The audio begins with the distinct sound of a keyboard being tapped rhythmically, creating a unique beat that echoes in the background. As this tapping noise continues, it becomes clear it's not just random typing, but deliberately crafted to form a rhythmic pattern. This tapping isn't just noise, it's an instrumental device being used very creatively. Soon, a voice layers over this beat, a rapper begins to deliver his lines with precision and flair. His voice is powerful, piercing through the rhythm of the keyboard taps. The combination of the keyboard taps and the rapper's voice creates a unique and engaging soundscape. The tapping on the keyboard doesn't stop, it continues, varying in speed and intensity, keeping the listener engaged as the rapper continues his energetic performance. The device of the keyboard is used not only as a tool to write lyrics but also as an instrument to create music. The audio is a fusion of old and new, traditional rap, and modern technology. It's