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The Secret of the Lord

The Secret of the Lord

Christian Biblical Church of GodChristian Biblical Church of God



GTM - The Secret of the Lord - By Eduardo Elizondo - February 9, 2024 In this message by Eduardo Elizondo, he is speaking about the secret of the Lord and His covenant, emphasizing the importance of fearing and reverencing God. The secret of the Lord is revealed to those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant. The covenant is between God the Father and Jesus Christ, and there are three main points to understand about this covenant. The first point is that God the Father and Jesus...

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In this message by Eduardo Elizondo, he is speaking about the secret of the Lord and His covenant, emphasizing the importance of fearing and reverencing God. The secret of the Lord is revealed to those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant. The covenant is between God the Father and Jesus Christ, and there are three main points to understand about this covenant. The first point is that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two beings. Jesus explains this to the Pharisees using scripture. The second point is that the covenant is based on loving God with all our hearts, souls, and minds and loving our neighbor as ourselves. The third point is the identity of Jesus as the Messiah and how he is both Lord and the Son of David. Understanding these points is important in preparing for Passover and appreciating the plan of salvation. Thank you, Norbert, and Happy Sabbath, everybody. This message is entitled, The Secret of the Lord, and this is based on what it says on Psalm 25. So, if you go with me there, let's go to Psalm 25 and verse 14. And this psalm, it's the psalm of David, and in verse 14, it says something very interesting, and that's what we're going to focus our attention to today in this verse, in verse 14. But in everything that comes before it, and we're going to unpack some things that are in this verse, because it's just one short verse, but it says a lot, and it hides a great, great deal of meaning that is throughout the Bible, and it is very, very important for us to understand, especially as we are coming now toward the Passover season and Passover preparation, which we are now in, we want to understand this. In verse 14, it says, The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant. So in this verse, it starts talking about the secret of the Lord, and there is a requirement that we would fear Him, and this fear is not just to be afraid. That's not what it means. But it's to reverence Him, it's to have that awe and that amazement, and to have that fear to disobey, to go against what He says, because of His power, because of His love, because of His majesty. And He says, The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and then it says, And He will show them His covenant. And this word secret, in verse 14, where it says the secret of the Lord, in verse 14, the Hebrew is the word sod, S-O-D, and the phonetic is sod, and what it means, the strong definition is a session, that is a company of persons in close deliberation by implication intimacy, and this is very important, intimacy, a consultation, a secret, assembly, council, inward, secret, or council. It's coming together, it's something very private, very personal, very intimate, but this is very important, because that's what that word secret is, the secret of the Lord, and it says, And that secret is with those who fear Him, and it says, And He will show them His covenant, and what is that covenant? What is that covenant of God, because it says that it's His covenant, and this is what we want to study today. What is that covenant, and is that the secret of the Lord? We're going to pose it as a question, because it doesn't talk about the secret in the other verses that we're going to study today, but it does talk about this covenant, the covenant of the Lord, the covenant of God, and what is this covenant? Well, it is a covenant between God the Father and Jesus Christ. It is a covenant between them, and there are several points that we want to cover today, and there are three main points about this covenant between God the Father and Jesus Christ that we want to try to cover today. The first point is that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two beings. We know they're one in spirit, we know they're one in purpose, in unity, in perfect harmony, in nature, in everything that they do, but they are two beings, and this is the first part, this is the first point about this covenant between God the Father and Jesus Christ. There is a covenant between them, but the very first thing that we have to understand is that there's two of them, and that they have made a covenant, God the Father and Jesus Christ. Let's go to Matthew 22, Matthew 22, because this is a passage that is very, very important when we are understanding what Jesus was telling the Pharisees here. This is Matthew 22 and verse 35, and this same passage is in all three of the Synoptic Gospels. It says it obviously a little bit different between Matthew and Mark and Luke, but we're going to look at two of them, because it says additional things, and it gives us some background, some context, but what God is driving here, what Jesus is driving in this passage is that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two beings. In verse 35 of Matthew 22, and this is after the Pharisees, in verse 34 actually, it says, but after the Pharisees have heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they came together before him. So this is a Pharisee, it says, and one of them, verse 35, one of them, a doctor of the law, questioned him, tempting him, and saying, Master, which commandment is the great commandment in the law? And Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. I want for us to pause here, because he asked him what's the greatest commandment, he said that, and then he added, he added the second one, he said, and the second one is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Let's pause there, because when we're thinking about the secret of the Lord, and when we're talking about he will show them that fear him, his covenant, what is this covenant? It's a covenant between God the Father and Jesus Christ. They have made a covenant. But the very first aspect to understand is that they are two beings, but when we talk about that covenant, we talk about that secret, we talk about relationship, intimate, close, deliberation, and what did Jesus just say here? He said the first and greatest commandment, which is what? A direct relationship. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. So it begins there, it begins there, and then we're going to see how from that, and then loving God first, and loving our neighbor second, which he said, then what he goes on to say. It says, while the Pharisees, verse 41, while the Pharisees were assembled together, Jesus questioned them, saying, What do you think concerning the Christ? Whose son is he? They said to him, The son of David. Why did he ask them that question? What does this have to do with the commandments that he just talked about? It was the Pharisees, it was the Jews, and they said to him, The son of David. Verse 43, he said to them, How then does David in spirit call him Lord, saying, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. Therefore, if David calls him Lord, how is he his son? And this is something that we know and understand, but I want for us to pause and meditate on how important it is to understand this. Because nobody answered him, and no one was able to answer him a word, verse 46. Neither there anyone from that day to question him anymore, to not be made, you know, look as ignorant, because they did not know. Either they did not know, or they did not want to acknowledge who he was. But what he was saying is that the Lord said to his Lord, and they know that he was talking about the Messiah, they know that. They didn't want to accept him as the Messiah, but they knew that. And they also changed that, because it was Jehovah, Jehovah, and then they changed it to Jehovah Adonai, to change it. Because in their mind, in Judaism, there cannot be two, there can only be one. The Shema is the first and most important thing, our one Lord is the Lord of the Lord. We're going to see that, we're going to go to Mark 12 next. But I just want for us to know and understand that he goes from talking about the love, love of God, with all our hearts, all minds being in strength, loving our neighbor, to the identity of the Messiah, the identity of Jesus Christ, him revealing himself and what he came to do, who really he was. Because he was talking about himself. He said, how is it that he called him Lord? How is he his son? But unless we understand that there's two, that there is God the Father and there's Jesus Christ, and that there were both Jehovah in the Old Testament, one is the Lord God and the other one is the Most High, unless we understand that, we do not understand this. We do not understand how is he his son, especially if like the Jews, we reject him. But it's important to understand that and the transition from the Greatest Commandments to his very identity and what he was telling the Pharisees. Let's go to Mark, it's the same account, but it says some other different things, in Mark 12. And this is a fascinating passage because it tells us all of these things and this is the beginning of understanding this covenant, of God showing us this covenant. Because the majority of Christianity does not understand this, does not understand that there's God the Father and there's Jesus Christ, and yes, they have one spirit and one love and they are one in the plan, in agreement, in perfection, in all of these things. But they are not the same. And Jesus himself said, the Father greater is than I. So we know that there's two beings in the Godhead and for us to understand that, it's absolutely wonderful, especially as we prepare for Passover and we understand what Jesus did and what the Father did. And knowing that this was planned way before the earth existed even, and that's part of the covenant, we're going to see that. This is the first point that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two beings. Mark 12, 28. It's the same passage, it says, and one of the scribes, the other one describes him as a Pharisee, here as a scribe, it says, and one of the scribes who had come up to him after hearing them reasoning together and perceiving that he answered them well, asked him, which is the first commandment of all? Then Jesus answered him, the first of all the commandments is, hear, O Israel, our one God is the Lord, the Lord. And that is the correct translation. And it says, the Lord, the Lord, Jehovah, Jehovah. That's what it says. In the faithful version you can read it, and that's what it says. Our one God is the Lord, the Lord. There's two Jehovah's, even in that it's implicit. Now it says our one God, because there is one, the Godhead is composed of two beings, but they are one in unity, they are one in purpose, they are basically mirrors of each other. That's what Paul said in Hebrews, right? The key that Jesus was the exact image of his Father, and that's what Jesus told his disciples as well. If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. But they are two beings. And that's what it says. The first of all commandments is, our one God is the Lord, the Lord, implicitly there. There's two. But then it says, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. Because if you do, and God decides to call you because of that love, and he already decided to call us, but we have to do that, then he will. He will show us his covenant. Because it says that, the secret of the Lord is with those who fear him. He will show them his covenant. And then it says, and the second is like this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. So the same thing again, and then the scribe said to him, right master, you have spoken according to truth, that God is one. And we don't know how sincerely he said, or he was trying to, you know, bring him down or something, saying God is one, right? And I don't know if he believed in him or not, but it says God is one, and there is not another besides him. Because that was Judaism. There's only one God who was going to send the Messiah. But they didn't believe in him. And then it says, and there is not another besides him, verse 33, and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as oneself, is more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. And he was saying the truth, and he was saying it more completely even, talking about what is worth to God, is more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. And he was saying the right things, again, we don't know the heart, Jesus could see the heart, and he says, and Jesus seeing that he answered with understanding, so he had understanding, said to him, you are not far from the kingdom of God. And no one dared to question him anymore. Again, we don't know. Maybe he was being sincere, and he was loving him that way, but in either way, the answer, the words that he spoke were correct. They were right on. That's what Jesus told him. But then no one dared him to question anymore. And verse 35, and while teaching in the temple, Jesus answered and said, how can the scribes say, again, the other one is talking about the scribes, the Pharisees, this one is talking about the scribes, and says, how can the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David? For David himself said by the Holy Spirit, the Lord said to my Lord, again, Jehovah said to my Jehovah, or here in the Greek it was kurio, kurio, right, he said, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. That is saying, again, the same thing. Obviously, there's the same account, but what does it say? Now then, if David himself called him Lord, how can he be his son? And the whole multitude listened to him eagerly, it's like, why was David calling him Lord to the one that was going to come, the Messiah, why? And then he says, in verse 38, and he said to them in his teaching, beware of the scribes who take pleasure in walking around in robes and in salutations in the marketplaces and in the chief seats in the synagogues and the chief places in the feasts, who devour the houses of widows and for a pretext make long prayers, these shall receive the greater condemnation. And today we could say, beware of all those YouTubers and all of these false prophets that are preaching lies. If it's not according to the Word of God, it's lies. If they're speaking according to the Word of God, that is good. And sooner or later we're going to be together in the truth, because the truth is only one. But there's a lot of religion and there's a lot of preachers out there. But Jesus said that the scribes were going to receive a greater condemnation because they should have known better, but they didn't know the foundational things. Now they have to be revealed. But it was there, they know, let's go to Genesis 1, Genesis 1.26, we know that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two beings, we know that. We can see it right here in Genesis 1, verse 26, and we can see it all over the Old Testament. And they could see it better than anyone because they actually spoke the language, they actually spoke Hebrew. And they know and understand that the majority of the times when it says God, as we read it in English, when it says God, it's Elohim, and that's a plural word. In Genesis 1.26 it says, and God said, let us, it's plural, let us make man in our image and after our likeness, all of these are plural words, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of heaven, over the livestock and over the earth, and over every creeping thing that crawls upon the earth. We know that there is God the Father and there is Jesus Christ. We know the Father and the Son, and we know the Son is seated at the right hand of the Father right now. We know that. Those are facts. And that they're not a mystery, a trinity, a three-in-one, like, and they're not just one like the Jews say, no, they're two. And it's so important that we meditate on that. How important and how valuable and how amazing it is that we know that. We know that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, and He was God, and He was with God, as it says in John 1.1, and He gave His life, His eternal life for us, and that He was dead. But the Father resurrected Him. This is so important. Let's go to Genesis 11. Here's another example. Another example of this, of the plurality that it says in, and these are just a couple of examples that we can see in the English. But like I said, this in the Hebrew is all over the place. If you have the faithful version online, you can double tap and you can see the translation, you can see the Hebrew words, and you can see that when it says God, the majority of those times is Elohim, and Elohim is plural. And every Jew that speaks the Hebrew language knows and understands that it's plural. And then they know and understand that it does say, the Lord said to my Lord. But they couldn't answer Him, the Pharisees and the scribes, the ones that were supposed to be teaching the people, they didn't understand that. They didn't want to admit it probably. I don't know how much they understood it. We don't know. But in Genesis 11, in verse 6, and this is in the Tower of Babel, it says, And the Lord said, when they started building the tower, Behold, the people are one, and they all have one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. Now nothing which they have imagined to do will be restrained from them. And we're kind of coming to that time now, with artificial intelligence and robotics and the merging of these two and everything that's going on. But it says in verse 7, Come, let us go down and confuse their language, so that they cannot understand one another's speech. What is he saying? He's saying it's us. This is plural. And God is Elohim. There's not one only. There's God the Father and Jesus Christ. And this is the very first aspect of this covenant. They have a covenant, but we have to first understand that there are two beings in the Godhead. And this is amazing when we think about it, of everything, just that alone, that we can have a relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ, because He gave His life. And as we prepare for Passover and understand to renew this covenant, we have to understand a second aspect of this, of the secret of the Lord, of this covenant that God is showing us. Because it says, the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant. First aspect, God the Father and Jesus Christ are two beings. Second aspect, they have a covenant between them that they are keeping. They have a covenant. They agree upon this. And this was a long, long time ago. Let's go to Revelation 13. Revelation 13. We're going to see this. This chapter is talking about the beast. It's talking about the beast, and that's the context of the scripture that we're going to read here in verse 8. But this is to illustrate that God the Father and Jesus Christ have a covenant between them, that they are keeping them. And this covenant is very, very old. In verse 8 it says, talking about the beast, and all who dwell on the earth will worship Him, the beast, whose names had not been written in the book of life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. This was determined from the foundation of the world. So this is a plan that was already established. But if He was going to be slain as He was planned before the foundation of the world, in the foundation of the world, from the foundation of the world, they had the plan. He was going to be resurrected. He was going to be made the firstborn. And obviously we know this in retrospect. But there was one prophecy, let's go back to the beginning again. We're going to Genesis again, where it's that prophecy in Genesis 3 and verse 14. Genesis 3 and verse 14. So it was planned from the foundation of the world. But then in here, right at the beginning, right in the Garden of Eden, it says, And the Lord God said to the serpent, this is after the serpent deceived Adam and Eve, as we know, because you have done this, because you have deceived Adam and Eve, it says, You are cursed above all livestock and above every animal of the field. You shall go upon your belly and you shall eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and her seed. Her seed is capitalized because we know that the Savior was going to be born of a woman. He said, He will bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. And we know what that means. We know. The bruising of the head of Satan is putting him down and locking him up and the blackest darkness is resurfacing. But we also know that it says that you shall bruise his heel. And that happened at the crucifixion. So this was planned from the foundation of the earth. And it is something amazing when we think about it, to think about that God the Father and Jesus Christ have a covenant between them that they are keeping. Let's go to Luke 1. Luke 1 in verse 68. Because this is part of that covenant that they will show us and that they are showing us. So every time we are understanding a little bit more about that covenant, every time we are understanding more about God the Father and Jesus Christ and about our relationship to both of them, and the full meaning of not only the plan of salvation for all mankind, but for us individually and in that secret, in that intimacy, in that consultation, in that assembly, in that council, in that company of persons, this is something very personal because we also take part of this covenant. We are going to see that later on. But in Luke 1 verse 68, Luke 1, and we know that there are several covenants in the Bible, many covenants that God has made with different people throughout history. We know he made a covenant with Abraham, he made a covenant even before that with Noah, he made different covenants with different people. But we are going to see that this covenant that he is talking about in Psalm 25 is THE covenant. THE covenant. Luke 1 in verse 68. It says, Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and has worked redemption for his people, and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David. So here is the answer, it's salvation. It says, Exactly as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets since the world began. Did you catch that? Since the world began. He spoke that. It's a salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all those who hate us. And Satan is the one that hates us most. But it's salvation from our enemies, salvation from the accuser, from the hand of all those who hate us. To fulfill the promise of mercy made to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant. There's a holy covenant that at the beginning of the world, God knew that we were going to be susceptible to sin. And that there was a possibility, and that if that was the case, that Jesus Christ was going to give his life. One of them was going to have to die. And the other one was going to resurrect him. And that's exactly what happened. This is, this is since the world began. And this is to fulfill that promise of mercy to remember his holy covenant. The oath that he swore to Abraham, our father, to grant us that being saved from the hand of our enemies, we might serve him without fear. Without fear. And he's not, and the secret of the Lord is with those who fear him. With those who respect him. With those who honor him. With those who acknowledge him. And come close to him, draw close to him, to know him, to understand him. The closer we get to God, the more majestic everything becomes. That we get to know about him. And then it says that we might serve him without fear, walking in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our lives. That he remember his holy covenant. And we will see, because he had made other covenants with Noah and with others before he made that covenant with Abraham. Now he remembered that covenant with Abraham, but there were other covenants. But they have a covenant between them. Let's go to Hebrews, Hebrews 7. And this is something that is so important that we understand and that we meditate on as we approach Passover. Because it is so critical to understand that, because that will give us a different perspective on how we view, not only the Passover, but our own relationship with God the Father and with Jesus Christ. And we understand the magnitude in a greater light, a greater degree, than before. Hebrews 7 and verse 21. The everlasting covenant. Hebrews 7, 21. And he's talking about Jesus. Paul is talking about Jesus. He said, "...but he was made a priest, with the swearing of a note, by him who says concerning him, The Lord swore, and will not revoke his word, You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek." And when Melchizedek came with Abraham, he was with him. He broke the bread and water and ate with him, which is basically the Passover. It was the bread and the wine. But he was made a priest with that swearing of that oath. He says, "...the Lord swore, and will not revoke his word, You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek." He doesn't tell us when this happened. But he says in verse 22, "...by such a greater measure than Jesus was made the guarantor of a superior covenant." The guarantor of a superior covenant to access to God the Father Himself. To access to both of them. To access to God the Father through the blood of Jesus Christ. And that is important for us to understand. Now he's explaining in here the duty of the priests, the early Levites, the early priests in Israel, that they have a covenant that they are keeping. Because then he explains in verse 23, "...now in the one case there were many priests, because they were not able to continue to serve by reason of death." Meaning, well, they were all physical, and they all died. But in the other case, because he is living forever, speaking about Jesus, his priesthood never changes. Never changes. But he was a priest, according to the order of Melchizedek. He was Melchizedek himself. And we know that, because it says, "...without father, without mother, without genealogy." The beginning of days, nor end of days. We know that. And that is an amazing thing, that they have this covenant. Let's go to Hebrews 13. You're still in Hebrews. But let's go to chapter 13. Because this is part of that secret of the Lord, and that covenant that he will show to those who fear him. That covenant that they have from the very beginning, from the foundation of the world. Hebrews 13, in verse 20. Where Paul says, "...and may the God of peace, who raised our Lord Jesus from among the dead..." And here, it really comes out. Who is the God of peace? It's God the Father. Because he raised our Lord Jesus from among the dead. And then he's clarifying who Jesus is. That great shepherd of the sheep. That's him. "...through the blood of the everlasting covenant." He is the blood of the everlasting covenant. The covenant is forever. But that covenant that he would die for humanity, is what we become part of, but it started with them. And it's amazing to understand, like I mentioned before, that it's both of them, but also, they have that covenant that they are keeping. That's the second point. And it's amazing, amazing to understand that, that this is the everlasting covenant. And this is the desire of Paul, that the God of peace, the God of peace, and then he explains who is the God of peace, who is the shepherd, and through what, which is the blood of the everlasting covenant, may the God of peace perfect you, verse 21, perfect you in every good work, in order that you may do his will, accomplishing in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory unto the ages of eternity. Amen. And this is amazing when we think about it, that the great shepherd of the sheep, through his own blood, of the everlasting covenant, he's not referring to only the covenant with Abraham, or with Noah, right? Because the rainbow is a sign of the covenant that he made with Noah, and he made a covenant with Abraham, and he made a covenant with Israel. He made many covenants, but which is the everlasting covenant, the only one for eternal salvation, through the blood of God himself, because he was God, the Son of God, the Son of Man. And this is an amazing thing as we're preparing for Passover, to think about this is an everlasting covenant, that's what we are coming into. And now we're going to see the aspects of this covenant, because now we've talked about the parties of this covenant, we talked about God the Father and Jesus Christ, we talked about the fact that there's a covenant that they are keeping, but what does this covenant involve? This covenant involves three major things, and the first one is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the salvation of those who are God's, and we know that this sacrifice was determined before the foundation of the earth, we read that, but we're going to read a couple other scriptures on this point, that this covenant involved the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the salvation of those who are God's. Let's go to 1 Peter 1 and verse 18, 1 Peter 1, 18. So amazing when we think about the magnitude that is an everlasting covenant between God the Father and Jesus Christ, and even just the fact alone that we know them. Because what happens? Mainstream Christianity believes in only one, it's a trinity, it's three in one, it's a mystery, and they profess Jesus but they don't talk about God the Father because they don't know him. But they don't know Jesus either because he was the God of the Old Testament whom the majority of mainstream Christianity sets aside. So they don't know who they're worshiping, or what they're worshiping. And it's not to put them down, it's just for us to realize how blessed we are, not for anything that we have done, but how blessed we are to know God the Father and Jesus Christ and the access that we have to the Father through our Lord Jesus, and more than that, a lot more than that, not only that access but that grace and the covenant that we have made with them. We're going to get to that. But first, it's the covenant between them that involves this sacrifice. The first part of this covenant is that Jesus Christ was going to die to save all those who are God's. And in 1 Peter 1 and verse 18 it says, Knowing that you were not redeemed by corruptible things, by silver or gold, from your futile way of living, inherited by tradition from your forefathers, but by the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, who truly was foreknown before the foundation of the world. In the other one it says, from the foundation of the world, and this one says even before the foundation of the world, he was foreknown, but was manifested in these last times for your sakes. And then it says even for you, who through him do believe in God, in God the Father, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope might be in God. Because if he did that, if he came through with the promise, if he came through with the plan, if every prophecy about Jesus Christ was fulfilled, of those prophecies that were to be fulfilled in his first coming, obviously there's more that are going to happen yet. But if every one of those promises, and they were, and there were over 300 of them, then our faith and our hope is in God the Father, and is the most incredible thing, is the most incredible gift that we could have ever received, this access to God the Father. And it's amazing to think about that, and to think that it's like, yeah, mainstream Christianity doesn't know God, they don't know the Father, they reject the Father and the Jesus that they serve is a false Jesus. And Judaism is on the other side, they say that they know the Father, and they know God, the one true God, but that was Jesus also, and they rejected him. And they rejected the Father, because Jesus Christ very clearly said, the one who rejects me rejects the Father who sent me too. So he's not the God of the Jews, yes it is the God of Israel, but in truth and in spirit, and he's still working with Israel primarily, that's how the gospel is being preached to all the world, primarily through the descendants, the modern descendants of the children of Israel. But it's an amazing thing that it says that he was foreknown before the foundation of the world. So the first part of this covenant is that one of them was going to die, it was Jesus Christ. Matthew 26, Matthew 26 and verse 26. Because there's so much here, and this is the ceremony of the Passover, and this is, now this is happening, what was determined before the foundation of the world, when he was foreknown, when he was slain from the foundation of the world, this is now taking place, Matthew 26, 26. And as they were eating, Jesus took the bread and blessed it, then he broke it and gave it to his disciples and said, take, eat, this is my body. This is, can you imagine what was going through his mind? Like he knew how long this has been in the plan, how long this has been in the making, and then his entire life up to that point, and then his entire ministry up to that point, we was about to conclude. Can you imagine when he was saying these words, when he said, take, eat, this is my body, I'm giving my life for you, and he hadn't given it yet. And then it hit him when he was praying, right, up in the mountain, and there's like drops of blood. But it's an amazing thing, take, eat, this is my body, and he took the cup, and after giving thanks, he gave it to them saying, all of you drink of it, for this is my blood, the blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many, for the remission of sins. But this is one of the parts, one of those parts of that covenant between God the Father and Jesus Christ. That everlasting covenant, this is the new one, there was an old one, but this is a central part of that plan, of that covenant between them, that one of them was going to give his life, and the other one was going to resurrect him. And he said, this is my body, all you drink of, for this is my blood, the blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many, for the remission of sins. But I say to you, from this time forward, I will not drink at all of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew with you in the kingdom of my Father. Because he knew that was also part of the plan. We're going to read a little bit about that later. Let's go to Hebrews 12, Hebrews 12, because we're in this part, we already talked about that covenant, we already talked about God as the Father and Jesus Christ are two beings. Now, we already read about, they have a covenant between them that they are keeping, because the plan of God has not been finished yet, and this covenant now involves, the first part is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the salvation of those who are God's. Hebrews 12, and verse 22, but you have come to Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the joyous festival gathering, and to the church of the firstborn, because Jesus is the firstborn, we are his church, registered in the book of life in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the just, who have been perfected. So that's where we are coming to. We are coming to the joyous festival gathering. It's going to be an amazing thing, and it says, and to Jesus, we're coming to Jesus himself, the mediator of the new covenant, and to the sprinkling of the blood of ratification, proclaiming superior things, and that of evil, it's the sprinkling of that blood, and that blood ratified what they had agreed from the beginning. That is what God did. That's what God the Father and Jesus Christ agreed from the beginning. That's what the Lord said to my Lord. That's what happened, and it's an amazing thing, and that's who we're coming to. We're coming to the Passover, and we're coming to that blood of Jesus Christ. God is inviting us into this covenant. We're going to talk about that later, because this is part of this whole thing, but the first point is that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the first aspect. It had to happen. He had to die. The second part, let's move on to the second part of this covenant, of these three major parts. Obviously, there's a lot more to this, but the second part that I want to talk about tonight is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead as the promise of eternal life. That's part of the covenant. So it's not only that one of them was going to die, but that the other one was going to resurrect him, and that resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead as promise of eternal life, as an example, as an initiation, if you will, of the birth of the children of God the Father. Let's go to Psalm 16, Psalm 16, to read a prophecy here about Jesus. Psalm 16, and this is not only a psalm of David, this is a secret treasure of David. Secret. That's what we talked about, right? The secret of the Lord is with those who fear him. He will show them his covenant, his covenant, that everlasting covenant that we read about. And that blood of ratification is ratifying that that plan is going to get carried on, that this is going to take place. And the first thing that had to happen was Jesus, for him to die and give his life for us without having sinned at all, and being the perfect example in his life. And now, the second aspect is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead as the promise of eternal life. And here, in Psalm 16, in verse 7, it says, I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel. This is the secret treasure of David, remember? The Lord has given him counsel. My heart also instructs me in the night, and to me, it almost sounds like he instructs my heart in the night, because he wasn't trusting in himself, but God also instructs his heart in the night. And it says, I have set the Lord always before me, because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. He knew who his God was. And then he prophesied, therefore my heart is glad, a prophecy about Jesus, my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices. My flesh shall also rest in safety, for you will not abandon my soul to the grave. Why? Because they had this covenant from the beginning. It's an amazing thing that they have this covenant. They had agreed on what was going to happen, and hundreds of years, many hundreds of years before Jesus Christ even came on the earth, he said, for you will not abandon my soul to the grave, neither will you allow your Holy One to see corruption. That's exactly what happened. Not the Father, after three days and three nights, came and resurrected, he resurrected Jesus Christ. It says, you will make known to me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. And that is the amazing thing. That is that secret of the Lord, when he's showing his covenant, that he reveals it through these prophecies about himself. And now, more than 2,000 years after that, now we know it happened. It's true. And God, the Father, kept his promise. He held his end of the bargain. He resurrected Jesus from the dead, and he made him sit at his right hand, and he gave him a name above all names, and there's so much more that we can say. But let's go to Acts 2, verse 29. The apostles understood this, and they preached this, and they were teaching the people. Really the things that, where we started, right, with the Pharisees, were like, how is David his son, if he said, the Lord said to my Lord? Well, Acts 2, verse 29, and here, Peter is like, Men and brethren, let me speak to you freely concerning the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. Therefore, being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn to him in an oath, that from the fruit of his loins, as concerning the flesh, he would raise up the Christ to sit upon his throne. He foresaw this, and spoke concerning the resurrection of Christ. And we just read about that. That his soul was not left in the grave, Psalm 16, nor did his flesh see corruption. So he's testifying. It's not only that he was prophesied. It's not only that it happened, because it's in the Gospels. It's that we understand it. And he explained it, and he inspired Peter to say these words, and to say this. And it's amazing. It says that his flesh, nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus, God raised up, God the Father, whereof we are all witnesses. Therefore, having been exalted by the right hand of God, and having received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, he has poured out this that you are now seeing and hearing. Pouring what? His Holy Spirit to people, that it would be in them. It had never been before this, not in this massive scale. A few select individuals did have it. David had it. He has God not to take it away from him. But it says this is what happened. And then he explains, verse 34, for David has not ascended into the heavens, but he himself said, The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand, until I have made your enemies a footstool for your feet. And he's basically saying, okay, now we've read in Psalms the prophecy. We know in the Gospels, we didn't read it today, but we know in the Gospels that this took place. And now we see that the apostles were inspired to speak about that, and who it was, and why it happened. And it all has to do with this covenant, this second aspect, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead as promise of eternal life. It says, therefore, let all the house of Israel know, the ones that didn't know, those Pharisees and scribes, let them know with all full assurance that God has made the same Jesus whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ. He was that Lord? The Lord said to my Lord? And He is the Messiah, because that's what Christ means in the Hebrew for them. Lord and Christ, God and Savior, with full assurance. And this is something amazing. Let's go to Psalm 110 and read that, because that's where it is. Psalm 110, it's amazing when we think about that covenant and the fulfillment of that covenant and everything that it implies between God the Father and Jesus Christ, and not only the death of Jesus Christ, not only His life, His example, His death, but the resurrection from the dead and what He is now. Psalm 110, verse 1, the Lord said unto my Lord, and it should be Jehovah or Yahweh twice, not Adonai, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies as your footstool. And then again, let's read verse 4, which is what we read about in Hebrews. The Lord has sworn and will not repent. When did He swear that? He doesn't tell us, but there's indications and there's things that talk about the everlasting covenant, because He was slain before the foundation of the world. And then it says here, the Lord has sworn and will not repent. You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. That is the promise. That is part of the promise. And the third aspect of this covenant that we're going to study tonight, the third aspect is that the promise that Jesus Christ would reign on the earth is King of kings and Lord of lords. So these are three main aspects of the covenant. He would die, He would be resurrected, be raised as the firstborn Son of God, sit at His right hand, and then now that promise that Jesus Christ would reign on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. Let's go to Psalm 2. Psalm 2. Because this is what's happening right now. But this is also talking about that covenant. It says, why do the nations rage? And the people plot in vain? That's what's happening right now. That's the World Economic Forum. That's all the elites. That's what they're doing. They're raging. The people are plotting in vain. They're talking about artificial intelligence and robotics and transhumanism and post-humanism and all this stuff. But what is it? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together. That's what they were doing in Davos. Against the Lord and against His Christ. Who needs them? We can do whatever we want. We can achieve immortality by ourselves. We have robots. We have technology. We have everything. And yes, we are coming to that point as we read in Genesis. Nothing will be withheld from humanity. But they take counsel against God and against His Christ, saying, let us break their bands of thunder and cast away their cords from us. Who needs them? Who needs religion? Who needs God? He who sits in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. He scoffs at them because it's nonsense. It's nonsense. It's nonsense. That we're going to cast away the cords of the One who made us in His very own image of God the Father and Jesus Christ because He said, let us cast away their bands and their cords and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away and cast them away you are my son this day I have begotten you ask of me and I shall give the nations for your inheritance and it will happen and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession you shall break them with a rod of iron you shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel that is prophesied and that has not happened yet it says now therefore be wise, O kings be admonished, O judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear where we began the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him and He will show them His covenant and rejoice we're trembling because it's an amazing and powerful thing that we're about to witness if we're still here at the return of Christ it says kiss the Son lest He be angry and you perish in the way and He's gonna be angry we know we can read in Revelation about the cups of the wrath of God it says for His wrath can flame up in a moment blessed are all who take refuge in Him who come to Him who are not thinking about casting away their cords from them that's what God wants these are the promises let's go to Hebrews 1 Hebrews 1 and verse 8 more of these promises of these promises that Jesus Christ will reign on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords it says but on the other hand of the Son He says your throne of God is into the ages of eternity a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom you loved righteousness and hated lawlessness because of this God even your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your companions and we know that's talking about Christ and you it says you Lord in the beginning did lay the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands they will perish but you will remain forever and they will grow all like a garment and you will roll them up like a covering and we know because it says in 1 Peter that everything is going to be burned away it says it will roll I think it's 2 Peter but it says and they will grow all like a garment you will roll them up like a covering they shall be changed but you are the same and your years will not end and this is a promise let's go to Daniel 2 where the promise is established clearly very clearly in Daniel 2 this is in the dream and interpretation Nebuchadnezzar's dream after he describes who is the head of gold the chest and arms of silver the bronze, the legs and all of that verse 44 in the days of these kings all these kingdoms that have happened all these empires throughout human history the God of heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people it shall take in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever and that's how we know it hasn't happened yet it hasn't happened yet but it will happen let's go to Psalm 45 which is really what we were reading already in Hebrews it's really quoting from there but let's go direct to that to see a little bit more about this promise this prophecy of the one who is to come Psalm 45 verse 1 and it's a song of love my heart overflows with a goodly matter I speak of my words to the king my tongue is the pen of a ready writer it's talking about Jesus Christ think about it, you are more excellent than the children of man grace is poured upon your lips therefore God has blessed you forever so he's a gracious God a loving God and then it says gird your sword upon your thigh almighty one he's powerful too with your glory and with your majesty and write victoriously in your majesty in behalf of truth and meekness and righteousness and let your right hand teach you awesome things your arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies where by the people fall under you and if we think about it these are all prophecies this is all talking about Jesus Christ and that promise that he would come and reign that he will come and reign because this has not yet happened but it says your throne oh God is forever and ever a scepter of justice is the scepter of your kingdom and obviously this encompasses the whole character of God so how amazing is this aspect of the covenant that God the father promised that Jesus will reign on the earth and he inspired it to be written from the old testament and he says your throne is forever and ever a scepter of justice is the scepter of your kingdom you love righteousness and hate wickedness therefore God, your God God the father to Jesus Christ has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows we read that Paul understood that and he wrote it in Hebrews that is what happened that is the reality that this is going to happen because of that covenant because of that secret of the Lord that he will show us his covenant he will show us his covenant and this third aspect of the covenant that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us that he will show us through his son and on his garment and on his tie he has a name written king of kings and lord of lords and that is the third aspect of this covenant and another time, next time we'll talk about the rest of the story we'll talk about what is this we talked about the covenant this secret of the Lord and this covenant that they are showing us but the next time we're going to talk about what they want what they want for us and how they invite us into this covenant that was established before the foundation of the earth of this agreement between God the Father and Jesus Christ and today we have seen that we have seen how God the Father and Jesus Christ are two beings in the Godhead that they have a covenant between them and it's not done yet and we have seen these three main aspects of the covenant we have seen the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the salvation of everybody who repents and comes to God the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead as the promise of eternal life for all who believe in him and the promise that Christ will come and he will reign on the earth as king of kings and lord of lords so this is God showing us his covenant

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