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episode 2 season 2


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The hosts of the Word of Mouth Podcast are excited to kick off Season 2 and discuss a range of topics. They want to address uncomfortable conversations and the loss of real communication in today's society. They emphasize the importance of vulnerability and the power it can bring. They also talk about the negative effects of excessive phone use and the need for face-to-face interaction. The hosts encourage feedback and different opinions, as they believe it leads to growth and learning. Season 2! Season 2! What up everyone? Howdy howdy! How you doing? Hey this is Maiden Shelby Word of Mouth Podcast. We are back Season 2. We ready to get it. Get it. We just going to get it. What up Cheryl? Not much. How you been? Good. Wonderful. Wonderful. Let's get it going. Okay. This is Season 2. We going to mix it up. Yes. We going to mix it up. We going to push some buttons. Let's do it. Okay. With this being Season 2, we going to have some topics. We going to talk about some different things. But let's kick it off today with just some stuff that we probably need to address. Some stuff that we need to talk about going into Season 2. So this will be our Season Opener. So we going to address some different things that people are probably a little uncomfortable talking about. I know last season we kind of tapped into a lot of personal stuff. We talked about identity and being under pressure and stuff like that. We talked about a lot of relational things in regards to being on islands, single people, married people, divorced people. I mean all of the above. We've been all of the above. So with that, Season 2 man, let's just kick this off today with just different things that we want to address. I've been getting a lot of feedback from a lot of people that have been tuning in. I'm so glad because I have none. But listen, those that are listening, I do tell her everything y'all say. I tell her everything. And with me telling her that, she needs to know that she's the one. Like they love you. Oh stop that. That's not even cool. That is not even cool. They love you No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Well, not only that, but it's all short. It's all surface. Oh, here's another one. Everything now is subliminable messages. So we can post about things that we actually feel. We don't want to talk face-to-face. Well, no, because we don't really want to take ownership for it. We just want to put it out there and see what happens. I'll take ownership. Believe me. We judge the likes. Yeah, isn't that sad? Yeah, it is. Isn't that sad? It is. We got to have these uncomfortable conversations. I think it's important. We just have to have conversations, period. I don't even think that's a thing. I don't think that it's, you know, there used to be an art of conversation. Like that was, people had decorum about it and all that. That's how I used to date. Sorry. With decorum or what? No, with conversation. Oh, my God. With decorum? No, with conversation. Like I used to have physical conversation. Like now, is dating just on an app or is dating over text or over some type of social something? We don't have conversation anymore? I don't think so. I mean, like, I guess if you go on a date, maybe, I would sure hope to God you do. You know, and I have to say, because this happened a couple days ago, I went out with my daughter for dinner. And there was a couple sitting next to us, kind of. And they were younger, you know, 30s, I don't know. And I actually texted someone and I said, this is so sad. They have not looked up from their phones the whole time. Oh, my God. Talk about not having conversation. A young couple? Yeah, in their 30s. Never addressed each other in any capacity? They didn't for at least, I would say, 15 minutes. And then they looked up and then I could hear a little bit, but then it was back down to the phone. I mean, they were each on their phone. Wow. Wow. So talk about being an island. I mean, they're being islands even not being an island. You know what I mean? They're in a relationship, but they're both on their own island. When did that come about, though? I wanted to blame it on 2020 with the pandemic, but I think it started before that. I think it's just the phones. I think it's just the technology, the devices that get in our way. How can you get to know a person over text? Unless they're telling you everything that they want you to know over text. Well, I think you can, but it has to be followed up by more than that. I agree. Maybe because we old. Hey, speak for yourself over there, buddy. But I think that also, I mean, I remember a time in my marriage when, yeah, sitting on my phone at dinner was a great thing to do because I didn't want to have a conversation about anything. I told you we're islands. Nor did I want to really be there, and I'm sure he felt the same way. So, yeah, I know there are reasons sometimes that we're on our phones. Gotcha. Even, okay, let's say outside of a date. What about just regular, just being in public or being in places? I went to, it was a concert, maybe about a year or so ago. It was after the pandemic, and it was more phone-driven than it was anything. I was in Atlanta, but it was all about the phones. No one enjoyed the music. Really? Yeah. What's the point? I didn't understand that. I didn't understand that at all. I was confused by the, I can sit home. Yeah, and listen to that. Or play on your phone. Right. Right. If I'm going to pay to go to a concert, my phone's going to be in my pocket because I'm going to be more focused on what's, okay. Maybe this is me. I don't know. No. Things are a little different, and those are conversations that I think we need to address. Just dialoguing right now, we have been conditioned to take our phone everywhere. Yeah. I mean, we've already done the podcast about distractions, and that's exactly what it is. Yeah. And we have, well, we are losing the ability to relate and the ability to communicate. That was good. It's a fact. To relate? Yeah. We are losing the ability to relate? Don't you think? Do you know how powerful that is? Like we're losing relationship. Yes, absolutely. Have you ever seen WALL-E, the movie, the Disney movie? I haven't. Oh, my gosh. We're like totally becoming that. Everything's automated. Everything comes to us. We just sit on our fat butts, and I'm just speaking for my own butt, but, you know. Anyways, but yes, we are losing relationships. Wow. So what is it called now? If we can't relate to one another? What are we doing? We're just surviving, existing. Existing is the word. We're just existing. Floating around. Cohabitating. Something's got to change. You'd think, huh? You'd hope. The sad part is it's going to take more than just a podcast to change that. Oh, come on. We can do it. I agree. We can do it. We got this. We got this. I know it's going to take a remnant of people to agree that we've got to do better. We've got to at least have conversation. And don't be afraid. Are we afraid to say, that's a touchy area, but are we afraid to say just certain things? Yes. Yeah, absolutely. We're going all the way back to vulnerability all over again. We just keep circling the toilet. Yeah. Circling the kitchen. You're absolutely right. Wow. Vulnerability. We can't get away from that. I think that'll probably be something that will be brought up. Speaking of vulnerability, I follow Dallas the Barber Noel on TikTok and she did a video about basically crying. That's vulnerability, crying. And for years she didn't ever let anybody see her cry. And now that she's in tune with the Holy Spirit, basically it happens a lot, which, yeah, I'm in the same boat. I just thought that that was kind of, it struck me that that's considered vulnerability, weeping. Weeping is vulnerability. So now that you brought that up, I mean, is it vulnerability? Psalms chapter 30, verse 5, it says, weeping may endure for a night. But joy comes in the morning. Is that vulnerability? I think in humanity's terms, yes, absolutely it is. Spiritual terms, maybe not. But you know what I say. Vulnerability is strength. So if you consider it vulnerability, then if you consider weeping vulnerability, then to me that's strength. I don't see it as weakness. I 100% agree with you. Me and you were talking about vulnerability about a month or so ago, and you made a statement. I know I got it in my phone somewhere, but I remember it as though it was yesterday. You said vulnerability is a superpower, or that's the way I perceive of what you were saying to me. It's a superpower. It's not something that I'm ashamed of. To me, it's a power that I can tap into to become stronger than what I was yesteryear. And that's what I got from that conversation. I began to look at, especially as a man, I began to look at my vulnerability now as it gives me power over the enemy, but it also gives me power over the things that would take me back to that place of weakness. And that was just conversation. See, it's important. Conversation's important. Absolutely. That wasn't a vex. We were talking. And it challenged me to accept vulnerability more instead of shunning it away. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I get it. And we're probably going to always talk about vulnerability. Because it's a big thing. It is. It is a big thing. With everything that's going on in life, in the world, with our own selves, it's just human. Vulnerability is huge. Huge. Especially if you're trying to get into a relationship. Oh, my God. Seeking a relationship, whatever. In any case. Or trying to get your relationship to survive. Working through all that. Yep. For couples, for non-couples, even for friendships. Yeah. Even for people that you just want to interact with. You know, I struggle with the fact, and we talked about this last season, the island for me wasn't just based upon being with someone in a relationship. The island for me personally was everyone. I didn't want to even connect to people that I knew God had put in my life to even have as a friend. The Bible says a friend will stick closer than a brother. I pulled away from all of that because I just didn't want to. Fear. 100%. Yeah. Fear. Oh, I was just about to hop back on my island a couple days ago. You know that. Peace out, Brussels sprout. I see that island. I'm going to get my nice drink and my palm trees there. I'm hightailing it, man. But I stopped myself. Thank you. Oh my God. I retreated from the island. It's so amazing how it's easier to go to the island. But it's a little more difficult. But see, we're living what we're talking. This is not just talk. No. We're living this crap. That's the good part about having conversation about it because we are living it. I think it helps. I think it helps. Yeah, and I think a lot of people process through discussing stuff, right? I was a psychology major and I did want to go into the office. The reason why I wanted to go into the office because of how they talked to us about it. They said you're helping people by having conversation. I can send someone a big email and let them read it and if they read it, it's okay. But conversation, that's huge in the counseling world. Well, and not only that. Think of the intonation and everything you miss in a text, okay? And your text can go completely the opposite direction of what you were meaning for it to do or your email or whatever. And then it gets you in a whole mess. It's taken out of content. Right. I've had that happen. Oh, we all have. There's no question. Oh, you sent something out of love and they're like, man, you just said, you know, this and that to me. Who do you think you are? And I'm like, wait a second. Roll that back. Did I say something wrong? But yeah, you're right. Yeah. And also, I think it can depend purely on the person receiving the text too. Like what mood they're in, all that stuff that if you were together in each other's presence, you would have a feeling for. Yes. But because you're not and you're texting. And I'm a texter. So, I mean, that's a weakness for me. But. Well, at least you still do have the ability to have conversations. I love to talk. Have you not noticed I love to talk? So, just for y'all to know, Shelby do text me a lot. I can count on one hand how many times I had a conversation with her over the phone. Now, when I'm in her presence, man, we kick it. But she don't talk to me on the phone. I'm not a big phone person. She would not talk to me on the phone. I could be driving. I don't text and drive, y'all. I don't text and drive. Shelby would text me. I didn't know you were in your car. It's not my fault. So, I tried to call her back and she was like, ah, nope. It goes through her voicemail so quick. So, I'm just messing with Shelby. She's a texter. She wasn't lying. I'm not. I don't lie about nothing. Oh my God, it's hilarious. I do like conversation. I love conversation. I love interacting because I can hear but also see more. If I'm in your presence, I can definitely see more. It's something that you can kind of pull if you are a person of maybe a spirit of discernment and you can kind of read people more than just their words. I like being in the presence of people even when I have to deal with the corporate world. As a person that runs a business, I have to meet you. We're not going to agree on a contract that I'm doing unless I meet you in person because I need you to know who I am and I need to know who you are. I love it. I can't do a text agreement. Or a text relationship either. It's just kind of hard. It's hard for me. Well, no, I'm not going to touch that one. She was going to touch it. In Season 2, we're going to touch it. I promise you. I don't know what she was going to say but we're going to touch it one day. I promise you. That's the good part about Season 2. We're going to have these conversations. It's going to be uncomfortable. We want feedback. We want more feedback. You all are going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. You're going to have feedback. I don't think it would be the kind of camaraderie that God created if we all agreed anyway. Look at... Wouldn't it be so boring? Yeah, because everybody's like, yes, yes, yes. Somebody's got to say no. I was the person... I'll tell you how I was in music. When I was in high school, I never wanted to hear, you're doing a great job. I knew I was good. I've been playing trombones since I was six, so I knew I was good. I needed a teacher to tell me that sounded like crap because it pushed me. I didn't want to be told I was good. I knew I could sing. I wanted to get with people that would tell me, you sound like crap because it pushed me to do better. I want a different opinion because if you hear... If everybody's just your yes man... You're surrounded by yes men. You can become or you can take on a narcissistic attitude. There's that word. That word. That word is a very popular word. I also think that you have to be able to learn from other people. And if we don't allow the expression of opinion, then you're going to be stagnant in your own journey, whatever that is. And whatever topic you're dealing with. People can share their opinions with me, and I might not agree with it, but I'll think about it for a while. And sometimes I'll be like, you say stuff, and I'm like, I never would have thought of it that way. Boy, you say stuff. I have to write it down and think about it later. And then come back and be like, whoa, I didn't think about that. But that's the best part. And you don't have to agree upon it right then and there. But at least take time to think about it. And even if you don't agree later, at least you accept it. Okay, well, you said what you said. I said what I said. That's it. We said what we said. That's it. Yeah. And why does that person not have a right to live life just because they don't agree with you? I don't get that at all. Or why do you wish terrible things on people, period? I don't consider myself having any enemies, and I'm sure there's people out there that think that's wrong. But I just don't see people as being my enemy. And so when you can wish vile things on people, I just, what is wrong with you? Yeah. Honey, let's clear up that heart. Let's get it good because that's not what anybody wants for you. You just said something powerful. Let's clear up that heart. Yeah. It's heart issues now. Right. Because now it's seeping down. Yeah, you're right about it. Let's clear up that heart. Let's clear up that heart. I think that's where a lot of hatred stems from. Yeah, or who hurt you? We've heard that before. Who hurt you? Who hurt you? You. You're mad about, and I ain't done nothing. Right. I ain't mad about this. Who hurt you? And we've all been hurt. Yeah. We've all been hurt. You can't live this life. Yeah. Yeah. And avoid being hurt. It's just not going to happen. Come on. Say it again. These are the things that we're going to talk about. These are the things that we're going to address, and we're not going to be afraid or ashamed of it. And I say that word ashamed because in season two, we mentioned something in season one that was really, really good, and I really wanted Shelby to dig into this one, the difference between shame and ashamed. I saw something yesterday, and it blew my mind how what you said was so true, that a person can feel so much shame that they'll literally just go into the worst of the worst in a cave and wait to die. Mm-hmm. But then to be ashamed of something, you quickly can get over it and move. I saw it manifest before my eyes, and I was like, wow, I can't wait to hear you speak upon that in a practical way that people hear and understand the difference between. I didn't know before you said it, and I'll be honest with you. I didn't know that there was a difference between shame and unashamed. I didn't know. One's an action, and one's a thing. It's a permanent situation. I can't wait. It can be a permanent situation. It can be. Yeah. And you know, this just hit me, thought of this Holy Spirit or what, but everything in life is temporary. So whatever you're facing right now, if it's ugly, it's temporary. So don't quit and don't give up and don't let it take you out just because right now you're feeling like it's going to last forever or it's the end all be all because it's not. It's temporary. You just got to keep pushing. Just keep breathing. Wow. She said everything in life is temporary. I wrote this down. This was last Thursday. It says life. I wrote this. I want to give Holy Spirit credit. Hopefully it was Holy Spirit. Life doesn't happen to you. It happens for you. I see that. But that's a perspective thing. Yeah. 100%. I had to realize that, I think for me, because I thought that the bad things that happened in my life was because of something either I did, because of something I was connected to, maybe a curse, maybe generational. Like I thought a lot of things happened to me and I never saw life happening for me. So I could never grasp the concept of me enjoying it because I thought it was... Against you all the time. Yes. Yeah. That's a big concept to grasp and stay in the face of, like keep hold of. Now my perspective has changed. Now I see life, whatever happens, good or bad, it's still for me. I can learn something from the thing that may have went sour or bad. But I also can enjoy the things that are happening that are great. Yeah. And we take so much for granted, the simple stuff. We just don't even see it anymore as a blessing. Yes, ma'am. Yeah, there's a lot that we get caught up in and we don't, we truly don't grasp our blessings. Wow. Wow. We look past them because it's not big, I guess. Yeah. Well, and you get so comfortable in your life. Even when you're uncomfortable, you're comfortable in that discomfort. And so it's, you don't see what other people are having to deal with. You don't see, you know, people who are really suffering. Yeah. And you get so caught up in your own, what you think is suffering that, you know. A songwriter, I heard a song years ago. The songwriter says, there's people worse off than you. Always. Absolutely. And the thing that you're really unhappy about on your body or in your life is something someone else is praying for. Wow. Wow. Wow. So, ladies and gentlemen, be prepared. This is just the season opener for season two. So, we're going to dig and dive into a lot of uncomfortable conversations. And I'm excited about it. She'll be looking at me. I'm excited. I know she's excited. I'm excited about it. We're definitely unafraid. What are we going to learn about next? Wow. Wow. So, please tune in. Season two. Word of Mouth Podcast. Nate and Shelby. It's going to be off the chain. Off the chain. Alrighty, y'all. Have a wonderful day. Love ya. We'll see you episode two. We'll see you episode two.

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