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The Truth About Submission

The Truth About Submission


The husband is the agent of Jesus within the marriage, accountable to Him for how he treats the wife because Jesus gave His life for her. The wife submits to the husband because the husband is on assignment for Jesus. Both must understand this truth to succeed in marriage.

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The speaker begins by expressing their excitement for the upcoming revelatory meeting and explains that they have decided to start the recording earlier than usual due to another program. They emphasize their commitment to following the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their ministry. They mention that they have been feeling led to talk about spirituality and submission, and tonight's discussion will focus on the truth about submission. The speaker prays for the Holy Spirit's presence and guidance during the meeting. They then introduce three passages of scripture that will be discussed, one from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament, all related to the topic of submission. The speaker acknowledges that submission can be a controversial and challenging topic, especially for women, but explains that it is a necessary aspect of the Christian faith. They emphasize that God's principles are eternal and that He operates a theocracy, not a democracy, meaning that He expects obedienc Praise the Lord. People of God, praise God. We are delighted to be recording another revelatory meeting this evening. We are coming a little earlier this evening and that's because God will have us to connect with a program. This program is a once in a lifetime program and this other program is holding at our regular time and so we have received grace to move this evening's recording, this evening's meeting forward. As we have received grace to do this, we trust and believe that the Holy Spirit of God will speak as He always does. Our meeting this evening is a little different because we are trying to see how the Lord will direct us in this ministry because as we have always said, we are here to do God's bidding. We are here to be used of the Holy Spirit to do what He purposes to do. So when we meet, when we come every Sunday, we are open and yielded to the Spirit of God to do as He wants to do, to say what He wants to say, how He wants to say it. And so I have been feeling lately that the Spirit of God is wanting to just talk, just talk to us about issues that many people are not addressing. One of those issues is the truth about spirituality, that life is truly spiritual, whether we accept, whether we admit, whether we believe or we do not. The truth is life is spiritual and so because I live a very spiritual life, but usually I am reluctant to talk about that aspect of my life, I have been feeling lately that the Holy Spirit would like for me to talk about spirituality. And this is why last Sunday and the Sunday before we dealt with the issue of spirituality, we dealt with the prophetic and the dynamics of the realm of the prophetic. We are going to go back to that topic, but that is not what we are talking about this evening. This evening we are talking about submission, the truth about submission. That is our title for this evening's discussion, the truth about submission. We will touch on the prophetic a little bit. We will make some references, but our subject really is the truth about submission. Let's pray. Holy Spirit, we thank you, we honor you, we appreciate your presence and we reverence you, we trust you that as you have always done, you will come, you will show up this evening, you will teach us, you will help us, you will enable us. Lord Jesus, we reverence you, you are Lord over this ministry, you are Lord over this meeting, you are Lord over this recording. Great Jehovah, you are our Father, we are grateful that you will give us the opportunity to delve into your word. We pray tonight that you will reveal yourself to us, oh God, through your word, by your Holy Spirit. You will reveal yourself to us by your Spirit, you will reveal Jesus to us by your Spirit. And at the end of this meeting, we would have learned something new, we would have learned something new to change our lives. Our light will shine that much brighter this evening. Holy Spirit, I ask for your help. I am only here to do what you have called me to do. So breathe tonight, Holy Spirit. I pray for knowledge, I pray for wisdom, I pray that you open my eyes to the mysteries of your word, the grace to articulate what you are teaching me, what you are telling me, give to me. That Jesus be glorified through me tonight, the grace to speak even as the oracles of God give to me, in Jesus name, Amen. So we are going to start by, we are going to start, our alarm is going off, we are going to have to turn that off. So we are going to start, we have three passages of scripture, we are working with three passages of scripture this evening. We have one from the Old Testament, the book of Numbers. We have two from the New Testament. And the reason we want to do that is, you know, sometimes when we discuss the subject of submission, we have some really woke people, especially the younger generation, who don't like to hear anything about submission in any way. And many of these people are women. Many women don't like to talk about submission because, you know, these days we have the feminist movement and the feminist movement doesn't like anything about submission when it's the woman who has to submit. So we also have people who would say, oh, you know, submission is in the Old Testament. The New Testament is progressive. But you see, the New Testament is actually more emphatic and more descriptive of submission. And so we have from the Old Testament, we have our first passage of scripture from the book of Numbers. We actually used this same passage of scripture from last Sunday. We used it in a different fashion, talking about the prophetic, but today we're going to use it in a different way and Holy Spirit is going to teach us using this scripture in a different way. So our first passage of scripture, which is from the Old Testament, is from the book of Numbers, chapter 12, verses 6 to 8. And in the New Testament, we have our first passage of scripture from the book of Ephesians, chapter 5, verses 21 and 22. Then we're also going to go to the book of 1 Peter, chapter 5, verses 5 and 6. So I will read now the book of Numbers, chapter 12, verses 6 to 8, the Bible says, And he said, Hear now my words, if there be a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house. With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches. And the similitude of the Lord shall he behold. This is actually our emphasis on this evening. The Lord is saying, Wherefore then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? Our next passage of scripture, Ephesians 5, verses 21 and 22, the Bible reads, Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. 22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife. We're going on now to verse 23 and 24. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church, his body of which he is the Savior. Now, as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. First Peter 5, verses 5 and 6, the Bible says, In the same way, ye who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble. Verse 6, Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may lift you up in due time. Let's add verse 7, Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. So this topic of submission, I believe that this controversy and this resistance to submission is nothing new. I truly believe that the Apostle Paul wrote about this because it was an issue. In Bible days, in his days, it was an issue. It was an issue that required direction. So, I don't even think that believers now, who are struggling with submission, I don't think believers should feel bad about the fact that they're struggling with submission. It was an issue then, it's an issue now, it will be an issue until Jesus comes. The reason I believe that submission would be a challenge for anyone, especially for women. I say anyone because submission is not just for women. We are looking at it now, the Bible is saying here in 1 Peter 5, the Bible is addressing the younger. The younger can be male, the younger can be female. So, this is a broad stroke. We are looking at submission as a whole. Submission of the wife to the husband, submission of the younger to the older. And also submission to authority because the Bible also says that as believers we must submit to those whom God has placed in authority over us because they have a duty over us. So, we are also looking at submission to authority. Submission as just a wide subject of submission is what we are looking at today. So, submission isn't easy, that's why the Apostle Paul is addressing submission. Especially for someone who is very well educated, especially a woman. A woman who is very well educated and is probably independent, financially independent. Someone like that is going to have an issue with submission. Submission for someone who is younger but probably more successful than the older. Or someone who is maybe not only more successful, has probably achieved more in life than the older. Or someone who maybe has a strong personality, stronger personality than the older, they have trouble submitting. But you see, God isn't particularly interested in all of that. In fact, God is not interested in all of that. In God's kingdom, God operates a theocracy. And what is a theocracy? A theocracy is a government ruled by God, by His rules, His principles, and we are meant to obey the rules of God. That is the government of God. It's a theocracy. It's not a democracy. God isn't asking any of... Of course, God has given us free will. But you see, God doesn't ask us our opinion regarding His principles. God's principles are eternal. God's principles are eternal. God doesn't ask our opinion. God commands and we do as we are commanded. God operates a theocracy. And God operates a theocracy that is designed by His infinite knowledge. His divine intelligence and omniscience is the guiding light for the rules that God puts in place for mankind. What do I mean by that? See, the God whom we serve is ancient. He's eternal. He has been here from the beginning. He knows all things. The Bible says He is God. Who is? Who was? Who always will be? What is now has been before. God has seen it all. He knows the beginning. He knows the ending, in fact. He knows the ending from before the beginning. And God isn't confined. He is not constrained by time. We as human beings, we are. How much time do we have on earth? The oldest human being, no matter how long that human being lives, at some point he or she is bound to transition from the physical body and go to the spiritual realm, the spirit realm. God is eternal. Everything that you ever do, ever think of doing, God has seen it before. So when God puts rules and principles in place, it is because He knows the outcome. He knows the outcome of those principles. The things that we do, usually we don't even know the outcome until we have done them. Very often we try, even with the best calculation, very often we don't know the outcome of anything. Why? Because we are not omniscient. We don't know how anything is going to turn out. We only hope for the best. But you see, God's principles, God's kingdom, God's word, if we do it as God has designed it, we know the outcome because the outcome is exactly as He has designed. So when God says, wife, submit to your husband, younger, submit to the older, you, the people, submit to your leaders, God has designed a system of order. A system of order because you can never prosper in chaos. You can never have lasting prosperity in chaos. Chaos always leads to depletion. God is about order. Every principle that God puts in place, it's for the good of His people. Because, like I said, God is omniscient, He knows the beginning from the ending, He knows the beginning, He knows the ending from before even the beginning. So when God puts a principle in place, He already knows the outcome. So once there is order, everybody knows everybody's place. The husband is not going to usurp the authority of the wife because the wife still has authority. The Bible says, going further down in Ephesians 5, the Bible requires that the man, the husband, love his wife. So when you love somebody, there is a level of authority that goes to the person that you love. Because you see, your heart is a domain. When you love someone, that person has a certain level of authority over your heart. So the wife is not totally without authority. God has commanded the wife to submit to her husband as unto Jesus Christ. It is the will of the Father that the wife see Christ in her husband. If you see Christ in your husband, and you know that your husband is actually an agent of Jesus Christ in that marriage. Because you see, the truth is, as a wife, in fact all of us, man and woman, Jesus is our first husband because we are the bride of Christ. Now more in particular to the wife, Jesus is your first husband as the wife. But Jesus is a spirit. He has a representative in your husband. Your husband in the marriage is the agent of Jesus. So if you have full understanding that you are in fact married to Jesus. But Jesus, your first husband, is not flesh and blood. He has elected an agent, your husband, to stand in for him in that marriage. So, as you would submit to Jesus, if Jesus was in the flesh and He was the one in your house, as you would submit to Him, you submit to the man as if you were submitting to Jesus. It is His will. It is how He has designed it. And if we have an understanding, we know the truth about the dynamic of this submission, especially the submission of the wife to the husband, it becomes easier. Easier. Not easy. Easier. Now if the man understands that he is an agent for Jesus, and he understands how much Jesus loves his wife, there are some things that he would not do to the wife, knowing that him and the wife, they both report to Jesus. If you know that Jesus loves your wife so much and would do anything to protect her, you would be afraid to do some things to the woman. Because you know that if she takes you before the throne of grace, Jesus would judge. Jesus would fight for her. And if you are afraid of this Jesus, there are some things you would not do, knowing especially if you had a praying wife. I hope you are already seeing the order, the divine order of things. This is why our subject today is the truth about submission. This submission is not one-sided. The reason why many women in particular have trouble submitting is because they see submission as a one-sided imbalance. They feel like it's the man who is, you know, the man has so much power and the woman has no power. It is not true. It's not true. The truth that makes the difference and sets you free is understanding who is in the middle. Jesus the Christ is in the middle of both of you. Jesus, the Bible says, let's read it again. The Bible says again in Ephesians 5. The Bible says, Ephesians 5.25, the Bible says, let's go now to verse 23. Or we can even just start from verse 22. Verse 22. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Now, as the church submits to Christ, so also wives submit to your husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wife just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy cleansing. So, this goes to what I was saying. If you, the wife, you understand that Christ is actually your first husband. Christ gave himself for you. You are his bride. And now Christ requires that you treat your husband as you would have treated him because your husband has been elected by God to stand in for him in the physical, in your house, as his representative, as his agent, to do for you in the natural what is required of a husband that Christ cannot do now because Christ is not in the flesh. And so Christ has elected an agent who is in the flesh, in the person of your husband, to be in your house representing him. So, submit to this agent of Jesus as if you were submitting to me. And the Bible says, husbands, love your wife. So, husband, if you understand that this, your wife, is someone for whom Christ gave himself. Christ gave himself for your wife. If you understand if Christ gave himself for your wife, do you think Christ is going to stand back and let you traumatize your wife? Let you disrespect your wife? He is not going to do that. He may give you a long rope. If you are married to a praying woman who understands the dynamic of that relationship, that there is a third person in that marriage, you, the husband, there are many things you won't get away with because Christ will arise and he will do what only he can do. Because he chose you to represent him in that marriage. There is accountability on both sides. And if we understand the truth about this submission, nobody is going to be afraid to submit. No woman will be afraid to submit to her husband. No man will be so bold as to mistreat his wife because there is a higher authority, a higher power, a third person on to whom everybody is accountable. Hallelujah! So now we are going to go to 1 Peter 5. 1 Peter 5 verse 5 where the Bible is saying in the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another because God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. This, I am going to say something very deep now. Again, you know, I have been saying that there are so many things. This ministry is a ministry, a very spiritual ministry. And like I said earlier, I am feeling like the Holy Spirit is saying not to hold back on those deep spiritual things. Now, many people may not know this. This is one of the reasons why it is so vital to submit. For the wife to submit to the husband, for the younger to submit to the older, for those under authority to submit to their leaders. You see, in this dimension, this earth realm, this earth realm has been given, I am sure you know that the Bible says first of all, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world. This world, in this world we are living with principalities and powers. We are living with forces who are not flesh and blood. We are flesh and blood but they are not flesh and blood. But they coexist with us in this realm. They have power in this realm. They exist in this realm. And you see, that world, the level of order in that world, you as a Christian, you will not believe. You see, in that world, they know about submission because everything is by hierarchy and by order. Nobody in that world steps out of line because in that world there is no mercy. The reason why Christians, believers, very often don't obey the word of God is because our God is merciful. He is long-suffering. He is our Father. He gives us time to repent and He overlooks many things that we do. Not in the other kingdom. Not in the order of principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world. This world has a system. A system governed by darkness. And in that system, there are fiery dots. Fiery arrows. The only reason why we as believers are able to succeed and be protected in this earth realm is because we have a shield, we have a covering which is the blood of Jesus Christ. We have a helper, a protector who is the Holy Spirit. Now, there are many people who are not believers but they live by the principles of heaven, by the principles of God, very often because of how they were raised. Many of them are raised in these principles. Principles of respect, principles of honor, and that's because even the kingdom of darkness recognizes, like I said before, there is order in the kingdom of darkness. In the kingdom of darkness, in the other realm, the principalities, the powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, in that darkness, that kingdom, the rulers there, they also have rules and principles with which they govern their kingdom. And there is no mercy in that kingdom. So everybody falls in line. If you fall out of line, judgment is swift. Judgment is swift. So, this order, respect and everything, they also have it in the kingdom of darkness. What they don't have is mercy. What they don't have is mercy. Judgment is swift when someone falls out of line. And so when people are raised and they are not believers, they have to fall into some category. They either fall into the kingdom of God, into the light category, light side, or the dark side. If it is the kingdom of God, and you are raised by a God-fearing person who knows the principles of God and has taught you order, has taught you submission, you are likely to grow up to be submissive, to grow up to submit to authority because you have been taught the principles. You have to have been taught. No child grows up to become submissive. Why? Because you have to raise up a child in the way that he should grow. And when he grows, he will not depart from what you have taught him. So, you will find that people in the kingdom of God who are submitted, who are obedient, you will find them submitting. You will find them doing what the word of God says because somebody taught them. Also, the other people who are not in the kingdom of God, you will also find them doing these principles. You will find them submitting to authority. You will find them very well-behaved. You will find them respectful because somebody has taught them even though the person who taught them is not a believer. Why? Because the kingdom of darkness mirrors the kingdom of God. When they see anything good in the kingdom of God that has good results, they appropriate it and they use it for themselves and they benefit from it. And like I said, in that kingdom, there is no mercy. This is why you will find that many people who are from the dark side or who are from other religions, you will find them very submissive. You will find them very humble. You will find them respectful, obedient because they have been taught about the repercussion of disobedience. But we, believers, because our Father is merciful and kind, we keep pushing the boundary. We keep pushing the boundary. Now, let me tell you why it is so important as a believer to fall in line and stay in line with the divine order of the kingdom of God. I'll tell you, it's a secret. Some know it, some don't. The Holy Spirit has been revealing to me mysteries of the kingdom which is what I am teaching now. Now, you see, when a child is born from the realm of the Spirit, when they are in their mother's womb, they are still in the realm of the Spirit. Why? Because they have not transitioned into the earth realm, into the world. They are still in the Spirit and they are substantial. They are not like an embryo or like a sperm or like a twinkle in the eye of the father, the mother. They are actually human beings but they are human beings in a dimension that is not of the earth, not of the world. The mother is, but the child is not. But once that child's head pops out of the mother and the head of that child opens the matrix of the mother, the very first child, once that head opens the matrix and accesses the natural realm, immediately that head has made contact with a system of the world which is darkness, principalities, powers, rulers of the... So in this world, they are rulers. This world, we are cohabiting with a system of darkness in this world that God in his infinite wisdom and mercy has placed a covering over the head that opens the matrix. So the first head that opens the matrix has a divine shield, a divine covering for what purpose? To be able to withstand the arrows, the darts that will be naturally fired in this earth realm. But there is a divine covering over the head of that first born child to protect that head, that glory, that aura from the wiles of the enemy. That's not all. That shield is for another purpose. Not only is that shield placed as a covering over the head that opens the matrix to be a defense against the machinations of darkness, that shield is also a covering for anybody else that comes behind the first born. So the shield, God places that shield one time. It's like, you know, when a woman is a virgin, she had a hymen that is broken one time. You don't break a hymen twice. You are not this virgin twice. So also is the shield, the helmet of protection that the Lord God of hosts in his infinite power and wisdom has placed over the head of the first born child as the head opens the matrix it's only one time. And that shield is to serve the purpose of protecting not only the first born child but every other head that will proceed from that matrix is protected because of that first born child. This is why it is important to honor your first born. Why? Because the shield that covers you is on the head of the first born. It's spiritual. If you are not a first born child and you want to jump ahead of the first born child, you have fallen out of line, the arrows will always come, the darts will come. Why? Because we are in the world, the earth realm and the natural vicissitudes of this earth realm is arrows of darkness. If you jump ahead of your first born child you will suffer because the shield is not on your head. This is why the Lord requires the younger to submit to the older because there is a shield over you that is on the head of the first born. If you stand in your place, the place that God gave you, you are under the shield, you are under the canopy, you are under the divine protection that God has placed on your bloodline. This is again a theocracy. If you decide that the first born is not wise, you have more money, you have a successful career, you have children, the first born doesn't have any of this, the first born is not sharp, you are the one, then you jump ahead of the first born. You have placed yourself in danger and the protection that God has placed before you, you have fallen out of line and the arrows of the enemy will locate you. This is not a curse, it is a given. Again, God's kingdom is a kingdom of order. The kingdom of darkness is a kingdom of order. Now if they are orderly in their kingdom and you are disorderly, you will reap the benefit of disorder. This is why we must always cover and submit to them and be humble because when it is well with your first born, it is well with you. Do not step out of line. If you are a last born, stay where God has placed you because everything God does is by order. If you are an employee, stay where God has placed you because God, in the same vein, is covering for you. God has placed your leader as a covering for you. There are some graces that God has placed on your leader to cover you and if you fall out of line, you put yourself outside of that grace. God is not a God of disorder. You are not going to get the anointing outside of the divine order. It is the same thing with the tithes. It is actually like the tithing system. When God has chosen himself a leader, God has chosen himself a first, either by way of a first born, by way of a husband, by way of a leader, a boss. God has made His choice and His command is that you obey Him and you follow His order. Once you fall out of line, you are telling God that you know better than Him. His wisdom, you are telling Him that you are wiser and then you force God to show you that He is omniscient and He has all wisdom. This is why it is so important. Now we are going to end our meeting with Moses. So we started with the book of Numbers and we are going to end with the book of Numbers. What I found very interesting in the book of Numbers is what the Lord said in the book of Numbers, chapter 12, verse 6. For me, it is a very interesting passage of scripture. I am going to read it again. The Lord said, How now? The Lord said, Hear now my words, if there be a prophet among you. Mark the word, if. If there be a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will make myself known to him by choice. I choose to make myself known to anyone who may be a prophet. So that means that it is questionable. It is an if. You are only a prophet if God is speaking to you. How? By visions and by dreams. So if God isn't speaking to you, you are not even a prophet. You may have even been a prophet before. So your office as a prophet is contingent upon the Lord making himself known to you by visions and by dreams. And the Lord is saying of his servant Moses, Moses my servant is not so. Moses is faithful in all my house and I speak to him mouth to mouth. Apparently I hide nothing. I don't speak to Moses in dark speeches. I say it as it is. And I show Moses my similitude, my theophanies. Moses sees me. I present myself in versions that he knows it is me. Similitudes of myself. He has the grace to behold me. I speak to him in similitudes. These are called theophanies. Then, this is where we are going. This is to Miriam and to Moses. The Lord said, Wherefore then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? This is important because Moses was not actually first born. His head didn't open the matrix. He was in fact a last born child. He was younger than his sister Mary and his sister Aaron. His brother Aaron. But he was chosen by God. He was elected by God to lead. And the Lord is saying that you, Miriam, you are a prophetess. You, Aaron, you are a priest and a prophet. The reason why you are a priest, Aaron, and a prophet is because I speak to you by visions and dreams. You, Miriam, the reason why you are a prophetess is because I choose to speak to you by visions and dreams. Well, have you ever seen my similitude, Miriam, Aaron? Have I ever spoken to you mouth to mouth? Have I ever? So the Lord is saying, since you know this and you know that Moses is my leader, why were you not afraid to stand up to him? Why were you not afraid of me? Whom you know, you are a prophetess. You have the gift of prophecy. And you know how I speak to you. You know how I speak to you, Miriam. You know how I speak to Aaron. And you know that Moses is different from you. Why? Because I have chosen Moses as a leader. Why is it you are not afraid? Afraid of me? Knowing that Moses is different. Knowing that Moses is my representative. Why were you not afraid of me? God is saying to them that you not being afraid of Moses means that you were not afraid of me. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? If you were not afraid to speak against my servant, it means you don't have sufficient fear for me. And this goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on

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