Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker, Adlian, discusses the impact of mobile phones and social media on society. He acknowledges the advantages of easy access to knowledge and global connections but also highlights the negative effects. People have become overly reliant on electronic devices and often forget to use their brains. Social media has distorted our perception of ourselves and others, leading to self-esteem issues. Influencers and viral trends have a strong influence on people's behavior, but we should remember that social media is just entertainment and not a reflection of real life. The speaker encourages embracing our individuality and not succumbing to societal pressures. While there are some positive aspects of social media, we should be mindful of its limitations. Hello everyone, my name is Adlian, I'm a first year biology student at the USTHB University, and welcome you to my very first ECHO podcast, putting under the spotlight a rather recent subject that has irremediably changed the current state of mind of young generations, the introduction of mobile phones, or more specifically, social media, in our lives. It's a bit tricky to put the line between the advantages and inconveniences that it brought upon society, but I'll elaborate as much as I can. So now, without further ado, listen to me and let's get lost in the ECHO. We all know that our modern generation has innate gifts that no other before us could ever dream to have, the internet for example. It all started by the invention of the first computer for business needs in 1945, then it spread to computers selling for domestic use, the invention of mobile phones, and nowadays there is someone with an electronic chip implanted directly to their brain. It's safe to say that all of these devices pretty much drastically changed our everyday lives, for the best as well as for the worst. I mean it is true we do have access to an infinite amount of knowledge from all around the world, and can learn facts about our very universe just by typing a few words on the screen, we can call our close ones from the other side of the globe, and a lot of other effortless things the previous generations wouldn't even dream of. But everything comes at a certain price, and seeing the huge impacts that the internet had on the world, we can notice it indeed came with an equally huge counterpart. As much as our global resources of knowledge and worldwide connection had improved, our daily life became centered around these devices, in a negative way. You surely heard before from for example one of your parents the sentence it's because of that damn phone, when we forget to do something they ask us to do, or we don't sleep enough at night. Well we often may tend to overlook that sentence and see it as overreacting, but it's not. We actually are so used to using our phones or computers that we base all our activities and needs around them. We use them for alarm, homework, entertainment, and even paying for our purchases. That may look just perfect at first sight, but what if you urgently need a password or a date that you wrote down on your notes app, but your phone's battery is dead? What if you had to give a homework for a specific day, but it simply got deleted due to a bug in your laptop, with no chance to get it back? We rely way too much on electronic devices as a whole, and forget that the people before us used to do absolutely everything without these things even existing, and we forget to use our brains instead of our phones. Another big issue is the global impact that social media had on our vision of ourselves and others. People used to live simply, working to make a living, improving themselves to be more efficient overall. But now, if a man looks at an Instagram reel of someone who did 5 years of a hard workout and looks just more muscular than him, he'll feel bad and disgusted about his own appearance. Some people judge others because they don't like a currently viral trend on TikTok. Some others do the unbelievable to be accepted or looked at by others, sometimes leading to dire consequences on themselves. We have become so influenced by what social media offers us that we base most of our lives on building these fake images to feel accepted online. Some of us might believe anything a person would say because they are famous. We look down on ourselves because an influencer with hundreds of thousands of followers looks better than us. We take these people for absolute examples, idolize them, while forgetting that they are simple human beings, just like all of us, and that this social window is just a facade of themselves they create to be irrelevant in some way or another. We have to remember that social media is created for mere entertainment or information sharing and it is in no way an example to take. Every human is built and lives differently, there's no ultimate way of living. Our differences are what makes us so beautiful and interesting as individuals, and for nothing in this world should we change that. Of course, these influencing ways are not 100% bad or malevolent, some people share ways to actually change yourselves for the better or just bring some comfort when people need it, and we cannot take these advantages away. We simply have to stick to who we are and not to what people want us to be, because in the end, our real life is physical and not digital. We have now arrived to the end of this podcast. I hope you enjoyed my speech and made yourself an opinion on where the limits of social influence should be put. I sure hope to have you listen to my next podcast, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.