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3rd April Full Show - Stealing Glassware

3rd April Full Show - Stealing Glassware




On the show this morning: - The strangest offer on Pawn Stars - Facebook's 'Dull Men Club' - Are coin tosses really 50/50? - The worst April Fools prank - GUEST: Tech Talk - Mathew Dickerson - GUEST: Dubbo Turf Club - Sam Fitzgerald - 'Entitled Little Brat' Singer hits back over Taylor Swift claims + more


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A radio host talks about various topics including a jaywalking incident, a strange item on Pawn Stars, the misconception of coin tosses, and a controversial April Fool's prank involving a tattoo. You're waking up with the Central West burst breaking news. Mind the zoo. May have jaywalked in front of a police officer this morning. Multiple, actually, inside of a vehicle, crossing a road. Only one car, one single car on the roads at that time of the morning. I thought, oh, you know, I'll be able to slip around them and head to the other side of this large, busy road. And lo and behold, the one car that was actually out at that time was the police. I expected to be arrested and never seen again. However, I ended up turning up. About 15 minutes from now, Pawn Stars, the shop that collects items, not the other type of whatever that word means. We won't discuss that. The strangest thing has been presented. I think it actually happened quite a while ago, but it's been brought up in a compilation of the strangest things that ever happened on that show. And the item this bloke tried to sell them is just something else. You'll hear that in 15 minutes' time. Doja Cat on the way. Shepherd first. Something's missing. Zoo FM Breakfast is kicking with you. Good morning. Shimmer. Shimmer. Shimmer is probably the word I'm looking for. 25 past six. Zoo FM Breakfast, Dan Madabo's best music from the 80s. Now, a video has recently surfaced of some of the absolutely insane items that people are attempting to sell on the show. Pawn Stars. It's really sort of a compilation of some previous seasons, and it's like unlocked memory in the back of my brain I didn't know I had. And it's obviously, when you say Pawn Stars, it's not related to the adult content, but the shop with all the strange trinkets. Certainly there is some shops with strange trinkets that are related to the other meaning, but anyway. Taking really the top of the list, unsurprisingly, is a bloke who wandered in with a signed and certified copy of Saddam Hussein's fingerprints in a little framed sort of compilation of details. His fingerprints were in one corner, other corner a photo of him being arrested. This was actually presented to the pawn shop shortly after he was captured by U.S. forces. Supposedly, Saddam Hussein's framed fingerprints, if you were ever wondering, and I'm sure you were at some point in your life, they're worth $10,000 is what they've been evaluated at, but Rick, the host of the show if you're unaware, could only offer $1,500, which seems a bit of a discount, and the deal was struck down. I mean, I'm pretty sure the framed fingerprints are now one of a kind, if you really consider it. Unless, of course, you're willing to go and whip out a shovel and hop on a plane to Iraq and try digging around for a couple of days to see if you can find them again, but I don't think you'd be willing to sign them. If you're looking for a massive day out at the track, the race track this weekend, Sam Fitzgerald coming on later this morning from the Dubbo Turf Club, giving you a rundown of everything you can expect if you're looking to get by the track, have a couple of drinks, a great long day out with the French this coming Sunday. In about 10 minutes' time, however, coin tosses. They're known as the thing that is just 100% 50-50. It's the easiest way to solve a dispute, but are they really 50-50? Apparently, they might not be. Little Nas X, that's what I want first. ZOOFM Breakfast, Wednesday morning. Keegan with you. Pink and Marshmallow, 20 minutes to 7. ZOOFM Breakfast, your home at Dubbo's. Best music from the 80s to now. Keegan with you. Top of 25 in Gilgandra today. The Big Mac is the original mouthful. A one-of-a-kind flavour that now comes in three sizes. We're brought to you by McDonald's in Dubbo and Wellington. I've been browsing Facebook recently. I'm a part of this odd group on Facebook called the Dull Men's Club, and it's just exactly as the title suggests. It's full of the most dull things possibly imaginable. There's nothing exciting about it. Someone's just ended up pointing out that for about four days now, they've had this buzzing noise, this strange, odd noise in one of their computer speakers, and there's been no way to turn it off. He obviously leaves his computer on overnight for reasons unknown. Maybe it just won't turn on again. I don't know. But he's just had this strange noise, and it's almost, as he describes, sounds like a frog living inside the speakers, and it got to a point where it was so pleasant, he didn't actually want it to end up fixing itself. We're all used to the noise of about ten years ago, having your mobile phone near a speaker and knowing when you're going to get a call before the phone call actually happens because you'd get that strange buzzing noise. But it turns out this strange buzzing noise in this bloke's computer speakers was the fact that he'd accidentally opened up an online chess tournament. He'd opened up a chess tournament, and it had been running for three days. So every about four minutes, all he'd hear is click, click, as they'd knock chess pieces together. Now, that is probably enough to send you absolutely insane. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. Ten to seven. Struggling to read a clock, which is a great start to me having a word with you. It's over 25 degrees today. Never mind. Ten degrees currently. Going to be sunny. Absolutely lovely weather. A brilliant change from yesterday. You're on Zoo FM Breakfast. It's Keegan with you. Home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. The age-old way of sorting out a decision has always been to flip a coin. Whether it's the start of a footy match, cricket matches, or even between two plumbers, or who gets to unblock the toilet of a person who's earlier ate curry. It's always a flip of a coin. It's just the age-old way of figuring out, in an even fashion, who's going to do something. But scientists, however, they've gone ahead and flipped a coin a couple of times, as scientists do, to sort out once and for all if the age-old coin toss is actually a 50-50 chance. Mathematically a 50-50. Turns out, after 350,757, that's a lot of numbers, coin flips of various coins in size, diameter, shape, material, metal, currencies, actually, as well. 350,757 flips. It actually turns out that coin flips are nowhere near a 50-50 chance. We've all been living a lie. The whole thing's been a lie. It's been an absolute sham from the beginning. We've just been living an absolute crock of lies about it. The side that was originally flipped face up, so if you had heads pointing to the ceiling, it's the side likely to end up facing up when the coin lands. So the coin is most likely not to change. You've got heads facing the ceiling. You flip the coin in the air, it lands. Heads will still be facing up. I mean, obviously not every time. Otherwise, it'd be like chucking a lawn bowl in the air. The coins aren't weighted to a specific side. But why they actually do this, so they flip them over 350,000 times, scientists have decided that why it does this, they have no idea. The scientists don't know. I don't know. I don't understand. I'm guessing that God may just hate five-cent pieces, like the rest of us. Extreme, more than worth. Zoo FM Breakfast, your Wednesday morning. Keegan with you. Home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. You can always follow us on Facebook, Zoo FM 92.7 Zoo on Instagram as well. It's breakfast on Zoo. Coming up in a couple of minutes' time, us as Australians, we get the lovely privilege of having to sit through April 1st April Fool's jokes for a second day in a row, because it means that the rest of the world is now at the 1st of April. I came across, yesterday afternoon, one of the worst April Fool's jokes I have ever seen. And there's a poor bloke who is now living with the consequences of the April Fool's joke. I'll tell you about that just a couple of minutes away. I'd also like to know, what's the worst or the best prank that you've pulled? It doesn't have to be April Fool's Day, or an April Fool's joke, or anything related to April Fool's. It can just be a prank you pulled on someone else that just went off without a hitch. Ring in 68848499 in about 10 minutes' time. That's 68848499. It does not have to be April Fool's, but please have it so someone wasn't injured. I don't want to be an accomplice for a crime. Can you go, strangers, starting us off. Dumbest best music from the 80s to now. It was very cold this morning. I'm not sure what it's like outside at the moment. Keegan with you. Cheers for your company this morning. Love Lies. Quarter past seven. Zoo FM Breakfast. Your home at Dubbo's. Best music from the 80s to now. Top of 25 in Wellington today. Lovely weather. I had a brilliant change from yesterday. A tattoo store has absolutely blown the internet up. They ended up bagging possibly one of the biggest April Fool's pranks known to date, and it was absolutely horrible. It couldn't have been worse, what they have decided to do. The store posted online that anyone willing to tattoo the store's logo on their body, tattoo it, would jag $100,000. No questions asked, as long as you did that and proved it. So, of course, as humans do, a bloke decided he'd get the store's logo tattooed dead centre on his forehead. Don't know the thought process before that, but anyway, he was hoping to secure some, you know, extra points, which sort of translates to extra money by tattooing it dead centre on his forehead. Upon posting an image of his brand new dome tattoo on the store's social media call-out, of course they call out for people to tattoo themselves, the store responded with just a mouth-wide-open emoji. Just mouth-wide-open. No words, no saying, oh, you've won the $100,000. They put the mouth-wide-open emoji, followed by, April Fool's, we are not accountable for any of your actions. So this bloke has gone and gotten a tattoo on dead centre in the middle of his forehead. Look, if I was a bloke who fell for it, I'd be straight into a hospital asking for a skin graft from my bottom glued straight to my forehead. There is no other way to recover from it. Is it, was it morally wrong to say that if you got a tattoo of the store's logo they'd give you $100,000 and then they don't do anything? Was it, I mean, I'd like to ask you, 68848499, what's the best prank you've pulled? Maybe the best or the worst. Has it all completely fallen apart or just really hit it the mark? Nobody can get injured. Because I'm not an accomplice to a crime here. It doesn't have to be from April Fool's either, considering that we're all experiencing the second day of April Fool's as well, because America's now going through it, so we've got to see everything twice, practically. 68848499, what is the best or the worst prank you've pulled on someone? Zoo Brekkie. It's breakfast on Better Music 927 Zoo. Coming up in about 15 to 20 minutes, 15 minutes, let's say 15 minutes, alright, let's be generous. If you've ever nicked something from a hotel room and you might have felt bad about it afterwards or worried they're going to come after you, in the US, something entirely different is happening that's on a much larger scale. It should hopefully make you feel a lot better about yourself. However, Tech Talk is next. Justin Bieber and DJ Snake first. Let Me Love You, Zoo FM Breakfast, Yama Dabo's best music from the 80s to now for your Wednesday morning. It's Keegan with you. Cheers for your company. DJ Snake and Justin Bieber, almost 20 minutes to 8 o'clock. Zoo FM Breakfast, top of 25 in Narramine today, currently 10 degrees, a bit crisp outside. Mayor Matt Dickerson, also the technology expert. He has many hats and he puts all of them on at different times on this show. He joins us again this morning. Morning, mate. Good morning, Keegan. How are you going this morning? I'm alright. The world of tech, it's always fascinating, but especially when it surprises me how trends are going. I hear there's something happening with vinyl that might take people by surprise. It takes me by surprise that vinyl is still around. 100%. Sorry, for the last year, 2023, for the second consecutive year, vinyl records have outsold CDs. Now, there's two surprising things in that sentence, Keegan. The first thing is that vinyl outsold CDs. The second thing is that CDs are still being sold and vinyl is still being sold. It just seems crazy, but the numbers blow me away. 46 million vinyl records were sold in the US last year. 37 million CDs were sold in the US last year. Haven't these people heard of streaming? Haven't these people heard of Spotify and Apple Music and all sorts of other ways to listen to music? I just can't believe you'd still go in somewhere and find a vinyl record and buy a vinyl record. Now, I'm not an audiophile, but I still think that streaming music sounds fine to me and all the vinyl I used to have used to be scratched and used to crackle and pop. It used to be like a Rice Bubbles packet, I think. Crackle and pop. So, it just seems crazy that people are still buying CDs and buying vinyl. Well, on the note of found, I mean, I know, at least many years ago now, the idea was that vinyl had a better sound than digital when it was recorded to the vinyl when the music was played in studio. But aren't all vinyls now just printed in a digital file? So, there'd be no difference. You would think so, and I do have some people, and again, I don't claim to be an expert in this area, some people have told me that vinyl definitely sounds better than really, maybe the very first time you play it. But of course, the whole thing with vinyl is you've got a needle sitting in a bit of plastic and as it spins, each time it spins around, it wears it out a little bit. So, you're getting to a point where surely it's not going to be as good a quality after you've played it a few times, whereas streaming is going to be the same every time. People often talk about the compression of streaming, that you lose some quality there, but most of the time, when you listen to it, you're driving it in the car. I'm assuming people don't listen to vinyl in their car, but you're driving it in the car. I'd love to see that happen. That's right. The road noise around you loses a lot of that quality anyway, so I'm not one of these ones who says I've got to listen to my music in a certain way. However I listen to it's fine. Listen to the radio, listen to the zoo of animals I'm driving on, that seems just as good a quality to me. Streaming or vinyl or CD, but there's obviously some people out there, and Taylor Swift actually helped with this one, because Taylor did release some of her music on vinyl, and it seems like any Taylor Swift releases people want to get their hands on, so maybe this is the Taylor Swift effect alone with those number of sales in the US, obviously with Taylor Swift's record being on vinyl. Something else that's taken me by surprise is I've seen both the name of Bentley and Night Vision Technology in the same sentence. What's going on with that? Well Bentley obviously are known for absolute ultimate luxury in vehicles, and they've got some beautiful vehicles they've made in the years gone by, but of course things are changing so much now with technology and with vehicles you're buying now. Supercars used to be incredibly expensive and fast, now you can buy electric vehicles that blow them out of the water. But Bentley are still trying to make sure that they are the leading manufacturer, and they've got a thermal imaging system built into their latest model. So essentially this is a 12.3 inch instrument cluster inside the vehicle, and that's dedicated to night vision. So as you're driving along, you've got this thermal imaging, and I saw some examples where it was looking out at night and you would see what the car was seeing with headlights, and you're driving on the road and you could just see a little bit of an image off to the side, and as you got closer you realised it was someone jogging on the road. When you look at the night vision system, it was obvious there was someone there because it's relying on heat, so at night time the air is colder, this jogger, this person running along was obviously generating a fair bit of heat as they ran, so essentially you could see that person clear as day. One of the problems of course is we get so many things in our cars, there's so much technology, you've got noises going off, you've got warnings hitting you in the face, you've got little things that might flash. So you're meant to do all of this and then keep an eye on the night vision screen at the same time, so that becomes difficult, but I can imagine this is another feature we'll see that we added to cars as time goes on. Often with luxury vehicles, I'll come out with some new feature and then everyone else scrambles to catch up, so in five years time or ten years time this might be a standard feature on cars. I do like the idea, but I do wonder how many distractions we're getting in the car, and then how long before we don't have to worry about it and we just let the car drive itself. I suppose, yeah, it would be like a diagram with two crossing lines. Eventually we'll get to a point where it'll get too overwhelming, but at the same time we'll have a feature of the car where it can completely drive itself. I'd imagine this also would apply to wild animals with the chance of them running across the road. Exactly right. Wild animals, anything that generates heat, even another car obviously, you've got heat being generated by that car, so that night vision is relying on heat signatures to try and pick up things, so cyclists, pedestrians, animals, all those sort of things that have got heat compared to their surroundings would make sense. It even works in the daytime, but obviously in the daytime we can see fairly well, but it does give you a heat signature in the daytime as well, so it identifies different things that you might want to try and avoid. So it is good technology, just how much we use it, because there just seems to be so many things going off inside the car, you become immune to it, so it gets to the point where it's another beep, it's another warning, it's another thing, and then you become immune so you don't actually take as much notice of those as you should, but if you were driving at night a fair bit, especially out on some of our roads with kangaroos who don't seem to be that aware of vehicles, dogs seem to be more aware of vehicles, but kangaroos, maybe they just haven't quite worked out that cars hurt kangaroos yet, so they seem to be liking to jump out in front of cars on a regular basis, so that's the sort of thing I think this could be used for, and again, Bentley, as with every other manufacturer, is trying to come up with better ways to stay ahead of the pack. I mean, 100 years ago, I doubt they would have imagined that this was even possible. Well, thanks for coming on for a chat this morning, Matt. Everyone can catch this sort of information on a podcast, can't they? Absolutely right. If you just search for Tech Talk with Matthew Dickerson on your favourite podcast app, you can get a weekly episode, 9am every Monday. It doesn't come out on vinyl. I'm sorry, Keegan. It doesn't come out on CDs. It's only available on your favourite podcast app. Brilliant. Cheers, mate. We'll chat in a couple of weeks. Thanks, Keegan. Check out Zoo FM on Facebook for more. Let me blow your mind. Couple of minutes for eight. Zoo FM breakfast, gentlemen. Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now for your Wednesday morning. Top of 25 in Guild Games today. Currently 10. A little bit busy on the Newell Highway at Erskine Street. There's the intersection getting slightly busy. However, nothing out of the ordinary, I'm sure, for people that traverse it every single morning. This week, Dubbo Blood Donor Centre. It's 26 donations short of what is needed to support patients in need. Today is a particular day of concern. To make an appointment, you can always call 13 14 95 or visit lifeblood.com.au. In general, Dubbo needs 650 blood donations a month just to meet the patient demand. One in three people in general will need blood in their lifetime, yet only one in 30 Australians donate each year. The Dubbo Blood Donor Centre is located at 1150 Darling Street. It's open most days today, open from 11.30am to 7pm. However, if you'd like to fit your donation in around work, you can always go on the first Saturday of every month. And if I am able to read a calendar, that should be this Saturday from 7am to 11.30am. However, don't rely on my ability to read a calendar. It's been proven in the past to really ruin things. 21 pilots stressed out, 5 minutes to 8. Your local and national news on the way. It's Keegan with UTC Company on the home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. See you Wednesday. Just a couple of minutes away. If you're looking for a great day out at the races this Sunday, we're going to get Sam Fitzgerald on from the Dubbo Turf Club. There's a massive race happening. I think it starts about 1.30 this coming Sunday, possibly. I'm not a man of accurate information. No, that's definitely not what I'm known for. I'm not known for much, but that's definitely not one of them. So if you're looking for a great day out with your mates, your family, or just something to do, stick around. First, Tyler and Marshmello with Water here on ZOOFM. Tyler and Marshmello with Water. 10 past 8, ZOOFM breakfast. You're home with Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. Going to be lovely and sunny today. Slightly crisp outside at the moment, but it should be a top of 25 right across the region. Top of 25 in Wellington as well. Currently 11.5 degrees in Wellington. You're on ZOO's breaking. Sam Fitzgerald from the Dubbo Turf Club joins us this morning. Good morning, mate. G'day, Keegan. How are you going? I'm all right. So you've got a race on this weekend. Yeah, we do. We've got our April sponsors race day on Sunday. You know, another great sort of race meeting on Sunday, and then we'll head into a six-week break ahead of Barrafield Queen of the West and Mercedes-Benz Ladies Day at the end of May. Oh, right. So a six-week break. Yeah, yeah. It'll be nice as we transition in our winter track program after this week, and, yeah, we'll give us a nice break to let the grass grow and get on to a few other projects. But looking forward to Sunday anyway. It's shaping up as another good meeting, and the nominations are looking very strong as well. Well, considering it'll be a six-week break, obviously this Sunday's a good chance for people to get their racing fixed before the break. What sort of time's it all kicking off? So at this stage, we have a seven-race program. If it's a seven-race program, the first race will be at 1.25. If that does expand to an eight-race program when acceptances are taken on Thursday morning, the first will be at 12.45, but we'll know after 9 o'clock on Thursday. But gates will roughly open between 11.30 and 12, depending on whether we have seven or eight races. Have you got all the usual bar, cafe and TAB facilities? Yeah, we do. We normally have very strong bookmakers in here in Dubbo, and we'll have the tab available, and then the team from Cuisine Catering will be cranking out some nice food, plus we'll have the members lounge and the chill ride bar open as well. Absolutely brilliant. I've seen some of the catering packages. They sound absolutely delicious, actually. Because of all the wet weather we're having at the moment, what's the sort of wet weather plan with the races? So we are an outdoor sport like any other sport, but obviously there are provisions if the track gets too wet or conditions sort of deteriorate where it's not safe for racing. But, I mean, certainly we are looking at a little bit of wet weather this week. We're looking at rain later in the week on Thursday and Friday. But our track is an exceptionally well-draining track. About seven or eight years ago, Racing NSW and the club installed a fairly sophisticated drainage system into the grass. And as a result, we can handle quite a lot of rain, which was exemplified by Gold Cup in 2022. I think we got about 110 mils the length of the race, and it handled it a treat. So we're not too concerned whether we get an inch or two on Friday, but it'll just top things off nicely. Well, that's obviously been tried and tested. Then I have no concerns about the drainage. Well, it sounds like a lovely weekend ahead of racing. Cheers for coming on, mate. Much appreciated. Thanks, Keith. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. Classic from Daryl Braypoint. We're 20 minutes past date. Zoo FM Breakfast. Top of 25 degrees today in Gilgandra. Currently 11.5 degrees. Very crisp outside this morning, but a lovely change from yesterday morning where it wouldn't stop raining. And it was absolutely miserable scenes outside. We're brought to you by McDonald's and Dubbo and Wellington. You know when you're craving that classic Big Mac flavour but not sure how hungry you are? Well, now there's one for every kind of hungry. With the Mac Junior and Grand Big Mac, they're returning only for a limited time. I've just seen something come up on Facebook that is from one of the most recognised national hardware stores. Sort of hardware chains, really. And that's as far as I will say when I describe who they are. Very well recognised. And it's a photo of what appears to be some sort of raised garden planter. And occasionally they put these little stickers on products to explain, you know, a suggestion of what you could do with them. And this sign, obviously it wasn't thought through correctly, especially other methods of context. When they put it on there it says, Get your kids to grow some edibles. They will love it. Ask us how. On a garden planter. Get your kids to grow some edibles. Obviously when they put it on there, completely innocent. I mean, yeah, I'd love to have a little garden out of this raised garden planter. But I think there may be another little bit of context to that that wouldn't be entirely inappropriate. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. Paul Russell, 20 minutes past eight. Zoo FM Breakfast on your home at Dubbo's. Best music from the 80s to now. Top of 25 degrees today in Narromine. Currently 11.5 degrees. It's going to be sunny, lovely weather today. Going to get terrible towards the end of the week. But we'll ignore that for now and address it when we finally get to it. Country music icon and actress Reba McIntyre. Sit back and claims that she called Taylor Swift an entitled brat following her Errors World Tour. Reba McIntyre, who I only know personally, well I don't know her personally, but I only know her from singing the US National Anthem at the most recent Super Bowl. That's the first time I've seen her and ever since then I haven't seen her anywhere else either. I think she's a country music singer and she does quite well. She's been around for a while. Taylor Swift was obviously in attendance at that Super Bowl as well. Reba McIntyre was quoted on social media firing back with the quote of Taylor is a wonderful artist, strong role model, and has done so much good for so many people and the music industry. This follows what was a random Facebook account named America Loves Liberty claiming that she absolutely burned Taylor Swift after she saw Taylor on the big screen of the Super Bowl laughing and drinking while she was singing the National Anthem. I mean, there was also some bloke on the big screen during the National Anthem, if I remember correctly, crying his eyes out and barely able to stand up as she was singing, which in some books may be a slight overreaction. So in the end, throughout the entire performance, we've got both sides of the extreme. We've got someone getting drunk and someone crying and falling over, which I don't know if that happens normally during the singing of the US National Anthem. Maybe it's just an effect it has on people. I'm not one of those people. Shut up and kiss me. That's the name of the song. God, that sounded weird. Breakfast Wednesday morning. It's breakfast. A couple of minutes away, if you have ever nicked something from a hotel room or a motel room, I'm pretty sure that's a song by Pitbull. Anyway, and you felt bad for it afterwards. I've got a story of what's currently occurring overseas that is nothing in comparison to you actually just flipping some of the bath soap into your handbag before wandering out the front door. It is just something else, and I don't even know how they've ever managed to secretly, is the word here, steal some of these items from this very luxurious place. First, ATB and Topic with your love. It says 9pm on it. What's the 9pm mean? Am I meant to be playing this at 9pm? We're a bit early. 20 to 9, Melinda Carlyle on your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. It's Keegan with you for Zoo FM Breakfast. Top of 25 degrees today in Trangie. Currently 14. Very crisp outdoors at the moment. If you've ever nicked some soap or a towel from a hotel room and felt bad for it because you've got a conscience, I've got one extra for you. It'll make them feel all better. Don't worry. They'll not feel guilty for slipping a bit of soap into the bag before wandering out the door or just taking an entire towel. At that point, you're better off just stealing the showerhead, if I'm going to be honest with you. But anyway, the US President's official jet, Air Force One, they conducted an audit over the weekend, and they found that certain items have mysteriously gone missing. Nine gold-rimmed plates, four Air Force One branded pillowcases, eight drinking glasses, and a silver serving tray. One of those very fancy silver serving trays. All missing from the aircraft. And all from the media section of the aircraft. The White House Correspondents Association has been forced to warn its media team that taking items from the plane is forbidden. I mean, yes, I would have presumed that. I mean, how would... Now that I think about it, how would you even stash and smuggle out of the place a silver serving tray? A whole silver serving tray from Air Force One? It'd look like you were concealing a remarkably chrome-painted bomb in your bag. Surely someone would stop you. You're on Zoo's Brekkie. Just small boy, ten minutes to nine. Zoo FM breakfast for your Wednesday morning. Top of 25 in Wellington today. Currently 14 degrees. Nice and crisp this morning, but a good change after yesterday. Just seen online that there's a new TikTok trend of people racing trains. Racing them on foot. And, of course, as TikTok is, I immediately presumed that people were actually chasing trains on the tracks. Apparently they're not that stupid. Surprisingly. I genuinely believe that that's just how TikTok it led. There's people timing themselves as a train pulls into a station. They get off the train and then see if they can make it to the next station on foot by running before the train gets there. It's safe to say some of the train stations out here, if you're going to try and race the train from Dubbo, the XPT from Dubbo to Wellington, it's going to be a long run. And I'm pretty sure the train will be at Central by the time that you end up actually catching up to it. Elvis Presley! Wow, what's he doing on the station? A little less conversation. Zoo FM breakfast for your Wednesday morning. Tomorrow on breakfast, you're going to have a chat with someone about these drones that the RFS is using that can travel up to 50km from where the original user is standing. That is just unheard of. How things have progressed. We'll have a chat tomorrow morning. 80s out at work next. Zoobricky!

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