Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
work for these very pharmaceutical companies. Two of these regulators resigned over the one-time approval of these vaccines for young patients who do not benefit from them. It is time for our representatives to repeal or review the PDUFA Act of 1992. This act allows regulators to defray the costs of regulation by accepting payments directly from the companies they represent. Over half the FDA's budget is sourced through this act. They cannot be voted into office, they cannot be voted out, but they can approve dangerous, library-free, mandated vaccines. These policies have harmed the public, torn our country apart, as immune nurses are forced to choose between their jobs and useless and even dangerous vaccines. DNA contamination is not part of any informed consent process, and many universities still mandate these shots based on the guidance and approval of regulators who have become nothing less than a marketing division of the companies they regulate. Thank you for the time. So, Mr. McKernan, in layman's terms, what is the danger of this DNA contamination? I know fact-checkers said it can't get into the cell, can't get into the nucleus. Address that, of course, if you would. So, yes, the fact-checkers have been continually wrong throughout the last year this has gone on. They initially claimed this could not get into the cells. First, they claimed it wasn't there. Now, the FDA and the regulators have admitted it's, in fact, there. Then they claimed it wouldn't get into the cells. We've now shown that, in fact, that is the case, as expected. Anything that's inside of a lipid nanoparticle one would expect to get into a cell. Now that we're starting to see early signs of DNA integration, you know, the DNA alone may not be the cause of cancer. I think it may be a contributor. Usually, cancer requires a multiple-hit hypothesis. You need to have weakened immune systems like lymphocytopenia, which these shots do deliver. You might need some suppression from p53 or BRCA1, which there are publications showing that the spike protein suppresses those genes. If you added an increased mutagenesis rate, well, all three of those things can create a perfect storm that may be driving the cancer that we're currently seeing. The FDA does allow a certain level, certain percentage of DNA in normal vaccines. This is a different type of DNA, though, correct? That is. That's a very good point. I'm glad you brought that up. So, those regulations were written when vaccines were grown in eggs and in other cell cultures, where the contaminating DNA was genomic DNA of the cell line that was present in the vector of the host. This is very high copy number DNA of a gene therapy vector, which has these nuclear targeting sequences and has DNA in it that replicates inside of a million cells. So, when it gets into the cell, it can make more of itself. That's a very different contamination than what they considered when they wrote those 10-nanogram regulations. They also wrote those 10-nanogram regulations under the pretense of a 10-minute half-life of naked DNA in the blood, and we now have that DNA protected in lipid nanoparticles. And, of course, they have raised those guidelines over the last decade a thousand fold. So, we've really come to, I think, the end of the road of how much DNA we can tolerate, considering the tools we have to monitor and measure this have never been faster, better, or cheaper. You mentioned the term half-life, but one thing I don't think we've brought up yet is how long this mRNA is lasting in the body. Again, we were told and we assumed this is going to stay in the arm and be dissolved because mRNA is just so delicate that it was going to be, you know, not present in the body past a couple days, but now we have studies that it's been in the body for at least two months and we haven't studied beyond that, correct? Can you just address that and does that have a component in this DNA contamination? It does. So, many of the studies that are looking at this, I'll name a few. Krausen et al. looked at this in the heart and found it 30 days out in the heart. Hannah et al. found this in breast milk. I think they went out a week on that study. Castro Udoz looked at this in plasma. It was out 28 days and I think outside of that, we're recently seeing it in pregnant women inside of placenta, which is a real serious concern. Many of those studies do not differentiate between RNA or DNA, so it could be a combination of both of these things that are contributing to that signal. But DNA is certainly more stable than RNA. They have made modifications to this RNA that makes it last longer, but I think the verdict is still out as to which one has more longevity. Again, thank you, Mr. McKernan. Our next... I'll tell you why we're going to pause right there because we're just seconds from the break. We just heard from Kevin McKernan from the former team leader with the Human Genome Project. The Genome Project, of course, and then mapping out... He talked about this being a different type of DNA and its impact upon cancers here as well. We have seen stories about the rash of cancer diagnoses that have come out since the COVID shot. Also, how this is staying in the body, finding the mRNA in the breast milk of women who have been vaccinated as well as in their placenta. So a warning there. Of course, this is information that is not being given out by the legacy media today or by various health organizations. Let's take a quick break. We'll come back and Ron Johnson will be introducing the next guest, Dr. David Gortler. Back in one minute, you're listening to Crosstalk on the VCY American Network. Back to Genesis with Dr. John Morris, scientist with the Institute for Creation Research. Dr. Morris, how fast do stars change from one type of star into another? Chris, evolutionists are fond of saying that changes in stars take millions of years to occur, but it's important to remember that they've never seen stars do anything for millions of years. And yet sometimes we do see stars undergo dramatic change quickly. Recently, a star was observed to change in only a few years from a white dwarf star about the size of the Earth to a giant star 80 times wider than the sun, an increase in volume of over 500 million. Evolutionists used to insist that such changes took long periods, but when we see it happen, we see it happen rapidly. Evidently, the biblical doctrine of recent creation of all things is accurate. Back to Genesis, that's the view that fits the facts. For more on Genesis, visit our website at This is Chris O'Brien. Thanks for going Back to Genesis. This is Chris O'Brien coming your way from VCY America, and today we're airing from a roundtable that was happening last Monday, the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be doing this in a three-part series, so we still will not get all of the audio in. Certainly, we'll be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be doing this in a three-part series, so we still will not get all of the audio in. Certainly, we'll be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be doing this in a three-part series, so we still will not get all of the audio in. Certainly, we'll be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding today? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We are going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. 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We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Today is part two. We're going to be representative of the types of information that has been shared by the federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Thank you, Senator. I'm talking today about what I consider the crushingly obsessive push to COVID vaccinate every living person on the planet. So we all know, circumstantially at least, that the virus that leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in fall 2019, the initial cases paralleled the Wuhan subway line 2, which passes by the WIV. The virus contains a unique 19 nucleotide genetic sequence that also exists in Moderna patents from 2017 and various other biological and spy intelligence information evidence that overwhelmingly implicates the WIV as the source of the leak. So this virus, the COVID-19 pandemic virus exists because it was bioengineered. WIV scientists used Ralph Baric's genetic manipulation... We're going to pause right there. He said that it was bioengineered, and we're just up against a break, and I want to continue with this thought right afterwards. You're listening to Crosstalk on BCY America as we are airing excerpts from the federal, well, it was a roundtable discussion, federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? We're going to continue hearing from Dr. Harvey Risch right after the break. You're listening to Crosstalk on the BCY American network. Year after year, generation after generation, we as Americans enjoy the right and opportunity to let our voices be heard through the election of our governing officials. With over 200 years of peaceful transition from one elected body to another, the stability of America's republic stands alone among nations. Our founders pledged their life, their fortune, and their sacred honor in the establishment of this nation. Our country's founding documents have guided this nation and are the substance by which today's laws are judged. Do you own a copy of the Constitution? Documents of Freedom is a pocket-sized booklet containing the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and all other amendments passed. The booklet also features the Declaration of Independence and Washington's farewell. Documents of Freedom is available for a donation of $5 or more to BCY America and can be made by calling 1-800-729-9829. That's 1-800-729-9829. This is Crosstalk coming your way from the BCY American network and airing from a roundtable that was held last week Monday. Federal health agencies and the COVID cartel, what are they hiding? Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin hosted this at the United States Capitol and I've heard from a couple individuals today. We're going back to Dr. Harvey Rush, but also in this segment, we're going to be hearing from Barbara Lowe Fisher, who's been a guest multiple times here on Crosstalk programs. Some of you listening right now say, why does all of this matter? Why is this important? Well, friends, because the actions that were taken during the COVID outbreak are measures like we've never seen before in our country. The heavy-handed control to force individuals to stay in their home or to stand inside a circle six feet from other individuals. The classification of which businesses were essential, which ones were not. I mean, we even had states that were indicating which aisles in the store were essential aisles and which aisles had to be blocked off. Seriously, folks, in some stores you were not able to go down certain aisles because in that aisle were not products that were considered to be, quote, essential. Now, keep in mind also that there is planning and preparations that are going on right now for what's being called Disease X. We're told it's not a matter of if, but when. We're also told Disease X could be 20 times deadlier than COVID. So what lengths will they go to in order to, quote, protect us from this Disease X? And friends, also keep in mind that the World Health Organization right now, in cooperation with nations from around the world, have been drafting the international health regulations to culminate at the 77th World Health Assembly, May 27th through June 1st of this year. Looking for countries around the world to sign on that will give the World Health Organization designees ultimate power and control over your health and your health care decisions. That's why we're airing this here today, to open the eyes of the American public up. Legacy Media is not doing it, folks. Big Pharma does not want you to hear this information. Ron Johnson has many times asked the heads of Moderna and Pfizer to come and speak at these roundtables and discussion sessions that he's had. They never take him up on it. I wonder why. So we're going to continue right now with the audio. This is Dr. Harvey Rich, and also we'll be introduced to Barbara Lowe Fisher, this segment, as well. Let's continue on. This virus, the COVID-19 pandemic virus, exists because it was bioengineered. The WID scientists used Ralph Baric's genetic manipulation techniques technology at their insecure BSL-2 lab. So this was reckless work at the WID that was funded by NIH through the DASHAC EcoHealth Alliance money laundry, as well as by large DOG and USAID grants. Now, this work and the WID leak was what I consider to be the fruit of our bioweapons industry that has been performing secretive and nefarious biological weapons development for the last 70 years. The recognition of the possible accidental or intentional unleashing of an infectious agent capable of killing large numbers of humanity led to the Bioweapons Treaty of 1975 that President Ford signed. The treaty prohibits the development of offensive bioweapons. However, the one loophole in the treaty is that small quantities of offensive bioweapons are allowed to be developed in order to do research on vaccine countermeasures. Now, this loophole was then exploited by our bioweapons industry for the last 50 years. The Bioweapons Treaty limited offensive bioweapons to agents that would address vaccine development, so-called dual-use agents or dual-use research. And this was the premise and motivation of the various virology grant applications like Diffuse and so on submitted to DOD and NIH funders. This was the permitted rationale for the development of offensive bioweapons in that it would lead to work on vaccine countermeasures. Now, fast forward to 2019. Many billions of dollars spent on the bioweapons industry over the past decades for all this work on offensive bioweapons. Where are the successful commercial vaccines to show for it? So there have been lots of vaccine research that's been carried out for known harmful organisms, but minimally, if at all, for these gain-of-function bioweapons agents. And for COVID, it took a year of shoddy research to produce and test the first batch of commercial vaccines for SARS-CoV-2. And how is a year delay even remotely acceptable for a military defense against a bioweapon that spreads across populations in weeks? A year to develop a vaccine for pandemics that occur in waves in weeks. And these vaccines are supposed to be deployed before a pandemic occurs, not in the middle of one. So my hypothesis, what I believe, is that both the virus origin cover-up and the forced vaccination of the entire planet were orchestrated to protect the integrity of the bioweapons industry. Once the general public understood the reckless and cavalier behavior of this industry, that it operated under a false and misrepresented pretense of vaccine development that has never been commercially realized, it would then clamor to shut down the industry. And so the suppression of knowledge of the industry's reckless involvement in the Wuhan leak is an obvious cover-up. We have proof of that cover-up from the FOIA documents involving Fauci, Collins, Jeremy Ferrara, and others. And my conclusion, then, is the reason why the whole population had to be vaccinated is to show that the bioweapons industry supposedly did have a rationale of vaccine development as part of its claimed dual-use research. The vaccines, then, are the evidence that the bioweapons industry was properly justified from the beginning. Without a successful vaccine to show for itself in the time of the pandemic crisis, especially one caused by a leak from a bioweapons industry source itself, it would be clear to everyone that the rationale for the industry's existence was a fraud in the first place. And so the COVID vaccines themselves supplied the defense against the charge that the bioweapons industry was not actually dual-use, but offensive only, violating the 1975 treaty. So the vaccines had to be dramatically pushed out to be the universal solution to show that the bioweapons industry was actually working for the public good. And in this context, it did not matter what collateral damage the vaccines caused. All there had to be was the public thinking, public thought of this theater, that the industry had been doing its work to produce usable vaccines, not offensive bioweapons. Thank you, Dr. Risch. So the rationale, of course, of the bioindustry there is that if others are developing bioweapons, don't we need countermeasures? In order to develop countermeasures, we need to create a limited quantity of bioweapons. Can you just address that justification? Well, this goes to my sarcastic comment about disproportionality. From a military perspective, if one is attacked by a bioweapons agent, then how would one have to respond with a bioweapons agent? One could respond with economic warfare, conventional weapons, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, if it was that bad, that we have at our disposal a whole range of responses. And to launch an untested bioweapon as a response, where we might not even be able to protect ourselves from blowback from that agent, to me is insane. There's no rational reason. There's a very interesting chart in Robert F. Kennedy's new book, The Wuhan Cover-Up. And we were all, and I've talked about Fauci's emails, where he funded Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance to the tune of about $15-16 million. What I did not realize is the Department of Defense funded EcoHealth Alliance to the tune of $42 million, and USAID, which RFK Jr. says is pretty much a CIA cutout, I don't dispute that, funded to the tune of $53.6 million. So it kind of confirms what you're talking about in terms of what the justification was. One of the countermeasures you did mention, but the way we met was in 2020, talking about early treatment. As long as, as an epidemiologist, can you talk about that fact? I mean, we relied everything on vaccines for the reasons you've assumed. What went along with that was the sabotage of early treatment. Well, during the time of the suppression of early treatment, hydroxychloroquine and later ivermectin, I thought it was to protect the marketplace for the vaccines, other medications, or the vaccines that would eventually come out. But now, given what I've said, I think the suppression was that if those medications solved the pandemic, then the vaccines wouldn't have been needed, and then the bioweapons treaty would come back in force, and there would be no rationale that the vaccines were the end product of the offensive bioweapons research. So they had to be suppressed for the same reason. So, again, you've come up with an assumption, based on the fact that so much has happened, hasn't made any sense whatsoever. And I've heard that time and time again from people fighting in the medical freedom movement. It's just like, this thing, none of this makes sense. So you have to start coming up with different theories. That is true. I mean, I haven't been inside the room of anywhere where they told me all of this, but there's very little that makes sense. And you have to think, if you were doing this work, and you know you're the CIA, or you're the WHO, or whoever has been pulling the puppet strings, that you're going to look really bad when stuff that you've done that is kind of nefarious, but you've gotten away with it, suddenly comes into public view. And now the public is saying, yeah, but we weren't supposed to be doing this in the first place. And look at the damage that this has caused, because you couldn't contain it. You promised you would contain it at the worst, and you didn't contain it. And you need to protect your billion dollars worth of grants and funding that you get every year as well. Okay, thanks, Dr. Risch. Our next participant is Ms. Barbara Lowe Fisher. She is co-founder and president of the charitable National Vaccine Information Center, established in 1982 by parents of vaccine-injured children. Ms. Fisher. Thank you, Senator. Thank you, Senator Johnson, for this opportunity to talk about how vaccine victims have been blamed, shamed, and betrayed over the years by doctors and scientists, paid by federal agencies and industries, and by some members of Congress, working especially since 2019 with political operatives and corporate media to silence anyone who criticizes vaccine science policy and law so the truth can be hidden and public conversations about vaccine risks and failures can be shut down. Today, everybody knows somebody who was healthy, got vaccinated, and was never healthy again. Of all developed nations in the world, America has the worst infant and maternal mortality rates and is home to the most highly vaccinated, but the sickest, and most disabled child and young adult populations. That inconvenient truth, that failing public health report card, bankrupting our nation, is central to what we are talking about here today. Demonization of and discrimination against those who decline to get a government-recommended vaccine or talk publicly about how they or a loved one were injured or died after vaccination has been going on since the 19th century. But what is happening in the 21st century, in the name of disease control, national security, and the greater good, is escalation of a historic denial of vaccine risks and failures that has become a dangerous assault on freedom of thought, speech, and conscience and poses a grave threat to the biological integrity and natural rights of the people. It has been 44 years since my 2-year-old son was brain injured by his fourth CPT shot and 42 years since I watched the Emmy-award-winning documentary, D.C.T. Vaccine Reluctant and then joined with other parents of protested vaccine-injured children to establish the charity known today as the National Vaccine Information Center at We're going to pause right there. We'll continue with Barbara Lowell Fisher's testimony right after the break. We'll get right into it. We'll try and get a maturity of what she had to say. This is Crosstalk on VCY America. For the Worldview Report, I'm Brandon House. Our website is A few weeks ago, Mark Stein was ordered to pay $1 million for questioning climate change advocates. My friends, this, of course, is leading us right down the path of the continuation of the death of free speech. This is a case that went on for years and years. No telling how much money was spent litigating this in the courts, only for Mark Stein and one other co-defendant to lose. All they did was question the research of a climate change proponent. And in doing so, he now is going to receive $1 million. Christians, conservatives, anyone that expresses something outside the norm of cultural Marxism, the globalist agenda, political correctness, is now at risk of being sued into oblivion. Of course, what this does is freeze free speech. Transition from the car to inside. And on behalf of their minor children, without being coerced or punished for the decision made. I worked with him in Congress to secure safety and informed consensus in the National Childhood Vaccine Interactive 1986. It was an historic law. The first official acknowledgment of the government. The best licensed and state-managed vaccines can and should be used against non-children. Oh, no. Sorry. I'm working with a radio here. Not the good reception, so bear with me. Again, I am from Philadelphia. This is a 99.5. Hold on. There we go. Reception's all good. Put the radio back on. Put it in. 899, going to 99.5. Bear with me. 99.2. Using a Sony CFD S350 compact disc radio to connect right now to the FM radio here in Philadelphia. We'll listen to 99.5, where they're talking about... And the U.S. Supreme Court, after that law was passed. Following that betrayal of trust, Congress directed federal agencies to support public-private business partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry, a business deal that has broken America's public health system. Legislation enacted in the 1990s and after September 11, 2001, laid the groundwork for the rise of a public health empire, which is funded and operated by government and the wealthiest and most politically powerful individuals, corporations, and public and private institutions in the world. Now, those operating that empire are threatening our legal rights in this constitutional republic to exercise freedom of thought, speech, and conscience. Past is prologue. The betrayal of the public trust during the COVID pandemic could never have happened if many of the leaders we elected had not long ago abandoned rational thinking and succumbed to fear-based propaganda tactics, requiring us to give up the natural right to autonomy for an illusion of safety. Thank you, Ms. Fisher. By the way, I became aware of you from that excellent documentary, which I would also recommend. What struck me about that documentary is, back then, in 82 through 86, you could talk about these things. You could advocate for your child who was vaccine-injured. You weren't ostracized. You were actually welcomed here in the Senate by people like Senator Hatch and Senator Kennedy. And you got this signed by Ronald Reagan on resistance. But can you just speak to what has changed in terms of the public attitude, where there was public pressure to pass the bill that you shepherded through Congress, to now where, again, I'm assuming you're not anti-vax. I mean, we all have to say that, but we're concerned about things. But just talk about the difference between then and now. Well, it's an entirely different situation today than it was back then. We had congressional hearings. We had dozens of congressional hearings in the House and the Senate on that 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Entry Act. And the media covered it. They covered all of the aspects of what was going on. You know, I sat for more than 20 years as a consumer member on the vaccine advisory committees at the FDA, the CDC, and the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. And this past summer, we have suffered such abuse and discrimination. You were welcomed in serving on those panels back then. Yes. Now the elite, you know, they are out to destroy you. Yes. I mean, on November 1st, 2023, I submitted this report on censorship to the U.S. Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. This report is anchored with over 400 live link references. It describes how officials at the highest levels of the Department of Health and Justice and Homeland Security and even 17 members of the U.S. House of Representatives asked PayPal to defund the National Vaccine Information Center. They worked with political operatives and corporate legacy and social media to silence my voice and other voices for talking online about vaccine reactions and the fact that people who get vaccinated can still get infected and transmit infection, which is true for the mRNA COVID vaccine. But it's also true for many of the 72 doses of 17 vaccines that the CDC now tells doctors to give to children starting on the first day of birth. And I believe because our organization, which really launched the vaccine safety and informed us that it was in America in 1982, we lobbied for 14 years to get a less toxic, acellular pertussis vaccine in here to replace wholesale pertussis vaccine in 1996. And we lobbied to get the live polio vaccine that can cause vaccine-strained polio paralysis replaced by an inactivated vaccine that does not. And we have gone into the state legislatures and we've worked through our portal to educate the states on protecting the flexible medical, religious, and conscience-based exemptions, which are integral to the true exercise of informed consent. And I think because of that, we have been ostracized. Our voice has been silenced. We were thrown off of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter in a space of seven months in 2021. And that was a censorship campaign that was condoned by the highest levels of government. And, you know, I never imagined when I began this work in 1982 that the day would come when I would not be able to exercise freedom of thought and conscience in the country I love. And I thank you for allowing me to exercise that right today. And it was not only condoned at the highest level of governments, it was orchestrated by the administration. It was orchestrated by. But thank you, Ms. Fisher. We're going to stop there, picking up with this roundtable discussion again. This was held last week, Monday, February 26th, 2024, at the U.S. Capitol, hosted by Senator Ron Johnson. The full four hours can be heard through Ron Johnson's website. But friends, keeping you informed, one more day coming up tomorrow here on Crosstalk. Thank you so much for joining us. You've been listening to Crosstalk via satellite and the Internet from VTY America. Views expressed may or may not be those of this station. For a CD of today's program, send a donation of six dollars or more to VTY Take Ministry, 3434 West Kilbourne Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53208. Or download by RSS or podcast from And join us again for Crosstalk. Thank you. With SRN News, I'm John Scott. Today is Super Tuesday, the biggest day on the presidential primary in caucus Canada. White House correspondent Greg Cluxton reports. Sixteen states and one territory are holding presidential voting contests, and over a third of all the available delegates for both the Republican and Democratic nominations are at stake. In the GOP race, Donald Trump has 244 delegates heading into Super Tuesday, while Nikki Haley has 43. For Democrats, President Biden is not facing any serious challengers in his bid for the party's nomination. Greg Cluxton, Washington. SRN News will provide special reports throughout the evening, and live, wall-to-wall election coverage and analysis will begin at 5 p.m. Eastern at Also at, authorities say a Texas fire chief, whose small town was among the hardest hit by historic blazes sweeping the Panhandle, died Tuesday while fighting a structure fire. The Hutchinson County Office of Emergency Management said in a statement that French fire chief Zeb Smith was the first at the scene of a fire and died from his injuries after being taken to a local hospital. The fire has burned over a million acres. Cattle ranchers are seeing tremendous losses. Later this week, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell will be speaking before Congress. His comments may sway expectations for when the Fed will start cutting interest rates. The latest monthly jobs update also arriving at the end of the week. Meanwhile, stocks are falling further from their records. All three major indexes now are down more than 1%. This is SRN News. Pro-life leaders are dismayed that abortion drugs will soon be sold at the nation's two largest pharmacy chains. National Right to Life President Carol Tobias is extremely disappointed that Mifepristone, known as the abortion pill, will be available by prescription at CVS and Walgreens stores later this month. She said the drug was developed to take the life of an unborn child and always has the potential to harm the mother. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this month regarding the FDA's decision to loosen regulations on Mifepristone. Bill Alexander, SRN News. The advisory panel recommends the Church of England should create a fund of one and a half quarter billion dollars to address its historic... Thank you.