Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is a script for a storybook session called "Zagaro". The story involves a rat who goes through a deep, dark wood and encounters various animals like a snail, tarantula, cockroach, frog, millipede, and snake. The rat is looking for a mythical creature called Zagaro but realizes it doesn't exist. The story emphasizes the importance of handwashing after touching animals. Hiya guys, it's Eleanor here and today we're going to be going over the Zagaro story script. This is one of our storybook sessions. The animals in this script are the snail, tarantula, cockroach, frog, millipede, snake and the rat. The props that you'll need for this script is your Zagaro storybook. It is just a picture book however, so it might be worth having the Zagaro script printed or a few notes just to prompt you along the way as you go through this script. So starting your session just how you would with any other, having your audience sat in a semi-circle with the picture book at the front so that everybody can see and then just introducing yourself with, Hi guys, so my name is Eleanor and I have a really amazing story for everybody to see today. Now there are lots of animals in this story and we're going to be meeting them as they come up. Some of the animals you can hold or stroke, some of the animals we are just going to be looking at. Just a few rules before we get started. The first rule is that we need to make sure we stay nice and quiet so we don't scare any of the animals today. The second rule is to just stay sat in your spots so everybody can see the animals and the storybook as well. And the last rule is if you have touched or stroked any of the animals, just make sure that you keep your hands away from your face and you give your hands a good wash at the end. Now everybody, I have a very special friend with me today who is going to help me tell my story. My little friend has big eyes, he's got a really long tail, he's also got fur all over his body. Does anybody know who it is? That's right, it's a rat. At this point I would take out your rat or gerbil and just have them sat on your hand. You're not going to do any handling yet because the rat's going to come out at the end but this is where you would start your story. So the story that the rat and I are going to tell you takes place in a deep, dark wood. Can you say deep, dark wood? And what do you find in woods that has lots and lots of leaves? That's right, the trees. Yes, in this deep, dark wood there are lots of tall trees. Can you stretch really high like a tall tree? Lots of different animals live in this deep, dark wood. Shall we meet some of them? Now I'm going to put my rat back in his little house but don't worry because he is coming back out at the end. Now my rat took a stroll through the deep, dark wood. He smelled some slime and decided to follow it. He came across a big, hard shell. Do you know an animal with a big, hard shell? That's right, it's the snail. Then I would introduce my snail, taking the snail around, giving your general facts as you would. Where are you going, little brown rat? Would you like to join me eating this plant? That's very kind of you, snail. I mean you no harm but no, I'm off to meet my friend, the zaggero. A zaggero? What is a zaggero? A zaggero, well, didn't you know? He's got slimy feet, just like you. And where are you meeting him? Just over there, by that rock. You better be careful, he gives you a shock. A shock? I'm off, the snail said. Goodbye, little rat, and off he sped. Silly old snail, doesn't he know? There is no such thing as a zaggero. Then I would get the children to repeat, there is no such thing as the zaggero. Off went the rat through the deep, dark wood. He found some web strung outside of a hole and ventured inside. He came across something with eight legs. Can you tell who he met? That's right, it's the tarantula. Then I would introduce your tarantula, taking them around in their box and just doing your general tarantula facts. Where are you going, little brown rat? Would you like to join me here in my web? That's very kind of you, spider, but I'm off to meet my friend, the zaggero. A zaggero? What's a zaggero? A zaggero, well, didn't you know? Has big fangs, just like you. And where are you meeting him? Just over there, by that bush. You better watch out, his favourite food is deep fried spiders. Deep fried spiders? I am off, the tarantula said. Goodbye, little rat, and off he sped. Silly old tarantula, doesn't he know? There is no such thing as a zaggero. And get the children to repeat that back to you. There is no such thing as a zaggero. Off went the rat through the deep, dark wood, but this time he sadly tripped over lots of scrap food and he heard a hissing sound. It was a cockroach. This is where I would introduce your cockroach, do your handling and just do your general cockroach facts. Where are you going, little brown rat? Would you like to join me eating this scrap food? That's very kind of you, cockroach. I know you mean no harm, but no, I am off to meet my friend, the zaggero. A zaggero? What's a zaggero? A zaggero, well, didn't you know? Has six legs, just like you. And then I would get the children to join in, counting all of the six legs. And where are you meeting him? Just over there by that stream. You'd better watch out, he might make you scream. Scream? I am off, the cockroach said. Goodbye, little rat, and off he sped. Silly old cockroach, doesn't he know? There is no such thing as a zaggero. Again, getting them to repeat that, there is no such thing as the zaggero. Off went the rat through the deep dark wood. He found a small pond and decided to have a little swim before moving on. Whilst enjoying his swim, the rat saw something hop, then jump. It was a frog. Then introduce your frog, taking your frog around, doing your general facts about your frog. Where are you going, little brown rat? Would you like to join me for a swim over here? That's very kind of you, frog, but no, I'm off to meet my friend, the zaggero. A zaggero? What is a zaggero? A zaggero, well, didn't you know? He has big eyes and warty knees, just like you. Where are you meeting him? Just over by that log, but you'd better watch out. His favourite food is roasted frog. Roasted frog, I am off, said the frog. Goodbye, little rat, and off he sped. Silly old frog, doesn't he know? There is no such thing as the zaggero. And get the children to repeat, there's no such thing as the zaggero. Off went the rat through the deep dark wood. He saw lots of legs and gave them a tickle, but then smelt something terrible. Yuck, it was a millipede. Then introduce your millipede, do your millipede handling and just your general millipede facts. Where are you going, little brown rat? Would you like to join me? I'm cleaning all of my shoes. That's very kind of you, millipede. I know you mean no harm, but no, I am off to meet my friend, the zaggero. A zaggero? What is a zaggero? A zaggero, well, didn't you know? He smells just as bad as you. Where are you meeting him? Just over by those trees, but you'd better watch out. He loves to sneeze. Sneeze? Yuck, I am off, the millipede said. Goodbye, little rat, and off he sped. Silly old millipede, doesn't he know there is no such thing as the zaggero? And get the children to repeat, there is no such thing as the zaggero. Off went the rat through the deep dark wood. He saw something twitch and he hid behind a rock just to be safe. He then heard the hiss again. This time it was the snake. Then introduce your snake, take your snake around doing your handling and your general snake facts. Where are you going, little brown rat? Would you like to join me for a nice, tight cuddle? That's kind of you, snake, but no, I'm off to meet my friend, the zaggero. A zaggero? What is a zaggero? A zaggero, well, didn't you know? Has scales on his belly just like you. Where are you meeting him? Just over by the warden's rake. You'd better watch out. His favourite food is steamed snake. Steamed snake? I am off, the snake said. Goodbye, little rat, and off he sped. Silly old snake, doesn't he know there is no such thing as the zaggero? Get the children to repeat that, there is no such thing as the zaggero. Then I would take the rat back out of its box and continue with your story. As the rat continues to walk through the deep, dark wood, he bumped into something with slimy feet, big fangs, six legs, big eyes and warty knees, smells as bad as a millipede, has a scaly body. Who could it be, everyone? That's right, it's the zaggero. At this point, I would get the children to pretend to run just using their arms and pretend to run away from the zaggero. Be careful when you make up stories about an imaginary monster, it just might be true. I would just go around with your, then I would just go around with your rat, doing your rat handling and your rat facts, putting your rat back into their box and just finishing with, so guys, I hope you enjoyed the story today. But there is one thing that we need to do now, and that is, that's right, we've got to wash our hands. So thank you very much everybody, make sure to give your hands a really good wash.