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The Mind Virus of Social Media

The Mind Virus of Social Media

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The speaker discusses the importance of data in today's world and how it is being used to manipulate and control individuals. They mention the power of technology and the control program that runs it. They also talk about the role of social media platforms like Facebook in collecting and using personal data. The speaker suggests that individuals have the power to limit the spread of this data virus by taking action, such as turning off permissions and notifications to third-party organizations. They also mention the influence of organizations like Cambridge Analytica and the impact of data sets on various global events. The speaker shares their personal experience with Google and how they have been targeted with ads based on their interests. They emphasize the need for individuals to understand the implications of data collection and take action to protect their privacy. So welcome back Kmart shoppers. Tonight, which is the 28th of July 2019, so let's look at that for a moment. So 28th of July, 2 and 8, 10, July 7, 17, 1 is 8, 18, and 9 is 27, and 2 and 7 is 9. And this is definitely the start of a new nine year cycle. But something rather unsettling, something rather disturbing became very clear on this particular day after receiving some inside information from somebody that I hold very dear to me on a personal level. And it made me realise that every single one of us, no matter where we come from, what creed, what race, what colour, what denomination, what religious practice, whatever moral sense that we ascribe to, we're all part of a rather dark undertone that is defining data rights as the new human rights. Now many of us know that the most powerful and lucrative commodity in the world today is data, much more than money. In fact money comes at a poor third. Data is predominantly how billions of individual realities are constructed and presented to us in an attractive manner to deceive us into believing that we're serving the best parts of ourselves. So let's talk about what it means. Now many of us, as we know, use computers, laptops, tablets, iPads, smartphones, and the crystalline technology used, the silicon chip, in which these chipsets are created, which ultimately hold and receive data, is essentially part of a technological wave of energy. But basically the human genome as we know it today, or as it interprets and identifies itself today, is essentially a giant chipset. Every experience and every desire that fuels our experience, and every level of deeper expression of that desire that fuels and creates that experience is transmitted in the form of data packets from our central chipset, mainframe if you like, to the controlling powers of B, who run predominantly what is known as the control program. Now many of us attribute that to all manner of monikers, all manner of identifiers within the language of the mind, the Illuminati, the Kazarian, the Red Circle, the Kabbalah, and the list goes on. But it doesn't really matter where it all ends up. It should never take place in the first place. And every single one of us ultimately has the power to limit its globalization or its inherent and instinctual ability to become a virus that spreads throughout the neural pathways of this planar reality. Now I can probably bet that nearly every single person listening to this information or investing themselves in the knowledge that is freely being imparted in a manner to help people to empower themselves is logged into Facebook right now. One of the bugbears of being logged into social media is you cannot seem to remain anonymous. There's no invisibility cloak that you can have unless you're a hacker and you understand the deeper intricacies. So let me just jump straight over the biggest hurdle of all. I heard today that there is actually a centralized setting in the new Gmail which was released I think just over two or three months ago, maybe two months ago now. Not easy to find but it is there which allows you to turn off all granted permissions and notifications to all third party organizations. Once you do that you actually cut off the technological or the information pipeline that companies like Facebook have to receiving the data in the first instance. Now some of what I'm about to talk about can easily be referenced in the way that there was an organization that was based in the UK called Cambridge Analytica and how it was the pivotal point for creating data sets what are known as intuitive and predictable data sets that influenced everything from the Trump election to successful coup d'etat in third world countries to major takeover bids, you know, campaigns of all manner and sorts including Brexit and the whole kind of leave the EU. These were globalization that will at least threaten, if you like, the very core foundation of global principles. Within a framework we call or we frame as democracy, we perceive as democracy. So there will be certain correlations made. We had Julia Assange come out, you know, Julian Assange come out talking about, you know, the whole kind of WikiLeaks thing which led to, you know, the whole whistleblowing situation which is becoming more and more rife and more applicable because people are feeling that they never really served a situation, they only offered an assistance to compound the problem. These people ultimately all contributed to allowing the virus to spread into, you know, some of the most personalized and private sanctified spaces within, you know, what we call the human societal framework, society as a whole, community as a whole. But I don't want to get off the point. Suffice to say that we all have this ability to actually limit the spread of this virus. But in order to want to limit this spread of the virus and take individual action as part of a larger collective conscious, we really need to understand what it means to us in our own individuated capacity. So what better way to bring it forward than to present it from a personal point of view. Now I have Gmail and I have Google. I'm signed into Google. I use Google Chrome for very specific things which require probably the more up-to-date or upgraded apps and have their functionality work properly. But my personal browser on the internet of choice is Mozilla. I like Firefox. I like its user interface. I like its ease of usage and so on. But I'm still using Google because I use their free email service. And whether it was Hotmail or whether it was AOL Online or whether it was Yahoo or all these other different free information exchange services or exchanging of personal information in the form of data sets, we agree to them because we're getting a free service. So of course they're going to exploit our data. Now I will talk about the fact that when you make a post on something like Facebook or Instagram, there are certain algorithms used and certain spiders or bots that are used that then allow the information to be disseminated into very, very specific demographics and reach and circulate that information to a somewhat disjointed or dismantled conscious outlook. Meaning in simple terms that what you are ultimately presenting as an individual on the site is then plugged into your friends or your friends are ultimately mined if they end up becoming reactionary or responsive to what it is that you're sharing. So we're all part of the problem. Now before people get all kind of high and mighty and what do you mean? You know I'm no problem. I don't use it that much or I only use it to share my, you know, what's happening in my family and whatever. Well that's the problem and I'll explain why later. But you're all part of this more widespread and somewhat subconsciously delivered problematic situation. So anyway, so I'm with Google and I'm with Gmail and of course, you know, what they did, you know, knowing that, you know, well Mike's, you know, a 56-year-old white Caucasian male that has interests in these areas. Now as they have refined their algorithm, at first what would happen was they would target engagements to companies and consumer products that were very, very much within what was called a means test based on your lifestyle choices. Right? So in the beginning it all turned up as you like cars, you like holidays, you like music, you like sports, you like fitness, you like clothes and these are all essentially part of your larger social framework. Now each one of those so-called headings, what they call the target, the target market has these splinter groups that come off it. So with cars come accessories. With holidays comes accessories. With sports comes accessories. With clothes comes accessories. With education comes accessories. With, you know, outdoor recreation comes accessories. And so it was more about the accessories that they would target you with because they were much easier for your ability to purchase to kind of get you into a flow with it because it's easier to buy a simple accessory than it is to necessarily buy the main product that kind of is the foundation of expressing that accessory. Now one of the classic situations in that circumstance and why all of a sudden out of nowhere a number of corporations popped up, one being eBay and one being Amazon. Now we have Wish, now we have, you know, DH Gates and we have all these other different offshoots that are predominantly part of a larger wholesale consumer base because people don't have much money. So they're going to target you in a way that's going to try to kind of flitter away your paint, not your large amount because you're not going to fall into those particular traps too easily. So in the beginning, you know, they tried to hit me with cars and they tried to hit me with holidays and they tried to hit me with sports and then eBay would say, oh my God, you know, we know you love music and we know that you love equipment and pedals and, you know, amplifiers and special boards and, you know, all the connectivity and the wiring and the plug and play world. So we're going to target you with those. We also know that you're into, you know, being part of a more wider and a more accepted social framework. So we're going to hit you with all these other sort of, you know, accessories or additions. You know, would you like to get more hits on your YouTube? Would you like more Spotify listeners? Would you like to, you know, get more people looking at your Instagram? Would you like more SoundCloud followers? So all of that sort of to come in. And because I was very busy, I'm very focused, I've got a fairly sort of, you know, intuitive outlook in the way that I live and the way that I do business and the way that I interact, most of this stuff used to just flow over the top of me and very little actually got access. So I was a poor candidate, realistically, for, you know, targeting all of these special ads and special offers, if you like, because very rarely, if not at all, I would engage. But something interesting took place when I started to really generate a kind of a personal loyalty to my own spiritual awareness. You know, some people build their entire, you know, spiritual awareness and outlook on all the metaphysical speakers that they hear about or they go to their seminars, all the videos that they watch on YouTube, all the books that they read, all the PDFs of free information that's disseminated across the Internet. And it helps them to build some form of spiritual framework which they then anchor to and ultimately bring into a form of external expression when dealing with other people or dealing with their circle of influence. And what I noticed is essentially because, you know, I had a website and my music was based in frequency and frequency was all about lifting sound and life vibration for better health, wellness and vitality. But all of a sudden, all the ads that started turning up was to do with the esoteric. So I used to get hit with loads of stuff about crystals and runes and, you know, alchemy and astrology, you know, and retreats and, you know, different types of modalities. And the practitioners behind these modalities, artists that related themselves as purists, pardon me, in the music world around spirituality. But the ads became so thick and fast and so targeted to me that wherever I searched, even though I use blockers, I use Adblocker, I use Honey, I use Ghostwriter, I use a number of different, you know, apps which come with my browser. And for all I know, these apps are just secondary data mining bots, little robots that are continuing to cultivate data and then send them back to the powers that be, which in this case is Google and Amazon. That it became almost as if any browsing experience was so predetermined and so pre-orchestrated that it became rather scary. And so I thought I would test it. I said to myself, well, I like to look at things in the most simple way imaginable, which is everything is based on simple cycles. And I love the idea of a seven-day cycle, Monday through Sunday is a seven-day cycle. Everything is about receiving at the beginning of the week and everything is about releasing at the end of the week, as I've stated many times before. So I said each day I will click through during my browsing experience to one foreign website or one foreign link that comes up, whether it's triggered from my email, whether it's triggered from Google Ads, whether it's triggered from what ends up in my social tab or what ends up in my promotions tab. Every day of the week, Monday through Sunday, I'll click a different link, never the same. And I'll make a note of where it takes me and what the experience plays out at and the results where I'm going. Because funnily enough, we all need help in understanding what is predominantly happening to us on an energetic level. Right? And the expansion and the constant sharing of energy, one electronic impulse to another, is fuelled by our desire to understand where it's coming from, why it's turning up the way that it is, and where it's predominantly going. In other words, what is it that we're attaching to and why are we attaching to it? So what I noticed is that each of these ads all turned up almost in a similar destination. It arrived in some form of esoteric potpourri that kind of had one thing make sense to another, and then that makes sense to another, and then that makes sense to another, and then that makes sense to another. So it all came full circle. The whole thing had a certain logical or rational merit. So the maturity and the wisdom that was garnered within, in the internal plane, inside the time-bound reality was stimulated by this algorithm, this data mining, this data set exchange that seemed to tick boxes. And I found myself on certain websites that seemed to have a pretty good grounding in stuff that I already knew, or it was stuff that I was already exploring, or it was stuff that kind of was a next phase, if you like, in presenting knowledge that I was eager to understand or eager to receive. Now for somebody who doesn't read books, who doesn't watch copious amounts of YouTube videos, who doesn't take advantage of all the free PDF esoteric information available on the internet, and certainly doesn't have the money to go to any of these spiritual emposiums and seminars and so-and-so's coming out to talk and whatever else like that, I used to, when I was actively in the corporate music world, harvesting souls and gratifying my ego. I was at the Move On conference, the Mutual UFO Owner Society conference. I was at Nexus every year, sometimes twice a year. I was at New Dawn. I was at the New Music Seminar. I was at Perfect Pitch. I was at South by Southwest. These are what we call industry-speak gatherings, and at some of them I spoke. When I was invited as a panelist and others, I went to essentially be educated to learn. But certainly not in the last 10 to 15 years when I dropped out of all that and somewhat retired and became, for lack of a better word, rather reclusive and more personally in tune with my own higher vibration. I started to really enjoy my own company more than I did mixing it up with people that just seemed to be so far out of whack with what I was all about or what I was in the throes of searching for that it was kind of rather somewhat painful to be around. Anyway, I'm a little bit off the point. So the point is that for those who do all those things, I can tell you right now you're going to be sending a lot more information through these bots, through these algorithms, through these data sets that's going to hone in really, really closely to what you're all about. And it's particularly, again, and I'm not saying it from any singled-out perspective or judgement or whatever, but women, again, particularly young to middle-aged women, are very much the core target here. So you need to be mindful of what it is that you're allowing people, strangers in a lot of ways, to be accessing. And there are a number of filters available on social media, but we're all too bloody lazy, so we don't use them. And I'm kind of hoping that this conversation will urge you to do exactly that. Be more discerning. Use the filters on offer to ensure that your browsing experience and the way that you interact within the social media framework is somewhat controlled by you and not controlled by others. So let's go back to the fact that these ads and these website experiences were ticking my boxes. Hence the AI that they're using, the technological advancement and the networks and platforms they're using. This artificial intelligence has become incredibly intuitive and predictive. So we're talking about companies like Facebook and Instagram and WhatsApp and Hotmail and blah, blah, blah and Amazon using predictive and intuitive AI to generate the perfect bubble to trap you into thinking that this is only about your reality. They're finding everything that you've told them through your behavior, through your self-expression, that this is what you're all about. And they're building the perfect bubble to keep you trapped in a program that they're ultimately controlling you with. And it's literally become of an epidemic state. It's an epidemic level. And it's frightening because now that I am mindful of it and I've seen where it's taken me and what it's done, I also looked at the amount of time in my day that I was distracted from what I really was supposed to be doing. And I hope many of you can be honest enough with yourselves to say that are you spending ridiculous amounts of your personal time on the screen? I know most of you women are on that damn smartphone. I know you are. Because I've talked to a lot of you and you're always on that smartphone. You live vicariously through your smartphone. Those crystal and silicon crystal transmitters are receiving every level of your emotional response to things and archiving it. Archiving it. So, how much time do you find yourself dedicated to the screen? How many of you are strong enough and have the free will... Wow, what's that? That's an interesting word that nobody seems to understand or express these days. Free will. What the fuck is free will? How many of you express that and are able to detach from that for at least an hour a day? How many of you can? Not easy to do, but a very noble exercise if you can do it and stick to it. The amount of time that we get distracted deliberately, part of the deception, part of the dumbing down, part of the orientated directive and intuitive AI to be out of our sovereign state, to be out of our sovereign power is ridiculous. And we're becoming so insular and so slave to and beholden to this very level of introverted expression. We find it hard to venture outside of our comfort circle and interact with the world unless we absolutely have to. So, we make the phone call. Oh dear, really? Oh, that's no good. You need to make an appointment. You have to go at this day. You have to go and get this done. You're going to have to go to your blood test. You're going to have to go to the phone. And no matter what happens, you will make that appointment. But if a friend turns around and goes, It's going to be a lovely day on Thursday and we should meet down at the beach and take a bit of some coffee and some cake and we'll sit on the rug and just be able to sort of kick back and do that, we'll find a million and one excuses not to turn up on the day. I do it too. I'm not for one second trying to kind of have a golden parachute and jump out of the plane of life here at all. I'm admitting that this is happening, which is why I qualified at the beginning of this discussion that this is coming from my own personal experience. It's time to take stock. It's time to acknowledge that this shit is real. And if any of you out there, and I know many of you do, have children, you need to be super careful. I mean, I am so glad that I don't have a wife or a child. I don't have family. Because I could not stomach the idea of my son or my daughter coming to me and saying, hey, I need to be part of the real world and part of that means I need to be plugged in. And I know what I know. Because I would be probably considered the greatest ogre, you know, on the planet because I would be so negatively geared towards any of that. So if this is happening to us now and your kids are growing up in it because they don't know any better, this is the information superhighway, this is the 24-7 always open classroom, anything goes, no holds barred, I am truly sorry. My heart is humble and heavy for the burden that you all bear. But you have the ability, once you become mindful of the situation, to do something about it. And here it is. Starting this new cycle, new Monday cycle. Log out of Facebook. The minute you log out of Facebook, all of the so-called intuitive AI, predictive AI, targeted directed AI, the tendrils of this artificial connection to your true sovereign self, the cord is cut. The umbilical cord is cut. Because it's your conscious choice to remove yourself from the platform. Now people don't realise that when they go to bed and they leave themselves logged in, whether it's the messenger, whether it's the site itself, etc. like that, that is the time when the information of the day, for the, you know, in this case the Southern Hemisphere, is being collated, is being archived, is being mined. And then compartmentalised into its different little sort of, you know, boxes. Meanwhile, the rest of the world wakes up at midnight, or earlier in the UK and Europe, but you know, America wakes up around midnight and the whole day begins while we're asleep. So the data mining really never stops. Now if you're like me and you deal with a lot of American people in business and UK, Europe and other countries and whatever else like that, they get used to the fact that they can always see from your post because you're going to turn up in their RSS feed, you're going to turn up in the home feed, that you posted something. I go out of my way to post from third party sources so I don't have to be on the platform. There are people convinced that I have this bullshit, you know, actually downloaded on my phone. I don't. I have no part, I have no bit, no tiny section other than WhatsApp downloaded on my phone. There is no messenger, there is no this, there is no this, there's none, none, none of it. None of it. Right, it's on my desktop, it's on my workstation and I don't even enable work notifications to create pop-ups in the corner of my desktop if someone's posting away because I don't care. I'm not going to waste my precious time interacting and engaging with people who are sad they're using this platform because they live precariously through its egoic nature. Social media is egoic. It's fuelled by ego. Please like my shit. Give me a heart or give me the pictograph of a thumbs up to show me you give a shit. And we're so lazy that we swipe this way or we swipe that way or whatever. We're not really in tune to it. We're just zombied when it comes to things that we do on automatic pilot. And because these ads and because this content is very, very much geared towards us because they understand the very core of our rhythmic patterns, our algorithmic patterns and the way that we, you know, that our thought processes, you know, think about certain things that we get ads targeted on our pages specific to it. And that's what allows us to fall into the dreamlike zombie state of what it is to be on social media where you just go off wantonly and next thing you know half the day's gone away. And instead of making you feel good, you feel emotionally charged to it. But let's bring it full circle because this is what I really want to talk about. Log out of Facebook. Log out of Instagram. If you can, log out of your email. And just turn it off. It's still logged in so it's still processing data. Stop the spread of the virus. The global epidemic that this intuitive data rights is robbing you of your own human rights because you're very private. Everything is being exploited without your knowledge. Although that when you do sign up, of course, they've got a massive, you know, 50 page, you know, consensual agreement that you of course, you know, agree to. We just kick the box now. I agree. Now I'm not going to read all the fine print because I know that, you know, I'm not going to be able to do anything about it. So I'm just going to allow it to just take place. I'm sorry, that has nothing to do with us trying to stay in our sovereign power or exercise our individuality and be, you know, the true divine multidimensional beings that we are. That's us just playing, you know, that's just playing the game. Play the game the way that the game was intended. So I wanted to give you that background. Now one thing that's really happened, and this is what I've got from a friend of mine, is essentially she said to me that she's been rather emotional. These energies that have been happening. We've had the, you know, the whole 20th of March, the 333, you know, that was opened, which is a powerful activation gateway and which has had more eclipses and we've got these very powerful moons. We've got all these planets in retrograde. We've got all these oppositions happening, creating this very dark night of the soul which never seems to end. And it's all targeted at the heart space of our emotional center. And I'm really emotional and because, you know, I have got kids and, you know, and I do teaching and therefore I've got, you know, a lot of, you know, dealing with kids and social media and bullying and all these different things that are going on. I am there and I am seeing and obviously acknowledging and liking a lot of posts that are predominantly part of this thread of emotional expression. And what these algorithms, what these bots are now doing, what these data sets are creating is they're targeting your emotional state. They can see from what you're posting, from what you're liking, from what you're attaching to that you are demonstrating a pattern of emotional dependency and for that matter, emotional codependency, which is one of the most dangerous things that you could ever do in this world. Being emotionally codependent to things is opening yourself up to a whole range of manipulation. I won't go into what that means and what that means as far as opening yourself to darker entities and all that kind of thing, but it's all real. And perhaps if enough people reach out and say, hey Mike, could you talk a little bit more about what's known as dimensional jumping and what jumps from one dimension or one density to another. You know, what are known as walk-ins, what are known as ghostings, what are known as, you know, whatever. There's so many different names for it. But when you generate this emotional thread, especially if it's a very, very rigid and prolific and obvious emotional thread that you are dependent on or codependent on, then everything that turns up on you, then everything that turns up on you in your space is essentially designed to push you deeper down the well. They want you to be emotional. They want you to lose your shit. They want you to admit that you're crying yourself to sleep and that you can't make head or tail of your world at the moment. It's a very dangerous new mutation that's happened with the virus that is social media. Now if you've been emotional all day and then you finally go to bed at night and you're still logged in and they're kind of cultivating all that stuff to get an idea of like, well what can we hit her or him with tomorrow morning when they come back online. Remember, they're not logged out, they're just closed. Their computers are closed down. If you're smart about it, not only have you closed down your computer, you've turned off your router, you're not letting any Archon or EMF frequencies to transmit their negative flow of energy, 4G, 5G, whatever, while you're sleeping, which is going to ultimately infect and affect your receptors, which means that you're going to wake up and you're going to feel cloudy and you're going to feel all bogged down and like you're in a great big mist and that everything is foggy and unclear because that's exactly the emotional state that they want you to be in. So this is very dangerous ground to be walking around in. This is a dangerous place to be setting up shop. Now the minute you log out, you break that cord. You break that cord of connection, you break that cord of attachment and that emotion, whatever it was, good, bad or indifferent, it comes to a dead stop and it solidifies and ceases to exist in the moment, in the now until you once again start the clogs of the programming up again and the whole thing starts to warm up and before you know it, it's business as usual. So now within your meditation, like I just said, I'm really pleased that quite a lot of people are getting a kick out of, you know, hey, I really like the idea of using color therapy to attach to my energy centers, my chakras and to integrate and secure this new solar crystalline light code in my beingness. But in your meditation add that you are no longer going to be slave to or manipulated by the emotional state or experience that you generate when you're on social media. That you're going to take it with many grains of salt and you're almost going to be a bit of a a blank expression while you're doing your thing. But you're going to be mindful about it. So the minute you feel like you're falling into the old trap of just nullifying yourself and zombifying yourself within the framework of the old habitual pattern you kick yourself out of it, snap yourself out of it and go, no, I know exactly what that means, I'm going to log out and log out, get into the habit of logging out. Log out. Log out of social media. Now if you want to post something whether it's from a third party website or whether it's actually on the interface itself get on there, do what you need to do and rather than worry about who's going to like it and who's going to put a hurl around it let it go for the day, come back to it and see what the universe is bringing you. Because you're all asking for instant gratification which is why I'm sorry we're all locked into this egoic reaction it's so prolific in all of us, I can feel it in everybody. But if we can detach from it once we've said what we want to say hey, it's so and so's birthday, don't forget it's at two o'clock, this is the address or we're meeting at the pub or we're meeting at McDonald's or whatever else it is and remember to bring these things, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and then that's it, done deal. Within a day you can go back and then you can see who's responding, what the comments are what is sort of hanging on the hope that within seconds of someone receiving the notification that they're going to have the time in that very same moment to respond to you and this is what's wrong with our kids today is our kids live in a world of instant gratification and they get really pissed off and they get really, really kind of emotionally unstable when they don't get that instant gratification when they complicate their ego because they went out of their way to say something and it was important to them and they didn't immediately get a response to it well, who fucking who grow up and realise that the world revolves around a deeper and a bigger core understanding than just you so be part of the solution and not part of the problem don't allow the loss of your sovereign identity of the very framework and the fabric of who you are and give it to someone like Facebook there are 50 to 500 data points of interest collated on your profile alone that's right most people have between 50 and 500 data points connected to their profile that's a hell of a lot of personal information that they can use to target all manner of shite at you but particularly they're preying at the moment more avidly and more prolifically on emotional threads of codependence than anything else so in a way part and parcel of living in this new world living in this new plane of reality living on this new alternate timeline is to keep your emotions tuned in and in check I always say I tune my emotions in conscious alignment closer connection to God if I'm in conscious alignment with my emotions and not letting them run away from me and not letting them cloud my judgement and create all of these distorted filters and perspectives then I'm always closer to God I'm exercising the very counterpoint of my beingness to God's presence so it's really very much a product of understanding that this is happening to you and this is happening to your brother, your sister your mum, your dad your children and you need to look at taking the responsibility necessary to ensure that you're part of a greater global a collective co-creative solution than helping to spread the virus and be the problem stop being the problem and rise above the misfortunes and the misgivings that you self-perpetuate and generate and become your own solution and you'll live so much more light of heart so much more bubble of joy so much more grounded and expressed in gratitude and always in greater service to your fellow man and all of humanity so we're trying to get more practical we're trying to look at things that people identify in their lives every day understand how it impacts how it correlates how it functions and how it ultimately influences the outcome of every action because to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction so let's be in control of what that is and not compound the problem that is at epidemic level thanks guys thanks to all you Kmart shoppers out there really appreciate you listening and look forward to sharing the next installment right here on Podbean Namaste okay so fast forward now to July 29 in the year 2023 so this is auspicious like I said look at the time stamp of the original audio was July 27th 2019 just before the COVID pandemic hit full force the update is that this overbearing accumulation and aggregation of human attention through social media channels now has a name the name is Wetiko the mind virus and it stems from a North American spirit soul seer and usurper not going to go into all the details there's plenty of stuff on YouTube plenty of stuff on the internet that will detail what Wetiko is but the most important thing to realize is that over the last 3 years of conditioned programming with what happened as a direct consequence of our knee jerk reaction as humans trying to sustain our safety and security to the COVID pandemic was to create our own separation we created our own cage of isolation and separation which created the mind virus this mass psychosis that was stimulated by the widespread global state of mental illness now this has now been stepped up and enhanced if you like with the new automated predictive and intuitive AI of chat GPT open AI and all of the different configurations that are ultimately associated with it so the mind virus that was instituted way way back when when social media was first kind of collating its original nefarious plan of collecting data farming the information into archives that created data sets and data points on individual people that could then be targeted and manipulated by what is now termed on these black mirror based social apps as the infinite scroll so this AI is now a frequency that has been firmly embedded into the mind virus to create even more widespread psychosis and the telltale signs of that is the fact that they are now have the technology where they can scan a journalist and their voice their mannerisms their whole characterizations and create clones and these clones in the form of popular personalities celebrities electric news gatherers, journalists presenters, hosts etc are now going to beam out news specifically scripted and created by AI AI is now scripting and presenting the news and the most obvious form of that in a very physical very virile and physical sense is that when you look at all of the different weather reports around the world which are literally our beautiful blue green fertile representations of the forest of green and the abundance of the oceans into this black charcoal burned out volcanic ash scorched earth philosophy which has the sea and the oceans represented in this black charcoal burned out color the land masses on which humanity obviously lives and spreads and exists in this red hot red so the colors have been turned into satanic and or demonic representations of something that was once beautiful once given to us by God once blessed to all humans on the planet and that is because they are now trying to create with AI scripting that the sun is dangerous and the sun is your enemy and you need to hide from the sun which once again stimulates this vibration in the mind virus that I need to protect myself, I need to protect my family and that means that I only want to deal with people who share the same belief structures limited beliefs are the downfall of society today in this third or really fourth industrial revolution so most people are already unaware of the subliminal manipulation of all of the natural frequencies that are now being synthesized and turned into artificial representations of what ultimately creates more disassociated behavior more mass psychosis and more embedded coding of the mind virus in the human condition so the ultimate goal of that through the social media through the infinite scrolling through our absolute dependency and codependency symbolized by Aquarius and the Pluto archetype right, manipulating the world, manipulating the world view and drawing it into a darker lower demonic vibration is that all of the frequencies are going to be AI based everything everything we know everything that we've become accustomed to to understand and to incorporate as part of the framework of our lives and our existence on planet earth will be driven by AI. We are becoming consensually synthesized human replicants of ourselves and this is what the mind virus will do particularly between now 2023, the remainder and 2026 when we have some major, major, major planetary transits and conjunctions but I won't go into any detail on that because it's just it's so mind boggling ly out there and weird that it's even hard for me to grasp what's really going to happen in the course of the next two and a half years so putting it all back into context you need to look at what you believe to be the source of information that stimulates the impulses in your neural pathways, in your brain waves right, to relate information and to translate it into actionable form what are you listening to, what are you actioning from what you're listening to, what you're visualizing, what are you actioning from what you're visualizing, the framework of your life force on the planet and that this is all going to be driven by AI scripts AI clones AI replicant energy which will ultimately create more and more separation stimulating more and more disassociated behavior where we will become foreign to one another that's the most frightening aspect, we will literally be frightened of each other because we won't understand what's really going on behind the mirror of the person or the soul's consciousness our soul's consciousness is so altered so distorted in its frequency of delivery that we won't know ourselves and so the major takeaway the major lesson of all this if you haven't already done so, get off social media and if you can't because you're addicted to the lustful technology that it represents figure out a way to create periodical social media detoxes that allows your neurology to catch up with itself remember that the cortisol, the adrenaline and the dopamine that's obviously generated as a result of people's addictive and predictive behavior on social media is what is taking you away from your inner knowing your connection with your inner child, your connection to spirit and ultimately the connection that you have to the divine spark in you and God that's it so if you can't completely log out of social media, say hasta la vista baby and fuck the fuck off completely then formulate ways within your so called 3D calendar of existence to create periodical social media detoxes where you detach from the screen for any given period of time whether it's daily, whether it's weekly but be mindful of creating a pattern that you can code into your operating system so it becomes automatic right, example I know some people who have been speaking and listening to what I've been saying and understanding it because they're seeing it now for the first time whereas for most of their lives they've been ridiculously dumbed down and asleep from the true reality playing out saying okay well Monday is the very beginning of the new week and so I have a lot of responsibility I have a lot of obligation and a lot of connectivity that's ultimately tied to social media so Monday is a normal day on that scale and Tuesday I'm kind of catching up with the fallout of all of the responses and reactions I got from Monday but come Wednesday I'm completely unplugged I have no internet I turn my wifi off I do not have any router signal coming into my home and I'm literally doing a complete cellular detox because this mind virus Wateco builds up a toxicity that shuts down those spiritually divine centres in the human psyche, I'm talking about the pineal gland which is the number one connective rod to the higher divine realms, I'm talking about the third eye, I'm talking about the pituitary gland I'm talking about other different elementals within the body electric that are ultimately being compounded by this mind virus so to bottle the end simply, in 2019 I was compelled to talk about the darker side of social media as I understood it then today in July 2023 just after the harmonic convergence, just after the day of out of time as represented by the beginning of the new Mayan galactic calendar year which will be White Overtone Wizard I've come to a deeper conclusion that that darker part of social media is Wateco, the mind virus which is ultimately usurping our conscious self and reinstating or replacing replacing our consciousness with this darker mind virus driven by AI scripting so really draw all of your consciousness all of your expanded human nature around that capacity to understand that we can turn all of this around and bring things to a point of critical mass as long as we are aware that this is going on, this is our planar reality and never forget I am a creator being holding the resonance reflected in my human experience to manifest my planar reality in every given moment. If you have no resonance with the vibration of social media, then you have no resonance with the mind virus that is Wateco and once you call Wateco out like I have like a number of people in my very small but close knit tribe have it disappears it literally shuts down all of the cogs of its invention because you are no longer being shackled by that vibration. You've raised your frequency to combat all of these shadow based negative bombardments that are hitting your neurons and firing your neurons in all of the most maladjusted and distorted ways you can imagine and when you get there you arrive in your bubble of bliss which is garnered by gratitude grounded in gratitude and creating a greater connection and or service to others so let me remain in a bubble of joy grounded in gratitude in greater service to others because you will then return to the god based energy source of the sun and become a children of the sun this is the key this is the only key that will save humanity from diving over the edge of the abyss and into the transhuman agenda which is driven by the metaverse which is driven by the synthetic AI which is driven by the replicant and clone like cyborg energy of the new impervious human that has no understanding of thought no understanding of form no understanding of history no understanding of esoteric knowledge no understanding of alchemy all of these incredible elemental processes will be shut down or awakened where you will drive yourself to become a beacon of light connected to the sun and you will become a child of the sun we are all children of the sun and we need to return to our true home which is calling out to us and I could go into all the detail about that and if anybody wants to you know write something in the comments of this Rumble video or this Vimeo video because YouTube won't have a bar of me whatsoever etc. I'd be more than willing to talk about all of the gifts that the sun is creating for us in our lives every day and we just need to recognize the blessing in its true nature. Thanks for listening I really appreciate and Namaste

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