This audio, titled "Cracking Egg 25," begins with the distinct crunching sound of an eggshell being broken. The listener can almost visualize the hand gently applying pressure, causing the shell to fracture in a crisp, clean break. The sound then shifts to a squish, a moist, soft noise that vividly paints a picture of the egg's interior being exposed. The peel comes next; it's a softer, more subtle sound. It's the noise of the thin membrane beneath the eggshell being meticulously removed, piece by piece, revealing the raw egg's interior. This is followed by another break, a slight crackle as the last bits of the shell are separated. The gore is a wet, gloopy sound, like the yolk and egg white spilling out, perhaps onto a pan or a bowl. It's a rich, visceral noise that speaks of freshness and uncooked potential. The audio wraps up with one final crack, a goodbye from the eggshell as it