Bible (WEB) NT 10: Ephesians

The "Bible (WEB) NT 10: Ephesians" is a letter written by the apostle Paul to the church in Ephesus. Paul begins by praising God for forgiving their sins and choosing them in His grace. He prays for the spiritual well-being of the Ephesians and reminds them of their past sinful lives before turning to Christ. Paul shares his revelation that he was chosen to preach to the Gentiles, emphasizing that they too can be saved. In his letter, Paul encourages the Ephesians to be humble and to avoid immoral behavior and offensive speech. He emphasizes the importance of unity in Christ, even though the believers come from diverse spiritual backgrounds. Paul also provides guidance for various relationships, such as husbands and wives, children and fathers, and servants and masters. The letter concludes with a powerful metaphor of the Christian as a spiritual warrior. Overall, the "Bible (WEB) NT 10: Ephesians" offers valuable teachings on faith, morality