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Walking in Agreement with God 4/21/2024

Walking in Agreement with God 4/21/2024

Almond AbundantLifeAlmond AbundantLife



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The main ideas from this information are: - Jesus told ten people to go show themselves to the high priest, but only one of them came back to thank him. - The man who came back to say thank you received extra special blessings from Jesus. - Saying thank you to Jesus is powerful and shows appreciation for what he does for us. - It is important to be in agreement with Jesus and his word in order to walk with him. - In marriages and relationships, agreement is important to avoid strife and trouble. - Comparing ourselves to others in our walk with God is not wise, as everyone's journey is different. They all, he told them to go show themselves to the high priest, and so they did. They turned and they started going to the high priest and one of them said, oh, I forgot to say thank you. And turned back to Jesus and was, and told him thank you, showed him his appreciation. Came back and he worshipped him. And Jesus, do you ever think that the Lord is expecting things of us, but he expects us to catch what we're supposed to do without spelling it out every, he was expecting all ten to come back and say thank you. The one who was a Samaritan, by the way, he couldn't even approach the high priest lawfully. Came back and said thank you, and Jesus looks around and says, hey, where's the other nine? He didn't tell them all to come back and say thank you. There's some things that we just should know and understand as basics. And because that one man went back and said thank you, Jesus did something extra special for him that he did not do for the other ten, for the other nine. If he was missing an ear, he put an ear back on. If he was missing fingers or toes or a foot, he put them back on. He gave them, he replaced the body parts that had been ravaged by his leprosy. The other ones were healed of their leprosy, but they still bore all the scars of it. And this man, after he went back to say thank you, he walked back into town and you never knew he was a leper. There's something about saying thank you, there is something powerful, very, very powerful about not taking Jesus for granted, but saying thank you and being truly appreciative of what he does for us. Because he can do things for us that no other person can do. He gives us help that is supernatural in nature. He does things that other people cannot do. We better be appreciative. I was waving at Jill. Every time the Lord moves in your life, you had best be appreciative. That is not something just everybody has access to. Amen. Amen. Praise God. We'll take our offering here and we can let our Sunday school head back to do what they're going to do back in their Sunday school classroom. And if you have an offering, by all means, you can give as many times as you want. The basket is right there. Amen. And we will carry on. I'm going to continue on teaching what I had started a bit ago as far as serving the Lord with our emotions. Because there is a principle, and this is it, in that well-read book of Amos, we're all very familiar with the book of Amos, I'm sure. Not. Not one that we typically turn to first or even 15th. But hey! Connection lost. Love it. I'll leave it up there. Yeah, yeah. There we go. I'll leave that up there. This is a huge principle in the Spirit. This is a huge principle in the Spirit. Amos 3.3. Can two walk together except they be agreed? Can two walk together except they be agreed? And the answer of that, of course, is no, they can't. It's not possible for two to walk together except they be agreed. Not that they don't choose to walk together. Sometimes we are put in places where we have to be together with somebody. But if we're not in agreement with them in several areas, it makes it very difficult to be around that person. Happens frequently on the job. You don't always like the person you have to work with. Generally, that's because you come from either different walks of life or you've got way different opinions than they do. And you don't like a lot of the things that they say or stand for. And it's very difficult to be around them. For eight hours. Or ten hours. Or twelve hours. And that happens. You show me any marriage that is struggling, and I will point back to this scripture, and you will discover that in that husband and wife's marriage, there are going to be areas in their life where they are not agreed. Where they don't agree on this or that. There are things going on that one doesn't agree with, but the other is doing, or vice versa. And that is where marital strife takes place, and eventually divorces happen, because disagreement causes friction, and causes stress, and causes trouble. And so this is a very basic, but very powerful principle. And it applies also to us and Jesus. Can two walk together except they be agreed? This is why we need to serve the Lord, not just in principle. Not just, you know, obeying religious traditions, and not just kind of carrying on with our thing. We actually have to be agreed with Him in the points of the things that we do. If we're going to walk with Jesus, we have to agree with Him. We have to agree with His Word. We have to agree if two people, any two people are going to walk together for any length of time. Thankfully, this tradition does not exist much in this country, but in other countries, they have arranged marriages. There are several countries where the tradition in that country is that the wife and the husband do not date and pick out the one that they want. Those marriages are arranged from when they are children. The parents decide sometime when the kids are little, okay, that little girl right there, and my little four-year-old son, when they grow up, they're going to get married. Thankfully, Michael, you can be rest assured that Mom and I have not made any kind of agreement like that for you. But in many countries, they do. And guess what? That couple is expected to stay together until they die. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And that's the way it is. And guess what? Those marriages work. They work. Why do they work? It doesn't seem like that would be a good recipe for a good marriage. Why do they work? They figure this out. They figure this out. They figure out how to walk together and be agreed. And those people in those types of situations learn how to love each other and walk together and be agreed. Guess what? This Bible is all about us learning what Jesus likes and what we don't like. And what Jesus wants. And we learn how to agree with this and walk together with Him in all areas of life. That's what this book is all about. This lays down what Jesus likes, what He wants, what He expects of us. And so we can walk together with Him. The more we are agreed with Him, the easier it is to walk with Jesus. The more we agree with all of those points. Now, I've got that up there in two-tone for a reason. Because if I was to go out and interview not just apostolics but any Christians and say, well, do you walk with God? Oh, yes, I walk with God. But so many times there is, we say we walk with Him, but there's like this, there's like a barrier. There's like a dividing there that we don't feel like maybe we are walking with Him fully. Or maybe there's some areas that, you know, we can work on or improve. And those things, we can have the perception that maybe that's a barrier or a hindrance. That maybe we're not as close to Jesus as we could be. And it goes back to this. The more that we agree with Him in all of the various points of our walk with God, then the easier it is to walk with Him because we are agreed. We are agreed. This is why marriages get better over time. It's because the husband and the wife learn through much trial and error and strife how to walk together and how to be agreed together. And you learn how to come together as a couple. And you learn how to not push the other one's buttons and they learn how to not push yours. And the better that works, and the better they learn those things, the better the marriage is. I don't know if you've ever heard any interviews or seen anything where they interview you. Seen anything where they interview old married couples. Couples that have been together for 30, 40, 50 years. And start asking them questions. Usually the point of those interviews is to figure out the secret of how do you stay married for so long. Because 60% of marriages end in divorce nowadays. And it might be a little bit higher than that. It just seems like there's so much they consider them temporary. And so people are always trying to figure out, wow, you're married that long, how did you do it? And they want to know the secret. Well, there it is. You learn how to walk together without ticking each other off every day. And you learn how to make adjustments in what you do so that it agrees with the other person. And if you have a good spouse, they are doing the same thing. They are making adjustments and making little changes in them to adjust to you as well. It's a two-way street. It's a two-way street. And we learn how to walk with Jesus. And Jesus, your walk with God is going to look a little different than mine. Because he will deal with you in different areas than he has to deal with me. And so there is this adjustment, these little adjustments we need to make on our way to heaven. This is why it's very, very important that we don't compare ourselves amongst ourselves to try to figure out, am I spiritual? Am I not spiritual? Am I doing right? Am I doing wrong? Well, so-and-so is doing this. And sister so-and-so is doing this. And well, this brother, well, he's doing that. And we can't do that. We can't do that. The Bible takes it easy on us when it says that those that do that are not wise. Because their walk with God is not your walk with God. And we're all trying to get to the same place. But they are going to have to deal with different things than you are. And so don't be comparing yourself. If you want to compare yourself to somebody, compare yourself to Jesus. Compare yourself to Jesus. And so can two walk together except they be agreed? A very, very large part of your walk with God and a very, very large part of the things you learn in church and the things you read in your Bible are literally nothing more than you figuring out how to agree with Jesus' way of doing things. That's really all it is. That's really all it is. Because the more that two people can walk together and be agreed when you're walking in the same direction and you are agreeing, that's when you can be used by God. When somebody, think about it. When somebody first receives the Holy Ghost, that is the first time in their life that they are agreeing with Jesus and beginning to walk the same direction that He is. When they do that sufficiently, and we call that yielding to the Holy Ghost, but all they're really doing is beginning to agree with God. And when they are in agreement with God to the point where they are broken down and they are yielded of themselves, they begin to speak with other tongues. That is the first moment that they are truly walking in the same direction that Jesus is walking. That's the first moment that they are in agreement with Him, is the first moment that they begin to speak with tongues. Because that is when the Spirit is truly conquered, so to speak, has truly control over the most unruly member of our body, which is our tongue. The tongue is the last holdout. And so, when somebody's tongue is yielded to the Spirit of God to the point where they are speaking God's own language, that is the last holdout has given up, the white flag of surrender has gone up inside of here someplace, and we are truly in agreement with the Spirit of God. Just another way of explaining it. And so, can two walk together except they be agreed? And so, can two walk together except they be agreed? We have much to agree on between us and Jesus. There is much for us to agree on. Jesus accepts us all exactly the way that we are. He does not leave us the way we are. But He accepts us all the way that we are. He does not leave us the way we are. And some folks get offended by that. They get offended by that. Well, aren't I good enough? Well, yeah, He accepted you, but don't you want Him to work on you? Do you like your flaws? Do you want Him to take care of those? Some people don't. Believe it or not, they don't. Some people don't. But I have access to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. I want Him to work on me. I want Him to work on me. I don't want Him to leave me the way that I am. There are still things that are anti-God in here, working against the moving of the Holy Ghost. Those are the things that Satan can come in and work on, and push buttons, and all of those types of things. I want those gone. I want those gone. I have far less than I had 30 years ago, but there's still a few in there that I want Him to work on. And that should be all of us. We need to agree with Jesus. Jesus was powerful because He was a human being in perfect agreement with the Spirit of God. He is our example. He was in perfect agreement with the Spirit of God. He is the only one that was truly in perfect agreement with the Spirit of God. We know this because He was sinless. Didn't have any sin. Because the Spirit of God is pure, and holy, and righteous. The man Christ Jesus was the perfect example of how to walk pure, and holy, and righteous. He was in agreement with the Spirit of God. The only time we find Him not in agreement with the Spirit of God was in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He did not want to go to the cross. It's the first time that I can see in the Scriptures where the man Christ Jesus and the Father were not in agreement. When He went into that prayer, He didn't want to go. He didn't want to go. And He had to work through that. He had to work through that in order for God's plan to be fulfilled. Guess what? You and I are going to experience many, many, many Garden of Gethsemane experiences in our walk with God. The longer we walk with Jesus, we will experience things. We will hear something in church. We will read something in the Bible. Something will come up, and we'll go, I don't like that. At that point, you have a decision to make. You have a decision to make. Are you going to avoid that Scripture, kind of mentally wipe that out of your Bible so you don't just have to just not deal with it and carry on the way that you are? Many people do that. I just, I don't like that one. I just won't read that one. If I read it, I'll just kind of go, and you just kind of keep going. I call that mentally wiping out your Scriptures. You can do that. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Nope, can't do it. Can't do it. I've been tempted to do this so many times, and I've never done it. Is to hand out little things of white out at the door when people come in, and start teaching difficult things. I've never done it. Probably never will. But, you know, that's just one of those things. Your pastor is weird. And that's just, that would be just by way of showing them, you know, you really do have to deal with this. This really is their type of a thing. So, long story short, we need to serve God in our emotions. We should never be doing anything in the Kingdom of God because we have to, you know, one of those types of things. That should never be down in there. I mean, it's okay if that is, but that's something you have to work through. Because eventually that thing is something that the devil will be able to use against you. And if you allow that sort of a thing to continue in any area, whatever the area is, I'm just very broad right now. If that continues inside of you, eventually, you will lose out with God. Either you will leave church if it's a major deal in you, or you will just kind of stagnate and you'll be here. But God won't ever really be able to use you for anything because there's that disagreement in whatever area. And so, we need to, we need to learn how to serve God. We need to learn how to love our Bridegroom as the Church of the Living God. We need to learn how to love Jesus, our Bridegroom, and learn how to do things His way and not our way. If we're going to be successful, I don't know about you, but I want to be used by God. We have a world that desperately needs to see Jesus. They desperately need to have an understanding that He is alive, He is real, He is powerful, He can help them, He can take care of their issues. There is real help out there through Jesus Christ. And those folks will not find that unless we are His representatives in this world. And so, if we are in agreement with this Bible, if we are in agreement with Jesus, then we will represent Him well in this world. And we will stand out and we will be examples of what it means to be pure and holy and godly and righteous and blessed and somebody who is following the Lord and the Lord is blessing them and is with them. This world needs examples. They need to see us. They need to see us. You are the only Bible that some people are ever going to read. You are. You are. And the Bible says that we always need to be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within us. And so we need to be agreed. And when we agree with God every single time, that means that we have to crucify something inside of us. And that is a process we just have to accept in our hearts accept in our lives and be ready to do. The Lord is already perfect. With an arranged marriage with a husband and a wife, the wife figures out how to change this thing in the husband and the husband figures out how to change this thing in his wife. And then they are more agreement. Well, guess what? The Bible says, I am the Lord. I change not. So just know straight up, right out of the box, you are not going to change him. If there is any disagreement, he can't change. Even if he wanted to, he can't. Which leaves the changing up to us. Which leaves the changing up to us. So this may stay or this may go. So we are getting rid of the purple. So to speak. And we all want it. I don't want there to be any division. And hopefully you don't want there to be any division between the Lord and you in any area of your life. Can two walk together except they be agreed. And so, yeah, let's turn that off for the time being. So not going to keep us too awful long. I've got still way more notes here than we have time. But there was a very, very good book written called Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence. It was written by a man named Daniel Goleman. And he describes seven key abilities most beneficial for human beings. In other words, if human beings have these seven key things in their life, they'll be very successful. And they'll be very powerful. And they'll be valuable human beings. So these seven key abilities most beneficial for human beings for emotional intelligence. The first one is the ability to motivate ourselves. Without somebody else having to come along and say, hey, do this. Hey, do that. Why aren't you doing this? The ability to motivate yourself is a major sign of maturity and emotional intelligence. The next one is the ability to persist against frustration. The ability to persist against frustration. When you have something frustrating you, can you persist and go through that? Or do you get lost in your frustration and just react and the whole thing just kind of blows up in your face? The ability to persist against frustration is a major indicator of emotional intelligence. The next one is to delay gratification. Go delay gratification. In other words, somebody who is not just at the whim of their own lusts and desires. If somebody has the ability to govern themselves and delay gratification, let's just use food. I work with somebody right now that it seems like, it's probably not that often, but it seems like every 15 or 20 minutes, he's like leaving the department because he has to go eat something. Like, what's the matter with you anyway? And of course, then I carry on and whatever until he gets back and he starts helping again. He's constantly going off on his own. He's constantly going off and has to eat something. The ability to delay, guess what? I'm kind of hungry too, but I'm not down in the cafeteria. I'm at the controls where I'm supposed to be. The ability to delay gratification. In other words, the ability to have some kind of lust or desire working in your life, but you can put that aside and still take care of business and take care of what needs to be taken care of and that lust or desire or that pull inside of you does not rule you to the point where you have to go take care of this right now. The ability to delay gratification. Also, just as we go through this list, you will probably recognize that all of these things are things that children have to learn. Children do not have these things inside of them. They have to be taught these things as they grow. They are taught these things by their parents and we are living more and more now in a generation where the adults don't have these abilities. Adults don't have these things and those are the adults that are in jail, are causing trouble, there's always drama and strife going on in their life, things like that because they don't have the ability to put aside their own lusts, desires, wants, needs and just be an adult, a mature adult and just take care of things even with those other things like pulling on them in the background. So delay gratification, that ability. The next one is to regulate moods. Regulate moods. In other words, are you going to decide what your mood is or are you going to let your mood dictate how your day is going to turn out? If you have the ability to regulate your own mood and this is where we have a huge advantage in the Holy Ghost. We don't even have to figure out how to do that and we don't even have to figure out how to do this on our own. We have something available to us called the fruits of the Spirit and if we will take a minute and pray, we will have the counterbalance to whatever it is that we're facing to regulate your mood. So everybody put your hand up, wiggle your fingers. Stop wiggling your fingers. You had control. Guess what? Your fingers did exactly what you wanted. Guess what? You have a brain in your head. This is scaring me. You didn't come up to me and say, how can you be such a morning person? You love morning. I have to tell you, I despise you. I questioned you three times today. I didn't want to do that. But yes, I said, but I choose to be happy because I'm here when I do this. But yes, it does make it easier. I tend to do that when I'm really not wanting to. You love everyone. There are so many people telling me what a morning person I am. Yes, we have a brain in our head. Now, is that brain subject to you? Or are you subject to every whim, thought, mood, emotion? Are you like a sailboat and your moods just kind of take you with the wind to wherever it wants to go? Or do you have the ability to regulate your moods? I'm having a bad day today, but I'm going to change that. I'm not going to be subject to that. I'm going to change that. And I'm going to make this day to be what I want it to be, despite what's going on. I am not going to be subject to my own moods. And you learn to do this by stepping away from whatever for a second and getting in the Holy Ghost and letting the Holy Ghost affect you, change you, calm you down, whatever it might be. I can't tell you how many times, personally, that I've had to learn how to do this in the ER setting when there's literally lives on the line and blood spurting and all of that stuff. You don't have the ability, you don't have the luxury, let's put it that way, of having a bad day at that moment. You might be panicking. You might be in a bad mood. You might have just gotten a phone call that this horrible thing has taken place or whatever. And you've got all that working and all of a sudden you've got a patient comes in the room that the doctors are depending on those images because they might give TPA or something and they might be having a stroke. You don't have the right, you don't have the ability, you don't have the luxury of messing that up because you're having a bad day. Somebody might die or not get the treatment they need. So, guess what? You learn how to regulate that stuff. The ability to regulate your own mood to control your own brain. Just like this. The next one is the ability to hope. To hope. To hope. It's very interesting to me that there are spiritual in the Holy Ghost there are things which address each and every one of these points. To hope. We have to be ready to give others the answer for the hope that lies within us. The Holy Ghost helps us with all of these things. To hope means that I might be going through some miserable thing right now but it's going to get better in the future. There's things waiting for me that are better than this. It's not always going to be this way. It's not going to stay this way. Things are going to get better. I have hope. And the ability to have hope in whatever situation it is is a point of maturity. It is a measure of emotional intelligence. The ability to have hope. Remember, we're talking about serving God with our emotions. The next one is to empathize. Be able to empathize with others. That can be very challenging. Especially if you have a little understanding of why they're having their hardship in the first place. When I was in the jail, when the Lord started having me go to the jail and I was ministering to the folks in the jail, I was very young in the Lord and I have my own personal ideas about what is good and bad. And I knew I would be facing a lot of that bad when I was ministering. And so early on, I wasn't all that smart, but I was smart enough to do this. I made a point never to ask them what they were in there for. I didn't want to know. I didn't want to know. Because some of the answers I would have gotten back would have affected my ability to minister to them objectively. Because of my own prejudices, my own ideas, my own acceptance of what I consider to be right and wrong, good and bad. The ability to empathize with others is a huge point of emotional intelligence and maturity. And the last one is similar to delaying gratification. It is to control impulse. To control impulse. How many of you realize that grocery stores are set up to make you want to impulse buy? I cannot tell you. My wife stopped sending me to the grocery store years ago. Because she would send me there for milk and bread. The basics. And I would come home with Twinkies. I would come home with all kinds of stuff. I didn't walk into that store intending to buy Twinkies or intending to buy anything from the bakery. I wasn't even going to stop in the meat department. We didn't need any of that stuff. I would just go in there to pick up bread, milk and eggs type of a thing. Just the basics. But they have the bread, milk and eggs buried way in the back of the store and you have to walk past all this other stuff. And the worst thing you can do is go into the store when you're hungry. Because of impulse. Impulse. I actually did this one time. I was hungry. I went into the grocery store for something and I knew about all this. I had kind of learned. After being, you know, spoken to about the budget. I went in for something in the grocery store and I was hungry and I was walking by all this stuff and I was like, nope. Nope. And it was like that all the way back and I did what I had to get and check out. And I actually left the store without buying any of that stuff. And I considered it a major accomplishment. The ability to control impulse. Because impulse has come in a lot of forms that are not food. That are much more damaging. When you give into the impulse. When Satan tempts you, you're counting on the impulse reaction. When temptation comes your way, in whatever form that temptation is, Satan is counting on the fact that you can't control your impulses and you're going to act on that temptation right there. That's the avenue that Satan uses to try to get you to give into temptation and actually commit sin. It's the ability to control impulse that is actually, spiritually, the ability to control temptation. Your ability to control impulse is directly proportional to your ability to overcome temptation. When temptation comes. The less control you have over impulse, the more susceptible you are to temptation. The greater your ability to control your impulses and be able to walk away from something that you want, the greater your ability to walk through this life and not give into temptation. This is a part of our emotions. This is a part of your own emotional control. Otherwise known as willpower. Otherwise known as willpower. Willpower. The ability to control yourself. I don't have the scripture up. I'm just going to look for it really quickly here. Proverbs 16.32 Proverbs 16.32 He that is slow to anger Remember, we're serving God with our emotions. He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty. And he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. When you can rule your spirit and have control over your emotions, God looks at that and sees you as a more of a mighty warrior than somebody that took an entire city in battle by themselves. Your ability to not get angry when you should be. When you have every reason to be. But you don't. Or at least you're slower in getting there. He considers you better, more powerful than the mightiest warrior in battle. And those that can rule their spirit. To rule your spirit means to be able to do the things that I just gave you on that list. To rule your spirit. To be able to control your impulses. To delay any gratification. To be able to empathize with somebody when you want to slap them. That's what this means. That's what this means. Those that can rule their own spirit, govern their own spirit, control themselves in any stressful, hostile, panicked, fearful, angry type of situation. That person there. God looks at that person and says they are stronger and more powerful than the mightiest warrior in battle. Because that's exactly what is going on. You are winning a battle. You are winning a war with your own flesh. And your own flesh, if left to its own devices, will pick you up and take you and carry you anywhere it wants to go. If we don't learn to control our impulses. Control our emotions. Those things are, but God gave them to us. Yeah, He did. And there is a time for everything. I'm not saying you can never get angry. The Bible doesn't say that. The Bible says be ye angry, but sin not. And so, there are times for all of those emotions to be brought out in their proper time, in their proper place, governed by the Holy Ghost and your own good sense. We get into major trouble when those things come out at inappropriate times. There have been more hurtful words said by people who were angry without a cause. And then later on they go, oh, that was so stupid. Why did I do that? Too late. The damage has been done. The words have been spoken. Now there's all kinds of damage that needs to be taken care of. Depending on what was said, maybe lives destroyed. Maybe lives destroyed. I haven't gotten to any of my notes today. I really haven't. All of this goes back to us agreeing with Jesus and Jesus agreeing with us. Walking with God in agreement. We need to learn how to govern ourselves so that we can serve God with our emotions. There are difficult things in the Bible. There are difficult things in this book. There are things in here I don't like. There are things in here you don't like. The Bible says that initially the Word of God is bitter. But when you swallow it, then it's sweet. But there are bitter things here. How many of you like to eat things you don't like? I've been in that place a few times. Sister Nancy will chuckle over this one too because I cannot stand Brussels sprouts. And again, the Bath Church, somebody was bringing food for the snack. I opened it up for anybody to bring anything. And so they brought these Brussels sprouts in this sauce. And they were so proud of it and they wanted me to try it. And I did. I did. I absolutely did. And you wouldn't know that I couldn't stand that whatsoever. You'd never know. You'd never know. I complimented her on it. I said, these are great Brussels sprouts. I said, these are great Brussels sprouts. 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