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Nothing to say, yet
إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات عمالنا من يحني الله فلا مدلنه ومن يدلن فلا خدنه أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأدهنا شريكنا وأشهد أن محمداً أبده رسولنا ونحن نتحدث اليوم عن القوانين للطعام وفقًا للسنة من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الطعام يأتي بسرعة من أجلنا حتى أننا نعتقد دائمًا أنه سيكون بعيدًا جدًا في المستقبل عندما نبدأ رمضان ولكن سبحان الله الله سبحانه وتعالى يجعل هذا الشهر لنا يبدو قصيرًا عندما نصوم لأن هذا هو رحمة من الله سبحانه وتعالى لذلك لكي نشكر الله سبحانه وتعالى في الطريقة التي يجب علينا بها وفقًا لسنةه وقرآنه ونبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم أردت فقط أن أشارككم بعض هذه النقطة عن عيد كتابة لنفسي وأخواتكم لذلك دعونا نبدأ لا يوجد في المسلمين فترة أخرى من عيد الفطر وعيد الأطحى لأن الحديث الذي تحدث عنه أنس قال أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم جاء إلى مدينة وكان للمسلمين يومين عندما يلعبون ويستمتعون قال ما هذين يومين؟ قالوا أننا قد نلعب ونستمتع في هذه الأيام في جهلية قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال الله أعطانا شيء أفضل منهم يوم الأطحى ويوم الفطر هذا من سمن أبي داوود هذين الثلاث عيدين من أشياء أو أشياء من الله والتي يجب أن نجمعها ونفهم أهدافها ومعنىها خلفها لذلك سنتحدث عن العيد وفقًا للحكومات والطرق من الشريعة الإسلامية أولًا لا يسمح لنا بالعبور على يوم العيد إنه حرام أن نعبور على يوم العيد بسبب الحديث من أبو سعيد القدري الذي قال أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال أنه يمنح العبور على يوم الفطر ويوم الأطحى يعني عيد الأطحى وهذا من المسلمين كيف عمل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم هذا يوم العيد لنفسه وكيف علمنا أن نعبور على يوم العيد أولًا يقوم بالغسل قبل الزجاج في الحديث المجموعة من إمام مالك الغسل هو أن تأخذ شوارب قبل أن تخرج من المنزل قبل أن تتزوج ثانيًا رسول الله كان يرتدي أفضل أشياء في عيد وقام بأشياء نفسهة تسمى خلة وقام به في جمعة وقام بأشياء نفسهة في أشياء أخرى قال أن الخلة تحتوي على إزار وهو قطعة تقع في الجلد وردة وهي قطعة تحتوي على ربا ثالثًا بعد أن تأخذ الغسل ويأكل يأكل بضعة أيام قبل أن يخرج من المنزل للصلاة العيد دائمًا يصلي في المصالح وهي منطقة مفتوحة إمام شافي التعليم عن رسول الله هو أن يذهب إلى المصالح لصلي على الصلاة العيد كما قام ابن حجر أسقلاني من أشافي وفت الباري ويوجد أيضًا بقاري في كتابه شحر صحيح بينما تسير إلى الصلاة أو بينما تسير إلى الصلاة أو تذهب إلى الصلاة أو بأي طريقة تستطيع عندما يسير يقول الله أكبر الله أكبر لا إله إلا الله الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد هذا يعني أن الله أكبر الله أكبر لا يوجد ديتي مستحيلة للعبادة إلا الله الله أكبر الله أكبر لله تستطيع جميع الأشكال والصلاة وهذا تم تسليمه من أبي ابن شيبة لكنه لم يفعل عندما يبدأ الصلاة ولم يقوله عندما يعود إلى المنزل لذلك نقوله فقط عندما نذهب إلى الصلاة وليس عندما نعود الصلاة خطبة الصلاة قبل الخطبة في الرقاة الأولى أقول سبعة تكبير قبل بداية الفاتحة وفي الثانية أقول خمسة قبل لذلك الصلاة كما نصلي فردنا أو صنّة إنه نفس النوع من الصلاة فأنا أقول سبعة تكبير قبل الرقاة الأولى ثم خمسة تكبير في الرقاة الثانية قبل أن يبدأ الصلاة الآن بعض الناس يكونون مفتوحين ويعتقدون أن الاستماع إلى الخطبة بعد الصلاة هو مفتوح كما هو في الجمعة ولكنه أفضل أن نستمع إليه لأننا يجب أن نحاول أن نحاول أن نحصل على المعرفة ومدرسة ومدرسة مباشرة على القرآن والصنّة شيء آخر يفعلونه هو أنهم يقبلون بعضهم البعض كما في هذا الحديث من جبير ابن نافير الذي قال في وقت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عندما قابلوا بعضهم البعض في يوم القيامة يقبلون بعضهم البعض تقبل الله منا ومنكم وقال ابن حجر هذا حسن حديث ماذا يعني هذا تقبل الله منا ومنكم يعني يجب أن يقبل الله مننا ومنكم يعني أفضل عملنا الجيد والقيامة وكل ما فعلنا في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل في أفضل عمل from Eid that he did from going to Eid. Now, there's some notes I'd like to mention. And the first one is when the hadith said he wore his best clothes, it means only that. He didn't go shopping for new clothes to wear on Eid. He wore his best clothes, those clothes that he kept for special occasions like Jum'ah and the two Eids. And even the dates are significant because it means that he was going to Eid and he was going to Eid and he was going to Eid and he was going to Eid and the dates are significant because it means that you're no longer fasting, that you recognize that the month has finished and that this is a day of celebration. And the masalah that he went to didn't have a minbar or any kind of structure for him to stand at as opposed to when you give the khutbah and Jum'ah. However, he always carried a short lance with him and he would stick that into the ground as a sutra before he began praying. A sutra is something that's required in salah. It's something placed in front of a person praying that's at least two fists high when you put one fist on top of the other. And it should be solid and not flimsy. And anyone passing should not pass between the sutra, whatever you have in front of you, and the person who's praying. Now, when you're praying in Jum'ah, in congregation, such as when you're praying Jum'ah or you're praying in Eid Salah, the sutra of the imam is the sutra for the people following him. So therefore, you should not place something in front of you at these times. This sutra is for the person who's leading the salah. So if you're praying by yourself, you have to make sure there's something in front of you so that no one comes between you and the sutra because this is not a good action on the part of Muslims. Even young children should be taught not to do that. Now, the khutbah in Salah of Eid is not mandatory. You can get up and leave. However, it's better if you stay and listen. But if someone's not listening and they want to, they don't want to listen, then we have to be considerate of those who are and not start talking as to disturb those who are listening. You know, we like to gather together and visit and share in this day's happiness with each other. However, sisters, please, don't do it near where they're giving the khutbah because this is being disrespectful to the imam and also to the people who are trying to listen to the khutbah. So if you want to chat and visit, then you should go far from where they can't hear you. Now, who's supposed to come to this Eid prayer? Is it only for certain people or is it for everyone? Well, we have a hadith recorded, collected by Bukhari and Muslim that reported that Umm Atiyah said, we were ordered to bring out all our men, straining women and veiled women in the religious gatherings and invocations of Muslims on the two Eid festivals. Men are straining women were to keep away from the masalah. This means that men are straining women did not attend the prayer of Eid but they attended the khutbah and then the dua that were made afterward. The hadith urges everyone to attend Eid prayer and to cooperate with one another in righteousness for the purpose of seeking knowledge and remembering Allah that are apart from the masjid. The hadith also indicates that women should not go out without a jilbab and we'll come to that later in a bit. According to a report narrated by al-Tarmidi, Rasul Allah said, he used to keep away from the prayer place and witness the gathering of the Muslims. One of the sahabah said, Rasul Allah, what if she does not have a jilbab? He said, then let her sister lend her one of her jilbab. This is an agreed upon hadith. The hadith says, if she does not have a jilbab, then she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should not go out without a jilbab and she should