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cover of 5th April Full Show - $4,800,000 Toilet
5th April Full Show - $4,800,000 Toilet

5th April Full Show - $4,800,000 Toilet




On the show this morning: - South American Presidents sling school-yard insults at each other - Fast-food customer blows up over being given a discount - GUEST: Animal News with Dr William Manur - Why are there so many fake AI images flooding Facebook? - Man steals a toilet of high historical interest - GUEST: Claire from the Dubbo Regional Council - What's On - A heartwarming, yet strange, dating app encounter


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South American presidents have engaged in a childish and embarrassing online argument, exchanging insults such as "ignoramus" and "human excrement". A customer at a Burger King drive-through in the US pulled out a gun after being offered a discount on his order. The NRL game between Storm and Broncos had a lot of ball-dropping incidents. Dr. William Manner, a vet, attempted to join a radio show from an aquarium where he was training goldfish to have better memory. Botswana's president threatened to send 20,000 elephants to Germany due to overpopulation. And a Thai city is at war with monkeys. It's breakfast on Zoom. Coming up in about 15 minutes time. South American presidents, you'd think a president in general would be, you know, high standing, very well articulated people. They've had a sledging match over the internet that is comparable to something you'd see in a schoolyard. It's so embarrassing, it's actually hilarious. I will tell you what they said in about 15 minutes time. Pink, dreaming, marshmallow also included in this one. What I thought was an unofficial compilation. Turns out Pink actually took part in it. Too FM breakfast. Justin Bieber, 25 past 6. Your national news on the way in just a couple of minutes. Top of 19 degrees in Narromine today. Heavy rain, possible thunderstorms continuing for most of your Friday and into Saturday, unfortunately. Should clear up for Sunday, thankfully. And all right next week. The presidents of various South American countries have overnight come out with some of the best zingers you've probably not heard since high school. It's just fascinating. I have no idea why this has happened. Presumably, you know, a regional political dispute has caused them sort of to go at each other's throats. But it's with some of the most childish insults that are available ever. Argentina's president, Xavier Mele, has sledged the Mexican president by calling him an ignoramus. That is apparently, that is the literature behind the Argentinian president is the word ignoramus. He likes to throw it around. He said this via Twitter. And he followed it up by directing the term human excrement at the Mexican president's own local political counterparts. So human excrement and ignoramus, two terms that I didn't even think the Argentinian president would have in his vocabulary. Apparently, he uses them quite regularly. This battle of wits, it was followed by an official statement from the Argentinian government saying that there is no time for nice words and good manners. Well, obviously not. Because the Argentinian president, he shot off another three tweets minutes afterwards calling, and I quote here, supporters of the Mexican president as members of the small private parts club. Words of the Argentinian president. I don't even understand why he's doing it. I personally, I'd love it if world leaders could replace dropping bombs with just directing jokes about human body parts at each other. It would make things so much simpler. See ya. You're waking up with the Central West best recce. On the zoo. I thought I'd be smart this morning and I saw a little break in the rain on the weather radar and went, ah, you know, I've got to burn off some of these calories after I ended up eating takeaway last night. I walked to work. It looks like there's going to be no rain for about a 30-minute window there. Got five minutes out the door and then I was drenched. Absolutely drenched. Felt like a complete idiot for the rest of the walk to work. Oh, well, I'm still slightly damp now, if you wanted to know. Coming up in about ten minutes' time, people have gotten angry at takeaway and fast food workers before, but there's this story that's come up overnight that is just something else. And it wasn't even the fault of the restaurant. They didn't do anything wrong. They were actually doing the customer a favour. And the way he's responded is just absolutely bizarre. Playing a Doja Cat. Paint the town red. A few minutes away. The Mighty Money Boss stones the impression that we get first on your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. It's ZOOFM Breakfast. Fergie for your Friday morning here on ZOOFM Breakfast, your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. Keegan with you in a couple of minutes to seven. Top of 19 degrees today in Wellington. Currently 15.5. Heavy rain and possible thunderstorms continuing all day today and tomorrow, hopefully clearing up on Sunday. It's a bit slow at the moment on the Newell Highway south of Dubbo. Trying to figure out why. That's quite unusual at this time of the morning going past the zoo. If you have any information, 688-484-9999. The phone number, 688-484-9999. Maybe it is usual. I don't know. I'm not a man full of much knowledge or many knowledge at all. Anyway, it's all gone down at a Burger King drive-through in the US overnight with a customer sitting in his car being offered a discount for his food. A discount is the key word here. And while he was being offered a discount, he pulled out a gun and threatened the staff in the drive-through. Being offered a discount. Supposedly, the cashier was checking through the customer's two sausage, egg and cheese croissants. Two sausage, egg and cheese croissants. A sausage biscuit, some hash browns. When the customer questioned the food being too cheap. Since when do you question something being underpriced? I thought you'd just let it, even if it's a mistake, you let it just sort of slide through. The Burger King staff member tried to explain to the customer that he was giving him a discount and the customer produced a handgun from his glove box and demanded for the regular charge. Demanded for the regular charge. Who does that? There's obviously something going on here. I'd rather not imagine what would have happened instead if the actual, you know, the staff member had made it more expensive than the original price rather than discounted. I mean, I'd imagine the bloke would have pulled out sort of the intercontinental ballistic missile and probably shot it through the window of the drive-thru if it ends up being more expensive rather than cheaper. Kid Leroy, Shung Cook, Central Sea. It's a 2 FM breakfast for your Friday morning. It's Keegan with you. Cheers for your company this morning. It's breakfast on Better Music 927 Zoo. An attempt to get Dr. William Manor, the veterinary from the Downaloo Veterinary Hospital here in New South Wales. I don't want to say he's a veterinary. He's a vet. It's probably the better word to use. We're going to attempt to get him on. He's in a mobile black spot this morning, it seems. I already rang him. He's in an aquarium or something. He's in some sort of confined space where mobile signals don't like him. We'll see what happens. He could be on next. We could drop it entirely. The NRL last night, Storm versus Broncos, I don't know what it's with this year when it comes to the NRL. People are dropping the ball a lot. It's like they're playing a game of hot potato, but instead of chucking it to a teammate, it just spills onto the ground. It was a brilliant game of footy to watch, but I don't know what's with people dropping the ball this year. Maybe they just haven't been practising catching. They've practised everything else, obviously. Ryan Pappenhausen, expected him to get a try. Instead, for most of the game, he looked lost. I don't know whether he was trying a different position or something, whether he was trying a different tactic, but he was always behind, just behind where the ball was being played. And he wouldn't do anything, but he just looked like he was slightly lost. Not sure why. YouTube's selling itself with pride. Supposedly, this is about the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., and it was the anniversary of his death yesterday. Fascinating part of history, if you look into it. It's 2FM Breakfast, Jamba Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. Not good weather this morning. Drive safely out there. Road work on the Newell Highway south of Dubbo this morning, slowing it right down. They're resurfacing the road. It's brilliant to have your company. Cheers for joining us this morning. U2, quarter past seven. 2FM Breakfast, Jamba Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. It's Keegan with you for your Friday morning. Top of 19 degrees today in Gilgandra. Currently 15. Heavy rain. Heavy is emphasised. Heavy rain and possible thunderstorms continuing today. Now it's time to give something a go that could be the loosest radio you've ever heard, or a complete disaster, depending on the mobile reception available. Dr William Manner joins us again this week. A belated happy Easter, I guess. You weren't here last week. Issues arose. Good morning. Good morning. Yeah, I was trying to find out if eggs came from chickens or rabbits. That's been undisclosed. That's why I wasn't available last week. But this week, I'm at the aquarium. I've got some goldfish with me, about 10 goldfish, and I'm training them to have a better memory right now. Oh, right. Well, that's obviously a very hot topic at the moment, a hot issue that's been facing the goldfish species for quite a while. Yeah, I've got some memory cards with me. Yeah, man, they're communicating to me quite well. And just to help me with my cards, even though it is a predator to some fish, I've got more pet herons with me, which is a type of bird. I genuinely believe that you're onto something there. What's happening around the world with animals this week? Well, Keegan, in Botswana, the president has threatened to send 20,000 elephants to Germany. It's a bit of a disagreement between Germany wanting conservation of elephants and Botswana having an overpopulation problem with elephants. And fun fact, Botswana is home to a third of the world's elephant population, and that's just to give you a sense of how many they actually have. So to put it in perspective, Botswana has over 130,000 elephants. Oh. Why do they want to get rid of them anyway? The elephants have actually started to become a nuisance for farm and urban areas as well. They've come into contact with traffic, vehicles, and it's... It's come into contact with vehicles. What, the elephant's in the middle of the road and someone's driven into it? Well, that's what you're saying. Because, yes, it did come in contact, yes, yes. I'm a true psychologist. Yes, yes, of course, yes. You're not a traffic warden. So anyway, anything else happening? A Thai city has waged war on monkeys. War? What, there's armed soldiers getting into tanks? Well, after a decade of back and forth between the monkeys and the people who lived in Lopburi, this also culminated in, last month, a man getting knocked off his motorcycle... By an elephant? ...and multiple tourists getting... Oh, no, sorry, a monkey. ...dragged... Sorry, now I'm infatuated by people getting knocked out of their cars by elephants. The monkeys, slightly less terrifying, but... So how are they going to war with them? They can't really attack them or anything, because they are protected under Thailand's wildlife conservation law, so they are planning to round up about 2,500 macaws at the moment. Once I've done that and I've controlled the population in the city, they're going to work outside the city to more residential areas. Monkeys, at the moment, are also very well-known for theft. You might have been aware of that. I actually go to some places. Yes, the monkeys will steal anything. What are the monkeys stealing? The monkeys will steal food, mostly, and that's where a lot of the aggression does come from. Will they steal cash? Have you ever trained them to steal cash? They probably would steal cash. I don't think anything is off the table for them, because they've already taken it. Sorry. Was that a joke, or were you just saying that they... Yes, that was a joke. Keegan, Keegan, can you stop laughing? I know what I'm talking about. Between 20,000 elephants being threatened to send to another country and a city-waging war of monkeys, I think I know my experience with animals. OK? Doubt it at all. Thank you for the update again this week. We missed it last week. It's good to get the double dose of animal news updates and the headlines around the world. Hope you enjoy your goldfish memory improvements, I think is the word to use. Yes, my one goldfish here at the moment has been learning memory games very well. One? I've always had one. Oh, right, OK. I swear there was a zero on the internet at the start of this. But anyway, all right. Well, all right. Have fun with the singular goldfish now. It must be a very empty tank, I'm guessing, and that's progressed over the last few minutes. But the heron would probably be happy, I imagine. I don't know what you're talking about, Keegan, but thank you. You're on Zoo's breakie. Kenya Grace, 20 minutes past seven. ZooFM breakfast show with Davo's best music from the 80s to now. Top of 19 degrees in Narrowmine today. Currently 15, heavy rain and possible thunderstorms continuing right throughout today and tomorrow. What a crock of crap that bit of radio was. Word of advice, don't get a doctor or a vet on, especially if they're inside of an aquarium and it's a mobile black spot. I'm pretty sure he had no idea what I was saying for most of that. We practically were both speaking and yet neither of us heard each other. There's some reflection of that entire phone call. Oh, well, declaring war on monkeys. At least we got something out of it. Coming up in about 15 minutes' time, I've seen all these fake photos on Facebook at the moment, AI-generated images, and they're almost believable. There's little bits of the images which I think, especially there's a few of them that are like a reincarnation of Jesus as a lobster, and that's pretty obviously not true because he wasn't a lobster, but there's other ones. It's like people repairing electrical transformers overseas, the skyscrapers that have been generated, and there is actually a reason why these have all started appearing, and it's slightly terrifying. I mean, the images aren't... Lobster Jesus is terrifying, but the reason why this is taking off and they have so many likes, these images, is just absolutely horrifying. I'll tell you about it 15 minutes from now. Zoo Brekky. It's breakfast on 927 Zoo. Coming up in just a couple of minutes' time, you would have seen all these fake AI images on Facebook. They get suggested to you by the platform. They're almost believable. It's like the common AI image where the people have multiple fingers. When I say multiple, we do have five, but they normally have about six fingers on the hand. It's not giveaways as obvious as that, but it's just concerning, and the reason behind the rise of these AI images and the amount of traction they're getting has been revealed. It's terrifying, and we may have Terminators knocking at your door tomorrow. Sure, leave it first. Houdini. Zurf and breakfast. See you Friday morning. Weather not looking good over the weekend. If you're going to do anything, if you're going to plan any event, I'd recommend doing it on Sunday. Craig David. Almost quarter to eight. Zoo and breakfast, heavy rain and possible thunderstorms continuing today right across the region. Top of 19 degrees in Trangie. Currently 16.5. Coming up in about 20 minutes' time, Claire from the Dubbo Regional Council coming in to give you a cheat sheet of what you can get up to this weekend, what's going on around the region. I'd imagine a lot of events are going to be canned because of the weather. Either that or they're going to make other arrangements to be able to still go ahead. You may have noticed recently that there is a string of AI-generated images taking over Facebook. I mean, we did see this coming from a mile away. But anyway, whether it's false images of children repairing electrical transformers, which I've seen, they're not entirely believable. Skyscrapers in Dubai with, you know, full-scale aeroplanes landing on elevated garden beds. I don't think you're able to land an A380 on strawberries, but anyway. Or there's other ones of Jesus being regenerated as a walking lobster. That is genuinely one of the images I've seen, is Jesus as a walking lobster. Obviously not, you know, he wasn't a lobster, so I don't entirely think that's believable. But they're all flooding the internet at the moment, and they're all made by AI. A prominent UNSW professor, Toby Walsh, he's stated that it's actually a case of AI bot accounts liking content created by other bots. And then this creates an endless loop of absolute crap taking over the internet. So robots are interacting with robots and judging each other's content. I don't even know, I didn't even think I'd say that sentence probably about a year ago. Apparently an AI bot sees an AI-generated image on Facebook and it likes the post and then creates its own new and improved version of the image to try and, you know, compete and improve on what it's seen. And then you get this endless loop of just rubbish flooding the internet. It's absolutely bizarre. I mean, we're descending into an era of AI-generated Picassos that are being scrutinised and liked by other robots. Robots have their own social media domain now where they all talk to each other. Maybe we can just sit back and watch all the robot Facebook users go insane once they start being served advertisements for cheap products from overseas websites and then realising it's all a scam. Check out ZOOFM on Facebook for more. Jessica Marlboy, 10 minutes to 8. ZOOFM Breakfast, your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s to now. It's over 19 in Wellington today, currently 15 degrees. Very gloomy outside. Very, very grey, dull and miserable. And the rain's going to continue right through today and tomorrow as well. Clouds will be clearing up for Sunday if you've got anything planned. Now, normally the theft of an expensive prized possession involves, you know, jewellery, a luxury car, maybe historical paintings if, you know, that just entails the situation. A bloke in the UK has been charged for stealing a $4.8 million golden toilet. Yep, yep, gold toilet. $4.8 million. Fully operational as well, just in case you were wondering. The glorious throne was titled America, just one word, and created by an Italian conceptual artist and was stored in a country house, acclaimed for being the birthplace of former UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Why in the world was Winston Churchill's birthplace decorated with a $4.8 million golden toilet? Who knows? I mean, it's gone now anyway, so it's obviously not anymore, but it was. The bloke who stole it has been charged with on-selling stolen goods, which caught my eye. It means that if the charges are true, he genuinely met up with another shady businessman and instead of producing a getaway van full of, you know, beautiful diamonds, he's opened the sliding door of the HiAce and there sat a golden toilet. You interested? It's like someone opening a jacket and being full of illegal tobacco. Instead he just opens the van door and it's a golden loo. $4.8 million. I wonder how well it flushes. Aerosmith. ZOOFM. Aerosmith. A couple of minutes to eight. ZOOFM Breakfast is kicking with you on your home of Dubbo's best music from the 80s. So now, summer 19 in Dubbo, 20 in Cobar today. Rain continuing and possible storms. Your full weather a couple of minutes away after the local and national news. Bit busy out the front of the Royal at Gilgandra on Miller Street this morning. Traffic slowing down slightly there. However, it may not be out of the ordinary. I've just read somewhere that the Danish authorities in Europe have had to close an airspace because there's a missile that's accidentally activated itself and cannot be shut down. Not the actual explosive part of the missile, but the launching part, the big rocket part of it, has been turned on without any human control and now can't be turned off and there is a risk that the missile could launch itself and fly several kilometres away. The missile is running away. It wants an escape and nobody can stop it. It barely has no risk of exploding, but it has a really fair chance of popping itself out of the launcher and just fleeing the scene for multiple miles in one direction. You'd think there'd be things in place to stop this from happening. Brilliant. That's a bit uneasy for everyone involved. You're on ZOOF's breakfast. You're waking up with the Central West best breakfast. On to ZOOF. Coming up in just a couple of minutes, your cheat sheet to what's going on this weekend. I'm sure a few events have been washed out, but Claire's coming in from the Dubbo Regional Council to tell you what's happening, what you can attend to. Hopefully most events have got a wet weather plan in place. If there's one that relies on being outdoors, it's safe to say they're going to have to make alternative arrangements. Lucas Graham, first seven years for your Friday morning here on ZOOFM. It's Keegan with you. Cheers for your company. Hello. Lucas Graham, about a quarter past state. ZOOFM breakfast, your home of Dubbo's best music. From the 80s to now, top of 19 degrees today in Narramine, currently 15, heavy rain and thunderstorms continuing throughout the day and tomorrow. Claire joins us now from the Dubbo Regional Council. Good morning. Good morning, Keegan. How are you going? I'm all right. It's absolutely miserable outside. Oh, yeah, I've walked in drenched. Yeah, I'm not surprised at all. I don't even know why. You should have, like, flown in with the council helicopter or something and dropped through the ceiling. That would have been interesting. The concern on the top of my mind is, I'm sure there's a couple of events that are happening this weekend which are outdoors. Yes, for sure. Which I'm sure that's not going to work out. So, we've got the Dubbo Farmers' Markets tomorrow morning. I haven't heard yet what their wet weather plan is, but at this stage, they're still saying it's at the Macquarie Lions Park, so I dare say there will be a change in venue for that one. So, just keep an eye out on socials for that one. It starts at 8am, goes to 12, but we will stay tuned, I guess. Yeah, I'll be speeding us on from the Farmers' Markets tomorrow morning, and if it continues like this, I presume that it's not going to be pleasant there. No, I can't imagine. Everybody down there at Macquarie Lions Park would be quite damp. But then on Saturday, you've also got Mark Vincents, his greatest hits at the Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre. So, that'll be fun. That starts at 2pm, and it's a celebration of Mark Vincents' greatest hits so far since he won Australia's Got Talent. So, he actually won that at the age of 15, which I didn't realise, so young. Wow, okay. And he's just been going gangbusters ever since. Brilliant. So, yeah, head down to the theatre. I recommend maybe buying a ticket before you get to that one. Yeah, yeah, that's probably required. I think you might end up disappointed if you didn't do that beforehand. Yeah, so you can just go onto the DRTCC website for that one. And then also on Saturday, we've got Smokescreen, another screening there, the third man. I can't say I've seen this one myself. No, I haven't either, but I've seen bits coming up about it. It does seem interesting. It seems spooky, a bit... Yeah, it's set in a post-war landscape in Vienna. So, it's a bit of a thrill-and-murder mystery, and that kicks off at 4pm at the Western Plains Cultural Centre. Very nice. Then on Sunday, this one may be weather-affected, not sure. Hopefully it clears up by Sunday. We have the Dubbo Kart Club Racing down at Lincoln County Raceway. They still go ahead. There'll be a lot of drifting. Yeah, I can imagine. So, that's one for the whole family. You can bring the kids down. There's novice kids' races, and that's the kids aged six to nine years old, all the way up to the seniors in the high-performance karts. So, lots of fun. Fun day out there on Sunday, weather permitting. And then also weather permitting is the April Sponsors Race Day. Of course. That's the Dubbo Turf Club, putting that on, yes. It sure is, and that kicks off at 11am on Sunday. And it's got a seven-race program. I've heard they've got an excellent drainage system, but I imagine it's going to be put to the test this weekend. It definitely will be. It's bucketing down. It rained all night, so we will cross our fingers and toes for that one. Brilliant. So, there's lots happening this weekend, and if you want to find out what else is happening, because that's just a bit of a taste, you can head to our website, dubbo.com.au, and see everything that's happening in the region, or you could subscribe to our newsletter. So, that goes out every Thursday at 5.45pm. Wow, that's setting a real appointment there. Very specific. So, you can subscribe to that. You just go onto any of our socials and click in the link in the bio, and that'll give you a link to subscribe. Brilliant. Thank you very much, Clare. We'll speak to you next week. Thank you. Hopefully, the weather's slightly better. Hopefully. You're on Zoo's Breakfast. John Butler, TRIO, Cutler, Leinster 9. Zoo FM Breakfast. Your 80s are at work on the way. Top of 19 degrees today in Wellington. Currently 16 degrees. Of course, the rain and possible thunderstorms continuing throughout today and tomorrow, unfortunately. Well, you've heard all the horror stories from dating apps. A diamond in the rough has surfaced overnight. A woman has taken to Twitter to acknowledge an interesting soul that she was talking to on the app Bumble, and this interesting soul provided her with a prescription for painkillers and explicit directions on how to use them through a dating app. I guess you can get prescriptions on your phone now. You probably just needed a phone number and a name and a Medicare number. Actually, it's quite complicated still. But anyway, quite impressive nonetheless. This was after they'd had a few messages exchanging back and forth and she complained about a couple of her ailments. I think it was a sore neck and a sore shoulder, various other things. I mean, there's obvious reasons why she'd take painkillers. I don't have to be a doctor to realise that. But she hadn't even met the bloke, and within a couple of conversations, he already had the prescription pad out. I don't understand the words you've got to use to make that happen. He went on to recommend non-medicinal remedies for the pain she was experiencing as well, with the lady praising the experience. I don't know if they actually went on a date afterwards. I'm pretty sure it just ended there. But anyway, she got what she needed out of it. I guess that's what matters. I mean, I'm only theorising here, but maybe that's, you know, the uptake of dating apps, and especially if they're now getting the prescription pad out on the dating app, is coinciding with the rising uptake of medical Mary Jane. Just a thought. I didn't know a doctor could crack out the prescription pad and the dating app, but apparently that's what's happened here. There's got to be a trend somewhere. Here comes Beyonce. Do FM Breakfast for your Friday morning. Keegan with you. Good morning. Beyonce, wrapping us up for Zero FM Breakfast for your Friday morning. The weekend practically arrived. A couple more hours of work left. You'll be able to knock off, head to the pub, see some mates, whatever you like to do on the weekend. You won't be going outside, that's what I can assure you. Top of 19 degrees in Dubbo today. 20 in Cobar. Heavy rain and possible thunderstorms, unfortunately, continuing today. Your full weather just a couple of minutes away after the local and national news. 80 there at work as well. Belinda Carlyle in excess. George Michael in there. Also throw in some of the Hooters. Zubricki.

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