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Master Craftsman

Master Craftsman


Isaiah 44: 12 - 14

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Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah. Well, good evening, brothers and sisters. It's another Sunday. We're grateful to be alive and we're grateful to be able to bring God's Word. And like we always say, every opportunity we get to speak to God's people, God's Word, we are honored. And we are expectant to hear the Spirit of God speak tonight. Every Sunday is a new thing that God is doing. Every Sunday when we come, we come prepared as good students and good stewards of the Word because the Bible says we must study to show ourselves approved workmen, rightly dividing the Word of truth. So as workmen who have been entrusted with the light of God's Word, we are careful to look to Holy Spirit to tell us what he would have us speak. And then we look also into the light of his Word so that we are prepared, so that we are diligent in bringing God's Word to this meeting. However, we are totally submitted to Almighty God. We are totally submitted to what God will have us say. So even as we prepare, we are mindful that the Spirit of God may choose to do something else. He may choose to say something else. God's Spirit is at liberty to do and say as he pleases. And so each Sunday when we come with the Word, we are excited. We are anxious, isn't the word, because anxious is far from what we feel when we come. We look forward to see and to hear what the Lord will say even to us and through us. It's a journey and it's a wonderful experience every Sunday. And so on this Sunday, we have titled our discussion, The Master Craftsman. And we have some little children in the area, so you might hear some little baby voices. You might hear some little voices. They are trying to be in our recording today. We bless God for the little ones. And so on tonight, we have titled our message, The Master Craftsman. And our text is from the book of Isaiah, chapter 44, verses 12 to 14. That's the book of Isaiah, chapter 44, 12 to 14. Let's pray. Father, we thank you. We worship you. We honor you. We are reverent before you this evening. We acknowledge that your Word is powerful. Your Word is awesome. We invite your presence this evening that you will come and teach us by your Spirit. We are expecting to hear from you, Almighty God. We thank you for life. We thank you for preserving us Sunday after Sunday. We thank you because we are here alive and well. Again, to sit at the feet of Jesus to hear a Word for our souls. And so, Lord, speak for your servants here. Speak, Lord, for your servants here. Bring a Word that will heal us tonight, that will save us tonight, that will deliver a soul tonight. Bring a Word that will transform tonight and renew. Release a fresh anointing in this place. I, as the speaker, I ask for unction to pray. I ask for unction to teach. I ask for utterance. Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be acceptable in this place. Jesus, manifest yourself even to your people this evening. Amen. In Jesus' name, amen. And so, we're going to go right into the Word. God's Word in Isaiah 44 verses 12 to 14 reads. This is actually a passage of scripture that talks about the work of crafting. It talks about the process of crafting. Crafting in iron and crafting in wood. It talks about the futility of idolatry. The Bible is breaking down the process by which craftsmen create idols from iron, from wood. And so, from verse 12 of chapter 44 in the book of Isaiah, the Bible says, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel and works it over the coals. The ironsmith, with his chisel, shapes iron and works the iron that he's chiseling over the coals of fire. He forms the core, that is the core of the idol. Remember, we're talking about the ironsmith creating idols in iron and in wood. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel and works the iron over the coals. He forms the core with hammers. Using the chisel, he forms the core, which is a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel and works the iron over the coals. He forms the core with hammers. Using the chisel, he forms the core, which is a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel and works the iron over the coals. He forms the core with hammers. Using the chisel, he forms the core, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel and works the iron over the coals. He forms the core with hammers. Using the chisel, he forms the core, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a chisel, which is a hammer. 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And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the ironsmith shapes iron and uses a chisel, which is a hammer. And so, the authority to rule over the earth, to create, to name all created things, what he willed, he named them. And he had dominion. So now, when man is corrupted, when man allows himself to be corrupted, man effectively debases himself, reduces himself from that lofty place of glory and honor and dignity. By his own hand, man begins to worship a created thing. Man descends from the high lofty place, because now the mind of man has been corrupted, and man debases himself and begins to worship a created thing, when everything has been intended by God to be under the dominion of man. This is what happens even now, when we as believers, when we deviate from the worship of Almighty God, when we get distracted and we allow our minds to move from our God, because the Bible says, looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. When we move our gaze from Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith, our minds move and our minds were distracted. Our minds get corrupted. We begin to slowly, it happens very slowly. The moment you move your mind from where it's supposed to be on Christ the King, you step out. You step out, because the Bible says, in Christ we live, in Christ we move, in Christ we have our being. Once we allow ourselves, our minds to disengage from Christ, who is the source, our source of understanding who we are, because we are made in the image and the likeness of Christ the King, Christ is the fullness of the Godhead, we lose focus of who we are. And once that begins, the journey downward has begun. The descent from the high and lofty place that God has placed us in dominion over all things, it begins. Once our eyes are moved from Christ the King, the descent has begun. And once that descent begins, idolatry follows quickly. Because you see, what happens when man removes his gaze from the source of all things is that something else will catch your attention. If you move your gaze from Christ the King, who we are supposed to worship, who, as Christians, we should worship, because as a human being, your focus, your core, must be occupied with something or someone. And that something or someone that fills your core is the one you worship, is the one that takes the trajectory of your life, the trajectory of your thoughts. Holy Spirit, help me, help me articulate my thoughts. So once we move our minds from the source, our source, something else catches our eye. Something else catches our attention. And that other thing now becomes our source. The other thing now becomes the core. The other thing now occupies our core and becomes what we worship. That thing becomes our idol. That thing becomes our idol. And usually, that thing is a created thing. For example, money. Sometimes, I have been there, many of us have been there, where our needs seem so great and sometimes we don't even know where the next provision is coming from. At times like that, we may be tempted to move our eyes from the source of all things, the giver of all things, and begin to focus on the money, begin to focus on the need. We move our eyes from the one who said, Philippians 4.19, the Bible says in Philippians 4.19, So knowing that, we know that all of our needs will be met by God in Christ Jesus. So our eyes must remain on our source, Christ Jesus. But sometimes, some believers get so snowed over, snowed under by the bills, by need, they become afraid of where the next provision is coming from. And that fear drives them, drives their attention away from the source to the need. The need now occupies the core and every day you are anxious about this need, every day you are thinking about this need, every day you are... Eventually, you are going to begin to worship the need. And what's going to happen is you're going to begin to create avenues to meet that need by yourself. It's good to be creative in mind, it's good to try to find a way to solve your problems, it's good to be proactive. But as believers, we must always keep our focus on Christ the King who is the source of everything. Because once you move your eyes from Christ the King, you're moving into the territory of idolatry. Because if you move your eyes from Christ, your eyes must rest on something, something else or someone else. Maybe it's marriage, maybe it's your spouse, maybe it's your children, maybe it's your job, maybe whatever it might be for you. The moment you move your eyes from the source who is Christ onto that thing, that thing occupies the place of Christ. That thing becomes your core and that thing becomes your idol because you're going to begin to worship that thing. And whatever you feel that thing needs to be able to be comfortable, for whatever you feel you need to do to make that thing a reality, to make that thing number one, you're going to do it. For example, if your focus moves from Christ onto your spouse, that spouse is going to fill your core, that spouse is going to dictate everything you do in your life, that spouse is going to dictate every step that you take. Because now that spouse has filled your core and has taken the place of your source. Your focus has moved from Christ to someplace else, something else. And that something else, someplace else is now an idol. Because there can't be enough room in your core for Christ and Christ must take preeminence in our core, in our minds. And when this happens, when this happens, I can tell you right now that when a man's heart is filled with something other than Christ, is filled with someone other than Christ, corruption has begun. Corruption has begun. Because it will require a divine intervention for that Christian, for that man, that believer, to return to their rightful place in Christ. It will require a divine intervention. Usually once that descent begins, without a shadow of a doubt, you're going to hit rock bottom. Because usually when you get to the end of yourself is when you look back and realize that all this time you had even moved away. You had moved away from depending on Jesus, depending on God. Your focus had moved and you didn't even know. And so you are now worshipping money, you're worshipping your job, you're worshipping your spouse, you're worshipping even your children. You have created an idol by yourself and replaced Jesus with this idol in your heart. And how do you know when you are now in idolatry? You know because you are out of control. You are out of control. If it's a spouse that's your idol now, you're going to find that that spouse comes before prayer. The spouse comes before even church. If your spouse isn't going to church, you're not going to church. If your spouse isn't praying, you are not praying. That spouse now comes first. Christ must come first in your life. If it's money, you are now out of control. You will steal to pay a bill. You will cheat to pay a bill. You will lose all dignity, all integrity, because now you have made money, your idol, and you are no longer in that place where you can wait on Jesus, even if it's one day to the end of your deadline. If Jesus is the one in the center of your heart, in the center of your core, you are going to wait on Jesus. You don't know how he's going to do it, but you know that without a doubt, he will come through. That's when you know that Jesus is in his rightful place in your heart, because you know that Jesus is going to meet the need. My God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. You don't know how he's going to do it, but you know he will, and that's because your faith is in Jesus. Your eyes are on Jesus. Your focus is on Jesus, not on how he's going to do it, but on who has promised. And because he is the one you worship, you know he won't fail, because his word says he won't fail. But when you have moved, when Jesus is no longer in the center of your heart, and you have moved from there to idolatry, you are going to try to fix it. You are going to try to do what you can to make the money manifest, to make the money materialize, because you are now in the territory of idolatry. Now, as we have seen in our text, you see the ironsmith and the carpenter? You see, the Bible says that they formed these idols in the form of a man with the beauty of a man. And so their craftsmanship is given to them by God, because God is the ultimate craftsman. And when the work of his hand, which is man, the way these ironsmiths and carpenters, these people crafting idols, the way they are crafting their idols, the creativity that they are using to craft the idols was given to them by God, because God is the master creator. God is the one who has all creativity. The Bible says God filled Aholia, Bezalel, and Daniel with his spirit, the spirit of God in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding for curious works and all manner of craftsmanship. To work in iron, to work in gold, to work in spoons. So God is the one who gives creativity. But now the ironsmith in our text and the carpenter in our text has corrupted their creativity to create idols in the form of a man, which God was the original creator. As we are told, God was the original craftsman who created a man with the beauty and the form. And now the craftsman, the ironsmith and the carpenter are corrupting the creativity with which God used to create man by creating their own man, which is an idol. They are corrupting the creativity of God. So when everything comes down like this, and the heart of a man is corrupted, and he has moved off center, and he has filled his heart with idolatry, God will step in and God will begin to do a new thing. God will begin to do a new thing. Usually, if it's in the church, it may be in answer to prayer. Because sometimes God's people even know that something is out of order, and at that point it requires a divine intervention. So sometimes in answer to desperate cry for deliverance, desperate cry for help, desperate cry for restoration, desperate cry for revival, God will move. And God will begin to do a new thing in the midst of his people. And so it's been for several weeks now, God has been speaking and revealing that indeed he is doing a new thing. God has been revealing that he is doing a new thing in a new way as has not been seen before. I can understand because all we need to do is really just look around us. Look around in your country, where you are, in your city, even in your church. The level of depravity in today's society has reached now a point where I truly now believe that the new thing that God is doing is imminent. It's imminent. It's not tomorrow. It's right now. God is doing a new thing right now in a new way that has not been seen before. And God has been revealing that he's doing a new thing globally, across the world, across the nations, in the body of Christ, even individually, in the lives of the individual believer, in the life of people. God is doing a new thing. God right now, like the ironsmith in our text, like the carpenter in our text, God has his tools in hand. God has his chisel in hand. God has his tape in hand. God has his fire. God has his tools, his implements. God has his tools in hand. And God is right now in the process of doing a new thing. God is rebuilding. God is rebuilding. And you know, in some cases, I believe very strongly that God is going to strip things, some things, all the way down to ground zero. All the way down to ground zero. God is resetting some things. And God is taking things to ground sub-zero, even, because what we're seeing these days in our times, in this generation, it's not, it's, you know, it's something that has never been done before. The level of evil, the level of depravity in our society these days, it requires, I believe, a total annihilation of systems, so that God, like this master craftsman, the master craftsman who he is, can begin to rebuild. Some of this rebuilding is going to be mechanized. God is going to use jet-age weapons. God is going to rebuild using technology. God is going to do some things, strange things in technology. God is going to do strange things in engineering, strange things in architecture. God is going to do strange things in even digital technology. God is doing things that are new and strange. And you're going to see now, very soon, you're going to see development in technology with speed, as has never been seen before. Because, you know, in the past, when, like, companies, when they develop an idea, or they develop a product, you hear they tell you that it took many years in development, many years in testing, many years. In this season, God is going to step down, and he is going to bring technology that is already working in the realm of the spirit. Because, see, this technology is already alive in God's time, in his timeline. It's already functional. So, God is going to shorten the time between development and launch and effectiveness, because God is on a timeline. God has an agenda that requires haste. The king's business requires haste. Now, some other processes. God is in the process of rebuilding, the process of doing a new thing in our lives, globally, nationally, in the church, individually, in the body of Christ. Some of these processes are going to be intimate, and God is going to use one-on-one tools. God is going to pay attention, particular attention. On the global level, you're going to find, coming soon, you're going to find that God is paying particular attention to certain areas. You're going to find change, swift change in certain areas. It's going to seem like, why is all this innovation happening in this particular area, this particular field? And that's because God is in need of that field to achieve a purpose, to bring about an ultimate end-time purpose. God is going to pay particular attention to certain nations, certain countries. Certain countries are going to receive an outpouring of grace. You're going to find giants, giants in the things of God, giants in ministry. God is going to release special graces, multiplied graces. You're going to find many people in particular nations with multiple mantles, and you're going to find that God is going to elevate them. God is going to pour out by an avalanche graces upon their lives because He needs those particular people from those particular nations for an end-time purpose. God is dealing with this business of change in different ways. Like I said earlier, God is going to do some things through digital technology, through engineering, through innovation on a large scale that's going to move with speed. And you're going to find new technology, new machines, new ideas that are going to look like they sprang out of nowhere. And indeed, in our time, in this realm, it's going to spring out of nowhere, but they already exist in God's time. And God is going to open up somebody's mind, and God is going to download a blueprint so that the length between idea to development and launch and whatever is going to be a very short time. God is going to do a quick work in the area of technology, in the area of weaponry, the area of technology generally. And then, like I said, God is going to pay closer attention. That's when God is going to use now His chisel. God is going to use a hammer, and God is going to work on a one-on-one intimate basis globally. He's going to pay particular attention to certain countries, certain areas in certain nations, and He's going to pay particular attention to certain industries. And then in the body of Christ, God is going to raise a particular type of anointing. God is releasing multiple mentals. So you're going to find people who used to specialize in a certain type of ministry, for example. You knew them to be great teachers of the Word. You knew them to be great ministers. You knew them to be great healers or whatever. You're going to find that these people now have multiple abilities in Christ. They have multiple mentals. They can now do many things with excellence, because in God's end-time agenda, God has decided to do things that way. And on an individual level, you're going to see the most unlikely people rise. This is what the Lord is saying. We're going to see the most unlikely people rise, individuals, that no one would have thought if we were to choose as human beings. If we were to choose, who would we choose? As a CEO or an executive director, someone may come to you and say, on your team, who do you think will best qualify for this role? And you will say, based on their antecedent, based on what they have done in the past, based on their qualifications, you believe that this person is who can do this. But God is going to bypass all of that, and God is going to choose people that, if you were to choose you as a person, as a human being, if you were to choose, you won't choose them. But God is going to choose the most unlikely people in this season, and God is going to lift them up so high and use them for His end-time purposes. God is going to give them visibility, and because there will be a shock factor. So, I don't know, but maybe, for example, someone who is already famous for doing something else, something maybe against God, maybe a famous devil worshiper or something, I don't know, and then God will grab a hold of his heart. Then God will take him, break him down, and use him for kingdom business, kingdom purposes. And so the whole world will be shocked, so shocked that they will want to find out how it happened. And therein lies the miracle. So, in this season, God is doing a perfecting work. God has already started, like I said, there's an element of speed in what God is doing. God is crafting new works. God is doing new things in a new way. As the master creator, because He created all things, the blueprint of the intelligence lies in God's hands and God's mind. So, with His chisel, with His hammer, with His tools, God is reshaping humanity on a global level, on a national level, in the body of Christ, as individuals. God is rebuilding and reshaping and recreating. We are back to Eden. We are back to Eden when God said, let's make man after our own image. I don't even know what all of this means, but I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking. I am hearing the Spirit of God as I am speaking right now. And I myself, I am mindful of what the Spirit of God is saying. God, we are back to Eden. These are Eden days. God is rebuilding everything. Rebuilding everything and with speed. God is reshaping. Reshaping man, reshaping nations, reshaping the world, reshaping the church, reshaping the individual, reshaping from a pre-existing shape to another form, a new form altogether. And this process of reshaping aims at the core, because you see, all this that's happening is from the core. The core of man right now is so corrupted. God is so done with what's going on. And God has had enough. So God is recreating everything and the aim, the target, God's target is the core. The core of man. For your core forms the seat of your entire being. Your entire being flows from your core. That's why the Bible says, God your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life. So the heart of man is desperately wicked already, the Bible says that. But you see, in this season, the level of wickedness is so elevated that it requires a total reset. And God is resetting the core. God's ultimate aim is to form the work of his hand, to reform the work of his hand into something beautiful. Beautiful for him to behold, beautiful for man to behold. And so, my admonition to us all, including myself, because I don't think anybody is going to be spared. And the honest truth is, if you love God, you shouldn't want to be spared. We all need a resetting. God is, whether you like it or not, God is resetting. So what we need to do as Christians, as believers, is to endure the process, knowing that God always makes more fabulous whatever he does. What he does, God makes all things beautiful in his time. Whatever God does is always an upgrade. What he does ends up being more beautiful, more fabulous than before he started. So knowing that, going in, because it's coming. Going in, we must know that the end, the purpose of God for the end is to make it more beautiful, to make it more perfect, to make it more in line with his will and his purpose. So what that tells me is we must endure the process, and we must make sure that we are on God's side, that we are correctly positioned, our core, our hearts are correctly positioned, so that what God is doing won't affect us negatively, would only help us be better. There is always room for improvement. There is always room to come up higher. There is always room to be a better version. But if you are good already, if you are functioning properly already, when God begins to do what he's doing, you're only going to be better. You're only going to come up higher. You're only going to be shinier. You're only going to be more glorious. You're only going to move from one level of glory to another level of glory. So you, as a believer, me as a believer, we, knowing what God is doing and what God is purposing in his heart to do, we must ensure that we are in line with God's agenda. We are in line to make sure that we are in line. How do we be in line? We must ensure that our eyes are fixed on Jesus at all times. Keeping our eyes on Christ. Looking on to Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. Our eyes must always be on Jesus. Always on his word. Because that is the place of safety. That's the place that God is going to begin to do his work. And if we're already in his word, we are already in Christ, that means whatever God does is going to do what? Serve the purpose of making us more perfect. But making us more perfect with ease is going to be painless for us because we already are where God wants us to be. We're only just going to move up. Of course, it's going to be an effort. Even the iron craftsman, while making an idol, the Bible says he was hungry, he was sweating, he didn't drink, he also was exerting some energy creating an idol. And so, when God begins to work on us, we're also going to exert something. We're going to experience something. But because we already know the ultimate end, we know what God is building, we know God's purposes, we are going to be in the flow of grace. And we're going to flow with God and move in the direction where he wants us to go. Amen? Hallelujah! Well, again, Holy Spirit has done his thing. And we are grateful for this word. And we believe God that when this process begins, we will all be on the right side of what God is doing so that we won't suffer pain, we won't suffer loss. It will be a welcome exercise for us. It will be training for us. It will be an opportunity to find intimacy with our God and an opportunity to be a better version, more perfect version for God and for his purposes. Amen. And so, thank you very much for being a part of our meeting this evening. We are grateful to have you on our program, have you listening on the other side. We pray now in the name of Jesus Christ that the word that we have heard tonight will take root in our hearts and prepare us for the next move of God. We ask for zeal, O God. We ask for zeal, Lord. In the name of Jesus, we pray. We pray for strength. We pray for vision. We pray for anointing. We pray for favor. We pray for light. We pray as you move, Lord, you will give us the grace to see you, to move with you so that we are on the right side of what you're doing and we pray that in the end, our lives glorify Jesus. Amen. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. Thank you, everyone. Till next Sunday, take care. Be blessed.

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