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Alberto discusses the science behind addiction and the impact it has on individuals and society. He highlights that addiction is not a choice but a disease that affects the brain and behavior. He also raises important questions about the effects of drugs on the brain's reward system, genetic predisposition to addiction, and the role of trauma and stress. Alberto believes that changing the stigma around addiction and society's perspective is crucial in helping individuals seeking recovery. He concludes by stating that people and society play a significant role in either enabling or supporting recovery from addiction. Hey guys, today I'm here with Alberto, myself, and I'm going to be doing a podcast based on brain behavior and the science behind addiction. And hello, I'm Alberto, and today I'm going to be talking about the science behind addiction. Addiction ain't funny, such as, many people are affected from addiction, such as families, neighbors, anyone pretty much involved with people, such as society, is greatly affected. And this is the reason for addiction. What is the reason for addiction? Where? Scientists are researching all around the world for behavior and drug addictions, such as, as well, when scientists have been researching and are changing the stigma around drug addiction. Why? Scientists are researching the cause for drug addiction to help addicts recover. I picked this awesome topic because addiction ain't funny, as well, drug addiction ain't no joke, but the ideas surrounding addiction are complex. People believe that drug addiction is because the users don't have the willpower or they are weak-minded individuals to help themselves. But in reality, drug addiction becomes a disease. The disease changes the user's brains and behaviors. Behaviors such as doing day-to-day things like working or going out is severely impacted due to addiction. As well, there's some important questions, such as, how do drugs affect the brain's reward system? Or, is there a genetic predisposition to drugs or addiction use? As well as, how trauma and stress contribute to substance abuse? As well, some answers to those questions is, drugs influence the brain's reward system primarily by altering the way neurotransmitters work. Particularly, the woman is the main affected neurotransmitter. As well, the second answer is heritability. And studies estimate that 40-60% of the risk for addiction is attributed to genetic factors. Lastly, traumatic experiences such as childhood abuse or neglect or witnessing violence can lead to emotional pain and psychological distress. Individuals may use drugs as a coping mechanism to numb those feelings or to help themselves. But I believe that the main solution is changing the stigma around people and changing the stigma around drugs. Such as, I believe that the main problem with addiction is the stigma and people's perspective of addiction that creates significant behaviors for individuals seeking recovery. Lastly, addiction is a complex disease with lots of causes such as genetic experiences, such as trauma. But I think the biggest cause is other people. People can influence others to stop or continue drug use, but society is the biggest cause in my opinion. I believe this because many people can help others such as that, as well as many people don't help others pretty much. So it's pretty much a big idea in my opinion. Thank you.