Adventskalender 2019
The "Adventskalender 2019" is a collection of recordings that serves as an advent calendar, featuring one recording each day from December 1st to December 24th. The recordings cover a variety of topics related to Christmas, winter, and other related themes. This tradition began in 2009 and is one of the oldest traditions of LibriVox. The collection includes a list of readers for "Grossmutters Weihnachten," with Margot reading as Grossmutter, lorda as Vater, Monika M. C. as Mutter, Eva K. as Peter, Sonia as Lene, Karlsson as Graukittel, Lissy Schneider as Erzgräber, and schrm as Huckemännchen and Pilzfresser. The Adventskalender is a festive and enjoyable way to celebrate the holiday season with a daily dose of recordings to enjoy.