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Defining Life and Death in the Flesh

Defining Life and Death in the Flesh

Christian Biblical Church of GodChristian Biblical Church of God



GTM - Defining Life and Death in the Flesh - By Albert Jones - July 12, 2024 Mr. Albert Jones's message is about defining life and death in the flesh. Mr. Jones highlights the importance of understanding our limitations and needs to attain the spirit. They mention that God is focused on bringing us into His kingdom and that His word reveals His relationship with us. Albert then references Genesis 2 and explains how God commanded man not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil....

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Mr. Albert Jones's message is about defining life and death in the flesh. Mr. Jones highlights the importance of understanding our limitations and needs in order to attain the spirit. They mention that God is focused on bringing us into His kingdom and that His word reveals His relationship with us. Albert then references Genesis 2 and explains how God commanded man not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Albert emphasizes the importance of listening to God's voice and following His instructions; referencing Ezekiel 18, where it is explained that all souls belong to God and that the soul that sins shall die. He discusses the qualities of a righteous person and how adherence to God's word leads to life. Finally, Mr. Jones mentions that Satan deceives mankind and keeps them in bondage to sin. Then Albert mentions Romans 3 and discusses the need to trust and believe in God. Thank you, Steve, and good evening everyone from North America, the state of Michigan. And if it's wherever you are, of course, I bless Sabbath to you, whatever phase of it that you may be in. The Sabbath is a wonderful time for us to come together and be strengthened and renewed and healed. And I'm always looking forward to the opportunity to bring a message to you on GoToMeeting. And thank you for your prayers and encouragement, all of you who pray for these messages, because God is truly there and inspiring them, I feel. Tonight we're going to talk about a topic that defines where we are now and where we are trying to get to. It defines life and it defines death for us at this time as we interface with God in the flesh. So the title is Defining Life and Death in the Flesh. We are flesh and God is spirit. And so we truly need to understand our limitations in the flesh and our needs in the flesh in order for us to attain the spirit. And in thinking about this in our walk with God, we encounter many challenges, if you will. And with a good command and understanding of this existence that we have, to understand God's purpose for us and where we come from and where we're trying to get to, God has revealed to us in his word a number of things about his relationship with us, his created beings. We are thankful to God for helping us to understand that God the Father and Jesus Christ are indeed on our side, that they indeed are focused on us to bring us into their kingdom. And it's very important for us to understand that gives us hope and encouragement as well. The scripture we're going to be turning to tonight is actually in Genesis 2, so turn your Bibles to Genesis 2. And we'll start to see this laid out the way that God has it laid out for us to understand. See, the problem for all of us, for all of us that relates to our existence in the flesh is that we are subject to sin. We are, as our father and our mother left us, held in bondage, if you will, to sin. That is Adam and Eve. Remember what the Lord said, the creator of all things said to Adam and Eve. So let's go to verse 15 of Genesis 2. So here is God taking his creation. And this act of creation for us was not a last minute thought or some impromptu type thing. This is from the foundation of the world. But here at this point, God is doing something specifically with us. And so the Lord, verse 15, the Lord God took man and put him in the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded, and that word is very important. He didn't suggest. He didn't say if you don't mind. The Lord God commanded the man saying, you may freely eat of every tree in the garden. But you shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For in the day that you eat of it and dying, you shall surely die. Now, this statement, as I said, was not a suggestion. It was a giving of knowledge, a giving of understanding so that we can understand where life comes from and what results in death. This is one of the first tests, if you will. So God then made it clear in his instructions to us that we are to listen to his voice when he speaks. When the words are given to us from his very mouth, from the mouth of God, they are for our good and they are in truth and they are affirmed because they come from the mouth of God. Let's go over to Ezekiel, the prophet Ezekiel, and let's understand something about the flesh and its weakness when it comes to these types of things. Ezekiel 18. We'll just pick it up here in verse one of Ezekiel 18. Ezekiel says, The word of the Lord came to me saying, again, the inspired word from the very mouth of God. What do you mean by this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge? As I live, says the Lord God, to you, there is no longer an occasion to use this proverb in Israel. Behold, he says to us through the prophet Ezekiel, these words were preserved for us. So he's telling us something here. So let's hear the word of the Lord. He says, Behold, all souls are mine. All flesh, our human bodies, our existence as God created us, we belong to him as a created thing. All souls are mine, as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son. In the daughter breath, they are mine. The soul that sins, it shall die. An affirmation of the word that he told Adam, right? This truth is still true. Verse five then says, But the man, as it was, who he says, but he says, but a man who is righteous, a man who is righteous, and does that which is lawful and right. And we're seeing a pattern form here in terms of what God expects. And it's going to reveal to us a truth about God's intentions for us, how he's going to be dealing with us. A man who is righteous and does that which is lawful and right. It has not eaten on the mountain, nor has lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, nor has defiled his neighbor's wife, nor has come near ministering woman. And it's not oppressed any man, but has given the debtors pledge back to him, has robbed none by violence, has given his bread to the hungry, and has covered the naked with a garment. Now, this mindset, brethren, is beginning to reveal the mind of God. How does he think? How does he see situations? Right? If you apply Christ's name there, he exemplified a lot of these character traits, if you will, when he came in the flesh. Verse 8. He does not lean out at usury, nor has taken any increase. He has withdrawn his hand from iniquity, sinfulness, unrighteousness, has executed true justice between man and man, has walked in my statutes, and has kept my ordinances to deal truly. He is righteous. He shall surely live, says the Lord God. So, once again, the establishment of obedience, adherence to, and a way of life that is described within God's word, within his law, and within his truth. This is where life is. But, brethren, Satan the devil has taken advantage of his success in deceiving us. As he deceived Adam and Eve, he continues to put in front of us deceptions. He puts in front of the whole world a darkness and a deception to keep us away from the truth of God. To keep us away from the light and the life that is in Christ. So he continues to want to hold us in bondage to sin. So, we have a charge from God in terms of how to address that. He deceived mankind once, which has affected each and every one of us to this very day. Yes, sin killed. The soul that sins shall die. The soul that practiced sin. And we, all of us, own the penalty or the debt of sin. Let's turn to Romans. So, Satan really has us in a vice, if you will. And that is all of mankind is in this state. Let's go to Romans 3. I'm sorry, Romans 3. And we'll see that Paul brings out here a very clear point. In instructing the Jews, he instructs us as well. He stated to the Jews in verse 1. And if you'll bear with me, this chapter sets up all the other scriptures that we want to talk to. He says, what then is the advantage of the Jew? What is the profit of circumcision? Much in every way. Primarily in that they were entrusted with the oracles of God. The wise utterances. The sayings, if you will. The word of God. Preserved in the Old Testament. Of which most of the preaching and the teaching that was occurring in the New Testament church was being done so through the Old Testament books. The law, the prophets, the writings. And then he says, verse 3. For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief nullify the faithfulness of God? So we're moving from this truth about wisdom. Where it comes from. The truth of God. Where it comes from. Now we're getting into the need for us to trust God. To believe God. He says, what if some of them did not believe? Shall their unbelief nullify the faithfulness of God? That is something we all count on. Verse 4. May it never be. Neither let, he says, rather let God be true. But every man a liar. Exactly as it is written. That you might be justified in your words. And might overcome when you are being judged by men. And yes, men have a tendency to want to judge God. Verse 5 tells us. But if our righteousness, our unrighteousness, that is. If our unrighteousness brings to reality God's righteousness. What shall we say? Is God unrighteous to inflict this wrath? He says, I'm speaking according to a man's view. He says, may it never be. This is conceptually not a thing that should be entering into our thought process. Otherwise, how shall God judge the world? For if by my falsehood the truth of God has shown itself to be supremely great. To his glory. Why am I still being judged as a sinner? But now, according as we are not according. As we are being blasphemously charged. In according as some are affirming that we say. Let us practice evil things in order that good things may come. Their condemnation is deserved. Their condemnation is deserved. This is not what Paul was doing, by the way, brethren. He says in verse 9. Are we of ourselves, are we of ourselves better? Talking to the Jews. Not at all. And I would say that to each and every one of us. Do we think we're better in any shape, form or fashion. In our individual standing. Because of some status or whatever it may be. Even our calling, we're not careful. Can get in the way. If we lift ourselves up above mankind. And lift ourselves up above our brethren. Are we better? In what way are we better? Do we not all, every single one of us require the same thing for salvation. That is, faith in Christ. Obedience toward God. His truth, His light. And to be able to live His way. Are we better? No, not at all. But we have already charged. Both Jews and Gentiles. All with being under sin. Every single one of us. We have this problem of sin. He says. Exactly as it is written. There is not a righteous one. Not even one. So every single one of us. Are hoping in Christ. Every single one of us is believing in the word of God. Seeking after eternal life through faith in Him. In the hope of glory. Because of His resurrection. The power received from on high. Came because we were baptized. We received the laying on of hands. We went through those acts because of faith in the word of God. And what He spoke to us. There is life in those words. And we wanted life. Verse 12. He says. All mankind here. He says they have all gone out of the way. Together they have all become depraved. There is not even one who is practicing kindness. No. There is not so much as one. Their throats are an open grave. With their tongues they have used deceit. The venom of asp is under their lips. Now we read these verses. And we need to be careful not to just look away from ourselves to others to see these things. And say yeah that is the state of them. Or those over there. Or someone else outside of our preview. And never look at ourselves. And examine ourselves. Not look in the mirror and turn away and forget who we were. Who we are. The status of us without God. What it would be. We are here by invitation of God. And we accepted that invitation. Yes. We are here by the grace of God. And God is smiling upon this calling that he has given unto us which is collectively his church. We are here because of God. So verse 14. Whose mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. Destruction and misery are in their way. The way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes. Brethren we must fear God. We must walk in fear. But not be afraid of God. But we truly should walk in fear. Verse 19. Now then. We know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are on the law. So that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may be come guilty before God. Yes. He sent his son to bring salvation. Make salvation possible for the world. We'll read that in a moment. Therefore verse 20. By works of law. It talks about works of law. And the Jews were very convinced that they could do things in a certain way that would place them in a standing of righteousness before God. Right. If you protect the Ten Commandments by surrounding it with all these physical things. Right. Some of the rules that you can never touch the commandments to break them because you can't get past the things that have created a wall around. These are forms of self-righteousness. Verse 21. But now the righteousness of God. That is separate from works of law. That righteousness that is required for salvation has been revealed. Being witnessed by the law and the prophets. Even the righteousness of God that is through faith in Jesus Christ. Who are all and upon all those who believe. There is no difference. There is only one way to salvation is what Paul is saying here and that is Christ. That is Christ. But are being justified verse 24 freely. By his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Whom God has openly manifested to be. A propitiation through faith in his blood. In order to demonstrate his righteousness. In respect to the remission of sins that are past. There is nothing in these verses that is saying that the law and the commandments of God are done away. Nor that the law and the commandments of God are being kept for us or in our stead for salvation. The laws and the commandments of God were kept righteously. To pay the penalty of sin. As sin is reputed of. And you come to the father and ask forgiveness of that sin. So that you can be cleansed. And you can keep walking. And striving. And doing the will of God. Overcoming sin. Through faith in Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit in you. All sin needs to be forgiven. All sin. Christ is that propitiation for. He is an essential ingredient in this relationship for eternal life. Life is in a relationship with God. And Satan doesn't want you to know that. Satan wants to keep that hidden from you. And he is very clever in the way he does that. He's very clever. He goes on to say in verse 28. Let's just go there. He says, consequently. We reckon that a man is justified by faith. Separate from works of law. There are two operations. That's what it's saying. There are two operations occurring here. Verse 29 then he affirms once more. To the Jews. To make sure everyone understands. That salvation for mankind is in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And he is the God of all men. Everywhere. So he says he is. Is he the God of the Jews only? Is he not the God of the Gentiles? All around the world who are blinded and cut off from God. If God should call a man to him. And offer him salvation. And that man accepts and repents. He is. A son adorer of God. Once baptized and having received the Holy Spirit. Yes he is. Also the God of the Gentiles. Every. In every way. In every respect. In every truth. In every blessing. In every promise. He is there for us. Each and every one of us. Verse 35. It is indeed one God. Who will justify the circumcision by faith. And the uncircumcision through faith. Are we then abolishing law through faith? Again. That's nonsensical according to Paul. May it never be. Rather we are establishing the law. Brethren. We live. And strive. Within law. That is how we live our lives. Within the laws of God. We don't keep the laws of God. To be saved. We keep the laws and the commandments of God. Because God has sent his son as a propitiation for sin. So that we have access to salvation. That we have been forgiven of that sin that Adam and Eve placed upon us. Right? We have been forgiven upon the repentance of sin. And Jesus Christ's blood has been acceptably accepted by the Father. So that we don't have to die. Based on that. But now we live. We live according to God's expectation for us. According to God's purpose for us. We live. When it comes to flesh, brethren. Sin is the problem. Yes. Flesh can't achieve a righteousness sufficient to place us in right standing before God. The Father. For salvation. And to enter into the kingdom of God. I'm going to say that one more time. Flesh can't achieve a righteousness. Flesh cannot achieve a righteousness sufficient to place us in right standing before God. The Father. For salvation. And to enter the kingdom of God. It cannot be done. By fleshly acts of law keeping. The purpose of the law is not that it is to reveal sin. The problem is sin. How do we get rid of sin? The answer is the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So the question. How has he resolved it? How has he resolved it? Let's go to John 19. Let's go to the Gospel of John. Chapter 19. I'm sorry. Gospel of John chapter 19. How has God resolved it? Let's see. Let's pick it up here. Let's see. Pilate verse 21. When the chief priest of the Jews said to Pilate do not write the king of the Jews but that he said I am the king of the Jews. Pilate answered what I have written. And the soldiers. Now the soldiers after they had crucified Jesus took his garments and made four parts. A part for each soldier. And the coat also. The coat was seamless woven in one piece from the top all the way throughout. For this reason they said to one another let us tear it but let us cast lots for it. Let us not tear it. I'm sorry. But let us cast lots for it whose it shall be. So that the scripture might be fulfilled which says they divided his garments among them and they cast lots for his vesture. And the soldiers therefore did these things. And Jesus' mother stood by the cross and his mother's sister Mary, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and his disciples whom he loved standing by he said to his mother woman behold your son. And he said to the disciples, disciple behold your mother. And from that time the disciple took her into his home. And Jesus knowing that all things had been, had now been finished so that the scripture might be fulfilled he said I thirst. Now a vessel full of vinegar was sitting there and they, and after filling it with the sponge with vinegar and putting it on a stick of hyssop they, or hyssop, put it up on his mouth. And so when Jesus had received the vinegar he said it is finished. And bowing his head he yielded up his spirit. So that part was finished. Let's think on that a second from the standpoint of his mission was to come and to be a perfect sacrifice acceptable for the sins of mankind. For the sins of mankind. Let's go on. How is it, how is he saving or how is he solving it as we go each and every day? So if he has saved us from eternal death he has saved us. But he has also, we are also being saved. We are being saved. And so this being saved is the act of coming from this point of standing before God now and marching across to the return of Christ. This is where we reside now. So let's take it in Hebrews 4. Let's go to Hebrews 4. And let's look at verse 3. Start there. He says for whom have believed. Hebrews 4 verse 3. For we, I'm sorry, for we who have believed we ourselves are entering into the rest. As he has said so I swore my wrath that they shall enter into my rest. Although the works were finished from the foundation of the world through the entire plan designed and purposefully laid out being fulfilled. For he spoke in a certain place about the seventh day in this manner. And God rested on the seventh day from all his works. And you see the connection as we've been hearing messages between the seventh day and God's creation. As he began he saw the finished product from the beginning as to how his plan would unfold. This intelligence, this incredible thought process that he and the father had laid out. And then we read in verse 5. Again concerning this that they shall enter into my rest. So consequently since it remains for some to enter into it. And those who had previously heard the gospel did not enter it in because of disobedience. Again he marks out a certain day. Today seeing in David after so long a time exactly as it is being quoted above. Today if you will hear his voice. Have not your hearts. So this work that God is doing in our lives now requires action on our part. It requires an action. The Sabbath is a part of that. The complete fulfillment of God's purpose and plan in our life is a part of that. Let's go over to Hebrews 12. Let's read something there. Hebrews 12. Hebrews 12. We're going to pick it up in verse 22. Hebrews 12, 22. He writes. He says, but you have come to Mount Sinai and to the city of the living God. Heavenly Jerusalem. And to an innumerable company of angels. To the joyous festival gathering. And to the church of the firstborn. And that's who we represent. Registered in the book of life in heaven. And to God the judge of all. And to the spirit of the just who have been perfected. So now we're seeing another aspect of salvation. That is faith in Jesus Christ. And a walk with God. Being perfected in every way. By the grace of God working in your life. Right. So we have an understanding of that. But then everything is going to culminate into that day. When Christ returns. And the dead in Christ are raised. Let's go and take a look at Revelation 16. Revelation 16. Another aspect of finishing off this great work that God is doing. Revelation 16. And this is, we'll just pick it up in verse 1. Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels. Go and pour out the vials of the wrath of God unto the earth. And the first angel went and poured out his vial unto the earth. And an evil and grievous sore fell upon men who had the mark of the beast. And upon those who were worshiping his image. And it goes on through showing where God had been judging. And pouring out his wrath through the various means there. But he comes down here to verse 17. Then the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air. And a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying. It is finished. And there were voices and thunders and lightnings. And there was a great earthquake. Such has not been since men were on the earth. And so mighty an earthquake and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts. And the cities of the nations fell. And the Babylon the great was remembered before God to give her the cup of the line of the fury of his wrath. And every isle disappeared and no mountains were found. And great hell. Each stone the weight of a talent fell down from heaven upon men. And men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hell. For the plague was exceedingly great. So God again during the days of tribulation is going to mark a point of finishing a phase of his work. And then in Revelation 21. Revelation the chapter 21. There is an ultimate fulfillment of these things pertaining to the physical existence that we have. And let's go to Revelation 21. Let's read that. This is where a new heaven and a new earth comes on the scene. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away. And there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city. The new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven. Prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice from heaven say. Behold the tabernacle of God is with men. And he shall dwell with them. And they shall be his people. And God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes. And there shall not be any more death or sorrow or crying. And there shall not be any more pain. Because the former things are passed away. There are no more of these things which Satan has the ability to control. Satan is put away. This is a point by which we all look forward to. So then in this relationship with God. With Jesus Christ having come to be that perfect sacrifice and die in our stead. For Jesus Christ now to be resurrected and at the right hand of the father. To be our propitiation for sin and an ever atoning sacrifice. And for our hope in Christ so that in the day that he returns. At the resurrection that we will live with him. With these things in mind. And understanding that yes. They are to be rejoiced in. And they are to be celebrated. Through faith in Christ. What is our part? What is our part? Where should we be in this process? And what should we be doing? First we have to be mindful of our adversary. Our true enemy. Satan the dog. He will not let us be reunited with God. So that we can achieve that purpose for which God has created us. For which God has set us free from his bondage and his sin. He does not want us to be free. I will have you to turn to Ephesians 2. This relationship that we have with God is precious. But Satan does not want to give up any of his captives to be free from it. In Ephesians 2 and verse 1. It defines the state of mankind as a whole in our state prior to God's calling. And freeing us from the bondage of Satan. We were as verse 1 says. Now you were dead in trespasses and sins. Dead. In which you walked in times past according to the course of this world. According to the prince of the power of the air. The spirit that is now working within the children of disobedience. Among whom also we all once had our conduct and the lust of our flesh. Doing the things willed by the flesh and by the mind. And were by nature the children of wrath. Even as the rest of the world. And again it defines who saved us. But God who is rich in mercy because of his great love. With which he loved us. Even when we were dead in the trespasses and sins. Trespasses. Has made us alive together with Christ. For you have been saved by grace. And thus that have been. Access to eternal life is possible. You have been given an invitation to partake in life. With Christ. That's a calling. Determined by the father extended to you. Very unique. In the fact that it's a calling from the father. And you are rejoicing in this grace. You're rejoicing in this wonderful privilege. And opportunity to have eternal life with God. To be born to his family. Verse six then tells us how he sees us. For he has raised us up together. And has caused us to sit together. In the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. So that in the ages that are coming. He might show. The exceeding riches of his grace. And his kindness. He has delivered us in Christ Jesus. And I have spoken this quite often. Our calling is not just for us. We have been called. To be a part of God's family. And brethren there is work to be done. Even after we're raised from the dead. What a work will we be participating in with the father and Christ. We always needed a solution to sin. Not just a fix for it. Christ is the answer and solution. He is our ultimate solution. Our salvation. He shows the way. He is the true way. The truth in the life. The truth in life is the light of man. Let's turn to John 3. John 3. And we're going to pick it up in verse 11. John 3, 11. He says in John 3, 11. Truly, truly I say to you. We speak that which we know. And we testify of that which we have seen. But you do not receive our testimony. If I have told you earthly things. And you do not believe. How will you believe if I tell you heavenly things. And it is incredible. It is difficult for the mind to comprehend this thing. Or these things that God is doing in our life. But we see them. We comprehend them. We rejoice in them. And we are humbled and give thanks and praise to God for them. Because God has deemed it for us. To be called. To receive his spirit. To know his son. To know his truth. To walk in his light. These are all wonderful gifts from God. These things are extended to many individuals around the world. Meaning our call. But we have to choose. God. We can't be acceptable to Satan in his ways. Let's quickly turn to Psalm 111. In Psalm 111. We read in verse 10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding of all those who do his commandments. His praise endures forever. And then we'll go over to Proverbs 9. And add some additional foundation to that scripture there that we just read in Psalm. And Proverbs. Chapter 9. And we'll read verse 10 here. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Now you can't access this wisdom, this knowledge, and this truth. If you are being held in bondage in a dungeon in the dark by Satan the devil. This is the point that the scripture makes clear. Jesus Christ is the light. And once God frees us from this darkness. He wants us to walk in the light of God. God's light is wonderful. It is defined in so many different ways. His law reveals sin. It defines it, exposes it, brings it into the light. And God wants us to obey it. Let's turn to Romans 7. Romans 7. And let's pick it up in verse 9. He says here that I was once alive without law. But after the commandment came, sin revived and I died. And the commandment, which was meant to result in life, was found to be unto death for me. What is that saying? That the commandments of God shine a light on the sin in our life. The commandments of God open our mind to comprehend what sin was. And we saw it because the light of God shined upon it. We could comprehend it. We could define it. We saw sin within us. Now, before that, we couldn't see it. But now that we can see it, we can get rid of it. How do we get rid of it? I just told you there, Jesus Christ is the way. He is the propitiation for sin. Okay, verse 11. Let's see a little bit more. Because sin, having taken opportunity by the commandment, deceived me. And by it, killed me. Satan and devil deceptively hiding from us the knowledge and the truth about God's commandments and having us living in sin and bondage to him and just manipulating us in any way that he wanted to. Verse 12. Therefore, the law is indeed holy and the commandment holy and righteous and good because they do good work in our lives. They reveal sin so that they can be repented of. They reveal sin so that we can stay away from it. They reveal the things which are darkness in Satan's way. He says, verse 13. Now then, did that which was good become death for me? May it never be. But sin, in order that it might truly be exposed as sin in me, by that which is good, which is God's law, was working out death, revealing it. Helping me to see that if I didn't correct my course, I was going to continue to plow on through, sinning, leading to death. Working out death so that by means of the commandments, sin might become exceedingly sinful. I can see it now. And I hate it, it says. In effect, I see sin and I hate it. I don't want sin in my life. I don't want sin connected to my life. And where sin appears, I have an advocate. I have a propitiation for sin. I have a savior. That's where life is. But we know the law is spiritual, yes. But I am carnal. I couldn't comprehend the spiritual things without the spirit of God. Having been sold as a slave under sin. Because I am working, because what I am working out myself, I do not know. But what I do not desire to do, this I do. Moreover, what I hate, this is what I do. But if I am doing what I do not desire to do, or I agree with the law that it is good, so because the law is defined for me, that needs to change. For me to have life in God's kingdom, that perfection has to continue and occur day by day. So he says here, this relationship between me, Jesus Christ, and God the Father, he says, verse 7, So then, I am no longer working it out myself. Rather, it is sin that is dwelling in me, because I fully understand that there is not dwelling within me. I do now. That is within my fleshly being any good. For the desire to do good is present within me, but how to work it out, work out that which is good, I do not find. For the good that I desire to do, I am not doing. But the evil that I desire to do, this I am doing. But if I do what I do not desire to do, I am no longer working it out myself. But sin that is dwelling within me, the problem is sin, the solution. So he says, consequently, I find this law in my members, that when I desire to do evil, when I desire to do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man within me. I desire to do God's will. But I see another law within my own members, warring against the law of my mind, and Satan is the pusher. He is the pusher of this, and leading me captive to the law of sin that is within my own members. And Satan knows it well, and he wants to manipulate it to hold you in bondage. So Paul admits, oh what a wretched man I am, who shall save me from this body, from the body of this death. And here's the solution. He understood it. So don't let those earlier verses throw you off. He's telling us, understand the weakness of the flesh. Understand the sin within. Understand the power of Satan and sin in your life. And here's the solution. I thank God for his salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of this, on the one hand I myself serve the law of God with my mind. It is in my heart, and I am driven to do God's will. And I will always desire to do God's will. I want to practice this way. I read his word to give me inspiration to do his will. But on the other hand, with the flesh, I serve the law of sin. Now, there is the truth. There is the truth, which is, God is spirit, and we are flesh. We are not to walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit. Yes, Satan would rather keep us in bondage, in chains of fleshly lust, darkness, and use us as a slave to sin, without God, or knowledge of the true purpose for which God has called and made each and every one of us. He takes us as captives of our own sins, and he bounds us in chains. But here is our salvation. Let's come here to a group of scriptures that I just want to conclude with. Let's go to Psalm 56, verses 10 and 12. Psalm 56. Okay. Let's start in verse 10. In God I will praise his word, his law, his commandments, his truth, his statutes, his judgments. In the Lord I will praise his word. In God I have put my trust. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Your vows are upon me, O God. Verse 12. I will give thanks, give thank offerings to you, for you have delivered my soul from death. Have you not kept my feet from falling, so that my walk before God is the light of the living? Let's go to 118. Psalm 118. Okay. In Psalm 118. Let's pick it up in verse 1. O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, because his steadfast love endures forever. Let Israel say, now say, that his steadfast love endures forever. Let the house of Aaron now say, that his steadfast love endures forever. Let the house, let those who fear the Lord now say, that his steadfast love endures forever. I called upon the Lord in distress. The Lord answered me and set me in a large place. The Lord is on my side. I will not fear. What can man do to me? The Lord is for me as a helper. He is for me as a helper. Therefore, I will look in triumph upon those who hate me. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in princesses. All the nations surround me, but in the name of the Lord, I will destroy them. And as a final verse, let's go to Acts 13, and we'll conclude with this verse. Acts 13. We'll pick it up here in verse 8. So, Elias, the sorcerer, for so was his name interpreted. Let's go back here and put this in context. Okay. This is pertaining to, let's pick it up here in, let's just pick it up in verse 1. Now, there were certain prophets and teachers in the church that was at Antioch, including Barnabas and Simon, who was named Niger, and Lucius, and Shireen Menon, who had been brought up with her to Terok and Saul. And as they were ministering and assisting to the Lord, the Holy Spirit said, And Saul to me for the work for which I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, they laid hands on them and sent them out. Very important steps to take. So then, after being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Silesia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus. And when they had come to Silenes, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews, and they also had John as an assistant. And when they had gone through the isle, as far as Pappas, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar-Jesus. He was with the procouncil, Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man who called Barnabas and Saul to him, desiring to hear the word of God. But Elimas, the sorcerer, for so was his name interpreted, withstood them. Again, Satan not wanting to let anyone find that light or come into that truth, seeking to turn away the procouncil from the faith. But Saul, who was also called Paul, being full of the Holy Spirit, fixed his eyes on him. Now, you're about to see God's position when it pertains to his servants that he is calling, anyone that would put a stumbling stone in front of God's children, those whom he is working with. And he said, O fool of guile and all craftiness, you son of the devil, an enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease to pervert the straight ways of the Lord? And all of those things that we've talked about here, that God has designed and his purpose and his plan for us, leading us into that way that leads to life, the straight ways. In verse 11, And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately a mist and darkness fell upon him, and he went about seeking someone to lead him by the hand. A true manifestation of his blindness, if you will. He was held in darkness by Satan, but God gave a judgment there and brought that to an end. So God is very serious about his sons and daughters and what we are doing. Once we have been cleansed of Satan's brainwash in his lies, we should never be willing to go back in any shape, form or fashion, but yielding ourselves to God and to God only. We are not to give ourselves over to sin or surrender to sin, but we are to fight the good fight of faith. Christ wants us to understand that he came to free us, to liberate us, to reconcile us, to obey God and to buy us back, to open the prison doors and to bring us to him and the Father. Satan, brethren, no longer has power over us because of the standing that we now have through faith in Christ and the relationship that we have, the covenantal relationship that we have with God the Father. Let's never give him an inch. Let's not allow him to manipulate our lives or our families or in any way come in to our lives and cause an upheaval or a darkness to occur. So let's keep our eyes on Christ, keep our eyes on God the Father through Christ and let that light that he came to be burn brightly in our life.

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