Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is bidding farewell to rivers, fountains, and small streams, as well as the view of their dreams. They express uncertainty about when they will see these things again. They also say goodbye to their homeland, where they were raised, and the garden and vineyards they cared for. The speaker mentions the strong rivers, trees, and hills, as well as the chestnut trees and the sound of church bells. They say goodbye to the sighs of the woods, which carried their love, and the countless paths they walked. The speaker concludes by saying goodbye forever. Adiós rÃos, adiós fontes, adiós regados pequenos, adiós vista dos meus soños, non sei cando nos veremos. Minha terra, minha terra, terra d'on me'u criei, hortinha que quero tant i gairinyes que brantei, bravos rÃos, arborelles, pirares que mol ho veu, asterinyos fiadores, castinyado me'u contengo, boiniolos castaniares, noi que esperaves de lluar, campaninyes timbradoides d'aire signado llugar, aburriñas de silveiros que llevaba o meu amor, camiñiños antromilho, adiós para sempre, adiós.