The audio begins with an ambient, delicate hum, reminiscent of an insect preparing for flight. The hum gradually evolves into a consistent, rhythmic buzzing, painting a vivid picture of a tiny creature beating its wings rapidly. The sound is both persistent and gentle, creating an atmosphere of focused determination and effort. As the buzzing continues, it grows in intensity, signifying the insect's ascension. The audio cleverly captures the essence of flight, encapsulating the struggle, the grace, and the freedom associated with the act of soaring. Towards the end, the buzzing begins to fade, symbolizing the insect's descent or perhaps its transition into a serene glide. The audio concludes with a soft echo of the original buzzing, leaving listeners with a sense of completion and a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of flight. The title "Soar" perfectly encapsulates this journey, inviting listeners to imagine the insect's flight in all its buzzing glory.