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The radio show is discussing Easter traditions and plans. They talk about making rabbit cakes and going to sunrise services. They share their experiences and talk about Charleston traditions. They also mention visiting each other's families for Easter. You're listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University's student-run radio station. You're back on the Anti-Social Butterfly with me, your host, Macy Kay, and I have a special, special guest today. Hi, everyone. I'm Anna LaPorte. It's so exciting you got on this show again. You've had class during this time, so I appreciate you carving out some time to come here. It's really fun. We had fun last time. It's, like, what? About a year ago, exactly. Oh, my God. I don't think you got on the show last semester, did you? I can't remember. Maybe once. Maybe. This might be your second or third time. I don't know. Very monumental. Time has flown. Today's been crazy for me. How has your day been? I know we talked on the phone coming here because I was running late. How was your day? It's been pretty good, honestly. I'm so glad. This is kind of really random, but I'm glad that I didn't wash my hair today because my hair went from being, like, you know, nice and chill in the morning to, like, a poof mess by the mid-afternoon. I think it's the humidity. Yeah, my hair is telling the forecast. As you can tell from me freshly waking up, I did not wash my hair, so I'm in the same boat as you. I mean, a little blessing from the skies, if I can say that. But, oh, my word. But today, you guys, we have a great show lined up for you. We're going to be talking about everything from, like, spring to Easter, and as always, we have your weekly responses. And to justify from last week or the week before that I didn't do, I did a bonus question. So, if you can go to my Instagram, my Instagram handle is m-a-c-i-k-a-y-e dot a, and you can answer both of the questions. You can answer one of the questions, but that just gives y'all more power, more freedom to discuss. And, as always, if you have any song recommendations, send them my way. But, for now, we have Colby Cooper excuses coming up, so stay tuned. Sean's up. You're listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University's student-run radio station. You're back on the Anti-Social Butterfly with your girl, Macy, and guest, Anna LaPorte. All right. So, you guys, I kind of branded this episode on Easter. I love Easter. Easter's great. Probably one of my favorite holidays. It's just a good time. So, I was going to ask you, what kind of Easter traditions do you have, like, with your family, or have you incorporated now as a Coastal student? Like, do you go back to see your family? So, actually, really funny is I found out recently, like, not a lot of people go back home to see their families. That's what I realized this year, too. And me and you both are kind of, like, local-ish to the area. I would say we're from South Carolina. So, it's just, like, it's interesting to hear that people don't go back home, and it kind of makes me a little sad. But I typically always go back home for Easter, and we do a sunrise service, and it's so nice. I'm from Charleston, so we go to Boone Hall Plantation. What does Boone Hall have during this time? Like, is it weddings? Yeah, I guess so. Other than that, like, their garden is, like, in full bloom right now, so it's really pretty. It's just every time I hear Boone Hall, my mind defaults to Halloween, because that's the only time I've really gone. Fright nights? Yeah, it's fright nights, yes. Oh, my word. Those fright nights this past year was crazy. This guy called me, like, ramen noodle hair girl or whatever. It was funny. But he was trying to get a reaction out of me. It was, like, ugh, aggravating. I guess I'd be spicy ramen noodles. Oh, my gosh. Rhett makes the best spicy ramen noodles, though. Rhett, please make that for me if you're listening. You do such a great job. Speaking of Rhett, Macy and I were talking off the air about Easter plans a little bit, and she found out that I do something that he does. Yes. Okay. Please, you guys, DM me and tell me if this is a normal thing y'all do. I think it's just a Charleston thing. That's my hypothesis. But a bunny cake? Rabbit cake? Rabbit cake, my apologies. We call it both. Okay. So it's interchangeable. So what we typically do is we make two cakes, and then we slice the cake into, I would say, ovals on either side of the cake to make ears, and the middle turns into, like, a bow tie. And so we piece together, like, the cake and make an Easter bunny out of it, and typically we use, like, my mom's, like, special, like, homemade coconut cake recipe. It doesn't really taste like coconut. If you're not a huge coconut fan, it's still really good. But it's such a fun thing, and we all, like, join together and just – it doesn't – it's not really focused around the Easter bunny. We just talk about, like, God and stuff and all together, and it's just a fun kid activity that still continues. The biggest difference, though, from what I assume – so let me get this straight first. Your whole family does the rabbit cake? Yeah, so it consists of, like, me, my family, and my cousins, and my aunt and uncle, and my grandma. Oh, so it's like a big family get-together thing. Yeah. Wow. Okay, so for Rhett's family, what happens is it's just him and Nealey doing it, and the difference from what I've seen with your rabbit cakes than theirs is they want it to look mildly unsettling. So, like, I can't remember if it was last year's or the year before, but they'd gotten, like, these little cupcake eyes like you get at the store and had gotten these tiny ones and then had, like, a dark circle underneath. It was during the Batman time when the Batman movie came out, and so it was, like, grungy music, and it looked kind of like a disfigured – what's the author's – you know, author, like, the show, like, The Bunny? Yeah. What's his name? Do you remember? I'm blanking. Well, it looked exactly like him if he was, like, emo, and I thought it was the funniest thing. But I just – I don't know. I've never heard of anyone doing it until both of y'all, so I need to add that to my list of Anna and Rhett similarities because it starts to stack up after a while. It's like it's just something that has to be done. That's crazy. What about you? What are your Easter plans? So, usually what we do is Rhett and I, we've always kind of done this thing. We have, like, the Collins-Anderson family Christmas tour. So we go to both of our families. But once it comes to, like, Thanksgiving and Easter, we kind of rotate it more. So it's, like, usually he'll come to my family's for one, and then I go to the Easter for the other. And so this year it's my turn to go to Charleston's. I'll be in your neck of the woods. And so it's weird because once you skip a year and then do it again, it's kind of hard to remember what traditions, like, they have or, like – Yeah. But I know we'll go to the Sunday service. I think one year we might have went to, like, seafood afterwards. But I think normally what we do is, like, we go to the Round Holiday Inn. That's the Easter tradition. Oh, my goodness. That is next to California Dreaming, and that's just, like, my whole childhood. I don't know if I've been there, but I think I've heard about it. Also, the Round Holiday Inn is, like, where me and my dad would go. I would beg him to take me up to the top floor so we could look out over Charleston. Speaking of that, Rhett or somebody had lied to Nealey, his younger sister, and was like, it rotates. So, like, if you stare long enough, it rotates. Oh, my goodness. It's the rotating Holiday Round Inn. That's so funny because they have a building like that in Atlanta, Georgia that I've been in. Really? And it's the building, the top floor rotates. And actually someone died there because it rotates. Oh. No bueno, no bueno. It's just, I don't know, it's so weird to go to Charleston because there's so many traditions that y'all have. Is there any, like, Charleston-rooted Easter traditions? There's, like, I'm sure, but it's, like, all the sunrise services. I know that there's, like, churches downtown, like St. Andrews. St. Andrews kind of pairs up also with the churches in Mount Pleasant, and that's why we have, like, this huge, at Boone Hall they have an outdoor sunrise service. The past few years, like, it's been raining, but, like, every single time I go out there, we're just not prepared, so we get, like, all muddy, and you have to walk through the mud because you park out in a field, and then you walk, and it's, like, a marshy type of scene. And it's really nice. It's sometimes buggy, but I'm really glad that I don't really get eaten up by bugs. Bugs don't like me that much. Yeah, at least during fall it was super dry. I mean, it was super foggy, too, but I was, like, we were going with the law buddies of rats, so I was, like, oh, I want to look nice. I had just gotten these new pants from Sheen because I had just started my job here, and a girl could afford it, you know, and it's the ones that I told you look exactly like yours, but they're a different color scheme, you know, like little flare pants. Yours are, like, the blue, pink, a little bit of orange. Yeah, it was those, and I wore that to Boone Hall, and I got, like, poked fun by the people working there, but it's always so funny. Clown pants. Yeah, and I feel like the one year we went, it was super-duper muddy. I can't even remember, but it's crazy. It's just, I don't know. I've been with Rhett for almost four years, and it's, like, I'm still getting adjusted to Charleston. There's so much to explore. I feel like you can never touch it, and then whenever Rhett comes to visit down here, it's, like, you know. There's, like, nothing to do in Mullins, really. You need to, like, it's kind of weird, but, like, outside of Charleston, like, the outskirts, I have friends that have, like, a farm. The experience of, like, mudding in the south. Girls, just come to my land. We got a four-wheeler. I love it. You ain't missing out. It's a little secret of mine. Yes. I just, I don't know how it really works. I've never really met anyone from Charleston. It's like, yeah, I got my four-wheeler in the back, in my garage, my workshop. Funny, fun fact. I actually had just gotten my wisdom teeth out, and I was, like, the week after, and I kind of kept it for a secret, in a way, but my parents kind of ended up finding out that I went mudding, and I went mudding a little bit. Whoa. Crazy. So crazy. So, so crazy. Have you ever, have you ever been mudding? I don't know. Melanie has. I know for sure. They do it in the four-wheelers and trucks all the time. I like riding four-wheelers and stuff, but I don't know. I kind of grew up being, like, a prissy girl, so it was like, I don't like mud. I just want dirt. Eh. You would think that about me, but I was in the backyard excavating for, like, pieces of pottery and, like, trying to find buried treasure. Y'all don't have stuff, though, like that in Charleston. Oh, yes, unpleasant, but still, so many relics. If my parents are listening, I'm so sorry for tearing up the backyard as a kid, because I would, like, dig and I also spiked our water bill because I would put the hose out in the backyard and run it so I could, like, dig in the mud to find stuff, and I'd build, like, mud houses. Oh, no. These golden retriever allegations are not going to lighten up anytime soon. Oh, no. Mr. and Mrs. Laporte, I'm sorry for your dog. Girl, did you call me a dog? I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. It's a joke. It's a joke. I appreciate it. Because you like to dig and figure out, like, what's in there. It's like a dog, like, searching for a little bone. It's, like, in a good way. I'm glad to be humbled. It's not in a bad way. I say it with love. All right, everyone. So, with that being said, we have some more music coming up for you, and stay tuned. You're listening to WCC Radio, Coastal Carolina University's student-run radio station. You're back on the Antisocial Butterfly with your girl, Macy, and Anna Laporte. Whoa. Okay, so we're talking about Easter. I'll think Easter. I'll think spring. What is your least favorite spring tradition, Easter tradition? That's so hard because spring is, like, one of my favorite. Okay, so it's, like, spring and fall are my two favorite seasons. You would low-key think, like, I really like summer, but I actually like spring and fall. I like, you know, because there's, like, so many, like, just happy feelings tied in with it. Yeah. But spring is also a little sad in a way because, like, pollen season. I'm actually not affected by pollen season, so I'm immune. You're immune? It's a redhead thing, I guess. Are you serious? No, I'm joking. It's really not. I was going to say, is there, like, some immunity that I'm just not, like, I don't know anything about? I'm evolved. Yeah, you're just built different. Okay. Slay. I just don't know because you love spring so much. I would think, I feel like sometimes if you like something enough, you have opinions about them. You know, like, for instance, I love green. I love bears. I usually, I have my preferences. I'm like, okay, if you say this bear, like, I know what type of person you are. And if you say this, then, like, all jokes aside. But do you get what I'm trying to say? Yeah, and I love spring because, for one, I love birds. And so, like, spring is, like, spring and birds, you hear the birds outside more. It's the season of, like, love, I guess. It's, like, a weird, like, thing. It's, like, yeah, Valentine's Day is behind us. Just leave it be. Forget it. Like, just watching everything bloom is just so nice. And, like, the smells of everything, like the pink trees out on campus. I forget what they're called. I'm blanking on them right now. So, wait. You mean to tell me. Hold up. Hold up. Freeze. You mean to tell me that if you pass a tree, you can smell it? Is that what you're saying? I have a really good sense of smell. I don't. This is crazy. I can tell, like, I'm being like, oh, this smells like this tree. It's so weird. I won't get into that. I won't get into that. But my least favorite thing sometimes about Easter and any holidays in general, and I don't mean to be mean, but, like, I love people. I love being around people. But sometimes it's just, like, I like to choose when I'm around people. And being around people so much can be overwhelming to me. And, like, I have to, like, take a little detour because the activities can be, like, very too much for me. And so I go into, like, my little isolation and, like, social battery recharge moments where I'll just go take walks or go in my room, sit by myself, you know. Yeah. But it's, like, it comes with a good balance. Yeah. Do you think it has to do with just big groups too? Because I know, like, you're an extrovert. Like, would you say that has a factor in it? Because I know sometimes if I, like, mildly know people, and I get families a different topic, but if you mildly know someone sometimes a big group is more discomforting. So I just didn't know. It's actually the opposite. Really? I feel like since I, like, my family really knows me, I don't really need to, like, I don't know. I feel like I can be comfortable around them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I also, like, you know, I need my space, especially at the end of the day. And when we have our holidays we have a smaller house. And so we all, like, pile in and we're all there together. Sometimes we're, like, a little bit too close together. So I just need that space. Wow. I don't know. We have, like, a big family, but we don't have, like, a big family that gets together for holidays and stuff. So usually we just, like, go to my grandma's house when it's, like, with my side of the family or with Rhett's side of the family, like, his grandparents. Like, usually it's not, like, us cluttering in. I feel like I don't have claustrophobia, but I feel like if I'm too up underneath people I need my bubble. I need my own space. Mice bubble. Yeah, mice bubble. Can we coin that phrase now? Mice bubble. We had another phrase that was coined. It, like, left me, but that was with a whole, what do you call it? What do you call the quizzes? Like, BuzzFeed quizzes? Yeah. Yeah, so if you haven't listened to that episode, please listen to that with Riley. One of my favorite episodes of all time. But with that, I know you said you love flowers. I think I know the answer, but, like, what would be your favorite flower for the season? Yes. I know what it is. I'm just going to let you talk about it because I know how much you like it. Ever since I was young, I was traveling back from Virginia. We had gone to Washington, D.C. Whoa. For spring break. And we were coming back down. It was like a 12-hour drive. And there was this, like, gorgeous purple flower that was just draping from the trees. It turns out it's not a flower. It's like a vine type of thing. It's more like a, you know, invasive type of, I forget what it's called. Kudzu. It's like kudzu. Invasive. Wisteria? Yeah. So it's wisteria or wisteria, however you pronounce it. I might have been saying it wrong. Oops. I don't really know. But we chopped down a whole bunch of it and put it in the back of our car. And we drove down to my grandma's who lives up here in Myrtle. And we got out of the car to give some to her. And it just smelled up the whole car. It was so good. And we gave it to her. And there was a lizard in it. And to this day, I just remembered the terror on my grandma. And she is like, Anna, get it! Because, like, I can handle, like, bugs and insects and, like, lizards. So I just, like, picked it up and took it outside. Aww. She was so thankful. So whenever she has, like, lizards or creepy crawlies or, like, snakes, she's like, Anna! So you like snakes? Are you, like, cool with them? I mean, yeah, I'm chill with them. You chill? Bro! I can pick them up if I know what, like, kind they are. That's crazy. But, yeah, this weekend we actually were kind of talking about you. Because there was the wisteria, whatever you said. And I was like, oh, that's Anna's favorite flower. And he was like, isn't that just kudzu? And so we had, like, a big debate on whether or not it was, like, that. I'll get back to you about that. Yeah, I was like, we need to bring in the professionals. I believe this. But, yeah, we also went this weekend. We did a lot of things this past weekend after the Law Ball. But we saw a bunch of snakes and all that. And it was, like, exposure therapy. And we had other forms of exposure therapy. But, I don't know, there was, like, a phase I went through in third grade that was like, okay, I'm cool with snakes. Because they had, like, a ghost corn snake. It was, like, this gray snake. But it was, like, a corn snake. It was really cool. And I was like, oh, my gosh, I love snakes. And then there was a point of me maturing that I'm just like, I don't. I don't mess with these. Like, no. I mean, that's good to have respect for nature, for sure. I don't know. I think it's like a biblical instinct for me. It's just like, I don't mess with these. I learned my lesson. I'm staying far away from you. Like, you know, it's not like I love them. But I deal with them, you know. Yeah, I respect people who can, like, tolerate them. Like, props. I just, that's not me. Now, when we get to, like, more of, like, the spiders and stuff, I have a little bit more of, like, a. . . That's going on the similarities list. Because Rhett can mess with snakes, but he can't mess with spiders. I'm the spider handler here. I'm just like, I got it. Dang. Our similarities list is adding up. Yeah, I really need to actually make it now. It's actually kind of concerning. My best friend and my boyfriend. You have a type. Yeah. I don't know. There's some similarities there, no doubt. Yeah. And then I know Easter. I don't think I really touched up on this. Maybe I did. But I know another Easter tradition, like you said, is going to church. And so, like, I love Easter services. We don't really have a lot in Mullins, like, for sunrise. But I think they're starting to incorporate some more in Mullins. I think we're, like. . . My church is partnering with another church to do it at, like, 7 o'clock. Yeah, that's typically how it is. Isn't it usually that late, though? Like, 7 o'clock. . . Like, when's sunrise? I think it's. . . Right now it's around 7, something. Really? I think it's, like, 6-ish. Oh, very wise. You have not been waking up early, have you? Girl, I stayed up all night. And I know at 6.30 I saw the sky turn from dark, dark, dark to, like, a light bluish color. Like a light purple. So, I. . . I have some Proverbs 31 woman waking up bright and early. More like sleeping late. But, I mean, I had a mission. I did what I was supposed to do. I did a PowerPoint. And I'm very pleased with how it turned out. And so, yeah. I'm proud of you for that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have a servant's heart. What can I say? I just. . . I don't know. But, anyways, you guys, we still have more coming up for you. We're going to get into your responses. I have two questions. Let me read those out real quick so you can see what you're missing out on. Because I think these are really fun. If you don't like them, I'm sorry. But, what Easter traditions do you or your family have? I want to know. We talked about ours. Let's dive into yours. And then, also, for the ladies or even men, if you just have, you know, attire that you buy for Easter. Like, why do you buy Easter Sunday dresses or just attire in general? Why or why not? We want to know. And we'll dive into our opinions on some of those coming up soon. But, with that, we got some Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande. Rain on me. Stay tuned. Chants up. Hello, everybody. Welcome back to WCC Radio, Coastal Carolina University student-run radio station. You're back with Macy and Anna. Okay. So, guys, I love that song. I always want to get up and dance. There's a choreography with it. I have, like, a little, what do you call it, emote version. That one's always fun. And then there's a new song that came out. How new is it? Because I only knew it because of Fortnite. I'm so sorry. I'm guilty. Are you talking about the back? The, no, back to the city song. Oh, well, I'm not really sure, but I heard it a couple months ago. Really? I'm pretty sure. Dang, I've just been slacking. I just never heard it. I love that band Jungle, too, in general. I was obsessed listening to them, like, two, three years ago. It's just they have such, like, wacky music. I love the vibes. It reminds me of, like, my indie and alt playlist. I love that type of music. Yeah, this song came out in August of last year. Oh, damn. That would have been a great song for that season. It would have been. It would have, but I don't know. I love doing choreographies and dances, and I really like theirs. She does. I have proof. Oh, no, not the proof. I have a dance class, and we finally got into jazz. I'm so stoked, so excited. I love jazz. But, anyways, you guys, we're going to go into your responses, okay? So we had two questions this week. Let's see here. It's going to take a minute. It's going to take a little itty-bitty minute. Also, y'all missed it. In between, we were dancing to Rain On Me. Macy was teaching me the dance. Yeah, we have to teach choreography. You know? How can you dance without knowing the OG choreography? I don't really do, like, TikTok dances and stuff like that. I'm more, like, you know. No, no, it's like Lady Gaga's official one. Oh. What happened is, like, they had, like, the Fortnite festival, and they incorporated it. And then so, like, everybody else knows the choreography because it's, like, rudimentary level now. So it's like, I don't know. But, anyways, point of the matter is, you guys, first question, what Easter traditions do you or your family have, okay? So I'm going to start off with Melanie Dorris Anderson, my sister. Hi. She said Easter egg hunt with money instead of candy. Do y'all do an Easter egg hunt at all with your family? No, but it's actually kind of, like, we kind of did, like, a long time ago, but we would do them for, like, church and stuff. Like, this past year at The Rock, I helped out, like, with their Easter egg hunt for the kids, and it was just really fun. But, no, we don't do that, but I think we should. Maybe if I started the tradition, if we did it, like, with something, like, really random, like, weird assorted candies, and whoever finds, like, the weirdest candy. You would go to World Market. Have you ever been there? I love World Market. Oh, it's so fun. Yeah, get, like, all the exotic candies and, you know, international stuff. That would be so cool. Or, like, have, like, one certain egg that has a certain prize to it, maybe. I don't know. I'll have to brainstorm that. Yeah, the way Melanie's talking about that we did it is, ever since we were young, my grandpa, he would get, like, the rolls of coins, and he would get quarters, so each, like, egg would have, like, a quarter or maybe, like, a Reese's cup. Like, sometimes there would be candy added. And then, like, the big eggs might have, like, a dollar or five dollars in it. And they're, like, fighting personally. Yes, it was. Okay, so the thing is, for me, my sister, and my cousin, between us, I was practically the middle child. I had, like, my pact with the older one, and so we'd kind of, like, harass Melanie ever so slightly. So we would be fast and all that. She'd be slow. And so, you know, we'd be like, No fair, y'all just gave her that egg. That one had money in it. And so, you know, I was trying to keep up with him, but yet trying to, like, you know, be wise about what I went for. So I always thought it was fun memories, but I kind of forget people don't put money in their eggs just because that's what I'm used to. That's crazy. Right now, actually, Delight is doing, like, an Easter egg hunt type of thing, but it's, like, a rock hunt thing, and they painted rocks, and we're supposed to, like, find them on campus. Oh. If any of y'all that are listening have seen any painted rocks on campus, do not touch them. Do not. No. I mean, yes, don't touch them. Don't you dare. Oh, whenever I say that, I think of, like, the Pomo train. Like, you know, the dune? Like, the Willy Wonka versus the dune. Okay, I'm sorry. I really like that meme. Okay. We talked about this earlier, but Rhett Rhett Rhett says, We bake a bunny cake and give it a comedically unsatisfied face. Okay, I stuttered. Sorry about that, babe. We talked about that earlier. I love that tradition. It's so great. It's the funniest. You and Anna are going to have to do, like, a cook-off this year. We'll do a comparison. To make the most unsatisfied bunny face that's comedic. Well, I don't know. Yours is completely different. Ours is typically like this. I'll show you off air. But, like, it's, like, cutesy. But, like, we never do, like, we always use jelly beans for stuff. So, maybe, maybe, Rhett, we'll have some games this year. If I tell them that we need to make it a little bit more. We should do a, like, Nailed It! Where it's, like, you have a certain time limit. I'm like, go! And you guys have to compete. I'll have to show you, like, my time. Yeah, your time. And, you know, I love Nailed It! I love that show. Okay. But thank you for that, Rhett. And then Caroline Surface says, we always go to church. And then Wicked Tuna in Merle's Inlet for lunch. Ooh, have you been to Wicked Tuna? I have not. I've heard about it. I've seen it. And I've heard it's good. But never been. Yeah. We'll have to know what you get from Wicked Tuna. Please do. I'm always looking to try new places. I mean, I don't know. That's what I like to do. All right. So, with that said, I'm going to redirect into the next question. Do you buy Easter Sunday dresses? Why or why not? I feel like this is a big one because it's, like, on my Instagram, I'll see either people, like, plaster with the most various florals or either some people just don't really buy a new dress. So, I feel like if you go to church on Easter Sunday, it's kind of, like, up for grabs on what you like or not. That's so funny. My dad actually responded to this question. Oh, he did? That's awesome. Please answer. We love Papa Laporte. He said, since the trees and the flowers got their new dresses for Easter, it's important we get our outfits for Easter. I think he's kind of being silly here. But it's still. My dad just said wicked tuna. That, like, satanic tuna. Whoa. Whoa. Okay. Okay. That's on air. It's okay. You should have texted me while I was reading your message. Yeah. How dare you. Just kidding. No, literally. He said. So, I think he's getting his. I don't think he's getting a new Easter outfit. He's always, like, stuck with the same stuff. Really? I don't know. I feel like the thing is, my mom has always, or in the past when we were younger, she bought us Easter dresses. But now that, like, I'm older and stuff, it's, like, up on me if I have the money to buy it. And the thing is, Rhett's birthday is April 1st. It's the day after Easter. We're not fooling you. It's the truth. Yeah, it's for real, for real. But it's, like, I don't know. There's a point in time, I think, in maturity where it's, like, you know, I don't know if I really want to get a new dress. I have something in my closet. You know, I could use that money for him. But if I did get a dress, it would probably just be because, like, oh, I'm going to see his family. I want to look nice, you know. It's his side. If it was my side, I probably wouldn't care as much. But I really don't know where I'm standing on that. You can always raid my closet and see if you have, there's a dress that, like, doesn't really fit me but fits you better. Well, the dress you bought me for Christmas, the plaid one, I was tempted on wearing. But it had, like, a little cut. And I was, like, I don't know if it's Easter Sunday. But it's, like, picnic-y. Yeah. I just didn't know if that was more of a summer thing. But anyways, I want to see what y'all's. Red just responded, no. You know that meme that's all the Gabriel Agreste. The Gabriel Agreste from Miraculous is, like, no. And he just, like, he beams in now. Yes, I love that. And then on, contrastingly, Harley says, yes. With two exclamation marks. So, I think Harley outrules you on that one, Red. Okay. So, Molly, she says, I do buy Easter dresses because I want to be able to look so festive. I think that kind of goes with your dad's point. And then Anna, she's being a little imposter, sending a response here when she's on the show. I like to if I can. Smiley face. I was, like, you know, if I can, if I have time, I will. And if I have money, I will. But, like, you know, it's not my top priority. Yeah, I agree. Definitely not. It's also hard to find stuff now. Because, like, boutiques used to be a thing prior to COVID. And now it's, like, Amazon. And I don't know. Sometimes when you go thrifting and then you pray that you find, like, a really cool dress that you can, like, you know, use. But I typically just, like, look in the T-shirts when I go thrifting. Like, I never look in the dresses unless I'm at, like, Plato's Closet or something. Yes. And I think that kind of goes with the next point. Yes. When I can find a cute one. I don't know. What do you find? What is, like, your ideal Christmas, or not Christmas dress, sorry, Easter dress if you were to pick one? I would like more so, like, a long and flowy one. Yeah. Like the maxi dresses. Yeah. I like those. Particularly, like, something that's, like, a little bit more high coverage. Because your girl, like, got, like. I got you. I got you. So, it's just, like, you know, finding a good dress that fits me without, like, it being too big sometimes is a struggle. So, that's why I just don't, you know. And it's hard to wear dresses sometimes. I want to do a day, though, where I just wear a dress to campus for no necessary, like, fun reason. That would be fun. Just to be, like, odd. I can see you as, like, one of those girls, like, on Prince Lawn. You know how I talk about, like, frolicking in fields and stuff, cottage sports. You're just frolicking on Prince Lawn, rolling in the ground as you play volleyball and bocce ball or whatever. I think that's, like, the universal dream is just to live a little farm life with your little farm animals. At least, that's something that I've thought of for a while. For me, it's just, like, dress and, like, I don't know, just simpler stuff. Like, I don't know. I like to bake and stuff. I feel like with my anxiety, sometimes I can't really do that. You know? And then cooking's a little different. Cooking's a whole different ballgame. I've gotten better. I mean, you are ready. But I love cleaning. The thing is, I love to clean whenever I'm not stressed. I clean, like, my own stuff. Like, I don't know. I love cleaning up, like, you know, just around. Spring cleaning? Yes. But it's, like, I don't like getting rid of clothes. I mean, it's fun to clean, but I just sometimes get overwhelmed with just racks. Not really that. It's just, I don't know. You have to, it's just heavy duty. You, like, scatter them all on your bed, and you scatter them here, and you put them in piles. And it's, like, I don't know. It gets me disoriented, I think, is the thing. Spring cleaning can be, like, good, though. Yeah, it is. I like it. This past week, instead of doing homework, I will literally clean. Like, I've reorganized my closet. I put clothes in a bag that I want to, like, get rid of or sell. Yeah. So, it's beneficial. Yeah, it's really good. Yeah. So, with that being said, you guys, stay tuned. We have more coming up for you. And Sean's up. Hello. Welcome back to WCC radio. You're listening to Antisocial Butterfly with me, Macy, and Anna. All right. We're trying to skip it a little bit. There we go. There we go. Yeah, the track has been having some difficulties lately. I apologize for anybody listening that cannot hear us at those times. But, yes. I think we had a great show. I had a blast. I'm just so excited for, like, what this week has to, like, offer. Also, like, today, we're, like, halfway through the week. That's crazy. I think today, specifically, in the Bible, it doesn't really specifically state, like, what happened on them. But, yeah. I'm excited. I think today, specifically, in the Bible, it doesn't really specifically state, like, what happened on them middle of the week. But I think, in a way, like, I've heard just different things about what people say about how, like, Jesus rested more on this day. Or, like, on the downside, how Judas was, like, plotting to betray Jesus. I've heard that one more so. But I know there's a lot of the diagrams. And I know it doesn't, like, explicitly say, you know. Because I know it's, like, the next day or, like, within the, you know, sequences and stuff. So it's hard to pinpoint. But it's, like, it's really interesting. I love those diagrams. Because it's, like, wow. Like, what possibilities are there? I've been trying to take this day as more of a day to rest. So this has been, like, a good, good reflecting day, I'd say, so far. And it's been so fun and so spontaneous. Just to run around right before this. I was in Hicks. I'm typically never at Hicks. But I was just chilling in there. And, yeah. It's been really good. I think one thing I want to leave you guys with, anybody listening, is regardless if you, like, are religious or anything like that, I want to just put this out there. But, you know, there's this diagram going around for, like, us Christian community people. And it's always, like, a lot can happen in seven days. And I feel like this week is a good time to recognize that, like, you know, sometimes things unexpectedly happen, you know. There's a lot of times we don't prepare. But at the end of the week, you know, we believe Jesus rose from the dead. And so it's, like, there's good on the other side. Regardless. So I just want to leave that with you. If you're having a bad week, just remember, like, the week's not over yet. We only have way through. It's all day. Like, everyone get excited. Ah! And also, like, that also applies to, like, circumstances. Things that people are going through in their life. Like, whether it be, like, heartbreak or stress from school. Whatever it may be. It's always light on the other side. Yeah. And for me, this is, like, the really first week that I've, quote-unquote, like, celebrated Passion Week, Holy Week. Because, like, I'm reading each day of how it's laid out. And I feel like I've just been so much, like, happier this week. You know, kind of like, you know, seeing it kind of play out and applying it. So the point is, you guys, your circumstances do not define you. They are not over yet. Well, that's it for y'all's week. And thank you for hopping on the show. I had a blast. Yes. And, you know, this might be our last show together before we graduate. I mean, it could be. It could be. We don't know. I mean, you do have class during this time. So we're going to have to figure out stuff related to spring. Like, graduation and photos and, like, dresses and payments. And payments. I still got to get tickets. That is the best part. It's just watching your bank account get drained by Coastal. Yeah, but it's... You mean that sarcastically. Yeah, I don't look forward to it whatsoever. I don't know. And plus, with Easter and Red's birthday, all my efforts are really concentrated there a lot of times. And so sometimes I just kind of forget, like, oh, I'm graduating. And I think that's a great reminder for, like, each of us in this, like, busy season of spring to take a step back and slow down and be really reflective on, you know, what has happened and just take time and rest. I agree. With that, you guys, I have some more songs coming up for you, but as far as Anna and I, this is it for us. I hope you all had a great time listening. Thanks for everyone who tuned in, everyone who responded. I love you guys so much. Yes. And with that, you guys, Sean's up! Sean's up!

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