Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Vinyl Word podcast discusses a record from the 50s that warns about the dangers of drugs. They mention the cover art and joke about the 1950s nostalgia. Then they check in with Charlie Cutler, who talks about people who only nibble at happiness. They then discuss the dangers of habit-forming drugs, starting with inhaling glue fumes and moving on to cigarettes, pills, and marijuana. They mention the depressant effects of alcohol and the dangers of narcotics, including codeine and Demerol. They warn that taking narcotics by injection is the last step and leads to addiction. They emphasize that once you start using narcotics, there is no other answer and it becomes extremely dangerous. They mention the connection between gangsters and narcotics and stress that trying narcotics even once can lead to addiction. Welcome back to Terrific, the only podcast that goes deep into imported goods and the sexy tax laws that govern them. Brian, that's the wrong podcast. This is The Vinyl Word. And welcome back to The Vinyl Word. And as always, I'm Steve Beach. And I'm Brian Mayer. Hello. Sorry about that. I keep forgetting what day we recorded which one. I know. We have a podcast going on. Yeah. So, welcome back. We have a new record today as if you've seen on our YouTube channel that we are doing that today. So, just want to encourage everybody to like us because no one likes us and follow us, you know, all those fun things, subscribe and all those things except we don't get the fun thing of YouTube pointing down going, click right here. No, no one. Even though we don't have that going for us, we're still both craving for attention. Yes. Yes, we are. So, yeah. Do you want to introduce the record or? Yeah. It is the parental, comes from the Parental Youth and Guidance Series that was so popular in the 50s. Yeah. I mean, like there was an entire generations of kids didn't need their parents because they were raised by records. Yeah. The very beginning of key latch kids, whatever they call them. Latch key. Latch key. I had it backwards. I'm a little dyslexic today. Yep. But yeah, this one is specifically about just the dangers of drugs and what fun there is there. And just for real quick, we can put up a picture of the cover, but the cover deserves attention. Yes, it does. It has the prototypical 1950s family, the mother and the father sitting beside each other. And it has 1.5 rounded up to two children, a son and a daughter. And they are all sitting in the same room at the same time, all facing a console stereo that is theoretically playing this very record. And they are all learning. And just perfectly happy. Well, yeah, they're perfectly content, although the dad is giving the son pretty serious side eye. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's an interesting 50s nostalgia kind of thing going on there. Oh, boy. It really is. It's quite amusing. Yeah. But before that, let's check in like we always do. Check in with our good friend, Charlie Cutler. Yeah. It seems to me that, oh, hello. This is Charlie Cutler. Well, hello. Let's just talk for a couple of minutes. It's always one sided with him. It seems to me that some folks nibble at happiness the same way others nibble at their food. Like a bird. Aunt Lois never in her life, so far as we knew, ever sat herself down to a meal. She was too busy to sit. She was crazy. Her knees wouldn't bend. And she'd sigh lugubriously. But every time we saw her, she was nibbling on something, a slice of apple or a cracker or something. Cars, magazines. Jelly. Never a whole piece of bread, mind you. Life, people at the grocery store. Some of the people I know seem to feel the same way about happiness. They just sort of nibble at it. They never seem to really enjoy anything. They never put happiness in their mouth and take a big old bite. Right. I said to Aunt Lois, Aunt Lois, you don't want to be happy. Now, it was mighty presumptuous of me to say a thing like that. But you know how young boys are. Wild and rebellious. Yeah, all full of sass. God will punish us if we're too happy. Can you imagine that? Yeah, can you? Can you see? You weren't supposed to talk back in those days. Now kids can talk and cuss and everything else. Their parents were wrong. I asked my kids to clean their room and they pulled a knife on me. And I discovered she was wrong. And that's worth considering, isn't it? Never. Oh, good old Charlie. Oh, nibbles and bits and bits and bits. I won't go there. Okay. All right. Well, let's start with our nice drug program, shall we? I'm amused by this. Let's do it. Yep. This particular topic is something that has only one answer. True, true. As a matter of fact, you've heard me talk about smoking and about drinking. And how fun it can be. Which I've given you all the facts and have told you, do as you'd like. However, look out for the consequences. It's the digital underground. Do what you like. I'd like to stress that in the case of the habit-forming drugs and of narcotics or therefore addiction, there is only one answer. Don't be a quitter. I think by now, having listened to me regularly, you have learned that when I speak of something, I'm doing it only in an objective manner. I'm only attempting to give you facts. Let's start with the way in which habit-forming ventures occur. We can go back to the time when you were perhaps in the 6th or 7th grade. You may have heard about someone of the children who found that while he was working with his model airplane, The other kid laughed at this nerd. he found some glue, the airplane cement that was being used. And in doing so, he'd get a little bit unusual or hot. Unusual to be loved by anyone. Or it seems to be an escape from what's going on. It's unusual. Does this seem very dangerous? No, it doesn't. And yet it is. I'm confused. Actually, this could kill the person who's doing it. Well, that's why I put some markers. What it does do is it gets that particular person into a position of escaping from reality. And that, of course, is what happens when one gets into these various habit-forming ventures of which I speak. There are a number of dangers in inhaling fumes. But most of them relate actually to death. There can be some in which there is complete damage to the nervous system. And there are many things to inhale, by the way. Oh, yeah! Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn't it? Gasoline, kerosene, cleaning fluid. Oh, innumerable things that have a certain aroma about them. Well, I smoked a lot of diesel growing up. Is that dangerous for you, Steve? Looking at this and coming a little further along, we have talked about ordinary cigarettes. And how cigarettes in general, if used with discretion, might not cause problems. Oh, like lung cancer or emphysema. Right, yeah. Nothing major. But the cigarettes themselves are just another step to something further. Such as the pills or the capsules that can be bought. Some over-the-counter, some illegally. Sleeping tablets. Or tranquilizers. Or in other instances, even stimulants. You've all heard about getting buzzed up. Oh! Well, this is a particular kind of stimulant. It gets someone to feel abnormally enthusiastic. Or a tranquilizer will make them feel abnormally at ease and not concerned about the world. Relaxed. Confident. These are things you should not want to feel. And again, lead to something that is habit-forming. And if it's habit-forming, then it is an escape from reality. Whoever uses them, instead of being the big shot or the hot shot and showing the way to go, is afraid to face what goes on in the world or in your own school. That was my entire high school life. Some of you, of whom you're acquainted, will have used the pills or the capsules, the stimulants or the depressants. Well, going on, of course, to this comment of alcohol, the same thing prevails here. Alcohol, in itself, is a depressant. It knocks one down and cuts back his inhibitions and makes him feel as though he is relaxed. And in some instances, he may appear to be stimulated. This is merely the releasing of his inhibitions. But here again, the question of habit arises. So what's the next step? What really happens hereafter? We go to the question of smoking a cigarette is not usual. And this is the so-called marijuana. Marijuana, as such, is habit-forming. Fortunately, it's not an addiction. And I'll explain this to you in a little while. Habit-forming, though it be, it is the first step to addiction. And it is something that makes a person feel as though he is on, quote, cloud nine. Oh, it's Mark McKinney? Oh, please. Oh, man. I love kids in the hall. That's a number one superstore. And many people then turn to smoking it because they want to escape. This is the answer again, escaping from reality. Reality? You know that thing that every adult hates? Many cough mixtures will have codeine in them. Or in some instances, they may even have Demerol, which is another narcotic. And in some instances, people will get their hands on sufficient of this to use it. And will get lost, so to speak. Here again, it's the first step toward the addiction of narcotics. There are other ways of taking narcotics than by mouth. And as I indicated, one may take it as codeine or as Demerol. But there is obviously the so-called mainliner. You've all seen enough television. You've all seen enough movies to know that there is a so-called mainliner. You've all been told to look out for the monkey on your back. Let's just look at this from a realistic standpoint. Would you like consistently to escape reality? Yes. Would you like not to be able to prove yourself? Yes. To show that you're a human being that can maintain himself. And as a matter of fact, can conquer anything to which he puts his mind. I think so. If you want not to do this, then you go hiding. In marijuana. Or in alcohol. Or in narcotics that you can take by mouth. And lastly, and the last step, is to take narcotics by injection. This is the mainliner. If you're going to take narcotics by injection, your life is done. Try to get me to go to rehab, but not that. No, no, no. Use it in moderation that you needn't be concerned. As I indicated when I started this talk with you, once you get to this stage, you are finished. There is no other answer. There is only one way out, and that is to continue to use narcotics. Have you wondered why so many of the gangsters have made so much money on narcotics? It is the reason of the fact that most of them are going to stay with it. They're going to find they have to have it. And unfortunately, you can't just go out and try it to see whether or not you like it. Because if you try it even once, you are on your way. And narcotics, it is absolutely frightening to behold. If you could watch people who have become addicted to any of the narcotics, and there are a number, you would well realize why I say this to you. You must never just try it. You have to go all in. I've never made a point of saying you can't do this. The reason has been that for the most part, if you're a logical thinking person, you're not going to try it at all. If you just kind of wonder if the old doc is telling you this or not, you might try it. I am saying in this instance, there is no other answer. If I hadn't led you to know this with all my other discussions, I would presume that you might want to try it once. May I warn you, don't. And if you'd like very much to know further of this, certainly talk with the police department. They will put you in touch with people, teenagers, who have looked at it. It is limited to adults who are attempting to escape the reality of their family responsibilities. This also includes the youngster. And the youngster can be someone less than a teenager. Yep, just five-year-old, right in the age range. There are many types of hemorrhoids, allotted morphine, you've all heard of morphine, or heroin. And heroin seems to be the one that most addicts prefer. No, Steve, 8 out of 10 addicts prefer heroin over morphine. Goes in easily. And the most difficult to obtain. When someone is hooked on heroin, this is the end of the line. Looking at the reasons for using these various drugs, I think by now you've recognized that it is a matter of escape, more than anything else. Trying to run away from the problems of either family, school, or life. Well, this is true of other things. People escape by becoming very active in athletics. By becoming very active in civic duties. This, of course, is the right way to correct your need to prove something. Do it in a positive venture. Do something that is going to improve yourself, rather than something that will tear you down. Another is kicks. How many of the characters that you know that are so-called artists are attempting to do something for kicks? This is the greatest. Boy, you should try. You've all heard of it. Don't do it, or you may find that the question of being a chicken will end up with a person being a dead hero instead of a live chicken. The reason I say this is that if you think about any challenge that is given to you, and you know the effect of the challenge, if you make the right decision, you're not a chicken in anybody's eyes, except the person who, in himself, had such insecurity that he had to challenge it. So doing it for kicks, doing it for that one thrill, certainly can lead to the problems of which I speak. Another problem that does arise, and this is one of which you will hear, is that of having been given the narcotic by a doctor. It is conceivable, in certain cases, medically speaking, that narcotics must be used over a fairly long period of time. In general, the doctor does not like to do this, because he can, in the patient to whom he's given the narcotic, develop an addiction. This changed also slightly in the 21st century. However, if it's a key theme based on certain problems we might have, such as a neurological problem, or such as a problem of cancer, the doctor may feel, this is the lesser of two evils. This person must not be made to suffer. This is the living or chicken or dying a hero analogy, I guess. However, he generally will do this only as a last resort. Now it's a first resort these days. A fraction of a fraction of one percent. Practically none of the addicts have become addicts because a doctor has started them. Occasionally it happens. But of course, if you're going to be told, you're going to hear that the reason most people become this way is that they've been given by doctors for their medical problems. This is not true. I want to emphasize it. It does occur, but it is not very frequent. Now another thing that might happen is that occasionally you'll hear of a doctor or a nurse who has been picked up by a narcotic addict. The same kind of individual as the rest of the people who do use narcotics for escape. The doctor or the nurse may just say, I think I'll try it once just to get relaxed and to get away from it all. Once, once is too much. Once in a doctor is no different from once in you. This is an exam gone wrong. In an effort to get relaxed, to get away from pressure. You're an American journal. I never thought it would happen to me. I want to cite that because it can occur. And very often the arguments that come up are related to either that or this question of the treatment of a person who's been sick. Now why can't one stop? Because the doctor can't fill in the prescription. The problem is that the person relies upon it. He feels uncomfortable when he's not using it. And this doesn't mean an injection once every seven or eight days. This finally means an injection not only once a day, but occasionally more than once a day. So the person relying on it must pay for it. And this will mean, therefore, he has to have the money to get it. He can't get it through legitimate means. The druggist is not entitled to give it. The doctor will not give it. He can't buy it through the drug wholesale houses. It must be obtained through illegal measures. And in doing this, it must be paid for, and paid for in an extreme amount. So do something cheaper. This means five, ten, fifteen, a hundred dollars for one injection. The more hooked the person is, the more that that person must pay for it. What if he doesn't have money? What does he do? Well, he turns to being a criminal. Or if he's a girl, or a woman, he turns to being a prostitute. The next step for anyone who becomes hooked is to become a criminal. Well, he was a criminal for doing it in the first place. But he may not have been of criminal intent. However, when he gets to the point where he must have it, he becomes a criminal. He breaks into a store. If they're from Public Enemy, it's a hated, shaded criminal. Or if it's a girl, she knows that she can, by being a prostitute, get some money. Would you like to be a criminal or a prostitute just for one time? An interview with Fred Garvin, male prostitute. That's a deep cut, but I hope people like it. And this is very specific to people who are narcotic addicts. This is known as withdrawal symptoms. Like low blood pressure? Which means that if one takes away from a person who has become addicted, all of the drugs, he suffers excruciating pain. He screams and he hollers and he writhes. And he is extremely uncomfortable. He thinks he is going to die. As a matter of fact, he wishes he could die. This is a specific symptom to narcotics only. It cannot be found in any other measure of medicine. It occurs in everyone who has drug take-away. So that if you were to go to a given hospital, or to one of the federal prison hospitals for attempting to control narcotics, you would find that the person who has the withdrawal symptoms is without doubt suffering as much as anybody who has suffered an extreme injury, such as an automobile accident. This is one of the reasons why a person is so easily hooked. It becomes easier for him to take the drug again than to suffer the withdrawal symptoms. What other factors are there to think of? We have to consider the dangers that involve not only the individual, but his family. And from his family to the community. And now we come to the happy part of the record. One cannot get a narcotic addict and bring him under the control that he can a person who is an alcoholic. And in reality, he has the same kind of problem. He's escaping from reality. But as AA works for alcoholics, this type of thing does not work for narcotic addicts. It has to be an individual desire with the help of insufficient facilities throughout the entire United States for the care of all the people who are narcotic addicts. In summing up my discussion, I want you to know that this is the only time that I have told you you must or must not do that. I haven't given you room for doubt that there is no second choice. If you, after hearing this, were to walk into a chance for a narcotic usage, you are doing something that has a point of no return. Remember therefore that once it started, there is no return and you could end up in prison as a criminal or as a prostitute. Hashtag life goals. Well, that was a fun record. I... Yeah, it was. Really didn't do a good job of talking about the bad sides of drugs and alcohol. I mean, some, but like... Read your phrase. Okay, yeah. Well, my favorite was when you said people who take drugs feel abnormally enthusiastic and abnormally at ease. Mm-hmm. So if you're very excited, I just won a million dollars. No, you're on drugs. Yeah. That doesn't make any sense to me. But hey, we are growing, Brian. We... What? Actually have a small staff of writers. Oh, wow. Yeah. Are we using Fiverr again? Five bucks for two minutes. No. I have a good friend, Eric Evans. Eric, say hi. Hi. So Eric is joining us in writing and stuff. I've known Eric for a while. We used to do improv and stuff together. Yep. Had a great time and always funny. So that's what he would like to start writing for a podcast. So he agrees. That's why he's here. Cool. So I'm the only one with pencils. Right. Exactly. And a yellow pad. He's just using me for my materials. Right. It is a pretty essential need. Yeah. So... Well, it's just like on the record, he talked about, you know, people using drugs or just being used. Mm-hmm. For his graphite. I don't know about it at all. So obviously, I'm not on drugs. Right. I don't feel calm or relaxed during this entire conversation. So I'm sober. Right. But I also feel like escaping. So I'm kind of conflicted, honestly. But, yeah, like this record, you're right. It doesn't... Like, it sets out to scare. Yeah. Like, its goal is to frighten. Like, you know, if you do this once, you're going to be, like, on a mattress in a crack like within 45 minutes of this. Right. Yeah. But then there's, like, no downside to it. Right. But then it's like, you might be happy. Right. You might be abnormally happy. How dare you? Right. Yeah. It's just an interesting push-pull that's happening here. Yeah. No, of course. Nothing from the 1950s was any kind of scare propaganda whatsoever. So it's perfectly fine. No. Yeah. This is perfectly normal, natural behavior. Right. It's like, oh, no. It smells bad. You are bad. You're going to jail. Right. Atomic bomb. You know, all that stuff. It's all about the tricks. Drug tested. Hippies approved. But, yeah. But, yeah. So. 1950s, man. Yeah. It was a weird time. Yeah. So on slide two, we're going to talk about... Menstruation for boys. Yes. That's just all kinds of wrong. No, it's not, Steve. I am so excited. I have been waiting for this one. I am ready to surf this wave. It is so good. I am so full of jokes that I am cramping. It is... It's like... I just... I can't wait to get it out. And some of the jokes are going to be irrational. Like, you might think that it's my sick time, but it's not. Yeah. We don't joke about that. Period. Yeah. See what he said. I know. Exactly. All right. Well, if you want to contact us, you can send us an email at VinylWar22 at And, you know, you can always follow us on Facebook. And if you are on YouTube a lot, you can also listen to our podcast. We do have some videos on there every now and then. With that, we'll see you next time. Yeah. And as we close out, I just want to remind you that all records should be collected.