In this audio, the riveting sounds of a hardrock-style snare drum dominate. The drum beats are tight and powerful, asserting their presence in a captivating manner. The audio revolves around the unique tones of the snare drum, instantly evoking images of a rock concert, pulsating with raw energy. The rhythm is distinctly hardrock, with the snare drum tuning into the genre's signature intensity, making the listeners feel as if they are right in the middle of a live performance. The snare drum's crisp, sharp sounds are flawlessly interspersed with the resonating after-tones, maintaining a perfect balance that characterizes rock music. The drumming seems to encapsulate the very essence of hardrock, complete with its relentless pace, high energy, and the quintessential edginess. The audio is a testament to the power of drums, and more specifically, the snare drum in shaping the sound and feel of hardrock music.