Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
People are sharing their experiences of receiving unwanted gifts at holiday parties. The topic then shifts to whether it's acceptable to request a birthday song at a restaurant. The host discusses a list of unusual emotional support animals and shares listener feedback. They also talk about encountering celebrities in public and express their dislike for a particular song. The show covers various topics such as National Hugging Day, embarrassing moments at work, mistaken identity of a bear, the Aurora Borealis, weird statues, and betting on Taylor Swift's outfit at the Super Bowl. It's K103 on the Afternoon Show, and a question for you. What is the worst gift you can give somebody at the holiday Christmas party at work? Now I have to say I can't stand doing these things because I always get back something that I really don't want. I have to re-gift it later anyway to somebody else, and it's always something like a candle, and nobody wants that. Okay? Just don't give it. Don't do it. It's K103. Hello from the kids. It's K103 here on the Afternoon Show with Warren, and taking some of your listener comments over on the text line at 555-1035. Now Emily wrote in commenting on that holiday Christmas party at work. She said she gave somebody a candle for Christmas, and received a candle from that exact same person. So get a candle. Get a candle. There you go, Emily. You're upcycling. Fancy terminology. This is K103 on the Afternoon Show with Warren. We're having a good day so far, and a very important question. Does it make you a bad person to go into a restaurant and request to have a happy birthday song sung to you as your birthday? Now I know a lot of people can't stand this. Probably the staff hate it the most because they don't want to do that. They just want to go about their job. Like I said, you're sitting in the seat. You have that dumb, stupid grin on your face, and you're all happy that they're singing to you, and they could be cleaning something or doing something more worth their time, and they just want you to get out of their restaurant and go away. It's K103 on the Afternoon Show with Warren. I saw this list online, the top worst emotional support animals you can buy for yourself. Let me give you the top three real quick. Number three is fairly obvious. It's the emotional support goldfish. I mean, that thing is not going to live very long, this thing. Number two is the emotional support grizzly bear. And number one, the emotional support alligator. Yes, you heard that right. It's K103 on the Afternoon Show with Warren. You're having a good Monday so far. I'm taking your listener feedback as always as we do here on the show at our text line. It's 555-1035. And I love this. So I got a message from Joe talking about the emotional support animals. And he says he knows somebody somewhere who has the emotional support tarantula. And I just have to say, Joe, this is why I never, ever, ever go to Australia. It is not worth it. All right? It's K103 on the Afternoon Show with Warren. Having a good day so far. And a very important question for you. If you happen to be outside, you're running your errands, doing all the stupid stuff that you do on a day-to-day basis, and you happen to see a celebrity, what do you do? Do you try to talk to them? Do you try to take a photo with them? I think in that situation it's so rare you have to try and do something. But it depends on who it is. I'm going to be talking to Kevin Smith, who's probably a bodyguard right around the corner. He's going to beat you up with a stick if something works. It's K103 on the Afternoon Show with Warren. And this has got to be one of the worst songs I have ever heard in my entire life. And, no, I'm not joking. It is K103 here on the Afternoon Show. Hello there. My name is Warren. And I just heard that today, January 21st, is National Hugging Day. So apparently you're supposed to go outside, hug your family, your friends, your spouse. But I just have to say, I think I'm with Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld this month. Don't touch me. Don't get near me. Just stay over there. No touching. It's K103 here on the Afternoon Show with Warren. And do you happen to have a most embarrassing experience or moment at work? Well, I do. And, for me, it's got to be a two-way tie between a paboot poisoning mishap after sushi and falling down the stairs right in front of some ladies. Paboot. Can't get better than that, right? Text in right now, 551035. Let me know. It's K103 on the Afternoon Show. And I think this news story right here explains why you might need glasses. So a couple in L.A. was outside. They saw a bear break into their car and start rummaging through the inside. So they backed away, of course, called the police, called the insurance company. After a very careful investigation, of course, they found out that, no, this was not a bear. It was actually a crack addict dressed up as a bear breaking into cars all around the block. So I think this might explain how victims were spotted way back when. It's got to be something like this. It's K103 on the Afternoon Show. And everyone's getting stoked and excited tonight to go back outside and look at this Aurora Borealis once again. You're supposed to be able to see it from about 2 o'clock in the morning until about 5 o'clock. So you've got a good three- or four-hour window or so. And I just have to say, I drove 100 miles last time to go look at that thing. I saw nothing. I waited outside all night in the cold. That was not worth it at all. So I am staying inside. I'm staying warm. It's K103 on the Afternoon Show. Hello there. My name is Warren, keeping you company today. And reading some of your messages about the most embarrassing experiences you've had at work, I love this one right here from Dean. Now, Dean wrote in, and he says he's gotten food poisoning at work before, just like me, but he vomited right in front of his entire crew, all his co-workers, right in the middle of a meeting, right there on the floor. So I just have to say, Dean, you know what? You're a genius. You got out of a meeting. All right? It's K103. It's K103 on the Afternoon Show. It's Warren. I'm having a good Monday so far. And I saw this article online. You know I like to use my time wisely. And I had to look this up earlier today. Basically, it's a breakdown of all the weird statues and sculptures that exist all around the world. They call it the world's worst statues. They actually do exist in cities you might have been to. And number one on the list, I love this. It's a giant pile of brass poop in Washington, D.C. I love it. I would like to have this in my backyard. It's everything that I stand for. And everything we stand for at K103. It's K103 on the Afternoon Show. I'm asking the question, what is the worst possible gift you can give somebody for Christmas or a birthday or Valentine's Day? Basically, any time you're expected to give somebody a gift. Now, I'm asking this over on the text line. Text in right now at 555-1035 and let me know. Now, Mikey texted in. He said, do not, I repeat, do not give somebody covenant. Now, Mikey, I think he might know some experience. Please. It's Harry Stiles here on K103. Hello there. My name is Warren. And have you ever wanted to have yourself a naked photo of Harry Stiles hanging up inside your house? Speaking personally for myself, I can't say that I have. But you could, in your house, have that hanging up if you happen to buy Harry Stiles' brand-new album on vinyl, which has cover art. And let me say, yes, you're getting some of that X-rated stuff in there as well. Because there you go. Harry Stiles, not family friendly. Hey, it's K103 here on the Afternoon Show. And you know me, I'm not really a bettor. I don't gamble. I don't go to casinos. I don't sports bet anything like that. But I was checking this out online for the Super Bowl coming up here in February. You can bet online for what Taylor Swift is going to wear. And I think they're making a big assumption that she's even going to be there in the first place.