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Transforming your dreams into a dazzling vision

Transforming your dreams into a dazzling vision

Women LighthouseWomen Lighthouse



In this episode, we explore the powerful technique of creating a personal vision statement - a tool that can help you clarify your goals, values, and aspirations. I'll guide you through the process of crafting your own statement step-by-step, and share how it can help you stay focused and motivated to achieve your dreams. Whether you're a seasoned goal-setter or just starting out, you won't want to miss this episode. Join me as we uncover the secrets to bringing your dreams to life.

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The podcast is about helping purpose-driven women live their dreams and aspirations. The host discusses the difference between a dream and a vision. A vision is a mental image of what you aspire to achieve in the future. Having a vision gives you focus, motivation, and a sense of purpose. To make your dream a reality, write it down, feed your vision by taking necessary steps, explore opportunities, re-evaluate regularly, and set short-term and long-term goals. Construct a future-oriented, inspiring, clear, and ambitious vision statement that aligns with your values. The host encourages listeners to write their own vision statements to live a purpose-driven life and accomplish their goals. Let your imagination run wild and watch as your dreams come to life before your very eyes. Anonymous Quotes Hello everyone, you are welcome to the Women's Life Health Podcast. This is a community for purpose-driven women who desire to live their dreams and aspirations. Our mission is to inspire you to live your dreams one day at a time while serving as a beacon of hope and guidance. We will be addressing various issues related to womanhood. Join me as we explore our journey of life together. I am your host, Weymouth Hamilton. Hello everyone, so you're welcome to another episode of the Women's Life Health Podcast. And today, can you guess what we're talking about? I don't think so, so let me tell you. So we'll be talking about translating your dreams into a vision. Interesting, right? So in today's podcast, I'll be sharing the difference between a dream and a vision, and also what you can do to translate your dream from merely being just there in your head as wishes and bringing it to life into a vision. You're welcome back. So we're going to begin by defining what a dream is and what a vision is. So by way of definition, a dream can be defined as images, thoughts, or emotions which we experience or which we have. In layman's terms, when you sleep, you have dreams. When you think, you have dreams. You have aspirations, you have desires, you have wishes of what you want to do, what you want to be, what you want to accomplish. So that is a dream. While on the other hand, a vision is a mental image of what you aspire to achieve in the future. So this is going a step further beyond just having the wish there in your head and the desire and the answer. For a vision, you now begin to add flesh. So the dream is like the structure, the bony structure, and the vision is the flesh that you add to your dreams in order to see how you can bring it to reality. Why is a vision important? As individuals, we don't merely exist here on earth just to exist. It's easy to get carried away with your role as a woman, your role as a wife if you're married, or if you're single, your career, your business, your aspirations, or whatever you're doing. It's easy to get carried away with responsibilities, living in the moment and trying to focus on your responsibility at the particular season of your life that you may be in. But when you have a vision, a vision first gives you focus. When you have a vision, you know that this is what I desire to be. Another thing you have to understand is that a vision is in your future. A vision is ahead of you. Who you are now is not your vision. Rather, your vision is who you intend to be. So when you have a vision ahead of you, it keeps you focused. Yes, you may be going, a lot may be going on around you in your present, but is that where you want to remain? A vision makes you strive towards what is ahead of you. So secondly, the second benefit of a vision is that it keeps you motivated. It keeps you determined. It keeps you inspired. There's something to look forward to. There's something to strive towards too. For those that are Christians in the Bible, the Word of God says that for the joy that was set before Jesus, he endured the cross. So his presence was the cross, what he was going through at that moment. But what was his vision? The fact that he wanted us to be united in our relationship with God. That was the joy that was set before him. So vision can be likened as that joy that is set before you, that vision of yourself that you aspire to be or you aspire to accomplish. So that's the essence of a vision. Also, a vision gives you a sense of purpose. It's easy to sleep, you wake up, you go through your routines, you go through life, and it goes on every day. Whatever life brings your way, you face it and you move to the next. So it's like a roller coaster. But a vision makes you have a sense of purpose, that you're not just here on earth to live as who you are. Like for me, to exist as a wife, to exist as a mother, and after that, what next? So it gives you a sense of purpose that there is more to my life than what I am today. There is more than I can be in the future. So these are a few benefits of having a vision. And now let's go right in. So how do you now make your dream a reality? By bringing it into a vision so as to accomplish that vision which you have. First, begin by writing it down. You have a dream. Don't let your dream just stay in your head or in your heart as wishes. You need to have a sit-down session with yourself and write it down. What do I want to be? In the nearest future, what do I aspire to be? In the next 10 years, what do I see myself accomplishing? So you need to write it down. Scripture says, write the vision and make it plain that they who see it may run. So there's something about writing the vision down. When you see something consistently, it becomes a reality. By the time you get to that version of yourself 10 years from now, and you go back to 10 years before and look at what you penned down, you will realize that actually I wrote this down and now I am here. The beauty about writing down a vision is it keeps your eye focused, like I said earlier. Even if you have present challenges going on, you consistently see this thing on a daily basis. You write it down, you paste it where you can consistently see it, until by the time you keep meditating on what you have written down, in your mind it becomes a reality before it actualizes itself. So first, you have to write your vision down. Next, you have to feed your vision. Now you've written down your vision, what next? Does it just end in writing it down? No. You have to be able to find the gift that you have within you into frame. First, this is what I want to be in the next 10 years or in the nearest future. What do I need to do to become this version of myself? That's what it means to feed your vision. You identify the things you need to do, the areas you need to improve on, the people you need to meet and network with to be able to make your vision a reality. So that's one way in which you can translate your dream into a vision. Next, be willing to explore opportunities that come your way. There are opportunities you would have to seek for. There are opportunities that you would encounter. By the time your vision is written down, by the time you've begun to nurture certain things that you need to do to make your vision a reality, opportunities will present itself for you to be able to actually begin to live that dream and bring that vision to life. So don't be rigid. Be flexible. Don't determine and say, oh, it's only through this means I can accomplish my dream and my vision. You must be willing to explore opportunities that come your way for you to fulfill your aspirations, your dreams, your goals, and in turn, live your vision. Also, you must regularly re-evaluate your vision. As time unfolds, you would re-evaluate and say, how close am I to accomplishing what I have written down? What do I need to do better? What do I need to put aside? So you need to regularly re-evaluate your vision and also set short-term and long-term goals. So the vision is the destination. The goals are the steps you need to take to get to your destination. So the short-term goals are the immediate steps you need to take. The long-term goals are in the long run, what do I need to do to get closer to accomplishing my vision? So another thing that you need to be able to do is construct a vision statement. We talked about writing your vision down. Now, writing the vision down, you have to write it into a vision statement. So I'll be sharing a few features or characteristics of a vision statement. When you want to write your vision statement, you need to consider certain things. It has to be future-oriented. You need to think about in the future, okay, in the next 10 years, what do I want to be? What do I want to do? Who do I want to be? What do I see myself as in the next 10 years? It has to be inspirational, something that when you see it consistently will inspire you to strive towards accomplishing it. Also, it has to be in clear text, clear, concise. When you read it, it's specific. That's the word, specific. Easy to understand. Ambitious. Your dream, I always say this, never dream small. Dream big. Where you are today is small. So you can't afford to dream small. Dream big. Be ambitious with your dreams. When you are ambitious with your dreams, it motivates you to strive towards accomplishing it. So set realistic goals, but at the same time, let them be ambitious goals, which you know that in the long run you can achieve. Then you have to consider your values. Your vision should be value-oriented. You know what your values are. You know what your principles are. Factor those into your vision. Then they must be relevant and timeless. Over time, when you revisit your vision, it must be useful. Not something that ends within a short period of time, but something that over time, its relevance is still seen. And above all, your vision statement should be memorable. It should be memorable. Something that can outlive you. Something that people can benefit from. Something that can inspire those around you when they see you. So, as usual, I would always give you an action step, which is you're going to, with these few points I've raised, write your vision statement. Let's be intentional about not just living every day as it comes, but taking practical, deliberate steps into fulfilling our dreams and living our life to the fullest. And it begins with having a vision statement. You should have a personal vision statement so that it keeps you motivated towards accomplishing your goals and your aspirations. So, I would like to share my personal vision statement with you. My personal vision statement is to live a purpose-driven and balanced life while pursuing my aspiration of being a homesteader, a global tourist, a youth life coach, and an addiction rehabilitation specialist in order to impact my society positively. From my vision statement, you can see that it's future-oriented, it's inspirational, it inspires me to pursue and set goals towards achieving everything I've written in my vision statement. It's clear, it's relevant, it's value-oriented, and it's memorable. So, never stop believing, never stop dreaming, but above all, make your dreams a reality today by writing a vision statement and working towards setting goals to fulfill your personal vision statement. Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Women Lighthouse Podcast. I hope you were inspired to keep taking steps towards living out your dreams. If you enjoyed this episode, we encourage you to share it with other women and leave us a review on our social media platform which is in the description box. Also, feel free to subscribe to our channel to get notified of new episodes till I come your way on our next episode. Keep living, keep dreaming. Bye for now. Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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