits, the seatmate comforts the anxious passenger and they share personal stories. They play a game of choosing between pizza and nachos and discover they are both single. The anxious passenger becomes calm and grateful for the seatmate's support. They exchange numbers and express a desire to see each other again. They eventually land safely and the anxious passenger realizes they now like planes. It's gonna be okay. You're fine. You're fine. Calm down. It's just a plane. Hello, everyone. This is your captain speaking. We've reached our desired altitude of 37,000 feet. With the tailwind, we'll be arriving at our destination on time. Due to unavoidable circumstances, we may hit some turbulence along the way because of an oncoming storm. However, please sit back and relax. We hope you have a great flight, and thank you for choosing Echo Air. No, I'm okay. I'm not sweaty. It's just my natural glow. I mean, it's kind of warm in here, don't you think? Are you sure it's not warm in here? Okay, fine. Honestly, I'm terrified. I hate flying. I try meditating. I try breathing techniques, but flying is just something my coping strategies do not help with. Yeah, I know. I don't usually tell people because growing up, I got a lot of slack from my anxiety. So even though I know mental illnesses are more accepted, I'm still afraid of the get-it-over-it reaction people used to shout at me, though. How are you so calm? Right, well, that's impressive. When someone is able to hold their own, like you, in a stressful situation, it's pretty cool. Just doesn't happen for me. Oh, I'm TJ. It's nice to meet you, too. I just wish we were under better circumstances. I guess the person in the middle didn't show up. Yeah, if you want, you can put some of your stuff there. I don't mind. This is your captain speaking. We would like to request that you return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts, as we will be hitting turbulence shortly. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, my God, I hate this. Oh, I hate this. I hate this. I'm going to visit my family. Yeah, I've got a few cousins, aunts, uncles. Talk to you about what? Oh, sounds nice. I've been there before when I was younger with my parents, but I haven't been there in years. My great aunt is turning 90, so I thought now is the perfect time to go. I mean, it's a huge milestone, so I thought it might make her happy if I was there. I mean, we haven't seen her in person in years. You want to help me? How? You know, I'm up for trying anything. That's easy, pancakes. Yeah, I would like, yeah. Yeah, yes, I would like pancakes or waffles. I know you can get extra syrup in the divots. I know you can get extra syrup in the divots, but I prefer the soft texture of pancakes. It's a mouth-feel thing. Plus, last time I had waffles, they tasted very eggy. That just means more waffles for you and more pancakes for me. Well, fine, then. You've left. Okay, what superpower would you have? Interesting. I really like those ideas. Me? I'd want to be able to survive in any environment. You know, in space, a volcano, the ocean, falling from a metal coffin called a plane. No. Right, right, I'm not supposed to be thinking about planes. Right, right, I'm not supposed to be talking about the plane. I would have to say my most embarrassing injury was getting a mild concussion doing the laundry. Hey, don't laugh. I'm being serious. It was... Hey, don't laugh. I'm being serious. It was a set of stacking... Hey, don't laugh. I'm... Hey, don't laugh. I'm serious. It was a set of stacking washer and dryer. I hadn't opened the dryer door all the way, so when I was moving things up and wasn't thinking about it, I slammed the back of my head into the underside of the door. I had to go to the hospital and everything. Really? I was on concuss... Really? Really? I was on a concuss protocol for a good three days. The headache and tunnel vision were the most memorable part of those three days. What about you? Oh, really? Oh, that would suck. Okay, hmm, pizza or nachos? I know it's not very original, but it's all I could think of, so what would it be? Really? I'd take pizza. I mean, nachos are great, but pizza all the way. What? No, um, I'm not dating anyone. Are you? Two single pringles over here. Ugh, sorry, I don't know why I said that. Ugh, I'm such a doofus. We are going to die. You bet, you bet me, you bet me we're going to make it. Seriously? What are you doing? Yes, I'm looking at you. First thing I noticed, you're very close. Are you taking my hands? Okay. Um, your hands are nice and warm. Yes, and um, yes, breathing in and out. Tell you what I see, um, you have really pretty eyes. I don't know how to describe the amazing color. I feel like I could just get lost in them. Honestly, that was probably the last thing I would have guessed might happen right now. I'm not thinking about dying right now, that's for sure. I am wondering, do you always kiss terrified strangers to help them? I don't. I don't. I don't. I don't know how to describe the amazing color. I just feel like I could get lost in them. Honestly, that was probably the last thing I would have guessed might happen right now. I'm not thinking about dying right now, that's for sure. I am wondering, do you always kiss terrified strangers to help them? Just the cute ones? So you think I'm cute? Yeah? I wouldn't mind if you did that again. Thank you again for flying with us and have a great day. You were right, we made it. Wait, I never agreed to your bet. Wait, I never agreed to your bet. More importantly, you never really said what was on the line. Really? You want my number? That's all you want for winning? No, that's not it. I would really love to give you my number. You were so kind. I would really love to give you my number. You were so kind and you really helped me. Not to mention, the kissing was great. Thank you. And I mean, we did just make out. So I'd like to see what would happen at our next run-in. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I am serious about wanting to see you again though. Here. That sounds great. Yeah, let's get out of here and get our bags. What bags do you like? Oh, the bright orange ones? That will thankfully make them pretty obvious. Yeah, I have family picking me up. One of my second cousins, I think. I can never remember how that works, but I guess that's not important. Do you have a ride? You can drive there? You can drive here? That's pretty impressive with all the traffic. Yeah, hopefully we can meet up soon. You know, I think I like planes now.

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