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Black Squirrel Chapter Podcast 10/2

Black Squirrel Chapter Podcast 10/2

Zachariah Mason



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The Black Squirrel Podcast had their second meeting, with a focus on OTM training and the search for a new director of recruitment. They also discussed service opportunities and highlighted them on a website. Sophia won the best dress contest. The secret word for the night was "pineapple." The meeting minutes included updates from various members, such as the president, the host, and the vice president of recognition. They also talked about social media, concurrent committees, regional education programs, and OTM voting. The meeting ended at 7:31 p.m. If there are any questions, they can be emailed to the e-board. Hello, and welcome back to the Black Squirrel Podcast, and I'm your host, Zach Mason. Let's get things kicked off. First, let's talk about what the heck happened today for those who weren't there tonight. Today was the second meeting back for the Black Squirrel chapter at NRHH. It was awesome seeing all of your smiling faces after not being able to have a meeting last week. We more than made up for that, though, with a very informational meeting today with lots of great snaps at the end, too. Emma gave an amazing, informative session on OTM training today, and don't forget, we are looking for a new director of recruitment, so nominate and apply to be one yourself today if you'd like. And lastly, there are always good service opportunities available. Thanks to Sophia, they've all been highlighted on a great website. The QR code for everything we talked about can be found above the newsletter and the email sent to you. And let's not forget who won the best dress contest for tonight. Congratulations to Sophia for winning best dress with an awesome blue shark costume and a fun fact from Sophia herself, blue sharks are actually tropical water sharks, if you didn't know. And an even more fun thing here, I'm slipping in the secret word right now, so all you listeners listen up. The secret word for tonight is pineapple. Make sure you tell me. And now let's hop right into the minutes for tonight's meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7.03 p.m., starting off with President Ryan McGinnis giving us a warm welcome back and reminding us of the director of recruitment nomination form. Remember, you do get half a point for two nominations, an additional half point if they apply. Then, after Ryan, was me, myself, and I, yours truly, reminding you to please let me know when you're here at a meeting, that way I can mark you present for the attendance record. It just helps me out because, you know, I'm human. Sometimes I don't see you walk in, even if I know your name. I may not know you're there, so please let me know, that way everyone gets tracked for attendance correctly. And also reminding you all that I'm currently working on the budget for this semester, and if you have any fundraising ideas at all, it would be fantastic if you could let me know, that way I can get more ideas in my head for this semester to come. After myself was Sophia giving us the volunteer calendar and the service tracker form, both of which she presented on her slides, but both are also in the minutes and in the email, so be sure to check those out. And now, real quick, a word from our sponsor. If there's something strange in your resident hall, who are you going to call? Safety and Security! That's right folks, today's sponsor is indeed the Office of Safety and Security. If you ever don't feel safe walking home alone at night, or you happen to have a noisy neighbor that's causing you problems, to where you can't sleep or study, go ahead and give us a call. We will take care of it to the best of our abilities, and try and provide you that comfort and care that you need living in a residence hall. If you ever need us, our number can be reached at 330-672-7004. Once again, that is 330-672-7004. Thank you. And we're back! After Sophia was Emma, the Vice President of Recognition, talking about OTM training, reminders to submit the OTMs for this month, and a reminder that it is an expectation that you can complete. You only have to write four, so you could complete it all in one night if you need to. All that needs to be is at least 100 words. After Emma is Mackenzie, sharing all the NRHH socials again, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok, and giving you a quick reminder, when sharing a post on Instagram, please make sure you bag the Kent State user of that social. This way, they can see that you've shared the post, and you can also message them and let them know you've shared the post as well. That way, they can give you the point that you deserve. And last, but certainly not least, was Josh, our Director of External Relations. He reminded us that concurrent committees are open, and the application is due by October 6th. The current NRHH committees are open, and the applications for those are due by October 8th. He also wanted to thank everyone who attended the educational session yesterday. Regional education programs are coming up. A crash course on RLC is on October 15th at 6 p.m. You get one activity point to attend, and it's just basically a rundown or an introduction to RLC. NRHH National Board of Directors quarterly meeting is on October 15th at 4.30 p.m. Registration is required for that one, and you also get one activity point to attend for that. Finally, OTM voting for August and September will open up once the concurrent OTM committee is formed. The RLC interest form link is shown in the minutes. And that concludes this amazing October 2nd NRHH meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7.31 p.m. If you have any questions, comments, concerns about anything discussed in today's podcast, please shoot me an email, shoot anyone else on the e-board an email. Heck, shoot your mom an email. She won't answer. She won't know what the heck's going on. But you can still shoot her an email if you'd like. But with that, I hope you all have a great, wonderful night, and I hope you all get some great sleep and rest and restoration during this fall break coming up. Have a good one, all you crazy squirrels.

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