The audio begins with the nostalgic mechanical hum of a video cassette being inserted into a VHS player. The plastic body of the cassette clinks against the player's metallic interior, the noise of the process is distinct and familiar. The sound of the tape being gently pulled from its plastic casing by the player's inner mechanisms ensues - a soft, rhythmic whirring that harkens back to a time when film was physical and tangible. The audio is layered with the white noise of a television screen flickering to life, as the magnetic tape inside the cassette begins to roll and play the recorded content. The entire process is enveloped in a comfortingly low hum of analog technology at work, a stark contrast to today's silent digital media. The audio ends with a satisfying click, signalling the start of a film on VHS, a sound that's a throwback to the era of video cassette recording.