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EP23 | Beyond The Brink | Speaker Mike Johnson Aggravating The Swamp

EP23 | Beyond The Brink | Speaker Mike Johnson Aggravating The Swamp




Tonight we're discussing the new house speaker Mike Johnson and his proposal to offset both Ukraine and Israel Aid with the funding approved for the IRS. Ariels Post we convered / 1720444811243569485 https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/... https://rules.house.gov/sites/republi... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/house-go... https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-h... https://www.foxnews.com/media/speaker... West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency https://www.oyez.org/cases/2021/

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The show "Beyond the Brink" discusses global events that are pushing people to their limits. They talk about a post by Ariel that addresses the use of money set aside for the IRS to fund aid for Ukraine and Israel. The post suggests that America is transitioning to a new financial system and questions why people are upset about using tax dollars to defund the IRS. They also mention Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House, and his bill to allocate money for Ukraine and Israel. The show discusses the smoke and mirrors of government funding and the impact on the middle class. They invite listeners to join the conversation. Well, there you go. Welcome to Beyond the Brink, the show with major technical problems. Holy smokes. That's ridiculous. Oh, my gosh. Well, we finally made it, so anyway, this is the show that explores global events that are pushing people to their limits and driving them to the brink of change. I'm your host, Marge Joyner, and I'm here with my amazing co-host, Melissa. Today we're going to unpack a thought-provoking post about events quietly building over the years that are now being realized by the masses. The implications can be earth-shattering, so stay tuned. Before we kick things off, let's hear from all of you awesome viewers out there. If you're tuning in on YouTube or Rumble, give us a thumbs up or a rumble, and you can catch us in all of our previous episodes by visiting our website, VidaBroadcastNetwork.com or on your favorite podcast platform. Search for us using the handle, at Vida Broadcast. So let's dig into today's content. Holy smokes. So today, we thought we would talk about, there's a post, again, another aerial post, where he was discussing the Mike, what do I say, Mike Johnson and his wanting to use the money set aside for the IRS to fund the aid for Ukraine and for Israel. And he has quite a lengthy post in his opinions, and he has some things that he threw out there that I thought that we would talk about, if I can pull up that post. Hi, how you been? How's everybody doing? Well, Melissa, I must tell you, it's been a day of frazzled technical problems. It has been going on all day. Yes. Linda, who's here listening in on, in the spaces, we were going through this earlier today. They brought in the engineer, I don't know what his title is. It's like I asked him, I go, did you bring duct tape or what? This is just crazy stuff. And I, well, and over the weekend, I had a, first I had like a really bad pain in my side. And that finally went away. And then I woke up, I must have been grinding my teeth all night. And I have just a terrible, I feel like someone punched me in my jaw. So that didn't, that didn't help. So I was like, maybe that's why it's just one of those things where it's one thing after another. And you get, you get frazzled and you got the technology on top of it all. It's like, oh, but so the post that we're, that we're talking about, that we want to kind of talk about today. It is, it's called the IRS problem. The $14 billion tab is how Ariel addressed this. And so basically this is his response, I think, to people that were belly aching about their tax dollars going to fund any kind of aid. And so, you know, people being upset and saying, you know, shouldn't be going for any of that stuff. And so I think, I think he was trying to get people to think about things in a little bit different perspective. And he asks the questions, you know, are you under the new monetary system now? No. Did Iraq reinstate their currency on the forex market yet? No. Did Speaker Mike Johnson send your tax money to Israel? No. Why are these questions important? And he says, because the America First policies are on the other side of the new financial system that will be funded by real money. And we, you know, we, you and I have kind of talked about this, you know, where we think we're going to a new money system. Like everything is getting revamped and we're going to go back to a form of money that's actually backed by something. And so I think people need to realize that we're in a transition period. And so some of the things that we see, probably most of the things that we see are all BS. They're just a lot of distractions out there. And he says, why in the world are some people upset that the fiat debt that was stolen from you in the form of taxes is being used to defund the IRS? Their entire budget is depleted. Do you know what this will lead to? Congressional appropriations. The IRS receives the majority of its funding from Congress. This funding is used to cover the cost of operations, including salaries, benefits, and technology. How in the world will they be able to collect taxes when they will not have any money to pay the employees if I do it? You think people want to work for free? You can thank Mike Johnson for that. So he is sounding like he's a proponent of Mike Johnson and the things that he's wanting to do. I think a lot of people are kind of skeptical of Mike Johnson. And if you're not familiar with what we're talking about, Mike Johnson is the new Speaker of the House. And he recently has a 13-page bill that passed the House a couple of days ago. I think it was on Thursday. It passed the House, so it has to go through the Senate. Whereas he wants to take some of the money that was put up in Biden's Inflation Reduction Act that was passed on a party line back in 2022. He wants to use some of that money to fund the monies for Ukraine and for Israel. And so that has people up in arms. Didn't you say too, Christy, there was something really important that you picked up on that whole thing with Mike Johnson in the fact that he separated? He separated the bills and he granted the $14 billion that Biden requested for Israel. And because those two bills were separated out, they're taking them separately. So where is that $14 billion going to come from? The 2022 bill that was rammed through in appropriations, the CR, that had the $80 billion appropriated, you know, allocated to the IRS. And that's where we're having problems with. I wanted to say something about Mike Johnson, too. I think that there is a faction out there that believes that Mike Johnson may just be playing a role right now, a very important role, might add. He may not be in the speaker position very long. We don't know. It just may be to move this piece on the chessboard. Also, before we get going on this, I just want to say to the folks in our spaces, if you'd like to join us, just, well, how in the heck do you do that, Melissa? They just need to raise their hand and then I can bring them up once I find, so let's see. So how you raise your hand is that you go down that little heart with a plus sign on it and you do the hand raise. And if you're there watching in the spaces right now, you'll just see that my hand went up under Tokens Radio Show. And when you want to not speak or remove your request to speak, just go to the same place and then tap the hand again. But we'd like to hear from you. If you don't want to hear us, just jabber on all night long. So join in. You ready? Join the conversation. We got ten spots for speakers. I have no idea. It says that we're live streaming to YouTube, but I have a feeling that we aren't. It is what it is, right? We're recording on Zoom. It's fine. We'll just have to upload it. That might have been where our feedback was coming from anyway. Whether you were connected to that or not, being that it was set up, you never know. I think it was my other phone. I had to completely shut it off. I don't know. So Boomer and Linda, I know you have something to say. And if Mother Goose comes back on, I know that she has something to say. So please join in to the conversation. Yeah. Okay. I posted in the, like underneath the space, the link to the 13-page bill that Mike Johnson, the proposal that passed for the funding. Personally, here's the thing. The thing that frustrates me is all of this stuff is it's a bunch of smoke and mirrors all the time. And they put too much stuff in all of these bills to begin with. And all of this pretend money that's coming out of nowhere. It's to the point of ridiculousness, in my opinion. And then they get us to argue over it, right? So they go and they put on this big show. And they're outraged because they're going to take this funding from the IRS. And they're just trying to not fund the war. And I'm like, guess what? I'm not for funding any of it. I don't want to fund anything to kill people. And I don't want to fund anything that's going to have IRS agents with their guns to come take. Because that's part of the thing, too, when I was looking back at the Inflation Reduction Act that was approved. What a bunch of hooey. Right? I mean, I don't know. Here's the thing. I mean, what's going on here to fund these proxy wars, if you will, is that they're taking out bonds. We're borrowing more money. We may not be printing, but we're borrowing more money. And as we do that, our debt is going up. That is squeezing, well, the people at the top who benefit from this. They acquire more assets. Might be gold, land, whatever the case is. And the people down here where we are, back to earth, are the ones that are left having to scrape things up. And this is called the Cantillon effect. And it's when the middle class gets squeezed out. And it's hurting people. For what cause? Why? I mean, there's no money to fund these wars. It's borrowed fiat. And it's just creating more inflation. And it has to stop. I agree. It must stop. So we have Rosemary on now. Let's... Hey, Rosemary. Thank you for coming. I can send... Let's see. I'm going to see if I can just make Linda a speaker. So Linda, I'm going to send you an invite to be a speaker. And then all you have to do is accept it. And then you should be able to speak. I'm just going to send all of you in case any of you guys want to speak. I'll send you all invites. There you go. So Rosemary has us up on the TV with the Roku box. Awesome. Bless your heart. Wait. So does that mean that we're streaming live on YouTube, Rosemary? I guess we must be. And we have Mattis here. Welcome, Mattis. Hi, Mattis. Thank you for stopping by. No. You know, so there's a lot of things that Mike Johnson is getting credit for. As you were talking about, the IRS is collecting user fees for certain services. So are they really not getting the funds that they need? Right. They are. Right. They get user fees for tax prep assistance and e-filing. And those fees help offset the cost to providing the services. So, I mean, don't let these guys lie to us. We have to call them out on it. How is the service going to function when they have to rely on tax revenue they will not be able to afford to finance if the fees itself are contingent upon services they can't afford? Those that die to budget cuts. That would be interesting. We would need all of those enforcement officials, right? There would be nothing to enforce. So he says, we're talking about the Ariel post for those of you. And actually, I'm going to copy it and post it in the link so that you guys know what we're talking about. If I can figure out how to do that. He says revolving funds. They also have a number of revolving funds which are used to finance certain activities. Oh, you already said that. No, no, no. That they use to finance certain activities such as tax enforcement and taxpayer services. And then these funds are replenished with revenues from activities that they support. And then he says, Ariel says, how are they going to be able to use these funds for daily operational costs when you do not even file until April next year? Remember, the IRS is a Democrat agency. Guess who runs the House and Senate? Republicans. And then he says, you can thank Mike Johnson for that. And what I wanted to say is so when I was looking back through the original bill the Inflation Reduction Act that Biden signed back in 1922, a lot of what they were saying why they were advocating for this increase for all this money for the IRS agents and IRS in general is that it was going to generate revenue because they're going to go catch all the people that aren't paying their taxes and stuff and the corporations and all of these things. Well, guess what? The corporations or anybody that has any money any of you that have been following particularly the cryptocurrency space because then you started really paying attention to what is money and then you started paying attention to what are the rich people, what the rich people are doing the tax laws are written for them to be able to not pay. So it's all a bunch of, it's a lie. It's a lie that they're going to go and get these people to pay the taxes that they haven't paid. The way that you can legally set yourself up so that you don't pay the taxes because you're doing it in the proper way and you have money that you can hire somebody to show you how to do it and do it for you. So that is just, it's crazy to me. And then the other thing is when they talk about, you know, well for the customer service and all this kind of stuff, well guess what? You guys have been getting money all this time and I don't know about you but when you call the IRS how many of you have ever called the IRS and had somebody on the other end that they don't even know they don't know crap about your question that you're asking you know more than they do, right? Or you're waiting on hold forever and it's just like this never ending thing with them. So is the money really well spent? Is there? I don't think and they're not even a federal like I mean they're just what did he, we'll get to that point. And Melissa, you can't even call in and get a live body you're getting a recording and if you're lucky you get to talk to 15 people who is going to give you 15 different answers. Well yes, because in the past I have had that where you know I've studied up and I have a question that I think I might know the answer to and I think I'm asking an intelligent question based on the research that I've done with their tax rulings and whatever and then you get the person that you talk to, the customer service and they don't know, they have no idea how to answer your question. I bet you Linda's rolling over on this right now. I bet she is. Oh my gosh. I don't know how she feels with that. Yeah, I bet you she has something to say. I don't know if anybody raised their hand or not. I keep losing the people to see who, because I'm trying to post these links in here so that people can see what post we're talking about. I posted it in the chat area. So, and then let's see. He goes on to say the office of the commissioner, this office oversees the IRS and is responsible for developing and implementing tax policy. The budget for the OTC includes funding for salaries, benefits and travel. Sections where the travel budget, or where the budget goes to the building that will be impacted includes what? The commissioner's office, the IRS executive committee suite and the IRS briefing room. Remember that they have no budget for this year or next. This is not, I will say, I was trying to reconcile this because he, so he is making some statements that are it's not passed yet. Okay, so he's saying their entire $14 billion is being used for foreign aid and this agency has been used to bully you into submission, property seizure, jail time if you do not pay and they are facing bankruptcy now, question mark and he says you can thank Mike Johnson for that. Which, okay Mike Johnson is definitely he's been put in place for a reason and he is for sure a character right in this movie that we're watching. I personally from watching him I mean I hadn't really heard of him before. He's relatively new and he's been kind of working in the background and one day maybe I don't know, maybe three weeks ago or so, I don't even remember what hearing because I'm one of those weird people that watches the hearings whatever is going on or a bill proposal or whatever I saw him and they were they were razzing him. They were, everybody in the room were telling Mike jokes and I'm like who is this guy that everybody seems to really like and tease and he was making them toe the line it sounded like right and then all of a sudden the next thing you know this guy sneaks up out of nowhere and he's the new speaker of the house which I find very interesting but I think that there's been a lot of new people that have entered into our government that most of us aren't even aware of and I think those are the people that have been actually doing a lot of work while the characters that we see on TV that's all they are as characters they're not the ones that are doing the work I think I saw Linda did you did you raise your hand to do you want to come up and speak I tried to make her a speaker but it didn't work I'm going to invite her again or she might have just been agreeing she lost down a few minutes ago also wanted to share that Mattis had said something about that they lose documents as well they sure as heck do don't you don't you lose a document though don't you know you'll be penalized like 50% of you do that right yeah it's crazy you know what I noticed about the people you know yeah well and I don't know we're not talking about this today as far as the legalities of it all let me interrupt it says she has sound but can't get a mic I think that's in your settings Linda so you may have to go into your settings within the app and then activate your microphone yeah you probably didn't give it permission right is what I'm guessing on your phone you didn't give it permission to allow I don't remember what I was saying I'm sorry I interrupted you no well just saying like when we talk about how it may not actually it is supposedly a what do you call it your participating in this willingly like as far as paying taxes so to speak right yes you you submit it to the contractual obligation and so when you file and you sign that's what gets you in trouble right when people are people are trying to navigate against it through their rules and regulations and what I found was if you can if you can explain your position of why you say you deducted something or you accounted for something in a certain way and you haven't and you've done your research and you can you know explain yourself usually people get it's okay it's the people that you know I got I got my own business and I can deduct everything and I can do this and I can do that right that have no didn't keep any records and didn't do anything it's not so much that they weren't able to deduct anything but they didn't keep records they didn't have anything and then they got audited and they signed a thing saying everything is true right that's where you get in trouble so yeah I mean there's more I mean people get in trouble for more stuff but that's the trap of it all and the IRS doesn't determine the tax it's the records that determine the tax so the key is having sufficient records to defend the deductions that you're going to take I just have a strange question what happened to the damn little postcard we were supposed to have you know to fill out it's supposed to have been easy I don't know I think I just my tax return is I don't know 65 pages or something like that how on earth do little me and my husband have a 65 page tax return that's state and federal how on earth does that happen when you're supposed to have a little postcard you obviously have a lot more stuff it's supposed to be simple Matt as you're so right about the documents but the thing about the documents the IRS has got these documents in the first place that was the premise for the little postcard they already have them all these companies that do KYC on us and they keep these documents they 1099 us they send that 1099 into the IRS so I think it's just the scheme for us to set us up for perjury because if you sign that statement you've just said yeah this is accurate to the best of my knowledge true and accurate I don't know the exact term but the thing of it is they already have the records so how you can do theoretically do the postcard I shouldn't have to have a 65 page tax return to show you know if you're part of an investment fund or something you're going to have you know a 15 page 1099 easy the IRS gets that why do I have to have somebody go through and decipher 15 pages of an investment fund it's stupid it's unnecessary it's criminal yep yep okay I think I'll have a little kombucha here I should have made myself a drink before I started so let's be able to keep reading through through this post so he says you know so he says what what's this lack of budget what's it going to impact it's going to impact the chief counsel office the IRS legal library the IRS hearing room and you can thank Mike Johnson for that okay so far we can because he's proposing it but once again I want to circle back and say it's not done until it's not over till the fat lady sings or the skinny lady or any or a man it ain't over till somebody sings till somebody sings right this is this is over in the senate and this is where now we're going to have a negotiation because there isn't anybody that's over there who's willing to watch after the purse strings right fortunately we have a majority in the house that will do it now I think that this is more of optics Melissa it really is and you know what this is the thing that I get so frustrated with all of this stuff is that because it is just optics and it's like oh thank goodness we've got the republicans and running the senate now and now if you're a democrat oh thank gosh the you know dems are in there it's going to fight for us or whatever it's all a bunch of crap there it's just they're stalling and they don't do crap and and when they do do things they do what they did when they they signed the inflation reduction act they create a bill they create this package with a name that is not even really what all the rest of the stuff in the bill is they sneak a bunch of stuff in there that they're paying for with pretend monopoly money and then they pit us against each other to argue because you're a democrat and I'm a republican and oh my gosh and you know whatever it's just it's frustrating and you know not only is it frustrating it's offensive because it makes it to where you know like we're just a bunch of idiots and I mean I guess that could be true you know there's a lot of people that are ignorant to to these things because they haven't they haven't looked into them and because they trust it right I mean we trust it and you think like well why would they lie about such things right that's a big question the why I think we know the answer but that's something you have to kind of figure out for yourself yeah we have Linda back in the house as well as Mother Goose oh Mother Goose you're back thank you so much for coming back yes apologies for the technical difficulties earlier yes so hopefully they both have mics yeah just raise your hand if you want to if you want to speak so as we go along with this post and for those of you that just kept tuning in we posted the the thread that we're that we're covering this is a fellow named Ariel that's posting on Twitter x-faces or x whatever you want to call it and he brings a bunch of valuable information some speculation he kind of presents things as being facts and if you push back he doesn't like it really but I think anybody researching any of this stuff it's smart to look things up for yourself and you know maybe you won't find a reconciliation of what he says in the moment but maybe you know maybe he knows more stuff than what I know there are people that are much better connected than I am and the only thing well not the only thing I came across this this person on x and he has so much information that he posts about that reconciles with other things that I've been looking into and Christy has been looking into and all of you have been looking into the last several years and things that we've been waiting to happen and he just kind of knits them together and gives you some things to think about and gives people hope I think that all of the things that we believe that are happening gives us hope that they are happening so hopefully it's true. So Melissa could it just possibly be that Mike Johnson is there to he's going to support the America First agenda he's going to hold the line knowing fully well that the other side is going to is going to be dead on arrival right so could that very well be the point to see what the other side is or is not going to do it's like everything else that we're waking up to it's very clear what's happening here and why I think that's part of the exposure exercise right now right I mean for all of them it's brutally painful I mean it's been kind of fun to watch quite frankly I because once you see things you can't unsee them and I just think a lot of these people like you know there's this speculation that there's body doubles and you know people are wearing masks and stuff I think that's probably true look at their loves oh that one sags a little farther than the other one but the thing you know the other thing is that look at what we can do with technology okay how many times have you come across something on X that you know people are making these hilarious memes and they're putting people's faces on there or if you've ever played around with snapchat and you can you know I mean I put my son's face on my face before and I mean that can happen it can be done and unless you're really paying close attention I don't think you'd have to be in full out pretend gear unless you're in public any of these folks that are talking on television or you're seeing on television could be somebody else I mean they can they can duplicate voices they can put faces on I mean it's not it's not a stretch to say that and I do notice there are different people but are different looks of people but the thing is they're acting so weird I mean this is that where I'm just getting a kick out of kind of watching stuff unfold because they're I mean what's up with Chris Christie come on man you know you have no chance brother no chance but he gets himself out there and I don't know I just I'm getting a kick out of it and and on one hand I can't wait for things to happen fast enough and on the other hand I'm understanding that all of the things that are are being corrected the foundation has to be fixed and until that groundwork is laid and you get all of the crap out and you get the new structure in along with the good people and then of course that takes training of folks so you know when we talk about the financial system getting a reboot all those people have to be trained on what's going to happen so it's not like something could just happen overnight right it should just be that simple I mean we don't even need an IRS well when you look at the debt clock too that's the other thing and actually today is debt clock day so we should pull that up in a little bit but watching the watching those numbers that are you know going down in which ones are going up and it really does kind of look like they're going to you know you know I don't know you know Melissa I'm not sure I don't think you've read this but Ariel goes on to say are you getting the impression that I'm rubbing this in your face if so you're correct can I whisper something in your ear come here the IRS is already already shut down how watch Nancy Drew on telegram dated back to January of 2022 it's a post January 16 she gives daily updates on how this building has been closed for years but no need to search they'll post it here and what it is is the IRS building with the front of it where there is no activity whatsoever so it makes me wonder when I saw that just having some personal interactions with our one of our three letter agencies that we're talking about it took I don't know months to be able to communicate with somebody and the communication was stonewalled where I finally had to go to my elected official to get help and why do we have to have these officials go have the inroads if you will have the get in the back door you know we have to go in the front door but they can walk in the back door if you will figuratively speaking to go get the information that this taxpayer is asking for but not everybody does that right so how many people are sitting out there frustrated without being able to get through to this agency not getting the refund I mean it's just horrible so we need a tax person who knows about this to jump in and chat with us here let's see I know that person here so Mother Goose yes she just put up the US debt clock and it says the meme on here says but as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the son of man be yeah I'm going to I'm going to try to pull that up and share my screen for our viewers that are watching on YouTube so thank you for that share Mother Goose let's see I'm going to share my screen if I can do it yes yeah I can text this telegram image to you that's pretty good that's beautiful yeah this is the US debt clock folks usdebtclock.org and for those of you that aren't familiar with it they've been putting I don't know who they is but this debt clock is pretty old it's been around for a long time it grabs sources from like legitimate numbers they're not they're not just making these numbers up and but whoever whoever is doing running this is putting little notes in in the debt clock and when you click on different areas it will bring up what they are like what it what it means which I think is pretty cool and let's see yeah this one is saying it was open all the all the time the other day for some reason but now it's back to saying Tuesday Thursdays and Sunday 6pm to midnight and then and then the secret window is closed but I just find it interesting one thing I'm going to stop sharing now one thing I did want to mention with Ariel's post here when you when he talked about that the IRS is already shut down and how does he know watch Nancy drew on telegram which unfortunately I don't have telegram on my computers and I can't share it however unless you do you could share it but what it is is a video of Nancy walking around and she's showing that there's all these sandbags around the IRS building and that absolutely nobody's there I looked that up that's been for a while now it's been years there was a flood I can't remember what year it was several years ago there was a flood and apparently I don't think it ever reopened was that from Sandy maybe maybe because I was really curious when I saw her when I see these things there's a lot of people that are speculating she's legitimately walking around and she's correct there's nobody there there's a bunch of sandbags all around the building and it's abandoned nobody's in there but you have to say okay is there any other reason why this is not being occupied at the time my question would be why is it not why is it not approved cool Linda you should be able to speak now maybe she has some knowledge on this because I'm not exactly sure I'm sure she does she knows why I started looking it up and I was like well I don't know there's still people working for the IRS all right Linda hi hey wow am I really on you are goodness just in time for my battery to go dead what a hassle let me tell you to try to get in on this conversation yes well thank you I'm glad you made it major technical difficulties on all ends we'll get better we're going to get better right now no nothing on your fault it's been wonky everywhere I mean absolutely everywhere with it but I don't even know where to begin now in the conversation about the IRS yes pick a place pick a place it'd be interesting anyway yeah well it's totally out of control to say that they've gone away and closed their doors I wouldn't you know bet anything on that right now you still have to pay your taxes you know and file your report but you gotta know the game you know that's where a lot of people go wrong is it's a game and if you don't know their rules they're gonna squash you you know it's like a football game you go over and ask the other team for the rules and you think they're going to tell you what the rules are they're not going to play fair no you're exactly right they're not going to play fair so do you know anything about the the business like the Washington DC oh yeah by the way it's at 1111 which I found a constitutional avenue or is where it's located like really interesting well I don't know about that but I do most of your correspondence and stuff comes out of Cincinnati anyway you're right I very seldom deal with anybody at that it's mostly Cincinnati or Fresno used to be San Francisco not so much Portland places places like that is where you go and do audits and things like that and have correspondence with the IRS most of the time it's through Cincinnati I wanted to know Mother Goose posted that SG and non real noted that the US debt clock is registered in the same city as Q clearance Patriots where we go when we I wouldn't have missed it for the world yeah yeah also shared that he can't report recall the report but a recent report came out showing that 80% of the federal buildings have been vacant in the last few years we still paid rent on the buildings yeah you know when I went to Washington DC one day I noticed that nothing was open there wasn't a lot of people how long ago was that Oh couple years ago couple years ago there was a lot of people there but not a lot of people working the buildings looked abandoned kind of we were still in COVID though right the COVID shutdowns yeah I think people were all working at home I mean it wasn't until this year where they said they have to actually come back into the office again and show their face and shave off the beard that they grew and even then even then I'm sorry but even then your IRS people are not working in an office they're working from home I actually deal with quite a few that are in Hawaii are they in Maui I don't I think they're actually in Maui what a clinky thing yeah to conduct business so then you have to remember there is a time change so that becomes a conflict sometimes when you're dealing with some of the tax issues because if you don't know it you don't realize you are dealing and doing business with somebody in Hawaii wow right that's crazy right so if you have a severe tax issue which happens a lot that we deal with and you're calling and calling and calling and you're not getting an answer and you're leaving messages well who would have thought that you know what is it like five hours difference I don't know I don't remember but there is a quite a difference in time yeah which then I mean you got to pay somebody good money to have your back to be able to help you because what are you going to do stay home from work and try to stand hold and wait well there's that I mean you can do power of attorney people can do power of attorney that don't have the time which a lot of us don't like to do power of attorney you know we like to have the client sitting there and be part of the process so you know what's going on instead of just taking somebody's word at it you know but yeah that's what that's by design because how many times does people just say oh forget it I'll just pay the tax liability or I'll get my refund whenever you know they get frustrated or intimidated by the IRS and they walk away basically mm-hmm I could see that this went over yeah because they're very intimidating for a lot of people people think you know they're almost like God or something they're going to swoop in and take you to jail well there's only a few things you can really go to jail with taxes on you know if you flat out lie tax evasion is one yeah you will go to prison for that but there you know there's only a few things and people don't need to be scared of them you just have to know what the game is and how to play it and have somebody that's going to help you with that I guess you got to know the magic words you got to know the magic words you know a good example I want to say right now a good example is like if you get penalties and filing fees well you can have them abated one time but you have to use the magic words first time abatement penalties they have to remove them that's all you got to say no more no less and they will remove them that's valuable magic words are important gosh Linda you could have saved somebody thousands of dollars in one statement yeah you know it's crazy and what's the bad thing about them being defunded I'd be quite happy the country would get along just fine without the income tax that's right we did not need income tax didn't we do fine for like 150 years or something like that without the income tax yeah I believe it was in 1913 as the first income tax and then it actually was nobody had to file it unless you made over $250,000 I believe and it was voluntary and it was only supposed to be for a short period of time right well let's see they lied about all of the above I mean when did they make it not voluntary it's still voluntary right it's technically voluntary you do it voluntarily but I'll guarantee you that if you don't file your tax returns that's tax evasion and you will go to jail voluntary not right well if you're paying your taxes you don't have anything to worry about yeah I mean if you're paying your taxes but you're not filing your returns but they owe you money you can still get in trouble for that for not filing tax returns sure because you still have to claim your income I thought it was voluntary though well that's what they say but you can't go to jail for that now if something happened and you know you thought you mailed it you're pretty sure you mailed them or something like that and I'm sorry you didn't get them do they destroy and lose records oh yeah happens all the time I wonder where my refund was right yeah I mean that's why we always say send a certified return receipt because you may have to redo it or resend it but you have proof what happened when they got their hands on it I don't know I have no idea that's out of my control well would you like to know one reason how the physical shutdown happened would you like to know that I would according to Ariel according to Ariel yeah the West Virginia versus EPA Supreme Court ruling you haven't heard of this yet in your mainstream news you want to know why because it's owned by the same people that owns the IRS the Rothschilds and the Kazarians West Virginia versus Environmental Protection Agency 597 US dot dot dot 2022 was a US Supreme Court case it asks whether important policies that impact the lives of all Americans should be made by unelected DC bureaucrats or by Congress this SCOTUS decision that ruling by executive agency is no longer acceptable so any laws that are on the books that haven't been passed through Congress are void this includes EOs and government agencies rules that's June 30th 2022 Justice Gorsuch with whom Justice Alito joined concurring that's interesting so I'm working phone and I'm working tablet sorry about that so to resolve today's case the court invokes the major questions doctrine under that doctrines terms administrative agencies must be able to point to clear congressional authorization and he has authorization we're talking about words here when they claim the power to make decisions of vast economic and political significance anti at 17 comma 19 like many parallel clear statement rules in our law this one operates to protect foundational constitutional guarantees I join the court's opinion and write to offer some additional observations about the doctrine which it rests since 1970 the major questions doctrine soon took up on special so SPE dash CIAL importance number two or it says importance dot two in 1980 this court held it unreasonable to assume that Congress gave an agency unprecedented powers in the absence of a clear legislative mandate industrial Union Department AFL-CIO versus American Petroleum Institute 448 US 607 comma 645 plurality opinion in the years that followed the court routinely enforced the non delegation doctrine through the interpretation of the status what does this ruling ultimately mean for three letter agencies when I like to continue or you want yeah I was going to say that's what I'm like what is it what does it all mean man he says a the latest Supreme Court ruling will allow the demise of the power the EPA in a landmark case West Virginia versus EPA it was decided that these Congress created agencies are not part of the Republic this ends the following agencies FBI CIA ATF DEA IRS NIH CDC FDA school boards and more this cornerstone case was set up to take the whole corrupt government the power is being returned back to the people and government will be curtailed to 10% that means all executive orders DS deep space POTUS created agencies that were unconstitutional can now be removed all three letter agencies the don't follow this will be sent to get Mo let's see guess what Mike Johnson was sworn in under the Republic why do you think the Trump was so bold in saying we can take the country back in less than five months you do not find it funny that the FBI is now going after Democrats stop bleeping crying and whining and he's got IRS problems as a thing thing at the bottom so okay let's go back to so West Virginia versus EPA Supreme Court ruling that we haven't heard in our mainstream because I haven't either I wasn't familiar with this and I'm like I'm trying to like that let that sink in what does that actually mean was that the one in 2022 because they have made several EPA rulings shortly after Trump got in it was some of the post Obama period that had to be undone so who knows how long this one was sitting there was it in the Trump administration is this something that happened prior to Trump coming in and they were contesting this through the court systems it's hard to say so even though this one was West Virginia and I might be wrong folks I'm just trying to I'm trying to wrap my mind around it so it's saying the West Virginia versus Environmental Protection Agency 597 US and then nothing 2022. That was the US Supreme Court case and it asks whether important policies that impact the lives of all Americans should be made by unelected DC bureaucrats or by Congress. This SCOTUS decision that ruling by executive agency is no longer acceptable. So any laws that are on the books that haven't been passed through Congress are void this includes EO's and government agencies quote unquote rules June 30th 2022. So that means this was the this was a decision by SCOTUS and it applied to that so this sets a precedent so now does that mean others can go back and like if somebody brought a case I've got it I've got it here for you. Okay, please thank you. So the facts of the case is the Trump administration repealed the 2015 Clean Power Plan which established guidelines for states to limit carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. That makes sense with West Virginia because of the coal plants and issued in its place the Affordable Clean Energy Rule which eliminated or deferred the guidelines. The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit vacated the ACE rules which is the Affordable Clean Energy Rule as arbitrary and capricious. One of the challengers North American Coal Corporation challenged the EPA authority to so broadly regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Conclusion here it is Congress did not grant the Environmental Protection Agency of the Clean Air Act the authority to devise emission caps based on the generation shifting approach the agency took and I'm just kind of jumping around here. The EPA has admitted that issues of electricity, transmission, distribution and storage are not within its traditional expertise. Is it claims that Congress implicitly tasked it with the regulation of how Americans get their energy without clear congressional authorization for the EPA to regulate in such a manner the agency lacks authority to the Clean Power Act under the Clean Air Act. This is where Justice Gorsuch filed a concurring opinion. Samuel Alito joined and the dissenting opinions were Kagan and Breyer and Sotomayor. There you go. So does that mean that that's the law of the land now? Yes. So I guess what I'm saying, so for executive orders and government agencies that have not has not been run through Congress. Right. That's what I always wondered about this stuff. The way our government was set up, it was supposed to be approved through Congress. It was supposed to be going through all these exercises and then make sure that something is agreed upon and then boom it's voted on and then they enact it or whatever. They stamp it in. But we got so many of these unelected officials out there making all of these rules and regulations and even executive orders. So if that goes into the executive orders thing, what about all the that would apply to all the executive orders that Trump made as well? Right. He's not just wouldn't just apply to Biden or anybody else. It would apply to all of them, wouldn't it or no? Well, evidently all of the agencies listed here. So you've got six, eight agencies including the school boards, which is something that publicly we've all talked about. Donald Trump was talking about that is that we ought to bring that back to the states. There should not be a Department of Education in the federal in the federal branch of government at all. So this is very interesting and of all the sources Can you post what you read in the little chat thing down there? Let me see if I can find it again. If not, I can I'll post it in the links in the video below of the different stuff that we're touching on here in case anyone's interested. I think it's definitely something to just look up look up yourself also to get a little bit better handle. And then again, I mean, they didn't make any big deal about this whatsoever. So it's kind of like one of those things where it's like a small little thing that they didn't really talk about but it could end up having impact on others. I just wonder if do they have to bring these issues to the Supreme Court or a lower court because now the Supreme Court has issued this to where they can cite that, right? So they don't have to go all the way to the Supreme Court because the Supreme Court's already made this ruling, right? And so now all these other things does that open the door to all these other things having someone put a suit against it and say, you know, this needs to be thrown out as well. I don't think it's just going to automatically null and void all of these things, right? I think we set the precedent. Now the work has got to be done to undo all these other ones. Am I right? I don't know. I think you're right. Let me know if I'm way off. I do not know. I'm learning. So I really would like to know what people think how this works because I don't know. If you go back and look at what he says here, it says 1970, since 1970, the major questions doctrine soon took on special importance. In 1980, this court held it in quotes, unreasonable to assume that Congress gave an agency, again quotes, unprecedented powers in the, this is I think the key, in the absence of a clear legislative mandate, unquote. So the Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO is the American Petroleum Institute. I'll look that one up too. In the recent years, in the years that followed, the court routinely enforced the non-delegation doctrine through the interpretation of the status. So unless Congress gave an agency clear legislative mandate, they're not a legal department or a legal agency. So us just assuming that they're there, nobody doing anything about it, just de facto makes them there. Look at the Consumer Financial Protection Board for one. That was never a legal agency. Somehow it manifested, it got pushed through, it was never ratified in Congress and yet we have this board through some legal maneuvering that it's there. It's wild. It shouldn't be there at all. It's such a mess. It's a bunch of, it's a bunch of... I do have hope though. I mean I'll tell you the honest truth guys, I didn't pay attention to government when I was in school. I did not. I did not pay attention to this stuff like I should have. And then as I got older, like all of us, many of us, I shouldn't say all, I'm trying to suck you guys into my world. But I mean I thought okay, I like what this person is saying, I believed what they said and then looking from the outside in to how this government works, it looks legit to me. I thought why would they lie about it? I didn't have any idea about half of this stuff and then as I dove into it, I'm just, I was shocked initially. Then I was angry about the stuff that I'm finding out and then you hear people that are still just, they don't want to admit that it's true, right? And I am not well versed in this to go toe to toe with someone who is belligerent and will say I'm wrong, right? I'm like okay, you can be right, my friend, you can be right. But I think that there's plenty of information out there that we see how manipulated this system has been and how they've been just running wild and we didn't know, we didn't do anything to stop them and then the people that we elect to represent us, they know damn well this is not right and yet they're participating in it because then once they're in, then they're playing the game and it looks to me like there's a lot of disruption going on both on the field and for everyone to see and behind closed doors, I think there's a lot more going on than we know. I agree. I think that these people are elected officials, many of them go up with noble causes, they get into the swamp, something happens, maybe they took some sort of offering, it's assumed to be a bribe, they don't call it a bribe or they're in some sort of compromising situation, it's recorded and so this is how this whole swampy soup gets going and that whole, I mean, it's called a swamp for some reason, not because it was built on a swamp, you know, I just think that's all part of it. I mean, do you mind if I go with the first call? Exactly. Look what's happened in Washington D.C. just this weekend. What's going on with that? For what was going on with the debasing the property, could that have been the I word? Insurrection? I'm not familiar with what you're talking about. Well, there was a huge Palestinian march, thousands and thousands of people in Washington D.C. There were posts where the White House was breached. Nothing said that they got into the building, but the building was being defaced. Oh, wow. That was yesterday. I mean, this is some serious stuff. And these mobs of people have immobilized all over the world right now. Mm-hmm. So we've got to see what these comments are here in the post. Let me see here. I'm just looking at the feed. It's just so wild. I wasn't aware of that. I heard about it. I thought there was something like a week ago where they were inside too and they were singing and that might have been something else. I mean, you know. Oh, they were singing something, but it wasn't joyful stuff. I'll have to go see if I can find the post, but it was just some stories I saw in the telegram. Okay. There's a lot of stuff that's out there. You know, some things I just wonder, you know, how accurate they are and other things. I don't know. I'm always suspicious when I see videos and I'm not saying the video that you saw was this, but I don't know if you guys have noticed. They'll show a video of something and they're always like, whoa, with their phone where right as you're starting to see something, then they cut out and it goes off. It's just really weird the way that a lot of these videos are created. I was just telling Ryan earlier today, I watched something and this is what I'm getting ready to talk about here for half a second is just videos in general. How, you know, we're seeing more and more things that are posted on all the socials and a lot of them are the deep fake type thing. Well, I remember like it had to be maybe five years ago. I saw someone, I think his name is Stephen Kwast, he was doing a talk on Hillsdale College. He was a guest speaker. Anyway, he was talking about technology and the interoperability that they had amongst the agencies and how far advanced we are technology wise. Then I saw a hearing also several years ago where they were talking about technology and deep fake videos and stuff like that and they were saying back then and I wish that I would have saved it. I think I had all these videos marked on the YouTube that I got deleted because I broke a rule that I didn't really break any rule but I posted a video that they didn't want me to put up. Anybody ever followed what is it, Joe? It was the Joe videos, Patriot Joe or something like that. Anyway, I posted one of his videos and they deleted my channel and I was devastated because I had so much research that I had put on that Google login but anyway, there was a video of these people, this panel, where they were talking about deep fake and the technology that can tell whether something is AI generated or manipulated or whatever. They already have that. They already have that stuff so I feel like all the stuff that we're seeing right now, they're probably catching people, the people that are doing it. I think this is again another problem reaction solution. The technology is already there that can tell right away whether or not something is faked or it's real and eventually all of our social media will have that on there where something is manipulated. It'll be able to tell whether it is or they were saying like in this panel that I watched, they were saying like we should be able as consumers to just buy a software that we could put on our computer where we can run it ourselves and do our own little check that it's an AI. I mean, simple solution and I think it already exists and I think the reason it's there now is because they're allowing stuff to happen so that they can come in with their solution. I'd like others' opinion on that and if you think I'm way off base, Boomer's giving me 100%. Thanks Boomer but I really do. I just feel like nothing is just raw organic happening that we're seeing right now. I feel like so much of this stuff has been planned out or maybe a lot of stuff has already happened and we're watching people play it out and then all of the problems that we see, they're allowing them to happen. I just don't think that everything's getting like we're navigating willy-nilly, right? I just don't believe that but did you find what you were looking for, Christy? Well, there's a couple things. I want to first read a message that Matt has put in here and he said we're ruled by the selected, no longer by our elected. Even then, it's hard to believe that we elected them. Scary. Almost. Interesting post here by Ariel. He just put this up I don't know 30 minutes ago. Evidently, he's posting about people who are stealing his content. One is an independent journalist and another follows him just to steal his content and it looks as though they're well, this one's actually on X. The other one's on Telegram. Ariel, we're not stealing your content. We love your content. We love it. We love it, love it, love it. We're happy to share it and not call it our own. We're posting the link so people can find your content. I don't know. I don't think he's talking about us specifically. Not at all. The content can still get there while giving credit to the creator. We got you. We got you. This is the thing too. You know how many hours this guy must put in? Absolutely. Even when he knows the stuff that he knows, it takes so much time to try to put something together for people and for somebody to day after day, I mean many times a day, put together these threads of information and even the way that he does it with sometimes he's a little brash but I get it because if you're trying to pump out information to get people's attention and then there are some people that don't look, they don't even look through his whole page of information just so people know when you go on Ariel's on his page or if you log in and you go to Ariel's account on X, once you're on his account, at the search bar, you can literally type in Trump or type in American Petroleum Institute or whatever, you can type in stuff and it will bring up all of the incidents of when he's talking about those things so if you're trying to look for a specific subject, you can do that and yeah, we appreciate him and if he ever doesn't want us to cover these, which I don't know why he wouldn't want us to try to get his material out there because the people that happen to watch our YouTube they probably don't know of him yet and hopefully people will come go to his page and start reading for themselves and then once you read things then look into those things for yourself also because like we just talked about 2022, I didn't know that and that Supreme Court rulings could be I mean that's huge and it wasn't talked about on mainstream media at all. I can give you another one that's not talked about on mainstream media that broke today, now this is a local thing in California implementing mask mandates again in Silicon Valley area of Santa Clara County mask mandates have been implemented and in Marin County, which is to the north, is following suit so the counties in between are sandwiched in and they'll roll, they'll go ahead and copy as well so what does this mean? I mean this is now another iteration of this, it's supposed to be in health facilities to prevent COVID RSV and the flu, come on come on, so I'm hoping that the employees actually stand up to this like the last one that they were trying to implement several months ago and then Governor Newsom just returned from China where he says well California will implement the following of the child to what was it? Maybe Linda can help out on this where from the child to the once they get into a career so that was ding ding ding in my head because that's what they did in Nazi Germany they were able to follow a child and determine what their best job would be, what they're best suited for and that would be the kinds of education they would get if it seemed to be that they would be a scientist they would be a scientist so the children are not participating in what you know developing the things that they want to do, they'll show their strengths and weaknesses and some authority is going to determine what's best for Johnny or Susie yeah that's not America no it's not it's not America and Obama was out, resident Obama he was out talking about what's going on and he's so troubled about what's happening in Israel it's just got to stop so Ann VanderSteel is reporting that hey folks for those not paying attention Joe Biden is not the president, he's a globalist meat puppet being used to destabilize America and any country of value to the CCP Belt and Silk Road Initiative since the peanut farmer gave away the canal that Americans built and the Panamanian locals still recognize and appreciate our efforts we exited not only Panama but abandoned the Monroe Doctrine which kept communism out of the western hemisphere and here we are communism is all over inside of America, we have enemies inside the wire who have been raised to hate Americans and we're a nation at war, it's a pretty good post and this is an ex that just came out just a few minutes ago wow it's flood flood flood, it was drip drip drip now it's flood flood flood yeah and anybody that's been following this stuff for even if you've only been following it for a year or two there's so many things that are happening that are coming into fruition from what we thought was going to happen years ago I think it's just a matter of time and then meanwhile back at the ranch the financial system we're not even touching on that that's not what this show is about today but the restructuring of our financial system is huge and getting off of this pretend funny money going back to some kind of some speculate it's going to be the gold standard, I was reading up a little bit on the basal 3 that's huge they were saying again there's just so many things that are happening you can't possibly keep up on it all I try to listen to this and that I'm like a squirrel what's they talking about let's touch on the basal 3 for a few minutes because that's important basal 3 is a bank to bank issue so what it means is that you have certain rules regulations that are implemented by the Federal Reserve in order for you to have a bank that's going to be covered under the FDIC if you go back to 2008 when we crashed we had a bailout the taxpayers bailed out the bank so that's not supposed to happen anymore in order for the FDIC to pay out to people who go through a bank shutdown that bank has got to be a basal 3 compliant bank and if they are not FDIC insurance will not kick in that's right so if you've got funds in that bank will you be protected probably not so the request is again this is something that Ariel put out that you need to ask your bank if they are basal 3 compliant most the time the employees may not know you're going to have to maybe physically walk into the bank and ask the manager yourself now reading some of these posts is that some people called in maybe they were with Wells Fargo or something and Wells Fargo the corporation says they're basal 3 compliant but the response here in the post was you got to check with that branch of Wells Fargo because it may not that branch may not be basal 3 compliant it's very important and I was scanning here because obviously if you're part of a credit union it's much safer to be in because a dollar deposit in is a share of the credit union you have ownership into the credit union so is there really a bail in situation and that bail in thing that I'm talking about is if your bank did go belly up the bail in rules that are part of Dodd-Frank will allow that institution to get a portion of your deposit money that's within the bank. They can't take it all but they can take a large chunk of it to contribute to the bail in the saving of that banking institution. I got to dig up that one video because it hasn't happened yet but I found the original source now I have to find it. Remember that clip that was circulating around where they were talking about they do it on a Sunday and they were saying they didn't want the public to know and it had to do with possibly doing the bail in. That was months ago that this was said and I found the original I can't remember however long the meeting was very long but I think I archived it somewhere but I'll have to dig that up and post it again just because I think something really big is coming soon. It sure feels that way. What did they say? What banks that just failed or people had issues over the weekend I was seeing I went away for the weekend and so I wasn't like paying attention a lot to what was going on but I would see people posting on discord and the like about things going. I heard of the big banks like Chase and Wells Fargo B of A but it wasn't this weekend so maybe some of our guests here might be able to chime in on that. I'm just catching up with Mother Goose she says at the Palestinians that were protesting she says they were singing FJB. Were they really? Yes they were. Everybody sings that. We all sing it. I saw in a car yesterday you would love this. It's on a van and it was a double check and it says something Brandon. What was the comment about Brandon? Let's go Brandon. It was right on top of the little tag for the car saying the model of the car. It just popped up on top of there. It looked like it came from the auto dealer that way. Then there was a little FJB that went over on the model design like XLS or whatever it was and it was just sitting right up there and I'm going oh that is priceless. That's funny. Let's see. I'm trying to see what else is in here. Were there some other replies? Oh my goodness. Does anybody have any information on the banks this weekend? Let's see. I wish I could pull up. I'm afraid to pull up any other technology while we've got this going. Linda is asking for the mic please and she says it was Wells Fargo and another post. If you can get Linda back on that would be great. It's up there. If I can see. Mother Goose is saying she was trying to upload the video but it was crashing. That's right. I thought it was for some reason I thought people mentioned Bank of America was having issues and I thought Citibank was having issues if I recall that I'm not positive on that but I know people were having problems with accessing their accounts. I suppose I could find I don't know. Did I get her up there? Did you get your request? I don't know why. Yes, she's still up there as a listener. I think we ought to be focusing in on Tucker this week. He's supposed to have a couple of key interviews. Tucker Carlson foresees a mass casualty EMP attack in the United States. A very likely outcome if we go to war with Iran. Evidently Iran did back off of their big announcement speech that they had and it was a nothing. So who knows. But this was a fairly new post. Interesting. So yeah, I don't know whatever posts are here. Thumbs down. Linda's got a thumbs down. Can you hit the mic and request to speak and see if that works and then it should come up as because I keep sending you an invitation to be a speaker, but for some reason you're not getting it. I don't know why. And Mattis had put in a post here. It said city managers planning department, et cetera, et cetera. 100k per year, six weeks vacations, closed Fridays. He can go on and on. We agree with you. Who says this? Mattis. Oh, Mattis said it. Go on and on. I dare you. Go on and on. Get them fired up. Mattis could be a woman. I'm not sure. Yes. Yes, and no disrespect there. We appreciate you. And Mother Goose is reporting Wells Fargo and B of A. Thank you for that. And I think I do still think city was another one. Well, Linda, I don't know why. I'm not sure. It's not showing. It's kind of par for the course, isn't it? Yes. I'm doing the invite to speak and it worked last time, but I don't know why it's not this time. What do you think? I think we pretty much covered everything we were bringing out tonight and a little bit more. Yes, yes, we did. Trying to think of, you know, there's so many directions that we can get. There's so many things that are happening right now to try and cover and it's like some of the stuff, it would be smart to do like what's live, like what we're doing right now and just kind of. I've got one here I've got to share with you because it surprises me to hear so much of this coming out of General Mike Flynn. So he puts in a post it says ivermectin that quote unquote horse paste that works like a champ. Whoa, incredible and solid information below about the qualities of ivermectin. And it was gathered from an article written by Dr. Michael Turner. So there you go. They're all saying it. So that little dab of paste definitely works like a champ. I know it makes one of our friends feel like a stallion. Ooh, Mother Goose just posted. Let's see if I can get it. If it'll let me get it bigger. Well, that's as big as I can get it. So she posted she or he no, well Mother Goose is a woman. Sorry. I was thinking it was Mattis. Mother Goose. So November 1st 2017. This is anonymous. Post 34. Q Clearance Patriot. My fellow Americans. Over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking our great country, the land of the free, from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS's order, we have initiated certain stale states that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout, which is slated to occur 11-3 on the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta actionable 11-4 confirmation to the public of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS's order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the emergency broadcast system EMS during this time in an effort to provide a direct message avoiding the fake news to all citizens. Organizations and or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury. Certain laws have been pre-listed to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and then it cuts off. I can't see the bottom. I couldn't see the last part of it. Boy, does that bring back memories, Mother Goose. Oh, let's see. There we go. Certain laws have been pre-listed to provide our great military with necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations at home and abroad. So now, so 11-3, that was a couple days ago, 11-4 a couple days ago. So I don't know what we think about that. If that actually happened or what. I don't know. I do know that I believe that there's something going on. Whether that particular one is true, I don't know. But I do think that the whole Q thing, they were giving us clues and I think a lot of them had to do with the financial system. Particularly if you're an XRP, Ripple follower, the whole watch the water, what is a bridge, trust Kansas. Brad Garlinghouse was from Kansas. So I don't know. There's a lot of crossover terms and a lot of crossover with the financial sector as far as bar. There's a bar in the financial sector, there's a bar that was all the other craziness with the other controversies that are going on right now. And I think they do that on purpose so that when you go to search for something, you find it, you bring up a name and it makes it harder for you to figure out what's going on. People get names confused and we're just talking to one another and passing and then you get home and you're like, what did that person tell me? Can't remember. So I think this is all by design. They do it on purpose. XRP just hit 68 cents. It's on fire. I have faith in XRP. I have faith in XRP, Bitcoin. It's a 30-day high. It's not hit the one-year high, but it's not too far off. Yeah. I think, personally, not financial advice, but any of these coins that are XRP and Bitcoin, any of this stuff, to be able to buy it right now is like, man, it's an incredible opportunity for people that are giving this their attention. The ISO 20022 coins. They're all part of the new financial system. Or at least the payment processing part of the system. To be clear. It's wild. Anyway, I think we pretty much have done it. We did. Well, good job. After all of that. It took, what, about a half an hour to come on? Thank you so much for persisting to get through that. I appreciate everyone's patience and waiting for us and coming back. Boomer came back. Mother Douche came back. Mattis came back. Rosemary. Linda. We just appreciate you guys so much. It's funner when we have people that we can talk to on the other end. Absolutely. Until next time, I think how I'm going to try to do this. I'm going to cut the live stream because then I'm going to have to cut the spaces. I have to get all these steps down. I am going to say let's say goodbye to our YouTube people. I saw there was four people watching us. I know Rosemary was one of them. She had us on the boob tube. Thank you guys for watching. We will be back with another episode of Beyond the Brink. Please join us again. I'm going to stop that. I think I did. Have a great night. All right. Then for those of you here on X spaces, it's really hard for me to remember to say X. Thank you so much for joining us. We look forward to having another show with you guys. We hope you have a great rest of your night. Anything for them, Christy? I just want to say thank you. It was great having you here and interacting with you on X. See you next time. Have a great evening. Until we meet again. Bye. Bye. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

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