Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
What up Shelby? Dear me. How are ya? I'm good. Excited. Listen. Hey, what up y'all? Welcome to Word of Mouth Podcast with Nate and Shelby. To reboot. We are back in the building and we are ready and excited on today. Oh my God. We just, yeah, it's going to be awesome. How are you? I'm good. Excited. I can tell. Man, listen. Buckle your seatbelt. Don't have one. Don't have one. We've been jumping to this thing so, so hard to where the enemy's going to run. He better. His bags better be packed, man. He's going to have a size 9 right up his... I don't even want him to pack his bags. I want to just put him on the run and forget everything. Well, I don't want him leaving his shit behind. We going to burn it. Okay. Well, isn't it used to being burned? Yes, exactly. Don't toss it. In my Shelby voice, return to cinder. Burn that crap. Burn that down. Listen, we're going to talk about today how or why is it that we burn out? Why do we burn out? Speaking of burn. Right. Speaking of burn. Why do we burn out so quick? Why is it that... I don't think we burn out quick. You don't think so? Especially in this day and age, you don't think so? People give up. Well, maybe. I don't know. I think... Well, no. I'm not going to say that. It's already in your head. I'm going to kick off a lot of people if I say that. Okay. So we're already at one third of 2024, right? Yes. Third month. So we're already at one third. I know. Take a breather. One third. And do you know that there are people right now... I've had conversations. There are people right now that are saying, oh my God, I'm so tired. I'm so tired. It's crap. We're only one third in the new year. And people are saying I'm tired. So that suggests to me that... We got issues? Yeah. Also, that means you've been tired longer than this one third. You've been tired all of 2023, maybe. About 2022 and 2021. That's kind of like when a woman's going to break up with you. She was ready. What? A couple months ago or whatever. Podcast, fellas. That's another podcast. Oh, Jesus. Jesus. Forget that part. I never understood why. Okay. So, yeah, that part. So women know. Women know when they get burned out. They might not express it quicker than men, but they know when they get burned out. I'm going to use that for an example. Right. Okay. I'm going to use that for an example. We're talking about a relationship. Yeah. So I'm going to flip it now to in the spirit realm. When do you get to a place of when you acknowledge that you're burned out, but you don't do anything about it? Do you just keep going? Because we're programmed to keep going. In the spiritual realm? Mm-hmm. I'll put myself on blast now. I have went numerous of times on fumes in the spirit realm. Oh, I think that we do that often, but I don't know that we do it consciously. There are times. What's strength? Fighting through it. Oh, yeah, power through. Yeah, keep pushing. Yeah, I was told that that was strength. Well, but, okay, so if you're talking about spiritual fatigue, like what I consider spiritual fatigue is that you're withdrawing from God. You're withdrawing from the word. You're withdrawing from that stuff. That is a process. Part of it. Yeah, as you continue to get to that burnt out place. Right. But do you acknowledge it before you get to the? Heck no. Why though? Because it's weakness. Why is that weakness? Can we capitalize on the scripture and then ask the question, why is that weakness? Okay. Can I say to a family member, a friend, someone, I'm tired, I'm exhausted, and they not look at me as weak. Because we live in the world of greed and flesh and, hey, it might be soon. And, yeah, the world. Yeah. It's the world. It's definitely the world. So let's talk about it today. Let's talk about it. So I need you to read a scripture for me. I bet it's Matthew 11. Come on, what is it? Funny, eh? What? Read that for yourself. Okay, 28 to 30. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Come to me. Come. It says, take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Wow. How often do we quote that? We don't pay any attention to what it says. Gee, that sounds so good. You know what? That's so good that you say that. Man, and I hope we don't mess on or call out any leaders that feel like you've polished this up and you made it sound good, but you didn't live it. I'm critical. We're all guilty of that. Come on now. True, but why are you not applying it for yourself, but you're telling me that's called a hypocrite to me? You're telling me not to go kill someone, but then you go kill someone. Who's killing who? I'm just saying. Okay. That's a hypocrite. Don't be killing nobody, people. I hope not. If I tell you to go to Jesus and get that kind of rest and I don't do it, it makes me think that. Okay, you do know that Christians, believers, are hypocritical. We do be doing that. I want to talk about it because I'm the one. I'm the one. I'm the aunt myself. I have told people, man, Matthew 11, 28 through 30, read it, give that yoke to Jesus and make the exchange and this and that, and I'm over here exhausted. Swimming to the island. So fatigued, burnt out in every aspect. And I'm telling people, go to Matthew. It'll tell you exactly what you need. So I just outed myself. I'm good. You're not the only one. And with that, I want to, from a redeemed place, I want to allow people to understand why it's important for us to go to him first and not the system. In Shelby voice, Satan. Hades, hell. Why do we go to that first? I know that there have been times where. Okay, but we're not talking about really going to him directly, but we get caught up in this world that has pressurized us and programmed us into feeding into its system instead of feeding into God's system. Thank you. I didn't want them to feel like we went to the sea. No, we don't go do that. Well, there might be some. And I pray for you because you're going to bless you. If you do, there's a consequence. However, we do go to the system and we think that the system is going to help. There have been times where either I myself or I know people that have chose booze over Bible. Oh, hey, we over the word. And with that, I think that we have to expose the enemy today. Because why did we choose something of the world of the world when he says come to him? Why was it convenient? I think it's I think it's habit and I think it's pressure. Well, the pressure. Who pressured us? The world, our jobs, our families, our finances, the food in the refrigerator, the dogs that we have that all of a sudden are bleeding. I mean, it's just had that happen the last weekend. So the cars, the you know. Yeah. Yeah. So the pressure of the world. Yeah. It allowed us to go to the world or the world system to get a fulfillment. It didn't allow us. It forced us, I think. Forced. Yeah. Wow. Because life don't stop life and just because you're burnt out, does it? I thought I made a choice. But then now that I look at it, you're right, though, because I was forced. I had I was forced to make a decision based upon the pressure of paying bills or of taking care of my kids. Like I was forced. I thought it was a choice. So thank you for correcting that, because that now makes me think that. Why was I forced? Because that's the world system, which we know who is in charge of the world. But if I've read that scripture before, why didn't I pick that system? I know I'm asking you all these questions. Thank you. Thank you for letting me ask you these questions. Sure. You're going to pay me? Yes. Because I think what? You're the one. Two podcasts ago, I was like, you really should get paid for this. I'm paying you today. I just think that this is not like what we talked about earlier before we got on air. You know, Nate and I were talking about that. The pressure is what creates us staying in the world system and and not going to God because God doesn't put pressure on us to respond. He doesn't say, look, if you don't pray, you don't talk to me five times a day. I'm leaving you. You're going to be high and dry. You're screwed. You know, done. The world does that, though. Yes. The world says if you don't respond to my email, which is asking about something with your business, I'll shut you down. Period. I'll pay it. You'll have to pay a fine. You'll have to do this. If you don't go get gas, you ain't going to get to your job. So you better go get gas. Even though you don't have time, you're running late and you don't have the money in your pocket. You better go get gas and you better figure out how you're going to do that so you can get to your job, so you can pay the dang bill, so you can feed your kids, so you can do all this. It doesn't, like the word isn't in our face going, come to me. Wow. Everything that you just said is so much pressure, especially when you talk about time. So can I venture out to say that I don't know how this will be received and I'm not going to touch the medical aspect of it, but I want to say personally, it's only my thought. I think that the word depressed is spiritually fatigued or spiritually exhausted. I think that that's a definite part of it for sure. And then all the world stuff gets gummed up in it too. And then you've got guilt and you've got shame and you've got junk. Because you've never got the rest that you need to go and press forward. The Bible says, I press toward the mark of the high calling. You can't press if you're depressed. You're compressed. You're getting pressed by those words. That's what those words mean. You are pressed in whatever way. Because we're talking about rest, I'm going to bring up my little screenshot. Oh, my God. Listen to this. Of course, we were talking off mic, but listen to this. So Nate texted me this morning and said to read this verse, which is what we just read. And in my Bible, I have little footnotes on the side, and it explained it to me in a way that hit. And it says, Jesus is the touchstone for everything. Individuals are to come and take his yoke, and he does the rest. A person who labors is struggling, and one with a heavy burden is overloaded. The yoke was a double harness in which two animals pulled together. Often one harness was larger and meant for the stronger, more experienced animal. Jesus. While the smaller was used for the animal being trained. That's us. Being trained. The yoke of Jesus clearly implies that even though individuals are free from the law because he died on the cross. Because I just had this discussion with somebody. Free from the law. Free from the law because Jesus obliterated the law when he died on the cross. So even though they are free from the law, they are not to make their own rules. Further, they are to be harnessed to him living his way. Let me ask you a question right there, Sheb, because I know you have experienced horses. Can you explain what a harness is first before I ask that question? What is a harness? Well, a harness is usually something that goes around the neck of the animal, the shoulders, and it has some kind of reins or something that you get behind the horse or animal and control them. Maneuver them that way. To do what again? To control? Yes. You have them to go the way that you want them to go. The harness. It's control. I mean, if you want them to stop, if you want them to go, yes, that's how you. Got it. Other than having a bit in their mouth, which this word talks about that too. So we can have a spiritual harness on Satan, and we can control the system, be not conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So we can have that, but we choose not to? We can have anything the word says. We just don't put it into practice. I mean, that's what we're getting at here. Yes. The rest of the whole conversation. Absolutely. And I guess I'm probably more frustrated at myself because there have been so many years of my life that I've spent not thinking that I can get this kind of rest. That is implied right here in the book of Matthew. And Nate's really talking about spiritual rest more so than physical rest. But with spiritual rest, you can get true physical rest. And basically, the word is just saying that the word and the way of living that Jesus and God have provided is your rest. Rest. Rest. Speaking on rest, there were some other things that you looked up today about rest, right? Yes. So I Googled the definition of rest. Let me do it again. When I initially did it, the first definition that came up had nothing to do with a state of being. It was all about the noun of rest. So if you Google rest, what it's going to tell you is it's a medieval piece of armor. The part that is left after something has been removed, so it's the remainder, which is the rest of whatever. And the last definition says that are those remaining. So then I had to Google it again, and I had to actually go into Merriam-Webster or whatever, and that was when it talks about freedom from activity or labor, a state of motionlessness or inactivity, a place for rest, a body or state characterized by minimal function and metabolic activities. So what that tells me is that this world doesn't even want us to know what rest is. Come on, say it louder. The people in the back. We're being programmed, y'all. We are being manipulated on a constant basis, and the world system is telling us that rest is not necessary, nor is it important, nor do we have the right to have it, I think. There are clichés and little sayings that tell you that if you get too much or if you sleep or if you try to get some kind of rest, that you're not doing what you're supposed to do. You're not grinding. You're not going to be successful. You're not going to obtain the things of this world if you rest. I've heard people say, hey, I don't need a lot of sleep. I sleep when I'm dead. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. You will sleep when you're dead. I feel like that's a bunch of crap because how can you be effective, or how can you even enjoy the things that you have, whether it's material? How can you enjoy it if you're tired, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually? How can you enjoy it? Well, I think, you know, there have been times in my life, whether it was because of babies or whatever, that rest was not part of life. And they're from moms. There's three babies and worked full time and all that stuff, like a lot of women do. A lot of women do all kinds more than I did. And I know that, like, six months in, that kicks your tail. Yeah, yeah. You really can get physically sick and mentally sick. And, you know, like, I think it leads to a lot of depression. Absolutely. There are other physical symptoms that happen when you don't get full rest. I went through a major thing, of course. I think I spoke about it on a podcast before, about high blood pressure. One of the major things that they really do talk about is rest. And I'm starting to understand that it wasn't a physical rest that the doctor was even speaking about. He's saying, why are you stressing? Right. I'm not talking about you sleeping. You're stressing. And there are times where I didn't even know that I was stressing. was just programmed to just keep thinking about this and keep thinking about that and trying to put A with C and B with D. And it just, I never rested. Yeah. Well, I think even now, like, I'll wake up in the middle of the night and I do my best thinking in the middle of the night, right? Best thinking. You just freaking can't get the thing to shut off. But during the day, you know, it's because I'm so busy. Well, we all are busy during the day and there's things we don't think about. And then we wake up in the middle of the night and we're like, oh, let's think about it now. Sounds great. I thought that came with older age, but I guess not. I'm guessing everybody kind of does. I'm older than you. What are you talking about? It comes from older age. Yeah. I don't know, man. I feel like now we need to understand that rest is important and not physical rest. No, let me say that again. It's all rest. All rest is important. Spiritual rest in which we're speaking about in this scripture is vital for your spirit, man. Right. If that doesn't take place, you cannot be as effective as you think you can because you're exhausted. You're fatigued. Right. You have nothing to pour from. Nothing. You ever heard the song, I think it's Feel My Cup, Lord? I lift it up. Okay. Some of us, we're skipping that part. We're not saying feel my cup, Lord. We're saying I'm lifting my cup up. Ain't nothing in your cup. Right. And sometimes you don't even have the strength to lift your cup. What was that? We were singing at a church just a few weeks ago and all he said was just reach. Just reach. Oh, my God. Just reach because sometimes you don't have the strength to lift your cup. It's just reach. I feel like that's been a tactic that the enemy has used from the beginning of time, too, because he knows that if you're spiritually fatigued, if you're spiritually exhausted, no, you cannot operate in a way that you can lift anything. How can you even lift the burden off your shoulders if you're fatigued? You're supposed to let it fall to the ground at his feet. Amen. But what we're trying to do. Well, I go over and pick it back up. I'm like, oh, okay. I feel a little better. Let me go back over, Lord. Pick it back up. I can carry it a little bit more. Thanks so much. Thanks for taking care of it for me for a few days. You don't have to. Okay. In the first Genesis 2, the very beginning of the word, God had finished the work he had been doing. So, on the seventh day, he rested from all the work. This was Genesis. You know, Genesis means beginning. Yes. Oh, okay. Yeah. So, if God rested, and then he basically says later on that there is a day, the Sabbath, designated for rest. You weren't supposed to even cook. Can I tell you what somebody told me years ago? What? They said to me, I don't have to rest because God rested. I got to keep grinding. And I thought that was a good statement from the person that said it because they were seemingly, from a physical perspective, successful. And I said, wait. So, because God rested, we don't have to? He said, yeah. Why do we have to rest? Well, technically, we just talked about that when Jesus died on the cross, the law was obliterated. So, we don't have to rest. But if God suggested, I think that we might want to pay attention to it. And we did just read in here that it says to live by his way of doing things in this putting on the yoke and taking off the yoke and all that stuff. I don't even see a question at the beginning of the verse 28. It didn't say, would you please come to me? It says, come to me. That, to me, says a statement. Yeah, it's a come to me now. Right. Because you're heavy. Right. Wow. And that's the most pressure you're going to get from Jesus. Yes, literally. But that's the thing. The devil screams at us all the time throughout this world that we've got to do this. We've got to jump, run, hit the mark, pay the bill, keep up with the Joneses, outdo everybody, bust, bust, bust. And Jesus just is just there. And he's just like, OK, when you get around to me, I'll be here. I'm waiting on you. There's no pressure. There's a parable that's given. It's in all the Gospels. I know in the book of Mark I talk about how Jesus was at Nicodemus' house. And there was a situation where there were two sisters. One was at his feet and one was doing the work. Mary and Martha. And with that, what was taking place at that time was the example that I see. The example was us doing everything in the presence and us just sitting at his feet. Which is exactly what spiritual rest is. Amen. That is such a good description of what we're talking about right now. Because Martha, Martha, Martha, Martha, just running around like a chicken with her head cut off. That's Shelby, Shelby, Shelby. Come on. Nate, Nate, and Nate. Running. Especially if we've got company coming or something like that. I'm like everything's got to be perfect and there's a dog hair over there. And Mary just straight up sat there. Sat at his feet. And just awe. She was in awe of him. Yep. And we feel like we have to run, run, run, run, and run. Mm-hmm. Constantly. For what, though? Like what are we running for? Are we that much of a people pleaser? We are more worried about impressing the world than we are about impressing God. I didn't say she did. I just said people pleaser. She broke it down. I said we, which includes me. So y'all don't come at me. No, I see it. We've got to stop pleasing everything about this world system and realize and understand that we need rest for us. Take time to get rest for yourself, please. It's important. Yeah, and spiritual rest is what we just talked about. It is literally just sitting in his presence. That's it. That's it. Let him marinate you. Have you ever sat and watched maybe a series of something on Netflix? Do you watch anything on Netflix? No. Whatever series. Okay. That's going to be difficult for you. Have you ever watched a full movie? Yeah. Okay. What's one of the favorite ones you've watched? One of your favorite movies. I have a few. Well, I don't watch a lot of movies, but Bridesmaids used to be my favorite. That's the funniest movie ever. Y'all take time to watch that. I promise you, you will laugh. So Bridesmaids. Now, here's a very important question. Have you watched it more than once? Absolutely. Okay, so here we go. Bridesmaids, I don't know the length or duration of the actual movie, but I know that it's over an hour. We would take the time and repeat and watch it again and maybe again for that duration and not want to sit in God's presence. For that amount of time. Not even five minutes. Sometimes 15 minutes. This morning, I literally was having that issue. Wow. Because I'm like, there's things I got to get done. In our head, because this system is just off. Okay, so I was just dealing with this this morning. After you texted me what we're going to talk about on the podcast, I literally was like, I got to go spend time with God. And then I'm like 15 minutes in, I'm like, oh. And I kept saying, Shelby, stop it. Just there. I mean, I've said and watched sitcoms that I saw so many times. But then when it's time to spend that time with God, I got him on a timer. Okay, I'm going to give 15 minutes. And then I got to go. Yeah, what if God did that to us? Say that again. Say that again. That's an ouch. That is a big ouch. Because what if he put us on a time limit of blessings or favor or healing, deliverance, salvation? What if we got in a pinch and we cried out to him and he was like, I'm busy, sorry. I got like I'm seeing other thousands, million people that are talking in my ear and I can't handle your problem right now. I'm busy. Can you imagine God said I'm busy right now? I'd be done. I'd be over it. I'd be done. That will hurt. That will hurt. Yes. But why are we doing the same way? Why we say we busy? Because we live in this world. And who gets to be in charge of this world? Who is given dominion over this world? As a playground. And that's not giving him accolades, ladies and gentlemen. No, that's factual. He was given dominion. Yes, he was. He's going to get his butt kicked. I mean, it's already been kicked, but he's going to get it again in the end. And I'm looking forward to that day. 100%. But yeah, until then, he gets to have a little fun time, I guess. And that doesn't take away from the fact that we can enjoy. There's a scripture in the book of John that says the thief comes to steal, kill, and to destroy. But I have come that you can live this life more abundantly. That's right. So we can enjoy this life, this system, because our minds is not focused on the things of the world. We're transformed of knowing that we are kingdom thinkers instead of system thinkers. And we have authority. And we have that authority. Whatever we bound on earth, bound in heaven. Whatever we loose, it's loosed in heaven. We can speak and decree that authority every day. And believe. And believe. And walk in that. And receive the rest. Not just physically, but the rest for your soul. You need rest for your soul. Rest is very important. Yes. They don't have a pill to rest your soul. You can take a pill, but it... It won't rest your soul. It'll rest your mind. I promise you it will. It will arrest you. Okay. That's a T-shirt. That's good. That's good. A pill will arrest you and not give you the rest that you need for your soul. Facebook said it. Know that. Thanks. Okay. So I want to read about Martha and Mary. Please. Because I identify with this so much. Come on. And since we're talking about how do you even rest in God and how do you even find spiritual rest. I love it. Okay. So this is Luke 10, 38. As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted. I think we talk about that word often. By all of the preparations that had to be made, she came to him, Jesus, and asked, Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me. And Jesus replied, Martha, Martha. You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed. Hello. Few things are needed. Or indeed, only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. Wow. There is your spiritual rest, people. Whoa. There is only one. That's what he says. Indeed, only one thing that needs to be. So let's exegete this. So you said that. Exegete. Wow. That's beyond our pay grade, dude. You're so wrong. Exegete. I love this lady. Sorry, we have a little sidebar. Okay, let's come back to our pay grade. He's going to expand on this. That's what he meant. He can never catch his breath. Okay. We might be in trouble, people. The way she looked at me. Okay. Okay. All right. So let's expound upon this scripture. So Martha, at that time, Martha got frustrated because she was busy. She was distracted. And distractions can produce triggers. Okay. Triggers, of course, is because you are fatigued. You haven't gotten rest. You're on a hair trigger. Yes. Hair trigger, good. And when she came and she asked the question, she said, what's going on? Like, you see me doing work. Lord, tell her to help me. Tell her to get up off her butt. That don't sound like the system to you? Sounds exactly like it to me. Sounds exactly like it to me. Man. So why is it, why was it so important for Jesus to respond in the way that he responded to her? Why was it important? He was trying to point out to Martha about the rest. About you don't control stuff, chick. Come on. Come on. And if you would just sit here, like your sister. And allow me to pour into you. Right. Then all the other stuff that you're doing. Would fall into place. Wow. How simple is that? How do you, how did Mary come to just be like, know what's going on? Like, she got it. She understood the assignment. That's a good question. I feel like it was discernment. Had to be. I mean, she, you see the son of God. I mean, she knew who, I mean, she got it. She got it. Why do you think that he wants to see you busy anyway? Well, if you're thinking about the world, you're thinking you're impressing him, right? The busier I am, the more impressive I am. And he's just the opposite. You just sit in my presence. I'd be impressed. I want to see how much you love our father. Not what you can do. So these things of the world, like, who are we impressing anyway? Do I impress you if I make a billion dollars in a year? Is that impressive? Because God is the God of everything. So I'm definitely not impressing God. No, but if he's the God of everything, he's the one that gave you the opportunities to make that money. Exactly. And the abilities. How am I impressing him with that? That's a worldly thing. That's a worldly thing. It's a people-pleasing. You don't get – where does your money go when you die? It don't go with you. It's not a heavenly thing. I mean, we have our treasures, but we don't take our money with us. You're so right. Or our things. And I have lots of things, so I'm being a hypocrite right now. No, the great part about talking about it is understanding that we don't have to be busy to please this place. And I have to say that I lived a life of – we have our own business. We've had a family business for years, and it was all about the business. And growing up, my dad was only home maybe one day a week, and holidays were about the business. The only time he was ever off was Christmas Day, and even then he had to go into the stores to check on things. And that's how I grew up, so that's how I raised my family, because my husband and my ex-husband and I were in the same business. We continued it on. Now looking back, because I know how it felt, I believe that my children saw the business as more important than they were. Wow. And that's something that I will always blame myself for and that I can't undo. While at the same time, yes, it was providing, and we had a nice life, but looking back, I would have done things much differently. Gotcha. I would have made sure that they knew they were the most – and they are the most important thing. Of course. But I can understand how they could see that, because I understand it from my own perspective growing up, that the business seemed to come first. Now, as you say, when you look back, you see the difference. What do you think took place that, as you say, your dad or maybe his dad or some type of lenient, some type of family tree that went down in that history, what was it that allowed them to keep going that way? I think my dad pretty much came from nothing, and his dad was not the best person. So I think it was trying to compensate. Wow. I can relate. And I know there's got to be a male perspective, but I know I can relate to that. And my dad was a very good provider, and he did a really great job, and I think he took that role very seriously. And I think a lot of men do, or at least they did in that generation. Yes. But there's so much more to providing than just the monetary and financial security. We don't know that. We don't know that at times. Right. We don't know that, and we have to understand that this is why we need just kingdom thinking or someone to pour into us that there is a balance in that. You're saying now, okay, for your family, your children, yes, they can understand and see that things are more important. However, as that father, I can relate to him 100%. There are times I probably saw my family maybe twice in two weeks because of everything that I thought I had to do. But that's the world system. Yes, it is. That's not God's system. No, but I was programmed in that. And we've gotten – and I don't know if we're going to cycle back around or if we're going to continue pushing. We talked earlier that other countries don't bust ass like America does. Other countries take time to rest. Other countries don't have the work ethic maybe. I don't know that you would call it that, but they're not geared that way. So I don't know if we've done a disservice to ourselves in certain ways. I love my country. Do not come at me because I am a full-on patriotic chick. I'm not talking about – she's not living in our country. No. She loves it. She loves it. But I think – yeah. But you know this – I don't know how we could rectify that at this point, going back and just learning that rest is important. I think there is hope. We talked about it last week about seeds, right? And when we plant these seeds, whether they're small seeds, whether it starts with our children, and at least allowing them to know that you have to take time to enjoy life. It don't have to be a hustle and bustle every day. Right. You can take the time to be like Mary. And don't beat yourself up when you are Mary. Because guilt is from the enemy. Yes. From the pit of hell. That condemnation will make you think because I didn't – I stayed in bed too long or I read my Bible too long that I missed this time. Listen. Yeah. God will cover all of that. But we can start with the small seeds of planting that in our children. And then they will plant that in their children. And it won't continue to be that cycle. I think that's where it can start. I hope so. Or just talking about it on this platform. You can stop right now. I don't care how old you are. You're 70, 80 years old. Hey, listen. You can stop and say, you know what? I'm going to start spending more time in his presence. Yeah. Change your focus. I've been Martha for 90 years. I've been Martha for 20 years. Right. I've been Martha for 15. Whatever it is. I'm going to actually realize why Mary sat there, and then I'm going to try it. Yeah. And I think so many people are burned out. Yes. So many people. Maybe it's our generation. No, I think it stems way before us. Well, yeah. I don't know that it's coming after us, though. I don't know that the generations after us are necessarily like that. The kids chilling. But yeah, there's a lot of burned out people out there. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, fires were meant to burn out. We get that. They have to have fuel. They have to have fuel. To continue to burn. Thank you. That's the best analogy that can be given for this whole podcast. Light it. It needs fuel. You have to feed it, yeah. You have to keep throwing wood on it. You have to keep putting gas on it. Come on. You have to. It's just like what you said earlier about a fuel tank on a car. You can't. It ain't going to go nowhere. It ain't going to move. You're flourishing, but you're malnourished. You've got to feed it. If you don't feed it, there will be no flourishing. That's true. And I think you talked about pouring into people or having people pour into you. And I think that that's a thing that there's not a lot of men that have people pouring into them. I agree. I think as a society we tend to pour more into women, which is wrong. They skip men. I don't know why they skip men, but okay. And it's not about, I don't know, it's not about men being weak or anything like that. Everybody wants to be poured into. Everybody wants to be fed. Everybody wants to feel. Feel. They just want to feel like they matter. Be appreciated. Be validated. All that stuff. So I would challenge people, women, to step up and pour into the men more. Now I can speak on this perspective. And men, you can come for me, but I'm going to tell the truth. Sometimes men don't want to be poured into because they feel like it is a sense of weakness. I know. And they'll block it. Right. I get that. Women will be like, hey, I'm not trying to overstep. I'm not trying to this and that. I just want to let you know that I'm here for you. And we'll be like, no, I'm good. That was my turn. I mean, I said that so much. I should have got a tattoo. No, I'm good. I'm straight. I'm good. Not knowing that I needed that. Yeah. Everybody does. So men, drop that pride. Whether it's another friend, a male or even a female, allow the Holy Spirit to at least lead and guide you to that place where if someone wants to pour into you, let them do it. And I have to say, because I tend to, I like to be an encourager. I like to be that person who's pouring. But there are times when I sit there and I'm like, Lord, excuse me. I am so damn empty. And ain't nobody pouring back into me. And I'm tired of this. Now, I might not say that word to him, but sometimes I do. And he understands. He knows you. Yes, he does. He knows who's calling. Sometimes he just is like, I really got to pick up the phone. Here we go. Here we go. Watch out. No, but, and the lesson I learned from that is that he has to do the pouring into me for me to be able to pour into others. I agree. And that I can't look for that to come from other people. Well, I think that he's set up ways because you are, I'm going to say this from a friendship place, you're a hard nut to crack. So I think he set it up in ways where he has to maneuver around because he knows his daughter. He has to maneuver around some ways for people to pour into you because God is a spirit and he will utilize people to be that for you. I've experienced that with you. Yeah. So, because you're a hard nut to crack. For real. So he would, there's ways that he pours into you. He does. And he uses people. I know he uses people. Just those people. There's only a few, though. They can't give up, though. Because she's not, she's not budgeted. I'm like the men you just talked about that's like, man, water up a duck's back, whatever. She's not budgeted. She say no. Bro, you better sit there and be patient. Amen. Anyways, I think it's important that we pour into the men. Absolutely. I agree. So, men, please don't, I mean, of course, be discernful, mindful of what's pouring into you. However, don't, don't give it a lot of pushback. Just receive it. It's not bad. It's not bad. And I'm saying that from a really healthy place because I had to receive some stuff that people were pouring. Yeah, he talks about me being a tough nut to crack, whatever. He should know because he is one. Exactly. Two peas in a pod. Please know that if it's, if God is pouring and he's using people to pour into you, don't be so hard. Receive it. And get the rest that you need. Please. Get the spiritual rest. I think if you get the spiritual rest, the physical rest will come. Absolutely. Because I know a lot of people are just tired. They're just physically tired. And when you're tired, you don't have patience. You don't have, it's way too peoply out there when you're tired. It doesn't matter if you're in your own house or you're outside in public. It's way too peoply. Oh my God, peoply. I love that word. And we do. We get antagonized. We get frustrated. We get irritated. And it's hard to get out of that. Yes. And anything is a trigger. Yeah. You're ready. I'm talking about you are loaded and ready for anyone to do or say anything. That should be an indication that you don't have rest. Especially for your soul. If you're easily triggered, I'm talking about somebody look at you wrong. What you looking at? Why are you mad? Because you're ready for a fight. Right. In the field that I work in, I see that so much with people. And we have to look at people. Like for real. We have to look at them. But they're so triggered by what you look. I ain't got nothing. I didn't say anything. I get it. I also think that we're all getting programmed into that. Like people are after you. There's nobody out there that's good. There's nobody out there that's trying to help. There's nobody that's got good intentions. Which is not true. There are a lot of people. And there always will be. But if you watch TV, you watch the news, you watch all that other junk. You listen to social media or whatever. I guess you can't listen to it. But it's going to teach you. It's going to tell you otherwise. Yes. For the most part. Let me ask you a quick question. Quick, quick question. I know we've got a few more minutes. Are you the kind of person that if you don't get enough rest or. Are you a morning person? Nah. Okay. If you're awake and pretty early and you didn't get enough rest. Are you what you call grumpy? I'm the kind don't talk to me. Until I've had at least half a cup of coffee. Got it. So glad you said that. Okay. So. You're the kind of person that just give me a minute. I'll get there. Let me get my coffee. Let me get my just I'm not that. That happy go lucky person until my. Until I get my coffee in me. This is how I want us to see it in the spirit realm. We've not had a spirit realm. We've not had a spiritual realm. We've not had a spiritual cup of coffee in years. We're in a coffee drought. God. We have not had as she just said. Just give me a minute. We've been saying just give me a minute. For the last 20 30 years. That minutes up that minutes up. Come on. It's time for you. To at least assess the fact that. You're the kind of person that if you don't get enough rest. Until I've had at least half a cup of coffee. I'll get there. Let me get my coffee in me. Man, you ain't got no rest. Come on, sis. When the last time you rested for real? Like when have you just gave it to God? Knowing that he's going to fix it. He's going to deal with he's going to handle it. Back in the day. My mom would have this plaque up in her in her front room. Where it was called footprints. And the worst times of when I read it the first the worst times of this guy's life. He only saw one set and he got frustrated with God and said, why is it? There was only one set. You're making me walk myself by myself. I said I was carrying. That's indication right now that God is saying, hey. Can you give it to me? Okay. Let me carry you. Okay. So we read her footnotes of the Bible in that scripture of Matthew. And it said somewhere up in there that one that was yoked with the other one was in training. Yes. And one was a trainer. One was the stronger one. Come on. Guess what? It ain't you that's the stronger one. You better say that again. It's time to give it to him. It's time to get rest. We're burnt out. We got to get that right. Ain't nothing wrong with being married. Do we deal with this every day? I would love to be more like Mary, but I am definitely more like Martha. We got to be more like Mary. Lord Jesus fix it. In Jesus name. He will. He will. We gotta be more like and it's not weakness fellas. It's not weakness ladies. It's not weakness. It's just saying you need rest for your soul. Yeah, this world wants to tell you it's weak though. Don't listen. Don't. Don't. As of this day. Don't. That's all I got to say. It's good. It's good stuff. Anything. You have anything else? Amen. Nope. Holy Spirit's not tapping on that door right now. Amen. All right. So listen, glad that we're able to talk about it. Please, please, please. As you tune into this particular episode. Do a self-examination. Not on everybody else. Self-examination. And ask God. Are you getting rest for your soul? It's been a long time. And it's time for you to get it. And ask him to show you how to. What you need to let go of. What you need to lay at his feet. Come on. And please, Lord, for me. Don't let me pick it back up. Don't pick it back up. Don't. I don't want to prove how strong I am. You know, it gets heavier. Mm-hmm. Because when you laid it down. You were able to relax. Mm-hmm. Pick it back up. It was some other stuff that was laying around it. That sucked it up. Up to it. Come on. Woo. And now you're just like, wow. It's getting heavier than it was before. It's getting heavier than it was before. Okay. Amen. So, this has been Word of Mouth. Podcast with Nadine Schell. The Reboot. We love you. With Matthew 11. 28 to 30. Please read it. Love ya. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.