The Secret place is an actual location in God, accessed by The Spirit.
The Secret place is an actual location in God, accessed by The Spirit.
The speaker begins by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to bring God's Word on a Sunday evening. They explain that they were at a Christian convention the previous Sunday and are now refreshed and ready to have a great time in God. The discussion is titled "Perfect Alignment" and the speaker explores the concept of being aligned with God. They reference two passages from the book of John, emphasizing the importance of continuing in God's word and the benefits of being in alignment with Jesus. The speaker describes the place of alignment as a secret location in Christ, where there is power, infusion of the fullness of God, answered prayer, and knowledge of the truth. They encourage listeners to find their way to this place of power and alignment with God. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah to Jesus. Praise God on this wonderful Sunday evening. It's yet another great opportunity to bring God's Word. As it is every Sunday we are delighted and very honored to be able to do this. Last Sunday we didn't have a recording on last Sunday evening and that's because we were at an annual Christian convention which was a four-day event and was a joy. It was in fact indeed an awesome time in God's presence and so we're back this evening recharged and refreshed in the Holy Spirit and we expect to have a great time in God. So let's pray. Holy Spirit we thank you. We worship you. We honor you. We acknowledge your presence even as we bring God's Word tonight. All wisdom belongs to you. All knowledge belongs to you. We pray that you will teach us tonight. We pray that you will expound greatly the Word of God to us tonight. We pray for articulation. We pray for illumination and we pray that after tonight's meeting we will be elevated in the Spirit and in the things of God. In Jesus' name, Amen. And so this evening I have titled our discussion Perfect Alignment. The title of our discourse tonight is Perfect Alignment. What does it mean to be aligned? To be in alignment means to be in one accord. To be in one accord. To be in place. It means synchrony and our text we have two passages of scripture that we're going to use this evening. The first text comes from the book of John chapter 15 verses 4 to 7. So that's the book of John 15 4 to 7 the Bible says this is Jesus speaking now. Abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can you except you abide in me I am divine you are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same brings forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing verse 6 if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned verse 7 the final verse in this chapter if he abiding me and my words abiding you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you that's a powerful scripture right there very simple very plain and powerful our next text comes from the book of John John chapter 8 verse 31 and 32 the Bible says Jesus again speaking says John 8 31 then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him if you continue in my word then you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free in some other versions the Bible said if you abide in my word and my word abiding you then you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free this these two scriptures John 5 47 is a perfect illustration of what it means to be in perfect alignment with Jesus the scriptures show a place of alignment and how do you align you enter into place and you stay there John 8 3 John 8 31 says if you continue in my word so you get into the place of the word that is abiding continuing in the word you get in the in the word that is alignment continuing in the word is abiding in the place of alignment so the Bible is showing us these two scriptures show us that there is a place in Christ a place of alignment it's a location where you enter in and by entering in you have entered into an agreement you have entered into a covenant just by entering because you cannot enter into that place of abiding with Christ unconsciously it's a conscious action because the Bible says if you continue in my word to continue in the word of God you need to be able to enter into the word you have to read the word it's a conscious activity it's a conscious thing to abide in the word the word doesn't stumble upon you you go in search of the word you seek the word you read the word and if you enter into the word reading the word believing the word handling the word deploying the word and you continue in that word continue doing that the Bible says Jesus is saying then you are my disciples indeed because you don't stumble into the word the word doesn't happen upon you it's a conscious decision and once you do it consciously you don't you don't employ what you don't believe in some people even employ the word of God for sometimes misguided reasons but to be able to even handle the word and use the word in any form you must believe in the word and so if you enter into the word and abide in the word Jesus is saying then you are my disciples because it is you are my disciples indeed it is only those who believe in me and believe in my word who will continue in my word even if you came into the word without really understanding but once you continue in the word then you are my disciples indeed and the place of the word is a place of exchange many things happen once you enter into that place of abiding so the place of abiding is a place of alignment with Jesus it's an actual location in Christ it's an actual location and it's a place of power and that place is the secret place of the Most High it's a very secret place it's secret because there is God Christ has placed directions instructions to get to that place and it's not everybody who can get there because it requires specific actions based on faith in the Word of God based on faith in Christ it's a location that God has designed that if you enter into that place and you stay in that place you enter into alignment with Jesus Christ it's a secret place the way to that place is only through the directions the instructions that Jesus has given by his spirit and that place is the secret place of the Most High God the Bible said he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High God shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty so again we're seeing that the secret place is a place of abiding once you enter into that secret place and you abide you enter into a place of specific activity you are under the shadow of the Almighty God and in that place the secret place the place of alignment many things happen there the place of alignment in Christ the place of abiding in Christ is a place of exchange and if we can enter into that place and abide in that place there is immense reward there is immense reward first once you enter into that place of alignment that's place where you abide in Christ that place is a place of infusion what is infusion you know when in the hospital maybe someone is doesn't have enough blood or bodily fluids they infuse into that person from outside they infuse blood they can infuse whatever bodily fluids whatever the person lacks can be infused so it's a deliberate action to bring health to someone who otherwise without that infusion may not make it so the place of abiding in Christ the place of alignment in Christ is a place of infusion a place where power is transferred from Christ to the believer John our our text in John chapter 15 says John chapter 15 verse 4 Jesus is saying abide in me and I in you so if you enter into the place of abiding in Christ Christ does what Christ enters in to abide in you that's an infusion Christ is infused in you so the the life force of Christ because the Bible says that Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead himself so once you enter into the place of alignment with Christ by the power of his word there is an infusion of the fullness of the Godhead whom Christ is into you there is power infusion of power into you because now you have entered into Christ into his presence into the wholeness and the fullness of who he is in God and so once we are able to enter in and we abide in Jesus we enter into the into a place of power immense power Jesus himself is the word because John 8 31 says John 8 32 says and ye shall know the truth let's start from 31 if you if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free who is the truth Jesus is the truth Jesus is the word of God the living word and so if we enter into the place of alignment with Christ the place of abiding with Christ the Bible says we shall get to know the truth we get to know more of him and the more someone you know the more of his characteristics you take on because of closeness and intimacy with him so the place of alignment the place of abiding is the place of power is the place of power when we enter into the place of alignment through his the word of God we enter into the place of power because Jesus all power in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus and right away the power of Jesus Christ becomes accessible to us the power of Christ becomes accessible to us the God's power the fullness of God's power which Christ carries becomes accessible to us it's available to us to do as Jesus does Jesus said when he left the earth are greater things that I do shall ye do also he knew why because Jesus had made me the provision for that infusion of power if only we can find our way into this secret place the place of alignment where we can abide in Christ and be infused with the fullness of the power of Christ another thing that happens in the place of alignment the place of abiding is answered prayer answered prayer because Jesus says in verse 7 of John 15 John 15 verse 7 the Bible says if ye abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done for you so the place of alignment the place of abiding in Christ is the place of so much formidable power that whatever you ask in that place is done for you why because of the over availability of power because of the over availability of power once you enter into that place of alignment to that place of abiding whatever issue you bring into that place whatever question you bring into that place whatever prayer you bring into that place is answered the issue is resolved instantly if only you can find your way to that place of power the place of alignment the secret place of the most high God another thing that happens there is knowledge Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free there is nothing as harmful and dangerous as a Christian who has no knowledge the Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge and the Bible isn't really talking about human natural knowledge human natural knowledge is very important but the greater knowledge is revelation revelation why because everything that happens in the natural happens first in the realm of the spirit before it manifests in the natural so someone who is going through might perish from lack of knowledge must the journey to perishing already begins in the realm of the spirit if there is no light to see if there is no knowledge if there is no knowledge in the realm of the spirit that means that the right actions that will prevent perishing in the natural cannot be taken because by the time whatever happens happens in the natural at that point is too late so the knowledge that is required to prevent perishing is from the realm of the spirit and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free this truth that you shall know is spiritual truth if you abide in the place of alignment with Jesus Christ because Jesus is omniscient Jesus knows all things he is the Word of God and in the beginning was the Word and the Word was his God and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst men there is nothing hid before the Word the Word of God knows everything is in all places at all times and so that that infinite knowledge that Jesus has again is infused into you once you abide in him once you align in him once you enter into the sacred place of the Most High God and you remain there what Jesus knows he whispers to you by his spirit and so because of that knowledge you are free free from destruction free from perishing free from entering into situations that would have destroyed you your family is free why because you have full knowledge you have knowledge you have knowledge and you have light and you are able to make decisions take steps that will lead you to safety that will lead you to safety I can I there's so many things that happen in the presence in in the place of alignment it's a wonder it's a wonder that many Christians are not aware that the place of alignment in Christ the place of abiding in Christ the secret place of the Most High is the place of infinite possibilities the place of infinite possibilities everything is possible in the secret place of the Most High everything becomes possible in that place another thing that happens in that place is deliverance deliverance is made possible in the place of alignment John 8 32 Jesus says and the truth shall make you free liberty deliverance and who the Son sets free is what free indeed in the place of that you cannot be bound you cannot enter bondage you cannot remain bound in the place of alignment with Christ why because Jesus himself is the way the truth and the life Jesus is deliverance Jesus himself makes free so once you enter in what you need to do to get out is made known to you in the place of abiding and in the place of alignment is Jesus because you know they are actually people human beings living walking up and down who are bound in the spirit and they don't know why because they don't have light to see they don't have knowledge they don't have understanding so they're living life on in the natural in the flesh and they don't have insight into the things of the spirit to see that they are bound but if you abide in Christ if you abide in Jesus you will see you will get knowledge and that knowledge will lead you to understand that you are in bondage their entire families nations churches that are bound by the works of darkness and they don't know why because they cannot see so the place of alignment in Christ is a place of freedom the place of liberty because it's a place of the word the place of the spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty the place of alignment in Christ is the place of total freedom Jesus came to set the captives free even the lawful captive is set free in the place of alignment the place of abiding in Christ the secret place the secret place where is that secret place because you see many people have trouble understanding spiritual principles because the things of the spirit their foolishness onto the natural man if the spirit of God doesn't bring understanding it's difficult to understand with the natural mind something like a secret place that is a location but you cannot walk there with your two feet you can't travel there in a car it's a secret place it's a place an inner location where Jesus lives inside of you John 1 1 John 4 4 says greater is he that is in you so Jesus is inside you in a location inside you that location is the place where he's waiting for you to enter in and abide he says if you abide in me and I in you where inside you inside your heart so it's a place that you enter into by this spirit it's an actual location in God and how do we access that place through the spirit of the living God the can the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord the Bible says there is a spirit in man and the breath of God gives him understanding by the spirit of by our spirit we are able to travel into the secret place by the Holy Spirit to abide in Christ these things because they are abstract the enemy prevents Christians from really understanding and taking a hold of this spiritual truth that can bring liberty they are so abstract that it requires the Spirit of God to expound to us more greatly these truths this word so that we can believe we can handle and then we can use them employ this Word of God to access the blessings and the purposes of God in our lives the Bible says guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life for the purposes of this discussion you can interchange heart there with spirit we can interchange heart there with me because life is spiritual we are spiritual beings having a natural experience we are spiritual beings housed in a body and we possess a soul so we are tripartite like our God God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit we are spirits housed in a body and we possess a soul now this spirit is within the body in Christ and that spirit receives inspiration from the Spirit of God God himself gives our spirit understanding by his own spirit so it is the Spirit of God who helps us to enter in to these things to encounter God on this level why because head knowledge can take us there it is the Spirit of God who helps our own spirits to enter in to the secret place of the Most High God to enter in to Christ to abide to enter into alignment and stay there this is why we must guard our heart guard our spirit make sure that our spirits are clean our spirits are able to commune with the Spirit of God because the Spirit of God is clean the Spirit of God is holy hence the Holy Spirit God does not behold iniquity his God is holy his spirit is holy and the Holy Spirit is not going to come and commune with a defiled spirit of man to lead that spirit anywhere so it follows therefore that in order to be able to enter into the secret place by the spirit by the leading of the Holy Spirit we must keep our spirits clean we must keep our spirits clean because it is the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth who guides us into Christ who guides us into the secret place into the place of alignment it's the Holy Spirit who does this and so we must ensure that the gates into our spirits are well guarded that's what the Bible means by guard your heart with all diligence there are gates that access the spirit of man the eyes what you see can influence your spirit can defile your spirit the ear gate the ears what enters into your spirit through your ears the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God hearing by the Word of God so the ears are the gates through faith comes via the Word of God the ears are also the gates through which other things can come into the spirit of man so faith travels into the spirit of man by the ears by hearing so other things can travel also through the ears of man into the spirit of man this is why we must be mindful of the things we watch on television the way our eyes we must be disciplined with what we do with our eyes what we listen to I mean what we consume on social media we must be mindful of what we listen to what we allow our ears to be exposed to and gravest of all the mind gate the mind gate is the most important access point that influences the health of the spirit right because what you see is processed by your mind what you hear is processed by your mind but it is possible to see and hear and still have a healthy mind if you discipline yourself with the knowledge that your mind is a main gate to your spirit so when you see things that you're not supposed to see you should have an irrigation system wash away the effect from your mind so that it doesn't stick and becomes a stronghold that prevents you from flowing with the Holy Spirit from that doesn't prevent your spirit from connecting with the spirit of God keep your mind healthy so that what you hear doesn't begin to influence your mind the Bible says as a man sings in his heart in his mind so is he if by reason of inflow from your eyes from your ears your mind is polluted your mind becomes impure and so is your spirit the Bible says the pure in heart sees God so the health of your mind the pure in mind sees God it's simple God is a holy God God does not behold iniquity God is not going to come and present he's not going to come into a defiled mind God is not going to speak to a mind that is consumed with hatred and envy and bitterness and offense God is not going to come and talk to a mind that is defiled this is why we must make sure that in all that we do our hearts are purified purify my heart make me as gold is what the Bible says we must if we want to see God if we want to the Spirit of God to commune with us and to lead us into the place of alignment in Christ the place of power the place of intimacy this secret place the place of answer prayer the place of deliverance it is imperative that our minds are pure before God our minds are clean we must have a system with which we every day at the end of every day we unclog our hearts in fact it's not even wise to wait till the end of the day right because when things happen if you don't deal with it and you don't flush it out immediately it comes faster by the end of that day it has taken a hold it's become a stronghold in your mind a stronghold so strong that it will pollute your spirit so you must have a system in place once your eyes behold something you shouldn't behold once you hear something you hear something you shouldn't hear you must have an immediate system of irrigation flush it away flush it with destabilize that thought disengage from it just slip it away and detach from it in your mind imagine that what you saw what you heard is a cloud and as it floats in just let it flow right back up don't even don't let it stay don't let it take hold let it flow right back out and you'll find that if you become skilled at doing that you become skilled at keeping your heart clean your heart pure and once your heart is clean and your heart is pure you what you will see God and what does it mean to see God revelation you see God's face to face because now there is nothing standing between you and God there is no defilement there is no iniquity there is no evil your soul your heart is healthy and God says the Bible says said John chapter 2 the Bible says beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers so you see the prosperity of a man the wholeness of a man depends on the condition of his soul you can never prosper above the condition of your soul that is your your mind your thought life your thought life what flows in to your heart by your eyes by your ears determine the health your overall health determines the quality of life you're going to have determines how you will prosper in the natural and how you will prosper in the spirit realm so the condition of your heart determines the condition of your spirit and like we had said before you cannot do anything you can't access the realm of the spirit by your by by the flesh you go in to the spirit by your spirit the condition of your soul determines the condition of your spirit and the condition of your spirit determines your access into the secret place and your ability to abide in the secret place and all the benefits of abiding in that secret place abiding in Christ being in alignment with Christ boils down to one thing the condition of your soul the condition of your mind your thought life your ears what's happening within is what determines if you can actually enter into Christ and stay there so it goes without saying each and every one of us I you the church the kingdom of God on earth we must fight to stay so healthy we must be mindful of our minds the real battle is in your mind the enemy knows this but the Christian is largely unaware the battle is for your mind why because the enemy knows that the key your key to accessing God and the fullness of the Godhead through Christ is in the secret place so it makes sense to him that he will try to prevent you from entering in to the place of power he will fight your mind if your mind is the access to the secret place in God he will do what he will fight your mind because if he succeeds at preventing you from entering into the secret place if he succeeds at preventing you from seeing God from being in alignment with Christ and and and being infused with the totality of the power of Christ he will be able to prevent you from accessing power and the enemy will defeat you the enemy will defeat you why because he's powerful you are no match for the enemy in your own ability you are no match for the enemy but the enemy is no match for Christ the King hallelujah the enemy is no match for Christ the enemy is no match for God so the only way we as Christians can defeat this enemy who is who is ancient is to be able to enter into the fullness of God's power in Christ but the enemy wants you not to be able to access that power so that he can defeat you and so you must protect your mind you must protect your mind guard your head the battle is in your head guard your head like your life depends on it because it does your life depends on the health of your mind the health of your mind determines your power in God you cannot access God unless your spirit is clean and if your mind isn't clean if your mind isn't well neither will your spirit be well and if your spirit isn't well you cannot access God with an unclean spirit you know I heard the story the testimony of a woman who died and went to heaven she had a bicycle a motorbike accident and she had her injuries were so severe she actually died on the hospital bed and she testifies that when she died her spirit came out of her body through her head she said she left her body by her spirit through her head and she was standing over her own body she was standing over everybody else as they gathered around her wailing and crying because now she was dead but she could still see them she said she came out through her head and she went to heaven and she had this heavenly experience which she details in her testimony and because it wasn't her time to die she was sent back into her body and when she came back into her body she testifies that she came back through her head the same way she went out she said was the same way she came back into her body I was moved by this testimony I mean not only because now we had a credible testimony of someone who had actually died and gone to heaven but I was moved by the reality of the spirit being a different and separate entity from the body she said she left her body through her head and when she was sent back to earth she came back through her head I heard another story of a man who was in the plane and the plane caught on fire and was getting ready to crash and he testifies that some people were strapped into their seats maybe the seat belt had locked I can't remember but they were trapped in their seats and they couldn't escape from the fire and they began to burn in their seats and he said he remembers one thing very clearly that as he looked back he was running for his life now trying to escape and he said he looked back at the people who were trapped and he said something that I will never forget he said on their heads looked something that seemed to him like flames sitting on their heads and he testifies that it seemed as if their spirits were leaving their bodies through their heads so these people who were burning their bodies were burning but the spirit is eternal the spirit doesn't burn the spirit was leaving the body through their heads and returning to where they came from this exemplifies the importance of your head your head is a place of power your head is powerful guard your head guard your mind let no one get in your head let no one steal your sound mind you need your mind you need your head to be right to serve God your power is in your head to be intimate with God to enter in to the place of intimacy with God you need your mind you need your head your mind is the gateway to your spirit and your spirit is the gateway to the spirit realm you need your mind the one who has your mind has your life and has your power because it's your head your mind is that powerful if you are out of control of your mind someone else will possess your mind if you are not in possession of your mind someone else will possess your mind because your mind is such a powerful engine that God has created if you God has given you control of your mind that's why one of the gifts of the spirit is self-control God has given you as a human being the power to control yourself yourself is that true man within the true man within that you access by your mind is powerful it's a powerful engine whatever you conceive in that inner man that inner self you can achieve and so if you are out of control of your inner man of your inner self of your mind of your head someone else will take control and someone else will take the power that God has given you and if someone else takes control of your mind and your power you will never be able to access God why because accessing God in the secret place is a voluntary activity by the will God has given man free will that's why God never forces anything on any of us because God has given us free will to choose that which is right and we choose through our minds we choose through our inner self the real you is that you within that you within that is the true you and that is the person that communicates with God so whatever you need to do to stay healthy in your mind whatever you need to do to ensure that you're in a man is safe you're in a man is sound so that you are able to enter into the secret place of the Most High God and commune with God and enter into the place of alignment and power in Christ that's what you must do because that's the place of safety no one who has ceded their mind to an outside force can be powerful spiritually because we had explained already by this that access to God is through his Holy Spirit accessing God is a spiritual activity it is the Spirit of God that leads the spirit of man to access God and the health of your spirit is determined by the health of your mind and you cannot have a healthy mind if you are not in possession of your mind if someone else is in possession of your faculties that person directs what you do if that person wants to direct you to the kingdom of darkness the person will do that way because the person has power over the force the inner your inner man who is able to go either go to God or go to darkness if someone else has power over that mind over that inner man that person determines where you go you no longer have free will in God you are now controlled by a force outside of you therefore you can never be powerful in God why because your mind isn't healthy your mind hasn't doesn't have control and therefore your spirit cannot be healthy either to commune with the Spirit of God the health of your mind determines your spiritual altitude keep your mind secure with the Word of God read God's Word meditate on God's Word and the Word of God with God your mind the Word of God with God your mind you know the mind is such a powerful machine we have so many thoughts every single minute we have so many thoughts and those thoughts are actually determining the health and the condition of our minds and so if the Word of God because the Bible says the Word of God is the cleansing the Word of God has a cleansing effect by the cleansing of the Word the Bible says and so if the Word of God has a cleansing effect if you recite meditate on the Word of God over and over every every minute of every day make sure that your word is kept in place kept is guarded is being washed and cleansed by the power of the Word listen to the Word meditate on the Word and the Word of God will guide your mind and keep your mind healthy and then your spirit in turn will be clean and will be able to commune with the Spirit of God who will give you understanding and give you light and guide you into the place of alignment with Christ help you to abide in Christ and help you to to be to be under the shadow of the Almighty God the place of power then you are powerful to defeat the works of darkness hallelujah praise the Lord it's been a wonderful evening and I feel I feel very fed I feel really fed tonight because Holy Spirit has ministered to me also and I trust that everyone who has listened who has heard God's Word tonight has been blessed and blessed indeed so we thank God for this opportunity we're going to end tonight's meeting with the prayers we always do in Jesus name Holy Spirit we thank you great Jehovah we thank you for your word that you have sent unto us this evening we pray that this word will take root in our hearts and this world will grow and transform our lives we pray that you by your Holy Spirit will lead us into the place of alignment with God a place of alignment in Christ the place of power the secret place and you will help us to abide there so that we can be powerful infuse us Lord Jesus infuse us with your power infuse us with your presence keep us safe in you bring us into the place of knowledge help us to know you to know the truth and even as we abide everything that we shall bring before you in the place of alignment do for us in Jesus name Amen dear saints it's always wonderful to speak to teach God's Word until next time stay blessed stay safe and God bless you Amen