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cover of Video from September 2, 2020
Video from September 2, 2020

Video from September 2, 2020




The audio titled "Video from September 2, 2020" commences with the ambient noise of a bustling college environment. It is a symphony of voices merged with the sound of pages fluttering, possibly students going through their notes. There's an underlying murmur of several conversations happening at once, creating an atmosphere of academic engagement and activity. Suddenly, the distinct, mellow sound of a trumpet cuts through the noise. It's a skilled player who seems to be practicing, as the brass instrument echoes through the corridors. The melody is bright and lively, contrasting with the low hum of the background. The trumpet's sound fluctuates between being the main focus and blending in with the college's ambient noises, creating a unique soundscape that encapsulates a day in the life on a college campus. The audio ends with the fading sound of the trumpet, leaving behind the familiar murmur of the college environment, and with it, a sense of nostalgia for those college days.

Sound Effectssoundcollegenotetrumpet

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