Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The hosts of the Word of Mouth podcast, Nate and Shelby, are back after a two-week absence. They discuss the importance of prayer and how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. They emphasize the need for forgiveness when praying and the hypocrisy of asking for forgiveness while not forgiving others. They also talk about the significance of being able to pray directly to God without the need for intermediaries, such as priests or pastors. They address the misconception that some people's prayers are more powerful than others and emphasize the importance of faith and belief in prayer. They conclude by encouraging listeners to not wait until they feel "cleaned up" before praying, as God desires to help and heal them in the process. They question the necessity of certain religious practices that require praying through intermediaries and exalt humans over Jesus. And the cricket had to make an appearance. It's not we haven't been here for two weeks. That's exactly what happened. People welcome to word of mouth podcast with Nate and Shelby. We are back in the building on today. I know that you all miss us. I know you don't have to say it. I know we have not been in the building for a while. We're back today. All right. So don't get mad and say hey where y'all been and this and that. There's no way back today. Life be life and life. Say that again man with your whole chest. Life be life and but we're back today. We're here. So what's good. Everything's good. Everything is good. All right. We're going to jump into this. We had a part two. Yeah I thought we forgot. We had a part two in regards to the podcast a while ago on prayer. So we're going to touch on that today and then we're probably going to some other stuff. So if y'all hear a couple of them today it's just because we're excited to be here. But we got to do a part two just to make sure that we give a lot of foundation of what we're talking about in prayer. I think one of the scriptures that we did come from we utilize how Jesus taught the disciples. And one of the things he said when I'm teaching you how to pray you know you give acknowledgement understand who God is and then give reference and then as you talk about the day that's given to you you ask for daily you know daily manna daily bread and then you have to go into a forgiveness. And we opened the door of talking about how important it was to forgive when you are praying because if you're asking God for something and you're not right within yourself in forgiveness how can he look past what you're doing to answer your prayer if you're full of mess. If you're you know filthy and dirty but you're saying hey God I need you to blah blah blah this and that or even forgive me because I've done wrong you're asking God to forgive you but you can't forgive others that's hypocritical but we talked about that. We definitely talked about that. So today we're kind of going to wrap this up we're talking about why the importance of prayer to God is so profound that we can go straight to God and not have to go through and I don't want to you know hurt religious or religion but I am going to tell truth that we can understand we can go straight to God in prayer. There is a religion that asks you to come and sit in a booth and talk to a person to get a prayer through. If I'm not mistaken Bible tells me that I don't have to go through a person anymore. No once Jesus died on the cross and his blood was poured out right veil was torn into and he became my savior right and the holy of holies was now open to everybody. So why is that hard to understand when we are praying that we feel like we have to go through people and even in the modern day church there are people that believe that they can't get a prayer cross but their pastor can. Correct. Or a very powerful person that prays I guess deeper or harder. Right. I believe that you faced that before. I have been in the presence around you and Shelby my gosh Shelby Glenn when she prayed but I have been in your presence where people be like hey I would rather for Shelby to pray instead of you know someone else. Like your prayers are going to be different. Yeah have any more power than anyone else's. Yeah they don't. So let's discuss that because I think that people feel like you know our prayers if we are in a different position is more powerful than theirs because God is still God. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I think that you know we have discussed religious spirits. We have discussed religion in general. We have discussed legalization and all the you know rules and blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Um but yeah when the veil was torn in two I don't know if people understand the history of of the Holy of Holies but you know only priests could go. Right. Into the temple first of all and then beyond that was like you could not. It was like forbidden. Right. So when Jesus perished on the cross and the earthquake came and the veil was torn in half. Right. So there was no longer any barrier between yeah the Lord. Yeah. There was nothing to stop us from going directly to him at that point. It was over and done with. Jesus was the barrier and he was now gone and provided us the whole opportunity to wholly go to God directly. Yes and it's through him of course because he says I am the way. Right. John 14. I am the way. I am the truth. I am the life. No man comes unto the father. Except through me. Except through me. So with him redeeming us from the curse of the law. Right. I think now we can through Jesus Christ we can go to God ourselves. Absolutely that's what we're supposed to do. But but yes we I think you know when you were talking about it just now and you were talking about people coming to me in some ways I think that it's a humility that we think we're not good enough. We think someone's got it better than we do like the understanding the knowledge the wisdom better and so therefore we we think well if if that person prays instead of me it's it's a it's a humility thing like I'm not good enough. I'm not worthy enough. I won't get it right. I won't say it right. Whatever. So I get that side of it that there is that component to it. But when you are thinking that no matter what you do you cannot just talk directly to God. There's an issue there. Well can we can we give an analogy as a parent. Can one of your children come to you and say they're coming on behalf of the other child. Yeah they can. They can but you would say to them hey I want to speak to that child. Why are you coming. Yeah on behalf of them. I want to or I would go directly to the other child and talk to them directly. So when you say humility yes there are people that may feel like hey I don't I don't have it I don't have it all the way together. I don't I don't feel like I God hears me right now and that can be taught you know with people that strategically know how to because a lot of people would use that as a manipulating factor and then they'll take on responsibility of being God themselves and saying hey you know you can't do anything without me. So that's that's a very very touchy situation too because if you're not leading them to where they need to be then what's the problem. I don't I don't feel like if someone comes to me and say I need you to pray for me I'm gonna ask the question first can I pray with you. I'll pray for you about the things that you want you know that you're asking God for but I want to pray with you that we both come together in agreement. Two or more. So wouldn't that be more effective than you thinking because you'll put the pressure on me and say well I thought you prayed for me why is this happening and now it's my fault. Kind of get what I'm saying. Yeah it's and it's you know it also that that speaks to the fact that like you can pray things for people but if they don't claim it if they don't receive it if they don't take authority over that there's going to be a barrier in the way. Now whether or not God wants to move that barrier and do it anyways is up to him but there's a lot of times that if that person's not going to receive and claim and and that and take it on then the prayer gets hindered. Come on. That's why you know that's another reason why we have to have the avenue open directly to him. Yes and you you pointed out a key word faith. Do you have enough belief do you have enough faith that when you do pray even if you come in agreement with someone or you're praying yourself like are you downing yourself saying God don't hear me because I'm a heathen I don't hear me because I lied I stole I this and that. God still hears you because it's through Jesus all he see it's the blood of Jesus. So I think we get so down on ourselves thinking that we don't have that access to God through Jesus we do. Yes we do and we need to use it and we need to stop thinking that we have to go to an intercessor. And speaking of what you just said because this was a verse I read before we got started. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners. So if you think you have to be holy or you have to be perfect or you have to be clean before you go talking to him the word right there Mark 2 17 says I didn't come to call the righteous I came to call the sinners which we all are all of us every single one of us. So you know I think we've said this before don't wait to have a relationship with them thinking I got to get myself cleaned up before I can. The whole point is he will clean you up in the process he wants to do that. He wants to heal you he wants to put the broken pieces back together all of that that's not on you to do and don't wait because you may get to the end and you waited and you waited too long. That's very true. Let's open this up Shelby as well. What's your understanding and I really want if you do have an understanding because I don't have full knowledge upon a certain religion that allows you to go and sit in a booth and pray to the father the priest and then the priest go on behalf of you. I know how it's done and I've been there but I've not read enough to know exactly why why that's so important for that religion to continue that practice. Do you have any knowledge on it? I don't have any knowledge on it all I can say is that why is Jesus not enough? You know I have to give credit where credit's due. I listened to a podcast called the fourth watch and the gentleman's name is Stephen and I have he has lit a fire in me and he's actually talking about the same type of thing and he was saying why is Jesus not enough? So you're exalting a human basically thinking that they're are in equal to Jesus. I mean and even in that community there is a hierarchy of exaltation. Yes. Where we have a really high guy that sits in a particular building in Italy that is in charge of all of them. Yes. Is that not exalting a human above the God that you're supposed to be seeking? I would say yeah that's exalting a human like shouldn't we give all glory? That's what the word says. And we're carefully saying these things because there have been religious people to say no um because this is why this and that is why we should do that. I'm not speaking about the reverence of the position that a person is in. I do give reverence to a seat. I feel like seats man you work your way. Yes there is respect. Amen. I don't want to say hierarchy but to an organization a form of organization yes there is respect due. Just like if you have a manager you have to respect the manager. If there's an owner of the business you respect the owner of the business. Even the bible says give honor to whom honor is due. Right. A reverence to me is different. If you revere them then you're putting them as an equal to Christ. Wow. And to me there is no equal to Christ. Right. That is an idol. And you're not supposed to have those things. Now I'm going to say we're all guilty of it. I can say for myself I've got my own idols so I'm going out myself. I ain't just picking on people. We all. We all do. We all sin and fall short. But yes that's to me that's idolatry. Which is very touchy and dangerous. Well I mean let's think about it and I'll add some sugar to that. Why would you want to compare yourself to Jesus? You know you ain't gonna die for nobody. Nope. You're not gonna go just literally hanging on a cross. Not hanging that way or getting a whoop. It's not whooped out of me or. You got a couple of people that you may think about doing it for but that's it. He died for us all. Yes. So the comparison. Even the ones that hate him. I think he told some of them to forgive him. They don't even know what they're doing. Right. To compare myself to Jesus would. It's foolish. I'll use biblical words. It's foolish. It's foolish to think that I can be in the place of him. Now greater is he that is in me. I carry a level of compassion like Christ. Am I all the way there yet? I have days. If I can be honest that's why I thank God for grace. For mercy and for repentance and for all of the above because I don't get it right every day. I can't tell you that every day is in hunky-dory and you know just. And you don't pop off. And there are days man that I struggle with the flesh. So I'm not going to compare. Every day I do. Wouldn't that be the same thing as a person sitting in a booth? You don't think he struggles or she struggles? Or if they let us see I'm not sure. I don't think so but no we're all human. Yes yeah that's why I've always struggled with that concept. Like the person that I'm telling my sins to. Is the sinner themselves. We can talk about. I think we can we can coerce with each other and say hey Shell man I fell short man. I um I try not to get angry. I was driving here and this guy. I was driving here and this guy literally cut me off. Right at the split. And I was like dude. And then the other words. Right. So I can I can talk to my my best friend about certain things. But she's not my priest. Like she's not Jesus. That's just venting yes. And that's yeah and and humility. That's humility. I'm I screwed up. If you can say that. How many people can walk around say they screwed up. Depends on who you're talking to. There's not a lot of people want to admit that. No. But and I don't want. You know like you and I talked about before we started talking on on the mic. We understand that people. Are raised a certain way. And they don't know anything else. And to look beyond it is sometimes a scary thing. Very difficult thing. So we understand that. We understand that that you know. There's consistency to familial relationships. And and religion is one of those things where we practice what we were raised. So we're not like we're I'm not we're not trying to put down anybody. We're just trying to open eyes maybe and get thoughts stoked. Or maybe dialogue to talk about it. Right. Don't tell me something and you don't give me any type of. Information behind it. Just do what I said. Right. Now this is all about think about it like and go to the book yourself. And read and and and ask God for revelation. Well if you're if you're not talking directly to him that's going to be hard. But. Gotta have a relationship. Yeah. And that's really what he wants more than anything. That's it. And I think that's why you were talking we were sharing earlier. I think that's why a lot of people feel like that they can't go to God without someone else. Because they they don't have a relationship with him. So how can I get revelation? Or how can I even relate to God if I don't have a relationship? So if I go to Shell you know Shell got a relationship with him. So maybe she can get one through for me. Where did I start? Facts. We all have to start somewhere. Come on. And that that's tough love. I know you know a lot of people can't receive that. You know that's true. Speaking of this. Speaking of that. And I don't know why I'm going off on this. But I saw a meme the other day about. You cannot don't protect your child from their testimony. Like we all have to go through stuff. So that we have a testimony. And testimony is our test. But as parents we get in the way. Because we want to protect our children from those things. But that is God's way of. You know the storms are the way that God shows us his power. Shows us his love. And grows our faith. When when your child coming out of finishing up high school. There was some tests that she had to take. Did you go in there and take them for her? No. Okay. We'll let that marinate. Anyways that was kind of a little. No that meme is so freaking great. Because it ties into. If you want God to do something. Like literally everybody can't be your crutch. You can go to him yourself. And I know it don't sound too happy to say that nowadays. We said that before in the past. Like I heard my parents say that a lot. Listen you can go get that done yourself. I'll show you how to do it. I'll walk with you. But you can do it yourself. And I don't have to do it for you. And you just sit back and you know you chilling. But I'm doing everything for you. I don't work like that. But that's the same thing with prayer. If I go to the to the person. Then he can do it for me. And I can continue to be whatever I want to be. And do whatever I want to do. Oh so you're saying that they're avoiding the conviction. But those people generally have to do penance. Really? Don't they? I mean I don't I think. You would think. Aren't they like Hail Mary's? You would think. I'm not I'm not quite sure. But I do know that that booth tends to get used quite a bit. Well and you know it's not a bad thing if the booth is getting used. It's just that you don't need to use the booth. Like if you're if you're exposing your soft underbelly to someone to God. Are you thinking that you're going to God? That's not a bad thing. If you're if you're repenting. That is not a bad thing at all. But you don't have to have somebody as a go-between for you. You don't have to have somebody to intercede in that. You can do it direct the direct line. Jesus became the intercessor. That's right. Maybe so this it may be a theologian that's listening to this podcast. So let me say this here because I have to add scripture. The Bible says that confess your faults one to another. All right the book of Timothy it says confess your faults one to another. Now if I'm going to confess my faults it's not saying that I have to say to this person forgive me for I have sinned. I'm confessing my faults to you. It's like when we were talking about being on the 40. I can tell shell hey that's where the two came out. Yeah I may have you know Jason down a little whatever may have you but I confess my fault. And you won't judge me to say hey you know what you're wrong you're going to hell. You condemned. Right but you'll say hey man. I do the same thing. Right let's get it right man. That's for me. You're two peas in a pod. And we say well you should have seen what I did the other day. It was 10 times worse than that. And we're flowing in it but that's the good part about having an accountability partner or as the Bible says iron sharpens iron. Because we have that intercessor that already went before us. He redeemed us from the curse of the law. He redeemed us and if you look at the word redeemed or redemption that means he bought us back. Right we were purchased. We were. With the price of his blood. Listen I think she's in a hoop. I feel. Man we were bought back. Oh my god. And that right there says that I can go to our father. I don't have to go through a person to go to our father. Religion I'm not coming down on you. I believe that we can and we don't have to go through other people to get to our God. Yeah and I have to say because this is something else that Stephen brought up on his podcast and it's it's fact you know I think that another reason why we think other people have a better position in prayer or whatever or we have to go to a higher source is because they're educated quote unquote. Wow. Who did the apostles learn from? Did they go to school? They didn't get a degree. I don't think so. I don't think seminary was. They didn't have a theology degree. No. I mean because Saul was. If you look at the life of Saul before he was transformed he was high high position high position as a um what was those people that crucified Jesus the pharisee he was a high pharisee. Yeah. Like knowledgeable. That's how he can persecute everybody. You didn't go to school. Okay but I get what you're saying. I think that you're right about. I think that we think they know more than us. Yes. But the fact of the matter is anybody can know whatever God wants them to know. The revelation is there for everybody. They just have to ask and they have to receive and they have to be a willing vessel. To give scripture to what Shelby just said the Bible says he who lacks wisdom let him ask. I don't know you was preaching so I had to give it. Theologians are listening to this. Gotta give scripture. No that's great because you know I can't pull addresses so. Thank you for saying that education is not revelation. Oh that is a that is a good word right there. Education is not revelation. That's just like head knowledge and heart knowledge. My God. Oh my God. They're both important but I'd rather have heart knowledge. Come on come on. Some head knowledge. I do need to have some wisdom on some things like we can't just be dumbfounded. Well and you have to be able to fight the demonic and if you don't have the head knowledge you don't have the word then yes you're gonna have a hard time with that. You can still do it. I'm gonna give another scripture to what she just said. The Bible says be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. I'm sorry go ahead. That harmless as doves is difficult. Yeah that's the hard one. It depends on how harmless that dove is. Is it pecking at you? Hey I got nailed by a mockingbird the other day. Oh my God. I got too close to its nest it didn't like it. You guys bombed me. How did you get nailed by a mockingbird? I did. Yeah you probably was messing with the kids. Well I was messing with the bushes and I guess the nest was in there. Yeah the mockingbird was ticked. That was a mama. Oh yeah. You still a mama. Got me too. Wow. All right so as we wrap this up. As we wrap this up please please. No religion are we coming against. Are we trying to bash or put down anybody or anything. I think that if anything let's go ahead and open up dialogue to give people a better understanding of what to do when we are praying. I have axed shelled a couple of times. Hey can you pray for me? Oh yeah we do. Yeah both ways. It goes both ways. Yes please. Can you pray for me because I'm struggling here or man my head is not right. Sam I need you to go on behalf of me please. Well doesn't it talk about three strand cord. There it is. Y'all I mean how many times have we talked about we are not supposed to be alone. We are not supposed to be isolated. We are not supposed God did not create us that way because we need the body around us to edify us to keep us strong to get us back on the path when we stray. All of these things because we are all flawed. And we are all equal sinners. And if we don't have each other to back each other up or to wake each other up or to pray each other up. I mean the devil wins. But he'll break you down let me tell you. He will break you down. We can't let him win. No we can't let him win. It's not worth it. Shilp can you go to Mark. Will we read one scripture? Mark 11 I want to say it's verse 24. Getting there. Therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours. My God. And when you stand praying if you hold anything against anyone forgive them so that your Father in heaven may forgive you of your sins. And I think we talked about that in the beginning of this didn't we? Yeah. Yeah. I think it was evidence to pull that out. But you have to believe you receive. That is faith. That is. Faith is a substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. It's a whole belief factor because I don't see it. I have to believe. You believe when you sat down today that every screw that's in that chair is going to hold you. Because you didn't even think about it but yeah. You didn't go under to check and see how many and how you believed. Yeah I had faith that my car was going to start and get me here today. Preach. You didn't go under the hood. Nope. So if we can have that kind of faith why can't we believe the same thing in prayer and know that God can do it. In prayer. Yeah. It's hard though as a human you think that you control things. The ego tells you. You're going into some other territory. I'm ready. I'm just telling you because I love it. You're in it. Like that pride. I do want to do a whole series on pride. Because we have subject pride to be one thing. And that's like a proud look like we're just. We make pride look like entitlement. Yes. That's it right there. We make pride only entitlement. That's it. Nah it's bigger than that. It's so much bigger than that. Pride says that you are taking the position away from God of what he can do. Yeah. And you're trying to do it yourself. Every time you say nah God I got it. That's a pride. Yeah. Wow. Sorry. Or it's doubt. It can also be doubt. And then you're saying that God can't do what he says he's going to do. Exactly. Yeah. So it's weakness or it's abundance of ego. You starting. We can finish up on prayer. We got three minutes. Three minutes. So to wrap this up because Sheb going and the Holy Spirit about to move. Because she's about to pray. Again. Please understand that this was not to bash any kind of religion. Or any religious practices. We hope that we're able to open up a dialogue to understand. And to give a voice to something that we've just accepted for so long. Never questioned. And so I do have questions. I've never sat in a booth. But I've always wondered why we have to. If we had a savior to break the curse. So I hope that it opens up dialogue for us to talk about it. Because when I pray. Man, I pray. Yeah, you're good. You are good. I really, really believe in prayer. I've had times where people say, Hey, Nate, can you pray for me? Um, I don't say, Yeah, I'd be like, um, can we just pray right now? Can we just can we just do it right now? Because why wait? And then you got to be careful. We did talk about this last podcast. Everybody that you ask to pray for you. Make sure they they PR a while. And not PR a while on you. On you, right on. So you really have to be careful with that. Because I'm in a major study about discernment. And if we understand the power in which we have within us. We'll be able to see those things in our PR a while. And there are people that that are very close to us that are PR a while. And they don't even know it. Another subject for another day. Yeah, I need I need that study when you're done. Yes. Yeah, so I'm gonna turn it over to Shel. But please, please understand that. Thank you. Thank you all so much for even waiting on this part two segment. And we hope that it gave some type of understanding of why prayer is important. Why we can go to God ourselves through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and our Savior. All right. Holy Spirit speak the words that you want me to speak or get me out of the way. Heavenly Father, humble myself before you Lord and ask for your people to be set free. Father God, may the chains of bondage be broken. May the religious spirits be cast down. May the scales fall off the eyes of those who need to see the truth. Your word says truth shall set you free. You are the truth, the way, the truth and the light. Your people perish for the lack of knowledge. Give us knowledge. Give us revelation Lord. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon everyone listening to this podcast. May we be vessels of truth. Not of anything other than you. Father right now I call that anything that is not of you in the lives of the people listening be bound, and broken and cast back to the pit of hell where it came from. May the demons flee. When your people enter the room may they run the other direction because they know the power that you have is not our power. We are merely vessels but use us Lord to eradicate the evil that surrounds us in this world. This world is an evil place. We are not to fear it but we are to yield the sword and to be in the full armor of God at all times. To go on the offense and not just be on the defense. Lord give us the knowledge, the wisdom and the equipping that we need to do that properly and to give you glory in all of it. And Father God I just pray for peace in the hearts of the people that love you. That any arrow flung their way from the enemy would be sent back tenfold and of no effect upon your people. Prepare us Lord. Equip us. Remind us of the full armor. Remind us of your word and how to use it against the enemy and against the powers that work against us in this world. Lord may we give glory to you in all things that we do. Less of us and more of you Holy Spirit. Pour into your people Father. Pour into your people Father. Some of them are really dried out. They've been pouring and pouring and pouring and they've gotten nothing back. So pour into them Lord. May your holy oil just overflow and the living water overflow within the lives of those who are just dry and dead inside. Bring them new life. And Lord I just love you and I praise you and I ask for these things in the almighty name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you all so much for tuning in to Word of Mouth podcast with Nate and Shelby. Thank you all. We'll see you all soon. Love you.