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Four keys needed to press forward

Four keys needed to press forward

AMI Belgium_Pastor PerezAMI Belgium_Pastor Perez



Four keys needed to press forward 1 Peter 5:7, Proverbs 18:21, Psalm 56, John 15:18-25

PodcastAMIPastor PerezPressing forwardKeysJesus loves me

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The speaker prays for God's mercy, grace, goodness, and faithfulness for the listener. They declare that they will not lack anything and that abundance is their portion. They also discuss the role of friends in creating comfort and enemies in creating movement. They encourage the listener to embrace adversaries and battles as they lead to greater blessings. They emphasize that God is with them and that no weapon or arrow will prosper against them. They encourage the listener to stand strong and not be defeated. They highlight the power and presence of God and declare that the listener is a winner and a light in the world. They discuss the importance of pressure in expanding and growing. They remind the listener of God's love and faithfulness and encourage them to never give up. They conclude by emphasizing the importance of perseverance and not giving in or giving up. I pray today that the mercy of God may locate you. I receive it. I pray today that the grace of God may locate you. I receive it. I pray today that His goodness and His faithfulness be your portion from today going forward. In Jesus' name. You will not lack of anything. The God who served the God of Ablogau will lead you to a place of fullness. I receive it. Your basket will never be empty. I say your basket will never be empty. I receive it. Greater is He who is in you than the one that is in this world. And because of that, abundance is your portion. He says, I came so you may have life. Life in abundance. Lift up your right and say, abundance is my portion. Abundance is my portion. Say, abundance is my portion. Abundance is my portion. In the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Amen. It cannot be otherwise. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus. Look at your neighbor. Say, neighbor. Neighbor. Say, neighbor. Neighbor. Today is a beautiful day. Today is a beautiful day. Say, today is your day. Today is your day. Receive this word. Receive this word. In the name of Jesus. In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. Glory be to Jesus. Amen. Adversary or having friends create comforts. Friends are for comforts. When you have friends, mostly you are at a place of comfort. But enemies create movement. I say this again. Friends create comfort. Friends create a good place for you to be. Friends create a cozy place for you to be. But enemies are for movement. An enemy will keep you on your toes. An enemy will keep you to be vigilant. An enemy will make you sleep two hours instead of four hours. An enemy will push you to a place you've never been. I declare and I decree. May the Lord God does not kill every enemy of your life. May God keep enemies in your life so that you may go forward where he's leading you. Listen to me. Life cannot have movement if you are in a comfort zone. There must be something that pushes you to move from your comfort zone to a place where you are uncomfortable. And most of the time, let me tell you, children of God, beloved in the Lord, is that the comfort place is a cozy place, is a nice place to be. It is a good place to be. But if you want to grow in life, if you want to prosper in life, if you want to be different in life, if you want to be the different version of you of today, you have to have some adversaries. You have to have some enemies. Every lifting up of the Lord always comes after a time of battle. Every lifting up of the Lord always comes after a time of attacks. Greater attacks in the life of man always reveals greater blessings ahead of them. I'm speaking to you today. You are facing a battle. You are at a place where you say to yourself, why would I make this? God is speaking to you through that battle. That greater victory is about to happen in your life. A greater breakthrough is about to show up in your life. I receive it from God. God is at a place to move you to a place of comfort, to a place where the whole world will stand and see and look at you. They will ask, what happened to you? You will say to them, God has done it again. I say to somebody, God is about to do it again. Oh, I do not know who I'm speaking to. But I say, God is about to do it again. He is about to do it again. So shall it be. It cannot be otherwise. Adversary and battles are okay. My father, Apostle Afluka, who says that battles make sense, but defeat does not. I'm speaking to somebody in this distance. You will not be defeated. I say you will not be defeated. They may come with everything that they have. They may come with all kinds of guns that they have. They may shoot arrows from 100 meters to 5 meters. I'm declaring under the anointing of my father that no arrow shoot against you shall prosper. No weapon thrown against you shall prosper. A thousand may fall on your side. Ten thousand on your right side. It shall not come near you. Oh, I do not know who I'm speaking to. But I'm speaking to a child of God. I receive it. Thank you, Jesus. You will stand strong in this season. Amen. I say you will stand strong in this season. Amen. Your enemy has to understand which God you serve. Amen. They will see the God you serve. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. Because the God you serve is not a God made by wood. It's not a God made by stone. It's not a mute God. It's a God who speaks. It's a God who moves. It's a God that is alive. I'm speaking about Jehovah Shammah. I'm speaking about Jehovah Shira. I'm speaking about El Shaddai. I'm speaking about Jehovah Nisi. I'm speaking about Jehovah El Kibob. I do not know who you are speaking to. But he is here. He called himself the Great I Am. He was. He is. And he will always be. Amen. I receive it. Amen. He is here for you. He is here for you. Amen. Amen. I receive it. And I want prophetically to declare this over your life and say this, that if God be with you, who can be against you? Oh, I'm speaking to every demon, every diabolical spirit, every power of darkness, that the Lord is with us. They cannot come against us. Because the one who is in us is greater than the one that is in the world. Oh, I'm speaking to a child of God who understands his identity in God. That he will not go down. Because the Lord says, you are the light of the world. You are the light of this world. Amen. Amen. Amen. You will not go down. You will not go down. Never in Jesus' name. Listen to me. We are always motivated. Always. Always motivated. Amen. Never intimidated. Amen. The enemy can come with his schemes and his plan and his plot. We look at it. We look at it. But I'm speaking to a child of God. May you smile at every plot of the enemy. I say, may you smile at every attack of the enemy. Because you know, you are going into this battle not for victory. But you are going in victory. Amen. You are a winner before you start a battle. Amen. I say, you are a winner before you start a battle. Amen. You win. They lose. I say, you win. They lose. You win. They lose. They will lose because you are a child of God. Amen. You are fearful and wonderfully created. Amen. He says that he has your name on his palm. Every time the Lord opens his hand, he sees your name. Oh, the Bible says that you are the apple of his eyes. Oh, God cannot blink besides seeing you. He cannot blink without looking at you. You may look at yourself and bring yourself down. But God says, I lift you up. Amen. Because you are my child. Because you are in me. When the world casts you down, there is a lifting up in the Lord. Hallelujah. God is lifting somebody. I say, God is lifting somebody. God is lifting somebody. God is lifting somebody. I receive it. The world may cast you down. But there is a lifting up in the Lord. Hallelujah. We cannot move forward if there is not some pressure. Some pressure. Some pressure. Pressure is good. Amen. You see, a robber, a robber, you know a robber, you see. A robber bend. And his initial position is this long. Can be this long or that long. But you see, if you put a little bit of pressure, it expands. Pressure in your life is not meant to kill you. Pressure in your life is meant to expand you. Amen. Pressure in your life is meant to expand you. That situation will not kill you. That thing that you are looking before you and you are saying, how will I make it? How will I go out of it? I'm telling you, tomorrow you look at it. As the Bible says, the Egyptian you see today, you will not see no more. I'm speaking to somebody. You will not see that Egyptian. You will not see that Egyptian. No more. You will see no more. Amen. That battle that you are facing, you will see no more. Amen. That challenge in your life, you will see no more. Amen. That challenge in your body, you will see no more. No more. No more. He is God. All by himself. Nobody voted him to be God. And we are his children. Who are we that you are so mindful of us? Who are we that you could leave the true grace of God to come and die for us? Who are we, oh God, that you even forsake what belongs to you so you can come and live in the world that does not conform with you? Who are we, oh God, that day in and day out you forgive and give us mercy again? Who are we, oh God, that even when the world put us and put our back against the wall, you are the one who breaks the wall so we can have a way? Oh Lord. Oh, I'm speaking to everybody. Amen. If your back is against the wall, God is about to break that wall to make a way. I receive it. God will make a way where there is no way. Is God almighty? He has all the power in his hands. He will do it again. Please have your seat in the presence of God. He will do it for you. Yes, my God. Do it again for us today. Yes, Lord. We are in the place where we have to understand, no matter the pressure of the enemy, we are not here to give up. Amen. You see, every time that I want to post something on Facebook because I post only things to push people to think a little bit. When I post something, I always have a hashtag. The hashtag that I have is the hashtag that I started that long time ago. Many years back, God spoke to me about this hashtag. And it became like, for me, an hashtag that I put everywhere. And that hashtag speaks small. Among them, there are many of them. IL Generation is one of them. But I was not started by me. I have one tag that I always put. Team no giving in. Team no giving in. I don't give in. I don't give up. I'm stubborn like my father. I learn from the best. I'm stubborn. When the enemy says I cannot do it, that's where I put my head. You see, when somebody tells you you cannot do it, show them the result. Don't talk. Don't discuss. Just show them the result. Show them the result. But don't give up. Don't give in. Push forward. It might look like it is impossible. It might look like you will not make it. It might look like you do not have any answer to it. Let me tell you, you don't have to have all the answers. You don't have to have all the answers. All you have to have is faith. Because faith answers all the questions. Hallelujah. Don't have all the answers. Don't be like all those of the world who believe that they can do it by themselves. Yesterday we had a beautiful time in the presence of God where we went out to preach the word of God and share. And we were celebrating AMAD 12 which is our program of discipleship. And we went and met amazing people out there. And spoke to amazing people. I was with my little daughter Amal and we were speaking to a couple. The guy spoke to me and said, I don't believe God exists. I said, you don't believe God exists? He said, I don't believe. I believe that in the evolution of humanity, he was so philosophical with me. I said, oh Lord God. I was there listening to him. Listening to his philosophy. He was dishing it out. He was dishing out his philosophy and expecting me to eat it. Forgetting that I'm a son of Africa. I don't just eat every food. I eat the bread of life. I eat the bread of life. I don't eat every food. No. But out of speaking, even Amal prophetically stepped in. She was ministering to probably a person who was three times or four times my age. Ministering and telling him things. That the guy even answering, before answering would say, uh-uh-uh. I said, yes. That's how we do. You see, in bracket, let me tell you this. Lead your children to the ways of God. Lead your children to the ways of God. You'll bring confidence in them. And you'll bring revelation of identity to them. They will not be shaken. This girl is not shaken. And when I was walking, the Lord says to me, I must take her and walk with her. Glory to Jesus. Glory to God. Amen. God bless you. Amen. Four keys to press forward. Amen. In the second part of 2024. Amen. Four keys to press forward. I'll give you these four keys very quickly and we'll pray. First key. Peter 5 verse 7. It will be on the screen quickly. We'll read in the count of three. Peter 5 verse 7. Read with me at the count of three. Three, two, one. Casting all your cares upon him who cares for you. Cast every worry upon him. Cast everything. Meaning, take it, throw it at him. Give it to him. Don't carry it. Give it to him. You may have worries. The Bible says, cast it on the Lord. Cast it on him. The first key that I want to speak to you about in our way of pressing forward. Because last year was our year of pressing forward. But we are keeping going forward, is it? Because we never go backward. We always go forward. In this year of multiple front breakers, we are going front. We are pressing to the front. The first key that you need to understand and you need to implement and apply is to be worry less. Be worry less. Be worry less. You need to be worry less. We spend so much energy in worry. We worry every day. We worry even about things that we do not have power to change. We worry about tomorrow as we have already been in tomorrow. Who told you that you will even get the minute after? Instead of enjoying the minute that has been given unto you. You spend the minute that has been given to you in worries. Worrying about something that you have not yet to have. We worry about how tomorrow will be. When we know the Bible says, tomorrow does not belong to us. Tomorrow belongs to God. Children of God, Christians, I believe, according to me, are the most worrisome people I have seen. Beside having faith or beyond having faith, beyond claiming to have faith, the potential or the percentage of us worrying, I think is above us having faith. I guarantee you. Because if we had faith, even at the limit of the way we worry, there are many things that will be changing around us and in us. Are you with me? Look at your neighbor and say, worry less. Worry less. The Bible says, cast your worries to me. Cast your worries. Worry is a worship to the devil. Worry is worship to the devil. When you worry, you are singing a chorus for the devil. Each and every time you worry, you are singing with your nice voice, a good chorus to the devil. Worry does not move God. That's why it says to you, cast it upon me. When we worry, what we are saying to ourselves is that we are doubting God. You cannot trust God while worrying. Or you cannot trust God and worry. When you worry, what you say is that I do not trust God. I do not trust that he can do this. I do not trust that he can open this door. I do not trust that he can heal me. That's why you worry. Worry is so bad that worry can cripple us to move forward. Listen to me. There are people who sit here, not here because this is AMI. Are you with me? This is AMI. But there are people who sit in the nice sofas, sitting in the nice sofas, having families, having children, having a wife, having a house, when you put your head on, having a car that takes you from point A to point B. Though I know you do not have yet a Rolls-Royce, but you are driving that good Toyota Corolla, it's okay. Or you are driving that good BMW, it is okay. But you spend more time worrying about what will happen tomorrow. What will I be tomorrow? Instead of enjoying your family, enjoying the goodness of the Lord that is already placed around you. Listen to me. Worry will push you to overlook the blessing of God around you. Yes, that's true. Worry will push you to overlook the blessing of God around you. And when you overlook the blessings that are around you, you do not take care of what God has given you. And everything you do not take care of, you will lose. That brings me to tell you this. Worry does not add anything. Worry, in the contrary, subtracts everything from you. Not knowing the outcome of a situation is not a passport or a permission to worry. As a child of God, not knowing the outcome of a situation is not a permission or a passport to worry. Look at your neighbor and say, Never. Never. Stop worrying. Stop worrying. Say it again, Never. Never. Stop worrying. Stop worrying. Worry is a twin of fear. Worry is a twin of fear. When you see worry, behold, you will see fear. They go together. They were born together. They are children of the same father and the same mother. And the father is the devil. Worry and fear go together. When you start worrying about things that you do not have control of, you start fearing. Are you with me? Worry less. Worry less. That is the first key that I'm giving you today. Worry less. Let this half year bring confidence to you that God will handle it. That what I cannot do, affirm to yourself that what I cannot do, God can do. Even when you have no indication of how God will do it, believe because faith is holding on nothing until that nothing becomes something. Are you with me? As it's twin, worry paralyzes you to move toward God's given territory. Just like fear, worry will paralyze you to move toward your God given territory of dominion. Many are those who do not dare to start something because they are worried. You are worrying about who will say what. You are worrying about where the money will come from. You worry about everything. Everything. Like there is nothing. Okay, we say okay, here is the money. If they give you the money, you will find a reason for you to worry. It's like you graduated with a doctorate of finding reason to worry. You are an expert of digging. Digging reason to worry. You say I do not have time. We make every time for you. We make every instrument. No, we don't have instrument. We give you all the instrument and the time. You will find the reason to worry. Worry is not of God. Worry is not of God. Lift up your right hand and say Lord, help me to stop worry in this season. Say Lord, give me strength to trust in you in Jesus name. May God give you strength. May God give you ability to trust in him. And to know that it is not by might, not by power. But it is by his spirit, says the Lord. When you worry, you are in control. When you worry, you are in control. You remove God. Because you think you can do it by yourself. You think you can do it by your abilities. Because worry comes when your expectation is not met. Or when your expectation is uncertain. You need to understand whatsoever you carry, whatsoever you have, or whatsoever you will have. It is not by your might, but it is by the spirit of God. Are you with me? May God help you. The second key into this half a year that you need to follow is this. Prophesy the will of God. Learn to prophesy the will of God. Learn to speak to yourself. Learn to speak on your children. Learn to speak on your situation. Learn to speak on your marriage. Learn to speak on your house. Learn to speak about your family. Prophesy. Here prophesying, I am not saying now, go there at home and start saying, I see this. No, no, no. I am not saying you to go and do that. Now if God gives you the ability according to him, and according to the Holy Spirit for you to do so, glory be to God. Are you with me? Here I am speaking about having the ability, you having the ability to speak. To speak over yourself. A closed mouth is a closed destiny. A closed mouth is a closed destiny. Because the power of death and life is on our tongue. And God has asked us to choose life. Are you with me? How do you know the will of God? Because I say to you, prophesy the will of God over your life. How do you know the will of God? The will of God here I am speaking to you is life. Is life. Because God wants you to have life. He says that I came so they can have life. But life in abundance. Prophesy abundance in yourself. Prophesy abundance in your bank account. Prophesy abundance in your family. Prophesy abundance in your house. Learn how to prophesy. Do not be quiet. Do not be directed by the circumstances. But be directed by the truth. The truth is always opposite to reality. Reality is not the truth. Reality can be fact, but reality is not the truth. You can go to the hospital and they give you a report. And they say, here is your report. From today you have a chronical disease. Let me tell you, that is reality. That is not the truth. Because Jesus is the truth. Jesus is the truth. And because Jesus is the truth. The Bible says, he is the word made flesh. Well, I want to know the truth. I go in the word. What does the word say? The word says, by his truth I am healed. I declared, I am healed. I am healed. The truth, I am healed. Are you with me? You have to be aligned with the truth of God. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. Turkey. 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