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Star Wars edit 1

Star Wars edit 1

Andre Bonner



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In this podcast episode, the host Andre Bonner interviews Javier Daly about Star Wars. They discuss the deep lore and expansive universe of Star Wars, as well as the themes of balance in the Force and the role of the Jedi. They also touch on the biblical connotations and the world-building in the Star Wars universe. They mention how George Lucas tried to break stereotypes and portray diversity through the characters and settings. They talk about Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi's roles as Jedi and their encounter with Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine. They also mention the influence of money and lack of funds on the events of the movie. Hello and welcome to Code Flicks, the podcast where we take a deep dive into your favorite sci-fi and fantasy TV shows and movies. I'm Andre Bonner and in today's episode I have somebody very special, Mr. Javier Daly. Of course, this episode is a very special one. We'll be talking about Star Wars. Welcome Javier, good to have you here. Yes, it's a pleasure to be here on Code Flicks, it's a long time coming and I'm just ready to talk about Star Wars. I've been a fan of Star Wars for so many years. I was never originally a Star Wars fan but in around second form when Revenge of the Sith came out, my friends at the time were really into Star Wars and you know, to be more a part of the group, you kind of associate yourself and at the time, I can definitely accredit Star Wars for my fascination of things with very deep lore. I see Star Wars as people who know and maybe don't know, as a very deep and expansive lore and it really and truly expanded my horizons of imagination and part of the reason, you know, I'm the man I am today. So yeah, get ready to talk about Star Wars, people get ready for a very interesting and exciting show, especially if you're a Star Wars fan, yeah man, just sit back, relax, take your snacks, and we're about to have a grand time. Thank you Javier, thank you. Yeah man. But when Qui-Gon Jinn approaches the Jedi Council about the return of the Sith, they don't believe him because the Sith have been gone for a thousand years, so they're like no, there's no way that there can be another Sith Lord, right? And also, it also mirrors, the Jedi Council also mirrors the, in a way, the modern day church in that they have become so complacent in their ways that they have not been able to modernize and really see the world or the galaxy in that sense for what it is and work on it, because what's happening, and that's the genius behind George Lucas's writing and the plan of Darth Sidious, is that he uses the disillusionment of the Jedi against them, because what he does is that the people have subtly become disillusioned with them and their inaction, and so when war ensues, and the Jedi become now de facto generals, and in a sense, police of the entire galaxy, the people then now look at them differently, where you have a set of them, of course, that look at them as saviors, because the Separatists are attacking the planet, versus the others, that's the Jedi as occupiers, similar to how you would say like the United States, yeah, if they invade Iraq, of course you have some people who say, yeah, you've come to save us from Al-Qaeda, and then you have a lot of other people who are like, you are occupying our land, you are a foreign force, you are here to impose your will against us, you are no better than the Separatists, right? The other kind of similarity in a religious sense is the whole thing behind Anakin. Anakin has no father, canonically, Anakin has no father, and his mother, who I think her name is, or something like that, she implies this, when Qui-Gon Jinn meets her, and meets Anakin, and realizes this youth is powerful, he's strong in the force, the force is with him, he asks his mother, who's his father? And his mother basically replies, he has no father, he's a kid, right, he's a kid, and so the lore is, the theory out there is, is that Anakin is a by-product of the force itself, impregnating his mother to bring him forward, to be the balance now between the good side and the force, and bring balance to the force, because that is the funny thing that people don't realize, that, again, we go back to the Jedi have been in power for a thousand years, the force has been unbalanced towards their side, yeah, unbalanced, Anakin, right, unbalanced, so Anakin has actually come to balance back the force towards the dark side, yes, and then with the culmination with the sun Luke at the end of Return of the Jedi, brings the force back into the middle, yeah, it's a push and pull, a duality, yes, and it's very rare you get a balance in the force per se, because you have to have good and you have to have evil to have a balance, yes, yeah, yeah, so it's really funny how it's all brought back, but the biblical connotations in the movie are not lost, yeah, I do agree with that, because a lot of persons, they really don't look at it at that deep level, that, you know, it was supposed to happen that way, basically, and so, you know, it was the will of the force from the beginning to have all of those things play out the way they did, and, you know, it makes a good story, I'm telling you, but at the same time, it also reminds us that even in life, a lot of persons will look at it and say, hey, you know, you can't really understand the full length of what is good until you understand the evil side of things, you know, or you understand what is really, really bad, and that, you know, mirroring society in that way, right, because I think that was one of Dersukes' goals, was to mirror society in a lot of those ways, because even the language barrier does, I think, speak a certain way, the way how, you know, different aliens speak, and, you know, it was just kind of bringing that idea of, hey, you know, this is, you know, our world, this is how we look at things, so he was trying to bring down those stereotypes that we have. He was showing the diversity of the Star Wars universe and the kind of characters he was introducing us to, and the new elements, you know, of this new imagination that he was taking us into, you know, so that we could blend more into it. Certain similarities, because even if you look at, I forget his name, the guy who captured Anakin's mother and was basically the slaver, his accent is almost like a Spanish or Italian mix with an English kind of accent, you know, it's a relatable accent, even though he's an alien, clearly an alien, he has an accent that we humans could say, hey, that sounds like a guy from over there, you know, so even though it was a strange thing, we could still be drawn into it in how he executed that kind of thing, the little subtleties of those characters, and the world. Yeah, and speaking of the world building, because what you notice is that the star systems are pretty much aligned to the way how we have continental or cultural differences, you know, so taking it, you know, for example, the desert planet, you notice that, you know, the way how people act there, you know, the dressing and all of that, the costumes and so on, are designed to be so similar to what we are used to, you know, and, you know, even the way how Coruscant is portrayed, it is portrayed as if it's saying, hey, this is America, this is what we feel like, we feel like we are the rulers. Like New York. So, you know, it's almost like the, you know, the capital of the world, that is, you know, and they portray themselves that way. The way how the, what was Elon's name again, the guys were, um, they put an embargo on the planet, in front of me, and I can't remember their name, but they look like Chinese or Asian people. Yes. You know? Yes. Yeah. Yes. I mean, it's just crazy. They're very subtly Asian, they even have a subtly Asian accent, if you agree. Yes. Yes. But it's just like, yeah, yeah. So, I mean, we did talk about the, um, we did talk about the balance being kept, and we talked about, you know, how, well, we touched on what, um, Anakin's role was in that, and how his life would have played out is that he would have started out as a child, just being this prodigy, wherever he went, even though he was a slave, he was the best of slaves to a slave master. And, you know, his life from there on, you know, once he was discovered, changed, there's a shift, because it was him just doing what he wanted to do, and then him being able to know, him being thrown into a world where he would have to comply, he would have to work within a particular schedule and stuff, because the Jedi, um, basically, when they're taking a train, then basically, I say, hey, listen, it's almost like... As he says, like, it's almost like a religious order. Yeah, the order. So, you know, once they've done and they're sent away, you don't want to say certain things cut off, attachments... It's like if he became a monk, because that's how they see the Jedi, you know, they see them as religious figures, in a sense. So, when you become a Jedi, you have to go through this religious, um, when you schedule this religious, um, there's a word I'm looking for, routine, a very religious routine, as how you live your life, how you become a Jedi. And I'm glad you bring that up, because, you know, the whole running of the movie, and that is why Phantom Menace is so important, even though people think it's kind of boring. Both of the sagas. We have to talk about the two main characters of the film, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yeah. Qui-Gon Jinn is Obi-Wan Kenobi's master, while Qui-Gon Jinn is the padawan, padawan being like a trainee, you know, like a prodigy. And every master is to grow his padawan into being a full-fledged Jedi. They end up on this planet, which is, I believe, Tatooine, I think it's Tatooine, is it Tatooine? I believe that planet is Tatooine, I'm not sure, but anyway, they end up on this planet, and meet this woman, meet this child, and it's funny, you know, because the events of the movie plays out simply because of a lack of funds. The ship is damaged, and Qui-Gon, and what's his name, the saver guy, my God, I need to look it up, because this one, we don't have internet, it always seems... Yeah, man, give me a second, let me check on something quickly, and come back. Yeah, man. Watto. Not hearing him. Yeah, sorry about that. Go with it there, yeah. Yeah, Watto is that alien guy's name. Watto does not accept Republican credits. You not hear me? Oh, yeah, man, I hear you now, yeah. Yeah, Watto is the alien's name on Tatooine, and he does not accept alien credits. Yeah, and he does not accept Republican credits. And he does not accept alien credits, yeah. So, because of that, they have to go through this whole Rigmarole with him, to Anakin, race him, freedom, and da-da-da-da. Ultimately, that leads to Anakin leaving the planet with Qui-Gon and Omi-Wan. The problem with that is, and again, it goes back to the brilliant writing of Josh Lucas in the lore, that in the whole run-ins of the Jedi order, usually, what they do is that they take children who are very, very young. Why do they do this? Because when you're very, very young, you have not yet formed attachments to people. And as a Jedi, you cannot be attached to people. Right. Especially the attachment to a parent. Anakin, by this point, is about nine or ten, and is, because of that, very much attached to his mother, because she's the only real person he's ever known up to this point, and loved. So, when they take him away from her, this leaves a hole in Anakin, yes, that he longs for her. And he longs to see her. Which, when we reach to Attack of the Clones, and he's older, he goes to see her, only to realize she's been taken slave by the Tuscans, and basically tortured to the point of death, and he literally finds her right as she's about to die. This causes Anakin to go into a rage, and kill that entire Tuscan village, yes, as he goes on to tell Padme he killed the women and the children too, not just the men. Something that a Jedi would never do. This is how they subtly show us that Anakin has a dark side. Not even just subtly, very utterly show us that Anakin is slowly turning to the dark side. But this starts from in A Phantom Menace, with him losing his mother, going off to the Jedi Order. And there are theories that I have seen that say that Anakin would have never become Darth Vader had Qui-Gon Jinn not died. Because the way it was supposed to go, and you see, that when Qui-Gon even takes Anakin to the Jedi Council, and he says, I will be his master. Yes. Yeah. They say, no, you can't. You already have Obi-Wan. You can't have two padawans at a time. Right. Right. It's not until Anakin is killed, and what happens is with Anakin's, not Anakin, Qui-Gon, sorry, with Qui-Gon's death, and with Obi-Wan killing, um, his name just jumped out of my head, Darth Maul. Killing Darth Maul in the Duel of Fates. Yes. Again, in the writing, because Duel of Fates in itself is literally an easter egg to the fate of Anakin Skywalker, or the fate of the galaxy. That is why it's called the Duel of Fates. In that, he basically passes his Jedi training in an unorthodox way, and he's graduated to become a Jedi Knight. And becoming a Jedi Knight takes on Anakin as his padawan. But there's an issue here, and it's obvious to anybody who's listening and knows. Obi-Wan is young. He just became, just became a Jedi. Full-fledged Jedi. Yes. You're giving him students to teach? What do you know? What do you know about the Force? He's a Jedi for the last five minutes. So, but, it's almost out of necessity that this happens. Yes? And the connection, because we're giving Anakin to Plo Koon, or Mace Windu, or, you know, somebody like that. Obi-Wan already had a connection with Anakin from their meeting and their time on Tatooine. So that is, as I said, almost out of necessity, they became master and padawan. And their relationship is fledged out throughout the Star Wars movies and series throughout that period to show that they have a... Yeah. Right. So, um, really, really good. But the animated one, as well as that, in Clone Wars, they show you the evolution of Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship. And they have a very father and son, younger brother, bigger brother kind of relationship dynamic, you know? Right. But with that, because Anakin always feels like he's more than he is, because he knows he's the chosen one. They've told him as much. Right, right. And they've been grooming him as much. And I think that was a mistake, you know? I fully believe that was a mistake. Mace Windu, I think, says at one point that he thinks it's a mistake telling him he was the chosen one. And grooming him as the chosen one ensures make it happen. But because of that, they have the disagreements throughout that bolsters Anakin's dark side, if you will. Bolsters his disillusionment with the Jedi Order. Draws him closer to Padme, which ends up them having a relationship. And that throws everything out of whack, because as they say, it's almost like a religious order, like the priesthood, or being a monk. You can't have no wife! Yeah? You can't have children, if he was doing this. Right. And Anakin was doing all of this behind the Jedi Order's back. Oh, yeah. Being at the same time manipulated emotionally and mentally by Darth Sidious under the guise of Emperor Palpatine, or Chancellor Palpatine. Palpatine. Chancellor Palpatine. Mm-hmm. And even if we talk about that, Palpatine ascends to power in Phantom Menace by using the Separatist War as a catalyst to oust the current Chancellor with his inaction towards them, allowing them to invade Naboo and attack Naboo. Yes? They voted for an arm, a vote of no confidence, and so he lost his seat. Palpatine, being from Naboo, and with that whole rile-up and everything that happened there, gained a whole heap of goodwill amongst the core arm, the Senate, yeah? Right. And so it was almost, in like a quick vote, in like a quick landslide victory, Palpatine used that to vote himself, basically put himself into power as Chancellor, then used the war as a catalyst to give himself more and more and more executive power to do as he felt and to do as he pleased in the name of peace and in the name of the Republic. Mm-hmm. The Jedi began to see this because they saw Palpatine, especially because there was, in Revenge of the Sith, I can't remember what happened, but something happened, and I remember the scene because Jar Jar is actually the one, Jar Jar of all people becomes a Senate member, but Jar Jar is the one to propose, he's the one to propose that Palpatine be granted emergency powers, which basically means that he now has complete authority over everything. He can say, yo, do this, and it can just happen, yeah? It's like if the President enacted martial law or something like that, you understand when you just take executive power, you don't need to consult the Senate or any other executive body, it's just him, yeah? And then use that power to consolidate himself as Emperor, yeah? But with that, the Jedi saw, the Jedi said, hold on, you know, all right, you got executive power for us, and you did that legally. However, with the killing of General Grievous in Revenge of the Sith, then he said, okay, the war is over, we still do coup, Grievous is dead, the two figureheads are at war, the war is over, you must now relinquish your power and give the power back to the Senate and to the people. Palpatine wasn't doing that. No, no, he was going at all. He was just going on and on, doing what he please, to the point where, see, and that is how he manipulated anything, with his power, because he was just like, oh, it's almost like a mommy-daddy situation, with the Jedi Order being mommy and Palpatine being daddy. Mommy, I want so-and-so. No, you can't have so-and-so. Daddy, I want so-and-so. No problem. Oh, you want so-and-so? All right, here, yeah, or in a vice-versa, where you go to daddy, and you say, daddy, can I have so-and-so? No, you can't have so-and-so, and you go to mommy, and mommy's like, why are you so-and-so? Why are you telling him he can't have so-and-so? No, you can't have so-and-so. Yes, that was Palpatine. The Jedi Order would say, for example, see him becoming a master. The Jedi Order did not want him to become a master, because they did not see he was ready to become a master. Palpatine was like, make Anakin a master. I want him to be a master. Of course, he needs to be a master, but in making him a master, and knighting him as a master, Anakin expected to become a member of the Council. And the Jedi Council came out. So, I mean, Palpatine has no say in the affairs of the Jedi Order, in which he can say, you are not a de facto member of the Jedi Council, and we just can't do anything about it. Guess what? That's exactly what happened. Anakin, Palpatine forced the Jedi Order's hand to make Palpatine, Anakin, a de facto member of the Jedi Order. Simply, simply for the reason that Anakin could feed information to him. The Anakin was essentially a mole. Yes, not only that, it served two purposes. One, to feed information to Palpatine, and two, to give, to put Anakin inside the minds of the rest of the Jedi Order, to see how they thought, and see that they were indeed corrupt. Yeah? That when he, because he knows that Anakin is there, and he's hearing them talk, and Anakin is abrasive, then he says, no, that is wrong. We should do X, Y, and Z, and the rest of the Jedi Order will call him and say, Anakin, will you shut up and sit down? While we, while you are a member of this council, you have no real say. So, yeah, Bill. And then they must go on to do what they want, and naturally, that makes Anakin feel different. He feels that way. He's saying those to them boys. They're not up to no good. And it just made it easier for Palpatine to change, and to sway his mind away from the Jedi Order, and move on to the Sith. Especially, and I think this is the moment where he really and truly gave it more thought than he should have. But in doing that, he should have been like, you know too much, you know too much. And I think that should investigate it. Because in Revenge of the Sith, and Sonya was talking about a lot of Revenge of the Sith, I was really fond of it, but in Revenge of the Sith, there's an opera scene where Anakin goes to see Palpatine at this, he's watching this opera, and they're talking, and in the conversation, because Anakin is basically sharing with Palpatine his fears, and his disillusionment with the Jedi Order, as it's subtly taking place, and slowly creeping in. And in that whole run-in, he almost implies the whole Padme situation. And Palpatine goes on to tell him a story about a Sith Lord called Darth Plagueis, who discovered a way how to cheat death, and could keep the ones he loves from dying. And Anakin says, is there a way to learn this power? And Palpatine replies, not from a Jedi. Now, any rational thinking person would have said to themselves, hold on, how do you know about this? Who told you this story? Where is this information from? How do you know this? And you see, it's a matter of conflict, yeah? Like, almost implying that I could learn it from you, now you know the thing from me, and you could teach me these things. How could you teach me these things, you understand? As far as everybody, including me, know, you are a civilian, you are not attuned with the force or anything like that, you are just a regular politician. When you know about these things, immediately, any other person would have run to the Jedi Council and say, yo, you see Palpatine, we have to go check him out viciously, you know? Viciously, because he knows too much, and he knows too much about the dark side. When I am around him, I can feel the dark side present. Anybody, just go up to him for a little while, sit around him for a little while and listen to him talk. Can you feel it? This man is clearly the Sith Lord. But Anakin, because now he is emotionally invested, he thinks, this man can save my wife from dying because he has been feeling through the force, he has been having force vision that Padme is going to die. Specifically in childbirth. So the more he sees her getting bigger, the more he is like, huh, I need to find a way to save her, and becomes more and more desperate to do so. And it becomes even worse because of this whole Jedi Council thing. Even though he can't go to them, he knows he can't go to Yoda and say, hey, Yoda, so here is the situation, stay with me. He knows he can't go to Obi-Wan and say, Obi-Wan, here is the situation, stay with me, help me. I'm not hearing him. I'm sorry, I was muted. This, that whole thing of him not being able to go to them directly to talk is because of the rift that Palpatine would have created for him and the Council. So as you mentioned earlier, basically, Palpatine has been puppeteering from behind the scenes. He has been doing all of this, making Jar Jar Binks a part of the Senate, making all of the different strings, pulling little strings. You know what they say, many times they show Palpatine walking and talking with these people like a normal, casual person because what? He was whispering into their ears. He was singing sweet music to them, basically, to just do certain things, subtle little things that would put him where he needs to be and, you know, to enable him to be able to do even more stuff, to puppeteer even more things. And so it would have been a thing if Skywalker, Anakin would have been just going back to tell them because they're not going to listen to him because they're going to say, oh, Palpatine has a few ears and he probably doesn't come back and tell us this now because Palpatine told him to do this. But they didn't realise, as you rightly mentioned, that that whole, that they should have been investigating that as well. That, hey, you know, this is a man who has a hold on, you know, somebody who is a part of this, who he has made a part of this Council. So basically, he's like, I'm going to watch him, you know, but they're not watching him as keenly as they need to. And I think at some point they did say, like they said, Tim, so we need you to tell me what's going on with Palpatine too. But he's like, you know, why do we need to do that? That's not really, you know. Yeah. He found telling the Jedi Council about Palpatine distrustful, but he found telling Palpatine about the Jedi Council just what was supposed to happen. He never see a problem with that. He never see a problem with that at all because, you know, that it would have been that person who he trusted the most now, you know, that person who he could have confided in on certain things. So that's why he would be able to, you know, tell him all those stories about, you know, the Sith Lord and him would just sit down and just take it as, hmm, this is a very interesting thing and maybe it's not so bad. Because you've met people and you're like, you know, these people have been pariahed, but then you get to talk to them and deal with them on a certain level and you relate to them a certain way. But then, you know, you don't know their true intentions at the end of the day. So, you know, that's why they say you have to always watch out and be careful of certain things that, you know, are, you know, certain people's actions. You know, I shouldn't speak louder than words that they say. Um, I don't want to fully at this point, but going back to Dominic, I realize it takes like a second to... No, I still not hear you man, I don't want to go on. Hear me, hear me, hear me, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, hear me now? Hear me? Yes, no? Mm-mm, still not hear you. Still not hear me? Hold on. Hear me now? I wonder if it has something to do with the setting and this thing. You are hearing me clear at all? Yeah, I'm hearing you. But my setting is saying that... It does get, it does get thing there, I don't know. Yeah, yeah, I know what it's like. Still not hear you. Um, check, check, check, one, two, check, check, check, check, check, check, check. This is unknown, but this contract is made between the Caminoans and the Republic, yes? In so, that he leaves breadcrumbs, that in attack of the clones, Obi-Wan, following that Cypher the Astral, because Cypher the Astral is cute. Yes, he's murdered off by Palpatine. Um, following that Cypher the Astral, finds himself on Camino, and in speaking with them, they're like, oh yeah, your army is ready for you. Because that's why they think he's there. Yeah, he doesn't go there like, hey, I'm here to find Cypher the Astral, you know where he is? He comes almost like a diplomat, yeah, to seek information in very subtle ways. But in going there and speaking with them, they're like, oh, a Jedi, he must represent the Republic. Look, here is your grand army, it's almost finished. Yeah, and Obi-Wan is like, huh? Grand army? Looking out at thousands and thousands of clones and armaments and battle, um, um, weaponry and all of that. Why is this? Only for the, the attack on Camino, Camino, um, Gan-Ganotia, and the attack on Ganotia to take place. Yes, where the Separatists now, full force, going out into the galaxy, against the Republic. Now the war has started, essentially. Guess what the Republic's gonna need? An army. So boom, on Ganotia, the clones get their first taste of battle. Yes, and are basically emergent. It's not like the Senate or the Jedi Council really have time to say, well, we've never really commissioned this army. Who commissioned this army? Yeah, we didn't commission this army. Maybe we should look into this a little bit more. Yeah, they never had the time to do that. They were like, we need an army. We literally have one waiting right there. Kick them over immediately. Yeah? Into war they go. Not realizing this is a part of Palpatine's plan from the start, and every single solitary clone has a chip inside them that is voice activated by Palpatine, that when he says a certain phrase, they immediately turn to his side and inert his will without question. Yes? So when Order 66 takes place, this is something inbuilt in every clone, that when they hear that turn of phrase, it's almost like if somebody was hypnotized. Like MKUltra, if you're aware of that whole thing. Um, um, like a, a boring situation where you are triggered by a certain word or phrase and you go from a regular civilian into now a tactical operative, yes? Without you even really think about it. Your brain just goes, bam! I am now in war mode. I am now in, in, in, in battle mode. I'm doing this. Yeah? That's what happens to the clones. And the clones go on a massacre, killing every, almost every single and solitary Jedi on Palpatine's world. It's a master play by Palpatine. See? Because he, he gives them the very people who are going to kill him, that they have to work with. And they are now dispersed throughout the entire galaxy. They are now with every single Jedi. It's a perfect plan. So when he eventually goes to the Order 66, which is his complete takeover of the galaxy and ascends to Emperor. And again, it's a beautiful plan because what happens? He sets up the Jedi in such a way and the war, the war is not there for any real other purpose except to make the galaxy more disillusioned with the Jedi. This constant war, war, war, war, war, and the Jedi taking more and more, um, war roles. Yes? And wanting more war cause. Make the galaxy disillusioned with them. There are very few planets that saw them as good or as friends. So when Order 66, it's almost like Cheetah, in a sense, where he very subtly turned the minds of the Germans against Jews. So when the exterminations happened, the Germans never really thought much of it. So they were like, yeah, f**k the Jews. So when Order 66 took place, the Republic never really think much of it. They were like, yeah, f**k the Jedi. They're evil. We don't see them as corrupt for a long time. Get them out. Long time. And they saw Palpatine, you know, as almost like this hero figure. So when Palpatine is like, to secure the safety of the Republic, I am now ascending myself to Emperor, and this is now the new Empire. And it's, there was a roaming applause from the Senate. Exactly. Um, had me and a few others, Senator, um, what's his name, Amadala, Uma Vandana, um, Amadala, Uma Vandana name. But it is only like a few people, just a few, few people in the Senate were just like, holy s**t. Democracy is dead. This man who rules us all. The rest of the people were like, yeah. There's a saying. Those who sacrifice their freedoms for safety deserve neither. And this is essentially what the Senate has done. That sacrifice their freedoms to Palpatine to feel safe. And in that, allow themselves to be ruled by a dictator, by an Emperor. Yeah. Yeah. Decades until, um, but yeah, going back to the whole German thing, because there's a very strong similarity between the Empire and Hitler controlled Germany during World War II, because while the Germans wanted Hitler in Poland, when he came to Poland, they wanted this. Yeah. It's not until they realized they had Gestapo at every f**king corner. Do you understand me? Everywhere they go, there were police. And when a man step up and say, yo, this don't look too good and I want to go on. You. Anybody have any more burning concerns they'd like to share? No, no, we're good. And that, that is the moment they're like, oh, I think we've made a terrible mistake. Mm-hmm. And that's the same thing in Star Wars. When they realized they made a stormtrooper at every corner. And then when a man step up and said, this is not right. And then going down the street, everybody said, oh, I think we've made a mistake here. Mistake. Yeah. Yeah. You know, in a lot of ways, because, you know, even the historical context around what you were saying earlier, it's very, very relevant because a lot of persons that I know have watched the Star Wars and that's where they've discovered the similarities between, you know, the way how the narrative meshes so well with what, um, what happened to the Jews. And a lot of persons didn't understand the real thing. Cause you know, you don't see or say, oh, they may kill 1 million Jews over there. So, but you don't understand, um, you know, what took place on how it came to be that this, um, situation, you know, lasted for so long or for the little time that it was, it was like years to some people. I think I came in and I think about 35 and he died in 45. So they're at least there for about 10 years. Um, but as I said, it's interesting to see how dictators like that came to power with the support of the people, lasted in power and maintained power with the support of the people and is not until the very end, the people really begin to see what was going on. It shows you the, the, the, the mental gymnastics that we as human beings are willing to do to just simply go about our everyday life as we feel like, you know, um, because a man can simply influence you in a certain kind of way through the media, through, through, through simply word of mouth and rumor, through conjecture, through all of these things to make you have a certain impression on reality. And so when events begin to transpire, you, it's, it's become so normalized to you that you don't question it, even though a year, two years time, a little bit back, would assure you say, yo, you wouldn't accept this. You would never have gone along with this kind of thing. But because of your conditioning, by the powers that be, it is no, everything is jiggy. You see me? So when Papua New Guinea, um, um, Syria, Siam, an entire, an entire ship, yeah, to destroy one planet, one device, yeah, a massive thing at the size of a moon called the Death Star, that is now going around destroying planets by planets. At what point do you say, boy, you know, it don't look too good for you, something I forgot to do. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. You see me? Yeah. Something I forgot to do. And the funniest thing, you know, a lot of persons would be on his side, same way at that, even at that point, because, you know, the narrative or the, the propaganda that is being given to them and, and being, um, fed to them, them taking wholesale, because, you know, I mentioned with even the, um, the, um, the Nazis, you know, the propaganda that was out there, other person didn't even think they were just only fed this idea that, hey, this is just the way all things are to be, because we need to ensure that we are safe, or whatever the situation they felt good about, you know, to, to be, um, to allow all of this to happen. And, and, and, you know, that, that whole idea of, um, you know, the concept, you know, come up, um, in my, um, um, George Lucas, I think, was just him basically putting pen to paper to say, hey, this is what I'm seeing with society, this is where I think we need to look at, is, you know, bringing, um, and that's why I like Family Guy as well, because, um, set my father to visit all the while, I bring a mural, you know, a magnifying glass, basically, to look at what, um, reality is, you know, it's not necessarily about the jokes, but also about the commentary that, that he, you know, he puts into the script. Yeah. It's really good when you come out to social commentary. A lot of the stuff that's happening nowadays, I said to people, so far predicted a decade or more ago. Oh, yeah. Um, with the whole trans movement and the ideologies that they are pushing, so far knew a decade ago or more and was showing you, hey, if you do this, you know, this is what is going to happen in society, and so said, so done. Um, I think, going back to Star Wars, I think, I don't know, um, the, the, that whole trilogy, prequel trilogy also, in, in a lot of ways, mirrored what was happening at the time with the Afghan war and the Iraq war, and George Bush, I remember me, myself, personally, saw that and, and, and, and, and identified the two, because, uh, I am, I would admittedly say, I am one of those people who don't believe, uh, 9-11 was one of those things that was happening. Yeah. I do believe the government had some insider knowledge and some, some hand in how that day played out for their own personal gain, and so I looked at George Bush as property, as serious, in playing both sides of the war, so that you don't, you can't lose. Yeah. I instigate the event that they know leads me to have to then do this and then going in and, and that only brings me more power, you know? So, I don't know, I've heard people, other people say it, that, that was George Lucas throwing that in there to give that sprinkle of real life and what was going on, um, at that time, but as I say, it, it, it, it, overall, it shows you in the messaging that you cannot give way to that kind of thinking, um, to, to, to authoritarianism, that a man can't just come and say, yo, I saw things to go and you just say, yeah, man, I saw it to go. Um, I think that is the spirit behind the rebellion in going against the empire, going against the, the, the evils of the world to try and, again, set a balance, you see me? Um, and give us a new hope, if you will. Um, yes. But, uh, as I said, that's, that's, that's one of the beauties behind Star Wars and its storytelling, um, the, the, the, the, the depths of it. Some people may watch Star Wars, and that is what I'm trying to say. Like, I, I, I, whenever somebody said I'm not into it, I always ask them why. And if they say, oh, you know, this, that, and the force, and I just foolishness, man, it's all right. You know, we can't really deal with you because you're not that deep in that sense. Yeah. Yeah. Anybody with a deep thing can dismiss something like that, just off the blue. Yeah. Then you're going to want to know a little bit more about it. See, um, or at least just say, yeah, man, that is everything, whatever. I'm not into this, but I'm into this still. You see, I prefer this kind of thing. I'm a Star Trek person. Star Trek people, we're not Star Wars people. Star Wars people, like me, we're not Star Trek people. Yeah. But at the same time, we can, we can overstand and accept and respect each other's views because we live in that world. You see me? Right. And in that world of science fiction, we are all one. Mm-hmm. That is true. We, we, we have to come to understand ourselves through science. As a, as a human species, that is what we do. We try to ensure that we are understanding the world around us. We're not stop and ask questions, right? That is what science is all about, asking the questions that need to be answered, right? So certain things, we're not going to have the answer right now, but we're going to try and figure them out. Since Star Wars has, um, been, um, produced and shown on screen, many persons who have grown up in the science fiction, um, genre have become, you know, some of the greatest scientists of all time, you know, and some of the, the, um, the greatest, um, deep thinkers, you know, when it comes to these things, you know. Yes. So it's relevance in society is, it cannot be understated. And as you said before, some persons might like it, some persons might dismiss it, but at the end of the day, we have to reconcile that there are things to this world that we, um, we can relate to, especially with, with a show like this, um, Star Wars, or even, um, you know, Star Trek, you know, I'm not checking, by the way, but, you know, it's one of those things that, you know, you, you get an understanding of and, you know, and if you understand it and you love it, so you can understand it and don't like it, if you understand it and you love it, then that's fine, you know. Yeah. So probably at this point, we can just kind of bring things to, to a center in terms of, uh, you know, because we, we did talk a lot about, um, you know, the, basically this episode is not going to be about Phantom Menace anymore. It's about the entire summer. Lots more, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, there's, there's one thing I want, two things actually I want to bring up before we really move on. The, the cinematography of Star Wars, um, and that direction by George Lucas and others, that whole production was very revolutionary for its time and still was revolutionary when they were doing the Phantom Menace, Clone Wars, and Return of the Sith. Yeah. The, the, the, the techniques that they use, the technology that they use, the kind of production that was taking place was far beyond the tears. Anybody can go onto YouTube and watch the behind-the-scenes production of A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and, um, Return of the Jedi, as well as see the production of, no, the Phantom Menace production is very interesting, yes, because it's them coming back after so many years and trying to recreate this world, but in a more modern sense. Mm-hmm. George Lucas was panned very heavily, um, when, when Phantom Menace came out for his heavy use of CGI, not realizing that he was actually pioneering that kind of use of CGI in the Hollywood, um, scene that would echo on for decades to come, that he knows is still being improved upon by people like James Cameron, who saw that kind of ambition and then looked to do something even more ambitious, like Avatar and that entire series, right? So, it shows how, how inspirational Star Wars was in more than just an imaginative, imaginative way, yeah, but also in an ambitious way, also in a production way. I, I, I, to speak on that, I also have to speak on the second thing, the music. John Williams does an incredible job on the score of Star Wars, because he scores, I think he still scores Star Wars and does the music for Star Wars, the soundtracks for Star Wars to this day. Mm-hmm. 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And, and, and the, the, the, the, the, the, the building of the characters of Obi-Wan and Anakin and exploring what the Jedi Council was doing and how the atmosphere of the galaxy at the time and how they were turning against the Jedi. When you look at all of that, as we say, you get to overstand the bigger picture and why the prequel series is so important to the storytelling, especially going back to the original series with Luke Skywalker and Leia and all of that. Wow, it's set that up so perfectly. And then the sequel series came out and then we're like, oh yeah, no. They put out a, the prequel series were a gem, yes? And I think we're going to keep it like that because the prequel, the sequel series to me as a Star Wars fan was a slap in the face. I shit on that series, I spit on that series because it is, it is not good. It just ruins, in my opinion, all of that world building that George Lucas was doing. Even the whole concept of the one, the chosen one with balancing the force, everything that happened in the, in, in, in Return of the Jedi and at the end of that movie, bringing it to such a crescendo and a perfect close and climax for them to be like, oh yeah, Sidious never died. And he was alive this whole time building a secret army out in the galaxy. And the real one who's going to kill him and bring balance is this girl who don't know nothing about the Jedi, nothing about the force, nothing, nothing. But we're just going to give her all the powers and all of the expertise and techniques we need her to, and she may go on to destroy and kill everybody and then bring balance to the force and make every single dead Jedi feel happy. You really don't believe that an idol will go to this day? I, I reject it. I reject it. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's one of those things that you hate to see happen to a beloved series, you know, whether it be a TV show or a movie where, you know, people just come and just decide, say, oh, we're going to subvert all your expectations. We're not going to use any of canon. We're going to be like, all right, let's just go from the drawing board and let's pick some things that we didn't like, we didn't like, and let us put it together. Yeah. Is that really a shame? Is that really a shame to see what they've done to the series? However, as I said, going back to the impact of Star Wars, if you've noticed in the last, I would say 15 years since the prequel series, there has been an upsurge of science fiction interest. This is clearly reflected in the turnouts at conventions like Comic-Con and, and stuff like that, where you see this large science fiction presence, people who used to, and that's what I say, like, it's become cool now. It's really and truly become cool. And I'm not putting all of that, I'm not putting all of that on Star Wars, but I'm putting a lot, a lot on them. Because when you go, you see a very heavy Star Wars presence. Yes. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. And so I believe Star Wars contributed a very, a very, very weight to science fiction then, becoming a cool thing in pop culture, amongst the general populace, amongst the general public, for people to say, hey, this is something we can enjoy without being a nerd. You understand me? In opening the door to other things in this day and age that people can get into, like I said, like me transitioning to Dune is partially because of my Star Wars history and that whole thing, and my love of lore. Sorry that I can't go into that and enjoy it off the bat. Yeah. A lot of people are now enjoying it just like that. I give Star Wars the credit for that. Hey man, I would like to thank everybody to be able to listen to this podcast, you know, continue to subscribe, share, and to follow as usual. You know, we'll be always doing some production, something in the back. I have several different episodes right now I'm trying to do and stuff, but I have to deliver this one because it's so special, you know, and again, I want to thank my guests. It was very, very wonderful, was able to give us even more of the lore, more of the science fiction. You know, it was a wonderful podcast. Thank you. Yes, thanks Dre for inviting me. Really appreciate it. It is my pleasure to be here and talk Star Wars with you. It's been a while since you and I talk really and truly in general. So it's funny the first time, you know, we talk again is we talk in Star Wars, but it's really been a blast. I've really enjoyed myself and I hope that listeners enjoyed it. I hope they keep tuning into Code Flix, listening to the episodes. I mean, it's a great podcast. I hope they're entertained. I hope this one definitely entertained them and, you know, I hope they look forward to the others in the future, especially the ones that I am inviting.

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